
Waiting and reality: the girls tried to repeat the popular and "simple" hairstyles from Instagram


Previously, girls with beautiful hairstyles and makeup could only be seen in fashion magazines and movies. Nowadays, cosmetics is available to everyone and at the disposal of the whole Internet with different ideas.

Surely you have tried at least once to repeat your favorite hairstyle or manicure seen on the Internet. Of course, this is not a tricky business, but for everything you need experience and skill.

We found 20 "masterpieces" where fashionable women were desperately trying to recreate the image they liked.

Forum: beauty

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We used to see ourselves in the mirror, not in the photo

The famous portrait photographer Kim Ayrs wrote in his column last year that about 90% of the people being photographed are not satisfied with the way they look in the pictures - and most consider themselves non-photogenic. The statistics are impressive! To understand what was happening, Kim conducted an experiment: he took ordinary and mirrored photos of people, and then offered to choose his favorite photo. Most of the participants in the experiment preferred mirror reflection.

The fact is explained simply: in our life we ​​see ourselves mostly in the mirror, and the camera captures our real image - the way people see us. Due to the fact that our faces are asymmetrical, the face in the mirror and in the photo for us are two different faces. Holding our photo and its mirror reflection in our hands, we ourselves think more attractive (or simply more familiar) the second image. At the same time, people around would rather choose a regular photo. Most often, this effect we can notice during the discussion of group photography: each of the participants will feel that everything in the photo turned out well, except for him.

“Every day, starting from childhood, we look in the mirror. We brush our teeth, shave, do makeup. Over time, we get used to the image in the mirror, and the habit creates sympathy. That is why we like our image in the mirror more than the photo, ”says Pamela Rutledge, director of the Center for Media Psychology.

Ayrs’s experiment had previously been conducted by scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1977. At that time, research participants chose a mirror image of their photo as the most attractive, while close people chose a real image. When participants were asked to explain their choice, they called the angle, light, head tilt, etc., as the reasons, although both photos were taken from the same negative.

So if you are not so sure of your portrait and want to fix it, try simply mirroring it in any photo editor or at least using this primitive online service.

It seems to us that we look more beautiful than there is in reality

Nicholas Epley, a behavioral psychologist from Chicago, says that we don’t know what we look like: “The image in our mind really doesn’t correspond to what we really are.” Epley managed to prove his statement in an experiment published in 2008 in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Scientists took several photos of respondents, changing their attractiveness in Photoshop in 10% increments, relying on pictures of generally accepted beautiful people. Next, the study participants had to choose their real photo from several images. Most of the participants opted for a photo that is 20% more attractive than a real image. At the same time, when it was necessary to select photographs of researchers arranging the experiment, the participants were more objective.

Our real image is distorted by optics.

The camera is also able to distort the image: first, it is converted through the complex optical system of the lens, and secondly, the different focal length of the lens reflects our face differently. Each photographer is familiar with the concept of “perspective distortion” - the closer the subject is to the camera and the smaller the focal length, the more different are the objects located at different distances from the camera, that is, closely spaced objects will be visually distorted and increased compared to the distant ones . All this, as a rule, leads to a change in the proportions of the face. York Baker, a psychology professor at York University, explains this effect in his blog using the example of a selfie: the elements of the face that are closer to the camera look bigger, distorting the overall picture. Obviously, at short focal lengths, the face appears wider, so the farther away the camera is from your face, the more natural it looks.

Pamela Rutledge believes that there really is no secret how to make the perfect selfie, but to take more pictures. “People who do a lot of selfies end up feeling much more comfortable when they see their photos,” she says. Try to get used to your image in the photographs, just as you are accustomed to the image in the mirror, and then everything will fall into place.

And 6 more science tips how to make selfies better.

Scientists were able to establish that the left side of the face is more attractive than the right. The authors of a study published in the journal Experimental Brain Research, conducted a survey of students at Wake Forest University, suggesting to choose the most attractive photos of men and women. As a result, female portraits with the left half of the face were attractive in 78% of cases, and male portraits with the left half of the face in 56% of cases. Among them were both real images and mirror images of faces.

At the same time, psychologists say that the left side of the face is more connected with emotions, and the right side reflects such qualities as self-confidence and leadership. So for a tinder it is better to upload a photo with the left side of the face, and for a job site - with the right one.

Open eyes and large pupils are another secret of attraction in photos. Dutch scientists have found that the size of the pupil is directly related to trust in a person. They showed the participants of the experiment several videos with people in the lead role: in some videos, the researchers increased the size of the pupils of the main characters, and the participants noted that they believe in such characters more readily.

Eyes may react to bright light or flash and not give the effect of large pupils. So try to get used to the lighting or make some test photos with flash.

You probably got into a situation where the photographer turned your gaze away from the camera. But such tricks are not always good. Researchers from the UK and Australia found that a direct look into the camera is more attractive to the viewer.

The authors of the study selected portrait photographs and showed them to the respondents. As a result, the survey participants were more attracted to those characters who were looking directly into the camera. Scientists associate a direct look with the desire to get in touch with the viewer. If you want to look more attractive in a portrait, note this.

Scientists from the University of Bristol conducted an experiment that proved that a moderate dose of alcohol in the blood makes a person more attractive in the photo. They photographed the participants three times: in a sober state, after one drink and after a large dose of alcohol. A series of photographs showed a group of respondents who had never before seen the study participants. Photos taken after a small dose of alcohol were considered the most attractive.

Scientists explain this curious fact by the fact that under the influence of alcohol, people tend to become more relaxed, and the change in blood pressure makes the face slightly rosy.

But do not overdo it. Another study says that sober people look smarter than under the influence of alcohol.

The impression of a person is formed in the first milliseconds, when we see his face. In this study shows that a small smile on it can cause our confidence. Look at three types of faces: the third one, which has slightly raised corners of the mouth and slightly surprised eyebrows, according to polls, seems more reliable than gloomy and indifferent.

Another study confirms that a smiling person even looks smarter. A strange discovery is that the observer predicts the intellect of a man according to his appearance (for some reason there are no such correlations among women). Those who are perceived as smart are usually more elongated and have a large distance between the eyes, a large nose, slightly elevated corners of the mouth, a pointed chin. Of course, the shape of the chin and the size of the nose can hardly be faked without surgical interventions, but there is no problem in depicting a smile on the photo. But, of course, this is a subjective perception, and there is no real connection between the intellect and the shape of the face.

But science also tells us that if a man wants to please a woman, then he should not smile. American researchers took a series of photos of men and women expressing different emotions and asked volunteers to evaluate the attractiveness of each photo. As a result, men noted that the photos of women expressing happiness seemed the most attractive, while the same emotion in the photographs of men was completely unattractive for women. Women found attractive photos expressing other emotions - pity and pride.

Is it really true?

Frankly, we did not expect that there would be so many men who have nothing against short haircuts. And there are so few convinced supporters of long ones. Just in case, we decided to find out what the world male public thinks about this. And it turned out that there are much less “advanced” ones there than we have.

According to reports, more than forty percent of Europeans and Americans prefer girls with long, flowing waves of hair "a la Kaley Cuoco." In second place was the number of fans of hair "like Jennifer Aniston." And only on the third - those who like girls who wear classic bob.

Frank confession

Comparing the preferences of our men and foreigners, we realized that it’s too early to put a full stop. And what if men are not completely honest with us? There was a reason for such suspicions. In search of truth, we stumbled upon the results of one interesting study on the topic of women's hairstyles. It turns out that a quarter of all men never dare to tell the whole truth about their girlfriend's new hairstyle.

So what do they really say when there are no girls around?

“Not a single haircut looks sexy, but why should I have a short haircut? Men always liked long hair, they just have to have a well-groomed look. ”

“Once I was with a woman for whom it was very important how she looks in bed. She very carefully touched me in order not to damage her manicure. She also had long, beautifully laid hair. But in bed, she constantly put herself in order, straightening her hair. It terribly enraged me, I could not wait for the moment when I would get rid of her! ”

“I don’t like shorn girls — the shorter the hair, the more aggressive the person is. But I just adore long hair! Something attractive and charming appears in a girl wearing long hair. ”

“Only girls with high cheekbones, beautiful eyes and a skull in general can afford short hair. Apparently, this is why we have so many long-haired people - they simply have nothing to show. When I see a young girl with a short haircut, I think that she has a bold and some special character. That is, anyone with her will not be bored. ”

“Short haircuts make women manly. And they peck at it ... well, in general, you know who. "

“What makes you think that men like exceptionally long hair?” Men like women, not hair. That is, everything in aggregate - face, figure, movement, manner, voice, smell ... "

“Lots of stupid women, shaking their hair and proud of their length. And what to be proud of? It would be better to pick up a haircut, they would look like queens of beauty! ”

“It all depends on the style and appearance of the girl. For example, I am pleased to look at the neat short haircut from the girl! And with age, long hair generally stops women from going. Sometimes you look: from behind — a pioneer, in front — a pensioner. Nightmare!"

“I love when the hair is long. But the main thing is that the girl should not focus on her appearance. I like girls who can lie on the grass without worrying about their hair. "

Why can't my wife cut her husband?

It would seem that it could be more pleasant for a man than to trust his wife, to cut his beloved one? In addition, if the haircut is called a’la under the machine. No need to defend the queue at the hairdresser, to sit still on an uncomfortable chair while the hairdresser knows how to cut you. After all, it is not known whether she is really a master of her craft. Maybe she is self-taught or has just finished some theoretical courses and she does her first haircut in your practice.

It does matter when you cut your beloved wife. And you are sitting in your comfortable chair in the middle of the kitchen and at this moment you are watching, say, a football match. Yes, and savings on monthly fees for a haircut in a barbershop - is also a plus. And for the arguments of the grandmothers, why the wife cannot cut her husband’s most of the modern men, having scrolled all the delights of a haircut at home, she will say: “Come on, these are simple superstitions.”

If you listen to the older generation, about why the wife can not cut her husband at home, you can select the following superstitions:

Trimming the hair to her husband, the wife thereby shortens his life and deprives him of vitality.

The basis of this superstition is the tale of King Solomon. His wife cut his hair before going to the cavern, and he was exhausted. Some argue that according to statistics wives for the most part outlive their husbands, it is the haircut in the kitchen that is to blame. How can you even believe in it !?

If the wife cuts her husband herself, he will change it.

This superstition can be explained as follows. Every woman wants to see with her not overgrown hairy male creature, but a handsome man with a fashionable haircut.And the rest of the fair sex will also be very happy to see such a transformed handsome next to him. So to believe that it is worth blaming the wife who trimmed his hair at home is a mistake. Men change because of misunderstanding, lack of affection and love, and not because of the "homemade haircut."

Trim the husband's hair to a quarrel.

This superstition is very easy to justify. Imagine a hairdresser. The girl who did the haircut to the man did not do it very well. Few of the men will roll up because of this scandal. After all, this is an unfamiliar girl, and certainly beautiful. And at the sight of beauty, a man, by virtue of his nature, could survive even if a pretty hairdresser would cut him on a bald head. Another thing is a wife. You can shout at your wife, and once again remind you of where her hands grew from.

If a wife cuts her husband's hair on a growing moon, she will ruin his karma.

If we consider the lunar calendar and its effect on hair growth, then we can say that hair trimmed on an aging moon will slow down its growth, while on a growing one, on the contrary, it will accelerate. And nowhere is it said that a haircut made on one or another phase of the moon will jinx, or somehow affect the human biofield.

So agree to cut your husband at home or send him to the hairdresser - only to decide his wife. But to make your choice on the basis of only unreasonable superstitions is not worth it.

What men say

Yes, I asked some of them. As might have been supposed, they are too arrogant and confident that women dress up and are painted only in order to attract men’s attention to themselves. And even quotes Stendhal about this:

A woman, dressing up, offers herself to a man.

And sincerely wondering why a woman continues to work hard on his way, already being in the status of a wife! “Why do you need new boots? You have not yet demolished the old ones! ”,“ What does it mean - nothing to wear? We do not close the closet of your things! "," Where are you so dressed up? What, you can't go to a meeting with clients just in jeans and a sweater? ”Do you also, like me, periodically hear such phrases from your husbands?

Some of the men, however, suspect that we dress up to cause the envy of girlfriends. And there is something in this, of course ...

What women say

Of course, most girls convince themselves and others that they dress only for their loved ones: to raise their spirits, to feel comfortable and confident. And of course, a little cunning.

One of my friends answered my question this way: “Of course, for myself. Just sometimes we try to get something else through things: the attention of colleagues, men, girlfriends. Or close some gestalts. Clothes can tell a lot about our inner state and attitude, even more than we would like. I dress to think about myself every day “wow”. There is a thirst for recognition! ”In my opinion, a very sincere and accurate statement.

Of course, we also think about men and it is for them that we store tight, low-profile dresses and beautiful underwear. But! If we were dressed exclusively for men, we would hardly have worn aggressive manicure, permanent makeup and oversized clothes, which they can not stand ...

But about the fact that through clothing many of us want to emphasize their high social status (often imaginary) or make their friends turn green with envy, we are not so willing. Nevertheless, it happens: a girl can dress up only from one “love for her sworn friend”. For whom are these designer items that stand like an airplane wing, for whom footwear is not suitable for walking, for whom are heroic attempts to shove themselves into “esku”, for whom are “accidentally” forgotten labels outside? For the one who will be able to appreciate it, he can calculate and ... bite his tail with envy, that is, for a friend, colleague, rival, rival. Well, there is an opinion that the entire fashion industry holds on with envy - it is important to just be aware of this.

According to experts

I selected for you the opinions of several people I respected on the topic of "how" and "for whom":

In the wardrobe of any woman, clothing is divided into three types - for yourself, for girlfriends and for men. Do not confuse these outfits.. Evelina Khromchenko

Women do not dress for men. They dress for themselves and for each other. If women dressed for men, they would just walk naked all the time. Betsey johnson

A dress does not make any sense if it does not make men want to take it off you. Francoise Sagan

If any woman struck you with beauty, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, it means that she was dressed perfectly. Coco Chanel

Psychologist Elena Shpundra So spoke about our "target audience":

Woman dresses for other women. Even when we say “I dress for myself”, it’s all the same because we are women. Men perceive us comprehensively. They see the picture as a whole, and if they like this picture, then it doesn’t matter whether it is “on the Labutans” or whether it is something more democratic.

There are a number of men for whom it is very important for the woman next to them to be dressed and look chic, it is they who are happy to give money for labutenes and for the plasticity of the chest and lips. But, in my opinion, in this way, they compensate for their deep inner sense of inferiority. After all, men have opportunities to improve themselves through plastic surgery and clothing is much less. More precisely, the most important male options growth and penis size - correction can not be. Therefore, they adjust the woman. Well, in any case, this pair finds each other and at the expense of each other is compensated.

But what I think

I adore stylishly and elegantly dressed women, I like all these shows like “Fashionable sentence”, “Take it off immediately”, I bow to style icons and can endlessly look at frames or photos from Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Jackie Kennedy, Gigi Hadid. And for me, in the end, it’s not so important for whom these women think over their image, calculate the length of the skirt and pick up the gloves for the bags.

In general, I believe that clothing is a message, this is our message to the world about itself, about its taste and attitude. And if this message is correctly composed, then it will definitely reach all addressees: men, women, well-wishers, and envious. But to be honest, there are not so many such women in my environment - mostly those who are professionally engaged in fashion. Still, in our country to look perfect, you need: a) time, b) money, and often c) help from a stylist. If all this is not enough, then you have to make compromises.

So, if I want to really like someone, I put on a dress that is already five years old, but in which I feel like a goddess. And in the store, considering the trendy boots, I still think about whether to give half the salary simply to cause someone to envy, or even momentary delight. In the end, I didn’t "demolish the old ones" :) And in the end I am waiting for sales.

And I know one secret. When you dress, it is important that in the image there was at least one expensive or just actual thing that you really like. It could be anything - a coat, bag, shoes, or even tights. Her friends will certainly notice and appreciate her, and you will feel confident and dignified. And while you do not need to lay out for your bow a fortune! And the rest of you will save the eternal classics.

A well-dressed person is one whose clothes are not paid attention to. The man, his person, his face comes to the fore. This is the role of classic basic things. Evelina Khromchenko

What do you think about this? Write in the comments - your feedback is very important to us!


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