Hair Growth

Instructions for use and composition of "Pantovigar": whether the price is justified, helps or not with hair loss


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Problems of falling out, slowing down of growth, breakage and dullness of hair arise for many reasons. You can cope with them in different ways: medical procedures and preparations, traditional methods, special shampoos. One of the most popular products is vitamin complexes, of which there is a great many in the window of any pharmacy. The demand for such capsules and pills is easily explained: they solve the problems of the hair from the inside, saturating the body with essential microelements. In parallel, these drugs improve overall health, a positive effect on the skin, nails ... In short, their merits are not considered. That's just to choose the best vitamin set can be very difficult. What to do if the doctor suggested that you drink Revalid or Pantovigar? How to determine which is better? The guideline will be a complete description of both tools and a comparison of reviews about them.

Description of drugs

Pantovigar - a product of the German company Merz, has passed more than one clinical trial in Germany. It is a gelatin capsule, each of which contains:

  • B vitamins - normalize the activity of hair follicles, stimulate keratin synthesis, improve the regeneration of the dermis,
  • keratin - restores the structure of the strands, gives the hair shine, elasticity,
  • aminobenzoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that helps break down and absorb proteins,
  • medical yeast - provides complete absorption of nutrients in the intestines, improves the microflora. Also in the preparation there are other ingredients.

Like Pantovigar, Revalid is available in gelatin capsules. This multivitamin complex is produced in Hungary. In addition to yeast and aminobenzoic acid, Revalid contains:

  • iron - from its lack of body hair can intensively fall out
  • zinc - good prevention of alopecia and dandruff,
  • copper - strengthens the follicles, makes the color of curls more saturated,
  • wheat germ and millet extracts - contain many microelements, acids and vitamins that are useful for growing and strengthening the strands,
  • as well as other components responsible for the beauty of the skin, hair, nails.

If you are faced with a choice of what to buy: Revalid or Pantovigar, consider other options for vitamin complexes. The pharmacist can offer you Perfectil, Selentsin, Vitrum beauty, other drugs to improve the condition of hair, skin, nails.

Both drugs have earned conflicting ratings from consumers, and this is not surprising. One is more suitable Revalid, the other - Pantovigar. Much depends on the state of the body, the seriousness of the problem and the individual perception of one or another remedy. It is proved that even the same active ingredient in different medicines acts in its own way. Therefore, it is unequivocal to say that it is better not. The quality and effectiveness of both vitamin complexes, users put an average of 3.7-3.9 points on a 5-point scale.

Attention! Revalid and Pantovigar are not analogs of each other, as, for example, the well-known no-spa and drotaverine. They have similar indications for use, but differ in composition.

A significant advantage of the German drug is the content of keratin, necessary for the beauty and health of hair, nails. Therefore, it specifically aims to strengthen the hair. In Revalid, the composition is more diverse, the nutrients have an extensive spectrum of action. Because of this, the complex can be used for general health of the whole organism, and not just for the hair.

It is also worth noting a significant difference in price, which for many consumers is one of the key factors in the choice of means. Pantovigar is more expensive than Revalid, and you need to take it longer. Accordingly, the treatment course is more expensive than in the case of Hungarian vitamins.

Indications and Contraindications

Manufacturers of Pantovigar recommend drinking it in such cases:

  1. Diffuse hair loss, not associated with hormones, but provoked by stress, certain diseases, medication and other causes. With this type of alopecia, hair falls out about equally over the entire head.
  2. Changes in hair rods caused by ultraviolet, chemical exposure.
  3. Violation of the structure of the nail plate.

You can not take the German vitamin complex:

  • children Read more about children's hair growth vitamins on our website,
  • women who are waiting for the baby (1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy, during the 3rd - after consulting a doctor) or breastfeeding,
  • everyone who has an individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

If we are talking about Revalid, then the indications for its use are:

  1. Diseases that are accompanied by deterioration of hair and nails.
  2. Loss of curls due to various reasons.
  3. Improving the stability of strands to negative factors, including staining.

The Hungarian drug has the following contraindications:

  • inflammatory processes or fungal diseases of the nail plates,
  • hair loss, damage to the dermis of the head due to hormonal imbalances,
  • intolerance to the components of the vitamin.

Important! As a side reaction when taking Pantovigar and Revalid, you can observe various allergic reactions, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Forms of release and methods of application

Preparations are available in packs of 30 and 90 pieces (Revalid), 90 and 300 pieces (Pantovigar). The dosage of both vitamin complexes - 3 capsules per day, 1 piece in the morning, afternoon and evening. They are washed down with a small amount of liquid during meals.

Revalid can also be drunk before breakfast, lunch and dinner. In severe cases, its dosage is increased to 6 capsules per day, if there are no side effects.

The course of treatment with Hungarian vitamins is 2–3 months, German - from 3 months to six months.

The cost depends on the vitamin complex and the form of its release. The average price of 90 capsules of Pantovigar is about 1,500 rubles. The same amount of Revalid will cost 300-400 rubles cheaper. A large pack of German multivitamins (300 pieces) costs about 4,500 rubles, and it is more profitable than buying boxes of 90 capsules separately. The situation is similar with Revalid: the price of 30 pieces is about 500 rubles, and if you immediately buy a large bottle, you will be able to save about 400–500 rubles.

For one course of treatment for hair loss, you will need about 180-270 capsules of Revalid (2-3 packages of 90 pieces) and approximately 270-540 capsules of Pantovigar (3-6 packs of the minimum, 90-piece volume). It is convenient to make bulk purchases, if the selected complex suits you, you do not have allergies and side effects.

Choose a best drug specifically in your situation will help the doctor. The specialist will evaluate hair problems, take into account the general state of health and advise one or another set of multivitamins. In other cases, focus on the reaction of your body.

Take into account the reviews of other consumers, but remember that each person is different, so sometimes the choice of the ideal vitamin complex is inextricably linked with trial and error.

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Causes of the problem

Hair follicles in both sexes react equally to adverse factors, so the causes of hair loss are not divided into male and female. This is what can cause baldness.

  • Changes in hormonal levels. Often this problem occurs in adolescents, with age in men, in women after discontinuation of oral contraceptives, during pregnancy, after childbirth and with the onset of menopause.
  • Nutrition . Lack of nutrients rather quickly affects the state of hair. Especially dangerous long and monodiets.
  • Anemia The lack of oxygen weakens all body tissues and hair is no exception. There are many causes of anemia: from cold to oncology. Therefore, if it is discovered, be sure to look for the source of this condition.
  • Side effect of drugs. Some drugs are quite toxic, for example, drugs used in the treatment of cancer.
  • Diseases of the internal organs. Improper functioning of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart inevitably leads to a change in metabolic processes, which may entail the weakening of the follicles, brittle hair, dandruff.
  • Endocrine disorders. Problems with the endocrine glands lead to hormonal imbalance.
  • Stress. Remember the feeling of "goosebumps" with a strong emotional shock? This is the peak state when the nerve endings are compressed so that each hair “stands on end.” Constant stress, though to a lesser extent, but also keeps the bulbs "in tension." From here - the disturbance of nutrition of roots, alopecia.
  • Avitaminosis. This condition usually lurks in the spring. Therefore, do not forget to take a multivitamin complex in the winter and eat a varied diet.
  • Wrong care. Rare or too frequent shampooing, aggressive shampoo, hot drying and styling, hair extensions, perm, tight hair, afrokosy - all this destroys the hair structure, weakens the bulbs, impairs blood supply to the scalp.
  • Diseases of the scalp. It can be psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea, atopic dermatitis, and even excessively oily hair - all this can also cause alopecia.

Why recommend the drug

Trichologists often prescribe the use of "Pantovigar" from diffuse hair loss. Efficiency in this case is due to the fact that the complex makes up for the shortage of necessary substances in a weakened body and helps the follicles recover: the core thickens, the hair structure is restored and the follicles are nourished, the fluff begins to grow, and itching is eliminated. In case of focal and androgenic alopecia, Pantovigar can be prescribed only as an adjunct, but the drug does not solve the problem as such in this case.

The composition of "Pantovigar" is balanced in such a way that each of the components complements the action of the other. Together, they have the most pronounced effect. The table describes the active components of the complex and the role of each of them.

Table - The composition of "Pantovigar" and its benefits for hair

Side effects

The side effects of taking Pantovigar are rare, but they still happen:

  • allergic reactions (redness and itching of the skin, rash, urticaria),
  • excessive sweating
  • increased heart rate
  • heartbeat
  • nausea, vomiting, heartburn,
  • diarrhea flatulence, abdominal pain,
  • dizziness,
  • headache.


Instructions for use "Pantovigara" extremely concise: you need to take one capsule three times a day with meals. Vitamins have a cumulative effect, they need to take a long time: the course of treatment is from three to six months. Cases of drug overdose were recorded.

Triholog reviews about Pantovigar

Trichologists are unanimous: “Pantovigar” helps with baldness, but it is impossible to take vitamins without thinking. It is necessary to find out the causes of alopecia. If the hair does not fall out due to hormonal imbalance, then the effectiveness of the complex will be maximum. In the case of hormonal problems, Pantovigar is only an aid.

Vitamins "Pantovigar" are available in packs of 90 and 300 capsules. The average cost of the complex is 1600 and 4600 rubles, respectively (data for December 2017). There is a desire to find a cheaper replacement, although absolutely identical drugs do not exist. The table below describes the relative analogues of "Pantovigar", their composition and approximate cost (as of December 2017).

Table - Relative analogues of Pantovigar

Vitamins "Pantovigar" for the hair are useful and effective. But if you cannot afford to buy them, then consult a trichologist. The doctor, understanding the exact causes of the problem, will help you choose a complex of vitamins and is affordable and effective in a particular case.

Performance reviews

Last year, I had such a period, due to pregnancy, when I was touched by problems with nails and hair. Hair fell out in large quantities, and their growth has abruptly stopped. The nails became very soft, and constantly exfoliated. I tried a lot of all kinds of vitamin, something helped, something did not. But no one gave such an effect as Pantovigar gave. When I first saw these vitamins in the pharmacy, at first they were interested in me at the price, because they were much higher than other vitamins. Well, I decided that since the price is so much higher, it means that the result should be good. After the purchase, I was not upset, the result came very quickly. One pack of these vitamins was enough for me for a whole month. I was told that they should be taken for three months or more. My nails strengthened very quickly, but my hair stopped falling out and quickly growing about a month and a half after starting pills. I note that the result was noticed not only by me, but also by my colleagues, who often see me. Many of them have already bought this drug.

I was advised to drink the course of vitamins Pantovigar by a familiar hairdresser. Then my hair was scary because I was afraid to stay bald. So she complained. The price, of course, is considerable, but the beauty is costly. One pack was enough for me for a month and a half. So, what happened to my hair during this time? Firstly, during the first week the hair loss significantly decreased, and by the end of the course it completely stopped. Secondly, I noticed a new growth of hair under the bangs and at the temples, and on the top of the head there was a “brush” of new hair. Thirdly, in a month and a half the hair of the industry is about 3 cm, this has never happened before. In addition, the nails strengthened and the skin began to look healthier, dryness disappeared. There were no side effects. Now I drink these vitamins every 3-4 months and I am very pleased.

Pantovigar has caused me severe headaches. I did not understand right away, because not a word in the side effects. First, I canceled the morning reception, the evening left - awakened a terrible headache. Then she missed the day - everything is fine, she resumes - again, the headaches are very pronounced. Even made an MRI of the head, consulted a neurologist - everything is fine. I wrote to the official website of the manufacturer twice - did not answer. I had to pay an expensive pantovigar girlfriend. I immediately bought 5 packs, so I think the course will not be interrupted. She after a month of admission - an allergic rash all over her body. In this drug megadoses B.

She took Pantovigar for almost 5 months (she could not complete the course, as problems appeared: it became bitter in her mouth as soon as she stopped taking it right away everything went away). The nails became noticeably stronger, they had never been able to grow them before, the hair fell out very strongly and Pantovigar did not help here unfortunately, although the cause of the loss was not hormonal (and therefore the drug should have worked). a good undercoat has appeared.So in general, I can say that Pantovigar did not cope with the main task, but there was still a small effect. I will take it more accurately.


The price is from 1500 rubles.

This drug, passed many tests in Germany, it is customary to trust. Consisting of a complex of vitamins and minerals, it is effective in the following cases:

  • Violation of the structure of the nail plate,
  • Changes in the hair structure as a result of their damage by UV rays and the sun, as well as chemical exposure,
  • Diffuse prolapse, which, however, is not associated with hormonal disorders and heredity.

Externally, Pantovigar Expert Hair is gelatin capsules that dissolve well and do not act on the intestinal lining. The structure includes the following elements:

  • Vitamins of group B,
  • Yeast in the amount of 100 mg,
  • Aminobenzoic acid,
  • Keratin and cystine, which is an important component of keratin for hair growth (in equal amounts).

The drug is applied by capsule three times a day, and the desired course is half a year.

The price is 500 rubles for 30 capsules and 1,500 rubles for 90 capsules.

As mentioned above, Pantovigar has no analogues, but Revalid is as close as possible to it with similar indications. The indications for taking the drug are diseases that are accompanied by disorders related to the structure of the nails and hair, as well as, in fact, hair loss. This drug is produced in Hungary.

The preparation contains not only vitamins, but also minerals, as well as yeast, amino acids, cystine and extracts of millet and wheat germ.

Revalid is also made in the form of gelatin capsules, and it should be taken in the same way as Pantovigar, only a course is 2-3 months.

The question of choice and components

So Revalid or Pantovigar - which is better? Answering this question, first of all it is worth looking at the composition. Yes, Revalid has a much larger composition, because besides the one that is included in Pantovigar, there is a whole range of mineral substances (copper, zinc, iron), as well as plant extracts that have been responsible for beauty since ancient times.

Nevertheless, a lot does not mean good. So, in Pantovigar yeast contains 2 times more than in Revalid. In addition, keratin responsible for hair growth is present in the German preparation, and this is important. So it turns out that Revalid is closer to the general vitamin-mineral complex, while Pantovigar acts specifically on the hair and nails.

Forms of release and method of application

Both Hungarian and German preparations are equally released in gelatin shells, which dissolve well and injure the walls of the stomach and intestines.

Similarly, the method of use of drugs is similar - so Pantovigar and Revalid are taken by capsule three times a day. The only difference is in the course of treatment - if Revalid is taken 2-3 months, then Pantovigar - from 3 months for half a year.

The drug Pantovigar has a huge evidence base and several studies carried out on the territory of several countries at once, which Revalid cannot boast of. Nevertheless, manufacturers of the latter promise that along with hair loss, itching and excessive dryness of the skin will be removed. And these are not empty words, because trichologists have already noted excellent results.

Nevertheless, somewhat embarrassed by the fact that Revalid does not contain keratin, which is the main building material for our hair.


And that, and another means of hair loss can not be taken with problems associated with hormonal disorders, with individual intolerance to the components that make up the drugs. Also, drugs are not recommended for children, lactating mothers and pregnant women.

Specifically, Revalid is not recommended for those who suffer from fungal infections of the nails.

Also, as a side effect of drugs, allergic reactions and gastrointestinal disturbances are possible (in case of overdose).

So Revalid or Pantovigar - which is better? This is difficult to judge, because in fact they are different drugs, differing in composition. However, if you rely on the feedback from customers who have tried both products, Pantovigar gives much better results and works much faster.

Composition and release form

The unique composition of the drug includes:

  • Amino acids Methionine and Cystine are components that promote rapid cell regeneration, strengthen the immune system, protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, participate in the formation of keratin, nourish the cells with oxygen and reduce hair loss.
  • B vitamins provide a hairstyle natural shine, nutrition and hydration of the scalp.
  • Vitamin H protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Yeast reduces brittle hair, nails and protects against the adverse effects of environmental factors.
  • Wheatgrass extract is a source of plant vitamins A, E, K, as well as chromium and selenium, which reduce the formation of dandruff, relieve itching and rejuvenate the blood.
  • Millet extract and silicon help renew the skin from the inside, prevent hair loss, restore their shine, structure and solder split ends.

Revalid multivitamins are available. in the form of gelatin capsules, blisters of 10 pieces, in packs of three and nine blisters.

  • Diseases accompanied by loss and deterioration of hair and nails.
  • Brittleness and hair loss.
  • Changes in the structure and appearance of hairstyles associated with external influences.
  • The need to saturate hair follicles and nails with micronutrients.

Instructions for use

Revalid vitamins are intended for oral administration in the amount of one piece three times a day before meals.

The course of treatment should last from two to three months.. It can be repeated after consultation with a specialist.

In particularly difficult situations, the doctor may prescribe an enhanced course of the drug, with a dose of two tablets three times a day during the first month of therapy. After that, it is recommended to apply the basic course of the drug.

Adverse reactions

As side effectsassociated with taking Revalid, noted:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Minor digestive disorders that are observed when using the enhanced regimen of the drug. In the event of such a reaction, the dose of vitamins should be reduced to the standard regimen.

Analogs of the drug

One of the closest in action on the human body to vitamins Revalid dermatologists called the drug Pantovigar. The composition of the analogue is almost identical to the original.

Pantovigar is a product of the German-Swiss cooperation, which provides hair growth acceleration, helps to restore the density and visual appeal. At the same time, the cost of this analogue is much higher than that of Revalid. You will have to take it for two or four months, and sometimes longer.

Revalid or Pantovigar

What is the best of themIn each case, only a specialist can decide, as Pantovigar has a number of its own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of this analogue include a noticeable strengthening of hair, nails, as well as effective recovery after chemical and ultraviolet radiation. The disadvantages of using Pantovigar mainly include the high cost and duration of administration.

Therefore, despite the availability of cheap analogues, many buyers prefer to take the original vitamin complex Revalid.

Expert advice

Doctors constantly observe the negative results of frequent dyeing, lightening, thermal effects on the hair and environmental effects on them. Therefore, to maintain hair in good condition requires a lot of effort and invest significant funds.

One of the components of the complex of measures to restore the structure and growth of hair is taking special vitamins. Reviews of trichologists about Revalid confirm its high efficiency, especially in combination with the use of therapeutic masks and head massage. This drug has a balanced composition and is regularly prescribed by doctors for prophylactic use to improve the general condition of hair and nails.

Customer Reviews

To fall out very intensely, my hair began after giving birth and feeding my baby. I know that this is normal, but I really wanted to restore my hair as quickly as possible. I began to search the Internet for suitable vitamins and came across a huge number of offers. Many of them turned out to be empty, so the best solution was to consult a specialist. After talking with him there was a question of choosing a vitamin - Perfectil or Revalid. After reading the reviews, instructions and comparing prices, I stopped at the last. I took vitamins for two months. The effect began to notice after about four weeks. Hair became noticeably stronger, practically ceased to fall out and break.

For me, the decision on the choice of Revalid was the result on the hair of my girlfriend. She, after a perm, practically lost the entire hairstyle, from which only the funny "hedgehog" remained. Of course, in addition to vitamins, a friend applied a variety of masks, rubbed oils into her head, bought expensive shampoos, balms and other wonderful products. The result of all the procedures and reception of the complex of vitamins was a gorgeous hairstyle. Her hair looks much thicker and more beautiful. Now I bought myself this drug. Two weeks, I started taking pills. Waiting for a positive effect.

I always suffered because I could not have long thick hair. Since my childhood they have been liquid and weak. Mom fed with vitamins, gave broth, washed her head with nettles and chamomile, but the picture did not change much. I had to go to the trichologist. On the advice of a doctor, she took Revalid three times a day, for two months in a row. The miraculous transformation did not happen, but the appearance of the hair has changed for the better. Now, instead of a liquid washcloth on my head, a rather tolerable hairstyle. Hair falls out less, shine and grow faster.

These vitamins have helped to stop severe hair loss after suffering stress. It is interesting that they fell even while taking the pills, but I persevered in the course of treatment. I made the appointment myself and took two pills three times a day for the first month. Fortunately, no side effects were observed, but the result did not come immediately. It took almost three months to stop hair loss and to detect fine fluff at the roots. Well, that did not refuse pills. By cons of Revalid can be attributed to a long reception and the likely increase in weight.

I didn't like them very much. I had to take two months, all the time I forgot about the pills and often missed a dose. But despite this, got a noticeable effect. Hair has become shiny and perfectly combed, even if I do not use air conditioning. But more on such a long course of vitamins do not dare, look for another tool.

Description of the drug Pantovigar

This tool is produced in the form of yellow capsules with a dense shell, inside which you can find the powder.

The structure of the medication includes vitamins and trace elements that are important for normalizing the growth of nails and hair:

  • medical yeast,
  • vitamin B complex (B1 and B5),
  • para-aminobenzoic acid,
  • amino acid cystine, supporting the structure of protein and peptides in cells,
  • Keratin is a protein that is the building material of hair and nails.

Pantovigar prescribed to patients with the following pathologies:

  • infectious diseases of the nails,
  • androgenic alopecia in men
  • avitaminosis,
  • radiotherapy,
  • high stress levels
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • recovery of the body after severe intoxication.

The drug is also recommended for patients in the postoperative period, when the hair and nails do not receive sufficient nutrition. The tool is effective during diets or strict restrictions in the diet.

Pantovigar virtually no contraindications. The drug is not recommended for use in hypervitaminosis and in the case of individual intolerance to the individual components. After taking this complex, side effects may occur:

  • hives, itching on the skin,
  • vomiting
  • stomach ache,
  • increased gas formation,
  • violation of the digestive process,
  • tachycardia.

Means is used according to the instructions. The capsule, which cannot be chewed or opened, is consumed with meals, washed down with a sufficient amount of water. Patients are advised to stick to the dosage in the form of 3 capsules per day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Stable effect of Pantigar will be noticeable only after several months of application of the tool.

The average recommended course of the drug is 3-6 months. In the absence of side effects, the drug can be taken up to a year. The cost of packing of 90 capsules is 1700 rubles, 300 pcs. - 4150 rubles. Due to the high price, many patients use low-cost counterparts of Pantovigar.

Perfectil or Pantovigar - which is better

Perfectil multivitamin complex has a higher cost compared to Pantovigar: a pack of 60 tablets will cost 1,700 rubles.

Such a high price is justified by a rich composition. The drug includes 26 vitamins and microelements that are useful for hair and nails, among which are:

  • colecalciferol or vitamin D,
  • ascorbic acid
  • vitamin E,
  • thiamine and riboflavin,
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride,
  • folic acid
  • biotin.

The valuable trace elements in the composition of Perfectil include: magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, manganese, silicon, copper, selenium, chromium, etc. Such a composition distinguishes this remedy from Pantovigar and makes it more effective in the struggle to restore hair and nails.

Perfectil has an additional therapeutic effect on the skin, blood composition and circulation, promotes the healing of small wounds and cuts. This remedy is prescribed for:

  • dermatitis of different origin,
  • baldness
  • psoriasis,
  • dry skin
  • external damage in the form of scratches and cuts,
  • dull, lifeless hair,
  • brittle nails.

This remedy has similar contraindications to Pantovigaru. Perfectil can also be used by expectant mothers during breastfeeding. The latter drug has fewer side effects, the list of which boils down to allergic reactions to individual components.

Merz or Pantovigar: which is better

The cost of special Merz pills reaches 700 rubles per pack of 60 tablets. Treatment and prevention of avitaminosis with the help of this tool is more economically advantageous compared to Pantovigar.

These preparations have similar components, but other substances useful for the human body have been added to Merz:

  • cystine
  • beta carotene
  • retinol acetate,
  • nicotinamide
  • vitamin C,
  • riboflavin,
  • yeast extract.

In addition to these components, Merz pills contain active ingredients: thiamine mononitrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanocolabamine, alpha-colaferol acetate, biotin, coralcalferol, calcium pantothenate, iron fumarate. Based on this composition, we can conclude that this drug has a general strengthening effect on the body, further improving the structure of nails and hair.

Most of the components of the Merz are aimed at improving blood circulation, activating the metabolism, enhanced nutrition of tissues.

Along with supplying the body with essential vitamins, this tool helps to raise hemoglobin. The main contraindications to receive Mertz dragees are:

  • hypersensitivity to individual substances in its composition,
  • overdose with vitamins A and D.

The usual dosage recommended by doctors is 1 tablet twice a day. No cases of overdose with Merz have been identified to date. Experts do not recommend exceeding the prescribed rate to accelerate the effect, because the drug has an effect on hemoglobin levels. A sharp increase in the concentration of red blood cells in the blood can lead to undesirable consequences.

The only side effect on this dragee may be an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, itching, urticaria. As a rule, these symptoms disappear after stopping the intake of vitamins. Unlike Pantovigar, means of Mertz is not capable of causing gastrointestinal disorders.

Firming effect on hair and nails is not observed immediately, but after 1-2 months of dragee ingestion. In the absence of contraindications, the course can be extended or repeated after a short break. If improving the appearance of the hair and strengthening the nails is the main purpose of using Merz pills, additional procedures will be required for the effect of the preparation to be noticeable.

Pantovigar has a high cost, but effectively eliminates problems with nails and hair in men and women. This drug can be taken freely at any age. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not contraindications to Pantovigaru. The medication has a number of side effects, so its use will be coordinated with your doctor, as well as a replacement for one of the cheaper analogues.

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Action taken

All these active substances have a positive effect on the quality of hair and nail plates due to the replenishment of the necessary reserves in the body. The drug has an effect on the entire body as a whole, delivering nutrients to the cells. It is absorbed into the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract, and then nutrients enter the hair follicle. Trace elements nourish the hair follicle, improving metabolic processes, and its growth is accelerated: the cells begin to actively proliferate and regenerate.

The action of "Pantovigar" on the hair: the process of falling out stops, growth accelerates, density increases, and a healthy shine appears.

Effect on the nails: strengthening the nail plates, increasing their strength, eliminating delamination and fragility.

The use of capsules "Pantovigar" due to the following conditions:

  1. Diffuse hair loss, if the cause is not of hormonal origin.
  2. Structural change of hair, for example, by chemical exposure or sunburn.
  3. Problems with the state and growth of nail plates.

It should be remembered that infectious diseases of the nails or hair loss due to androgenic causes are not indications for the use of the drug. In this case, the doctor may advise you to take the remedy as part of the complex therapy of these diseases.

Dosing and Administration

"Pantovigar" for hair growth take one capsule three times a day. It is recommended to drink the capsule with plenty of water, do not chew the pill, but swallow it whole. It is best to take a pill with meals. The course of treatment lasts from three to six months. It can be extended or repeated later on the advice of a doctor.

special instructions

The process of hair formation and renewal takes time, so the result can be obtained only after 3-6 months, during which Pantovigar should be taken regularly according to the dosage determined by the doctor and the instructions for use. In addition, if taking a drug provokes, on the contrary, an increase in hair or nail disease, then this signal of the body cannot be ignored, since this may be the beginning of a systemic disease. If the patient is taking drugs sulfanilamide group, you must notify the doctor. This is confirmed by the reviews of trichologists to Pantovigar.

As we have already said, the drug has a rather high price, which makes it look for cheaper counterparts. I must say at once that there is no identical in composition in the pharmaceutical market. There are, however, drugs that are close to him in effect. For example, Vitrum Perfomens, a drug that affects metabolism, is high in vitamins, minerals, and herbal ingredients. Pharmacological action is to reduce the effects of poor-quality food intake, harmful environmental effects and activation of the body's defenses with prolonged and severe diseases. The preparation contains ginseng extract, which has an adaptogenic, stimulating and detoxifying effect. The drug is used as part of complex therapy and affects the general condition of the body.

Means "Perfectil" is considered the closest analogue of "Pantovigar." This is a combined tool with minerals, vitamins and herbal supplements in the composition. It has an antioxidant effect, promotes the metabolism of connective tissues, normalization of the skin and nails. Shown in severe deficiencies of vitamins and nutrients that cause skin diseases, dermatitis, psoriasis, alopecia, dry skin, burns, increased brittle nails, changes in hair structure. It is also quite often prescribed to use the drug "Revalid", has a similar effect, composed of trace elements and herbal ingredients. Appointed to improve the surface structure and appearance of the hair, the power of the hair follicles and nail plates. In addition, the tool slows down hair loss and increases their resistance to adverse factors.

"Pantovigar": reviews trichologists and patients

Patient feedback on the effect of the drug is generally positive. Active ingredients have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. It is noted that the drug is an excellent nutrient for hair, which gives them a more healthy look, and also makes it shiny and elastic. In addition, according to patients, the drug enhances hair growth, strengthens the nail plate and helps to improve the appearance of the skin.

Most people who took “Pantovigar” say that the drug has only one, but a significant drawback is its rather high cost (the treatment costs about 8,000 rubles). Not everyone can afford to buy this tool. Trichologists, in turn, noted the following: the effect of the components of the drug from the inside helps to fight hair loss faster and more efficiently. In addition, experts say that the occurrence of adverse reactions in this case is very rare.

The main causes of hair loss

Severe hair loss is a problem familiar to many. Thinning curls not only do not look very attractive, but also indicate the presence of various problems in the body. If earlier everything was good, but now the hair has become actively “crawling”, the reason may lie in the wrong care, hormonal failure, serious diseases of the internal organs or vitamin deficiency. Lack of nutrients is a common problem, and it can be solved by taking special vitamin complexes.

If hair falls out, the cause should be sought inside (lack of vitamins, diseases of internal organs) or outside (improper care). But in most cases it helps to receive multivitamin preparations.

Why do we and our hair lack nutrients? It's all about unbalanced nutrition. Vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, they are saturated with valuable microelements and irreplaceable substances, they are not synthesized independently.

A person needs only a few milligrams of vitamins a day - a little, but they do not always come with food.

Avitaminosis is one of the most common causes of baldness. The disease is caused by an acute shortage of nutrients and trace elements. Most likely, you have vitamin deficiency, if:

  • face skin is dry, tight, dull,
  • hairs split and fall out, seem lifeless,
  • in the corners of the lips constantly appear small cracks that do not pass for a long time,
  • bleed gums
  • you are constantly annoyed, feel tired even in the morning.

To get rid of apathy, improve the complexion, and at the same time stop hairfall, select your vitamin complex and drink it twice a year. It is not difficult, it is not expensive for the money, and the results will pleasantly surprise.

Rules for the selection of vitamins

Analyzed your diet, lifestyle and concluded that you just do not have enough nutrients? In this case, go to the pharmacy for a complex that suits you.

The following vitamins are necessary for healthy hair:

  1. A or retinol - it nourishes the roots, prevents dryness and fragility. Contained in mango, carrot, pumpkin, liver, is part of complex preparations and is sold in capsules (oil).
  2. WITH - ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, activates the processes of production of collagen, a component responsible for the elasticity of the hair. There is a lot of vitamin C in pepper, kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, cabbage, tomatoes, citrus fruits.
  3. D or Calciferol - This vitamin is directly responsible for the condition of the skin and hair. Contained in vegetable oils and herbs.
  4. E (tocopherol) - if it is small, the hair grows slowly, becomes weak, falls out. Vitamin E, like A, is sold in oil capsules, is a part of multivitamin complexes, a lot of it in cereals, soybeans, leafy vegetables, nuts, vegetable oils of various kinds.
  5. F - The daily dose is contained in two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Without this trace element the hair follicle will not form normally.
  6. Vitamins of group B responsible for the condition of the hair, and for the health of the body as a whole. They are in fish, meat, eggs, potatoes, beans, oatmeal, milk.

We need curls and various trace elements - it is zinc, magnesium, selenium, calcium, iron, sulfur. Without them, you will never achieve a thick head of hair, it may even begin early baldness.

Vitamins for healthy hair are needed, but strictly in a certain amount. Excess nutrients is the main cause of hypervitaminosis.

Ready complex or different vitamins separately? If you want to achieve maximum results, it is better to choose a complex. Consider that independently combining capsules with A and E, a complex of group B like “Neurobex”, you risk breaking the proportions - and hypervitaminosis will occur.

Smoking, alcohol abuse interfere with the normal absorption of nutrients. There is simply nothing useful in fast food.

How to choose a quality product

Not all vitamin complexes for hair are equally useful - and the price in this case is not the main thing. To make the right choice, look at:

  1. Manufacturer - proven trademarks guarantee high quality of their products.
  2. Composition - different vitamins are part of different complexes. Synthetic additives and other obscure components should not be.
  3. Indications - for hair, general, for heart health, and so on (each combination solves certain problems).
  4. Reviews - if the drug does not like almost everyone, this is an occasion to think.
  5. Colour - the brighter the capsules, the more "chemistry" in them.

Is cost important? Insofar as, but really good complexes rarely cost a penny.

How to find out what drug is right for you? Only by experience - no other options. If your girlfriend liked the vitamins, it does not mean that they suit you. Introduced a new complex? Watch the reaction of the organism carefully, and in case of what, immediately stop using it.

Overview of major manufacturers

The most popular are vitamin complexes of the following manufacturers:

  • vitamins "Pantovigar" - the drug is not the cheapest, but very effective. It helps even in the most neglected cases,

  • "Perfectil"- time-tested natural complex. It nourishes the bulbs, restores the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, strengthens, prevents the appearance of dandruff,
  • Merz - dragee for strengthening and normal hair growth,
  • Revalid vitamins - inexpensive effective complex with a balanced composition,
  • "Komplivit Shining" - the preparation contains synthetic vitamins and herbal ingredients,
  • "Inneov Hair density" - at the cost of dietary supplements similar to "Pantovigaru", but judging by the reviews, it's worth it.

A quality complex can be bought at a price of 350 rubles. Is it worth paying more? The answer to this question you will need to give yourself independently. Before you choose a complex, we recommend reading the reviews.

On sale are the complexes in a wide price range - from 350 to 1500 rubles per pack.

Preventive measures

If you do not want to treat the fallout in the future, do everything possible so that it does not start. Basic preventive measures:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Rejection of bad habits.
  3. Prophylactic administration of multivitamin complexes twice a year.
  4. Proper hair care (the choice of shampoo, masks and other means, too much depends).
  5. Refusal from the hair dryer, pleyk.

Healthy hair not only looks beautiful, but also gives a great mood. Make them so in your power.

Curls on the side: examples and ways to create

More options for volumetric haircuts for medium hair, see here.

For more details on choosing and using vitamins for hair loss, see the video.


Hair fall out? The cause of the problem can be any, but most often the hair begins to fall because of the lack of nutrients in the body. Special complexes will help to fill them. On sale are drugs in a wide price range - from 350 to 1500 rubles per pack. When choosing, look at the composition of the manufacturer, carefully monitor the reaction of the body after starting a new drug. Pay enough attention to your hair - and they will always please you with a perfect look!


Watch the video: Navy Body Composition Assessment BCA (July 2024).