Eyebrows and eyelashes

3D eyebrow tattoo


First you need to figure out what it is, is the effect of 3D in tattoo. This implementation of a realistic picture using the combination of hair technique and the method of feathering, which gives the volume of the object. 6D - is a hyper-realistic manual drawing with elements of feathering, hair technology and the use of glare. In the tattoo these techniques, using different shades. Combining the degree of drawing and apply different needles. This helps to achieve an effect of almost 100% natural. Even completely invisible eyebrows can be made bright and expressive. At the same time without the effect of "pencil". The degree of penetration under the skin is also noticeably different here, which allows the pigment not to change its hue, but just to lose saturation over time. The average time of eyebrow tattoo with the effect of 3D: 1.5-2 years, followed by a correction. Eyebrow tattoo with the effect of 6d is worn for about 1–1.5 years, then correction is necessary.

Technique 3d tattoo eyebrow is carried out using a combination of two methods: feathering and hair method. In this case, with the main composition of pigments, several light shades are used, which add highlights and volume. Each hair is drawn with a thin needle, about 0.3 mm. The hairs are created in different sizes and lengths, imitating the growth of real hair. This technique is great for owners of light or sparse hairs, and will help to recreate completely "disappeared" eyebrows. At the same time, the approximation to the natural effect is very high.

How is the procedure of 3d eyebrow tattoo:

6D eyebrow tattoo

The 6d eyebrow tattoo method is a manual technique for drawing each hair. Thanks to the use of superthin needles of 0.14 mm, the hairs drawn have the thickness of a natural hair. This technique absorbed all the best from its predecessors, more information about the types can be found here: types of tattoo eyebrows. When done with the handle with the finest needle, each hair is drawn. The distance between them is filled with pigment of other shades, which allows to achieve the effect of volume and shadow. Small flares of other shades appear on the hairs, which creates the appearance of absolutely natural hair.

The advantages of eyebrow tattoo in the 6d technique:

  • Hyper-realistic. It is difficult to distinguish drawn hairs from their own.
  • The pigment does not change the shade with time, only loses saturation. As it makes its way into more superficial layers of the skin.
  • Morbidity is minimized. After all, the drawing is not done by machine, but by hand.
  • The possibility of eyebrow reconstruction in their absence.
  • No bleeding and swelling after the procedure.

To understand the incredible possibilities of this method, you can see examples of the works of masters. The results hit:

With a manual technique, the structure of the workflow is different from the classical versions of the tattoo. And a shorter period is needed for restoration. But the tips in the recovery period are the same. Details on what to do after the procedure: care for eyebrows after tattooing.

Eyebrow care after permanent 3D makeup

Every girl dreams of neat, beautifully decorated edges. And it is 3D eyebrow tattoo that makes it possible to realize this dream. The obvious advantage of this technique is a soft transition from a light shade to a dark one, which allows the hairs to give a visual volume and a natural look.

However, to see the effect of the procedure is possible only after healing of permanent makeup. It is very important not only to find a certified master, but also to follow all his advice on caring for a tattoo of eyebrows. In general, these recommendations look like this:

  • daily you need to wash the area of ​​permanent makeup with a disinfecting solution and lubricate with a healing cream,
  • all manipulations should be carried out on growth of hairs and against,
  • at the time of healing you need to refuse to visit the bath, sauna, solarium,
  • do not steam the skin,
  • do not use alcohol lotions
  • You can not peel the crusts, they must go off on their own.

Another important advantage of eyebrow tattoo in 3D is its affordable price. If you want to have beautiful edges of perfect shape, we recommend that you try this procedure.

Possibilities of eyebrow tattoo: beauty effect

Eyebrows - a part of a person’s face directly involved in perception by other people. To emphasize or spoil the appearance with the help of these parts of the body is an easy thing. It would seem, what a trifle, and how much depends on them. Surprised, restrained, cheerful, stern expression can be obtained when the "game" with the shape of the eyebrows.

From the historical excursion it becomes clear that the ladies never left this part of the face alone - shaved off, pulled out, tinted, painted. Modern women also attach great importance to the shape and color of eyebrows.

Eyebrows should also be looked after.

To facilitate the care of this part of the face, modern cosmetology offers such a kind of adjustment as 3D eyebrow tattooing.

General information: price, descend for brows

Eyebrows 3d can be obtained by resorting to the services of permanent makeup specialists. The essence of the procedure is to place a certain color of paint under the skin at the desired depth. The coloring pigment in the epidermis allows you to maintain the desired shape and color much longer than when tinting and adjusting with tweezers.

The advantages of such makeup in the literal and figurative sense - on the face:

In any weather conditions and exposure to external factors will not affect your beauty.

  • saving free time (there is no need to sit "at the reception" with a makeup artist, adjusting the shape and color),
  • real retouching of the defects of this part of the face (ate scars, scarring of the skin, lack of vegetation or sparse hair on the eyebrows),
  • outlet for mature women because hairs of brow ridges thin, discolour,
  • Appealing to a specialist who “paints” 3D eyebrows will help to change the appearance for the better.
  • How to do eyebrow tattoo 3d in salons: performance technique

    Usually, a 3d eyebrow tattoo session is carried out in several stages. The algorithm of actions of the master doing the procedure can be represented as follows:

  • The introduction of painkillers.
  • Perform shooting. Under this clever word is the usual shading paint, close to natural tone, without drawing a contour.
  • Drawing hairs.
  • Actually 3d eyebrow tattoo, representing complex actions for the integrated application of the first two stages.
  • The depth of the "pigment" occurrence is about ½ centimeter. The longevity of beautiful eyebrows, guaranteed by such a cosmetic session, is 5 years.

    Eyebrow tattoo by the hair 3d method should not be trusted to questionable beauty centers, and even more so unlicensed salons. It’s impossible to carry out such a procedure at home - you need special equipment, and it’s inconvenient to draw yourself.

    Hair experts can draw on the European and Asian system.

    In the first case, tattoo artists depict hairs similar in length and direction of growth to natural structures. Strokes of equal length are applied at regular intervals, do it from the bottom up, from the bridge of the nose to the temporal part.

    The Asian way involves more complex manipulations. Such a procedure lasts much longer and requires more diligence and skill from a specialist. “Hatching” in this case is of different types and is done taking into account the individual characteristics of the face of women. Eyebrows, drawn in this way, are closer to natural ones and look stylish and natural.

    Do the procedure only with the master, at home you can not achieve the desired result and even spoil everything

    Actions after a hair tattoo session

    Women who resorted to the procedure should remember that tattoo 3d eyebrows is associated with violation of the integrity of the skin, microtrauma. The skin around the eyebrows will redden, become painful and swollen. Over time, on the site of the wounds, horny crusts will appear, then they will disappear and the skin will recover.

    All skin sensitivity is different, be careful

    It is not necessary to “help” the skin and otkovyrivat thin scars of the skin, so you can even more injure the damaged layer and carry the infection. With patience, you can see the new epidermis and beautiful eyebrows.

    The rehabilitation period will be faster if you follow all the advice of cosmetologists:

    1. not to be under direct ultraviolet (in nature, in a tanning bed),
    2. not to visit the sauna and bath (so as not to steam the skin),
    3. Do not touch the brow area with cosmetics,
    4. avoid mechanical stress.

    Masters of their craft will teach women to properly restore after tattooing - an hour after the procedure, eyebrows are rubbed with chamomile decoction (using a cotton pad) and smeared with D-panthenol. Fifteen minutes later, the ointment is removed using a herbal decoction disk.
    Such sequential manipulations are repeated every two hours.

    Stock up on necessary medications.

    It is desirable to do this for three days after having done a 3d eyebrow tattoo.


    Eyebrows 3d - an excellent way for women with a lack of time or, if necessary, constant correction. But can anyone who dreams of outer beauty can afford a tattoo of this part of the face?

    Contraindications to the use of this method:

    • diabetes,
    • asthma,
    • propensity for allergies,
    • reduced blood clotting.

    Technologies and methods of tattooing

    3d eyebrow makeup is a variant of applying permanent makeup, based on the introduction of coloring pigment in the subcutaneous layer to a small depth. This method of execution allows you to save the picture for a longer time, compared with traditional staining. This is very convenient if your edge requires everyday color adjustments.

    Tattoo, depending on the technique of application, is divided into three types:

    • shading (tinting): tinting the entire surface of the skin of the eyebrows (without delineating the contours) with a natural tint or several matching colors. Usually it looks like feathering with shadows or a pencil and has a rather natural look.
    • hair drawing: usually done in a European or Asian way. The European way consists in the image of the hairs of eyebrows repeating a direction and length of a natural hair. This is done with strokes of equal thickness at regular intervals. They are applied step by step from the bottom up towards the temple. The Asian way is more complicated and allows you to make different types of strokes. It looks more natural, but the work is more difficult to complete. Instructions for applying such make-up cannot be of the same type, since the work must take into account the individual external features of the client. Both methods involve alternating shades of pigment, depending on the aesthetic need.
    • 3d eyebrow tattoo: a technique in which a combination of shading and drawing of hairs of eyebrows is used. This is the most difficult technique to perform, requiring high professional skills. Eyebrow tattoo with 3d effect allows you to bring the eyebrows to their natural look as close as possible to their natural appearance, which is sometimes impossible to guess about their unnatural. That is why 3D tattooing of eyebrows in the salon is much more expensive than other procedures and lasts much longer.

    Scheme of the procedure

    It is almost impossible for yourself to do permanent makeup by yourself. First, this procedure requires expensive tools, knowledge, skills, artistic taste and a certain skill. Secondly, even if you are a master of tattooing, it is extremely uncomfortable to do a drawing with your own hands, and even more carefully to draw an eyebrow, covering one eye with a device, is almost impossible. So at home to make such jewelry work clearly should not be.

    In the salon 3D permanent eyebrow makeup is performed in stages as follows.

    1. It is necessary to clearly coordinate with the master (even before the start of the procedure) the desired shape of the eyebrows (it should fit your face oval) and the shades of the coloring composition. To do this, an experienced master first draws the contours of the eyebrow arc with a regular pencil, selecting the ideal shape. Blondes and red-haired girls are advised to select shades of the coloring composition in brown tones, and for brown-haired women and brunettes in dark ones. However, try to avoid performing the tattoo with black pigment - it gives a bluish tint to the skin and will not look aesthetically pleasing. At the same time, it is advisable to make the shading a little lighter in color than the hair - so you will achieve the effect of natural hair.
    2. After coordination of all organizational and aesthetic moments, a special anesthetic gel is applied to the “working area”. Then he makes a shot, and then draws the hairs themselves. Specialist, with the help of the device through the cannula, under the skin enters the necessary pigment. It is introduced into the subcutaneous layer to a depth of about 0.5 millimeters.

    Due to the fact that the eyebrow tattooing technique impairs the integrity of the skin, it is very important that complete sterility is observed during work. The use of disposable needles and gloves by the master is a must!

    Among the obvious advantages of this procedure, it is noted that tattooing eyebrows with a 3d effect does not require additional tinting for a long time - from two to five years, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and external factors. During this period, only a slight adjustment of the contours or color intensity is possible. Consider that 3D tattooing of eyebrows, like any other permanent makeup, finally shows its color within a month after application.

    Rehabilitation period

    It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that after the completion of the work, the skin will be restored within two to three weeks, depending on its individual characteristics. For the beginning of rehabilitation, a slight swelling and reddening of the skin is considered normal, then the appearance of a thin crust, which, after scarring of the tissues, is peeling off. Do not try to get rid of it yourself! First of all, you only injure your skin, and you can also carry an infection into the wound. Secondly, improper healing of tissues can permanently spoil the shape of the eyebrows.

    To reduce discomfort during the rehabilitation period, the master can advise a means to soften and regenerate the skin, which can also be an antiseptic.

    What are the basic rules that must be followed during the healing period so that the tattoo does not hurt:

    • Do not sunbathe in the solarium or on the beach,
    • do not steam the face
    • do not treat the edge with cosmetics,
    • try not to injure the affected skin.

    The basic rules of applying the correct makeup

    To make a beautiful makeup, it is not enough to have a set of high-quality professional cosmetics, you need to know the basic rules of its creation and be able to apply them in practice. Accurate make-up always looks impressive, attracting the attention of others. A girl who knows the technique of its application, can easily be transformed by emphasizing her merits and causing enthusiastic compliments. Despite the fact that makeup is predominantly female art, not every woman owns it. And the presence of the most expensive and luxury cosmetics does not guarantee an excellent result, if you do not master the rules of its use.Knowing how to apply makeup, you can look spectacular and attractive in any situation, even without an arsenal of tubes, jars and palettes.

    Make-up can be of two types - simple and complex. The first is necessary to give a freshness to the face of a woman, with the help of the second, skin imperfections (moles, scars) are carefully concealed. Depending on the time of day and function, the make-up may be day (close to natural) and evening, that is, intended for a ceremonial exit.

    Everyday make-up refers to a simple look. It is designed to disguise minor flaws, give a face freshness and highlight its natural beauty. If the skin does not have very noticeable defects, and the facial features are harmonious, the correct daytime makeup will only enhance the natural charm of the woman, while he himself will be invisible. Evening “make-up” is usually complex, requires more time and cosmetics. It allows the use of decorative elements, glitter, false eyelashes and other paraphernalia.

    Regardless of the type of makeup you choose, you have to go through the same stages of applying it: toning and dusting the skin, eyebrow and eye liner, applying blush and covering the lips with lipstick or gloss.

    Preparing for the makeup process

    Preparation is no less important than the process of applying cosmetics. Make-up correctly applied only to clean skin. Therefore, first you need to remove the remnants of makeup, wash, rub your face with a tonic. Next, determine the type of skin. Dry skin is important to moisturize the day cream. In the case of oily or combination skin, apply a matting agent or base.

    From this stage depends on the durability and accuracy of the makeup, as well as the time spent on its creation. It is important to pay attention to every detail, try new techniques and select a harmonious combination of shades and textures. Practical skills will work out over time, and then there will be no question how to apply makeup correctly. The face lays down on the cleared and moistened face better and longer keeps the firmness. It is not allowed to apply new layers on the existing "plaster". Be sure to do a make up remover. In general, the more the skin rests on cosmetics, the better is its appearance and condition. In the presence of free time or during weekends, you can practice the use of masks for a person's personal preparation or from the store assortment. The regularity of such procedures is 1-2 times a week.

    Washing with water for adult skin is not enough, it needs to be supplemented with cosmetic cream, milk or gel. Cleansing with tonic or lotion ends. The treatment is selected according to the type of skin and the season. The caring agent can be a cream-fluid that nourishes or moisturizer, emulsion.

    How to apply foundation and foundation

    Correction of problem areas and minor defects is carried out using the corrector, concealer. They can "hide" dark circles under the eyes, pimples, protruding veins, pigmentation. To consolidate the camouflage effect should be applied foundation and powder, which also provide an even complexion.

    For oily or combination skin, a mattifying agent can be used that will absorb excess sebum and eliminate oily sheen.

    1. We put the base. Before you apply the foundation, you need to prepare the skin. To do this you need a special base for makeup. Girls with oily or combination skin should stop on a product with a matting effect, for a normal or dry skin suitable nourishing, moisturizing base. Such tools effectively align the complexion, refreshing it. After applying the base, we hide circles, swelling under the eyes with the help of a corrector. It is worth doing fingertips, soft patting movements.
    2. We put a tonal basis. It should cover the sharp boundaries of the face to smooth them out, making the face more “soft”, gentle. Walk along the line of the cheekbones, nose bridge, forehead, cheeks.
    3. Apply foundation. Do not make the face too thick layer of tone, because even the most high-quality and expensive cosmetics in excess can give your face an unnatural look. Squeeze a little cream on the inside of the palm and begin to gently apply it with a brush, moving from the borders of the face to its center. Carefully blend all over your skin. Powder a layer of foundation with a soft brush a little - it will give the face a natural look.

    When creating makeup, it is important to choose the right color of foundation and foundation. Too light shades will make the face puppet, lifeless. Dark ones can create an unnatural contrast with the neck and other exposed parts of the body. Choosing a tone, apply it on the inner side of the brush - the tool should completely match in color with this area of ​​the hand. To adjust the shape of the face, you need to use two shades of foundation - your natural and darker. The first is applied on the whole face with an even thin layer. The second is superimposed by a zone, depending on the type of person.

    Tools and cosmetics

    Determining the color type of appearance, namely, skin, eyes and hair, is the next step on the way to flawless makeup. Properly selected palette of shadows, blush and lipstick can embellish or completely transform the face of a woman. You can determine the range experimentally, relying on the recommendations of professional makeup artists and your artistic taste. It is clear that for daytime makeup you should choose nude and pastel shades that will not clearly stand out on the face. For an evening look, bright, rich colors, enchanting combinations, interesting textures are suitable.

    In any case, it is better to prepare the necessary cosmetics and tools in advance in order to apply everything at once and not be distracted by the search in the process of creating makeup. It is important to pay attention to the shelf life of cosmetic and decorative products and not to forget about the time of their storage after opening the package.

    A set of sponges and brushes of different shapes and sizes will help in the difficult but interesting process of creating a “make-up”. Cotton pads and sticks will correct errors and remove excess cosmetics. And of course, at a comfortable table with good lighting and a large (preferably a magnifying) mirror it will be easier to apply makeup.

    Small tips:

    • It is recommended that owners of square faces should apply a light tone on the middle of the forehead, the tip of the chin and the area under the eyes. Dark means is to treat the area near the hairline, in the corners of the jaw and temples. Borders between transitions should be carefully shaded.
    • A round face should be covered with a light foundation, and using a dark tool to visually narrow it, darkening the area of ​​the cheeks and temples.
    • Girls with a triangular face should put a light tone on the forehead, chin and under the eyes - this is how you focus on the center of the face. Dark tone cover the line of the cheeks, forehead.
    • With an elongated type of face, it is necessary to darken the lower part of the chin - this will allow you to visually shorten the face. Do not feel sorry for the blush for cheeks, because such an accent also helps to focus on the middle of the face.
    • On the pear-shaped face (narrow at the top, full at the bottom) in a light tone, you should select the area of ​​the forehead, the area under the eyes and the tip of the chin. A dark tone is applied to the cheeks and jaws - this visually makes them narrower.

    Step-by-step make-up creation

    It is important to follow the sequence of cosmetics applied by makeup artists. In makeup, especially in the evening, it is recommended to focus on any one part of the face. As a rule, these are eyes. They give unlimited scope for the application of unexpected shades of shadows, their interesting combination with the natural color of the iris. A wave of luxurious eyelashes, a charming look - these epithets are not for nothing used when describing attractive women.

    If there is a desire to highlight the face seductive lips, it is easy to do with the help of bright lipstick. In this case, eye makeup is properly done natural and inconspicuous. Focusing attention on two or more parts of the face will make the image puppet or too “babsky”. Confidence and accuracy - the distinctive features of a stylish and luxurious woman.

    Eye makeup is the most crucial and difficult stage.

    How to apply makeup on the eyes? The first thing to consider is what type of makeup you need to do. For a daytime make-up, you should use a couple of shades of shadows and a pencil of dark brown or black color. Gentle movement of the pencil shade the line of growth of eyelashes and the mucosa of the upper eyelid. Visually, eyelashes will appear thick, and your eyes will get an expressive beautiful shape. Apply eye shadows with a round applicator or brush. If you do not know which tone suits you, you can use universal shades - they are gray and brown tones. To achieve an increase in the eye, apply light shade on the inside of the eye, dark - on the outside. Naturally look matte shadows in pastel colors. For evening make-up, choose warm or nacreous pearl tones. The final stage will be applying mascara on the eyelashes.

    It usually uses tools such as:

    • base under the shade
    • pencil or liquid eyeliner,
    • palette of shadows
    • mascara.

    In the daytime version only light shades and mascara or only mascara can be applied. Evening or stage make-up is unthinkable without expressive arrows and rich colors, it allows the use of false eyelashes or rhinestones. Also, a solemn image should be combined with outfit, hair and accessories.

    In the complex visage, the eyeliner is applied after the base, then shadows are shaded. There are a variety of makeup schemes - horizontal, vertical, "bird", "Smoky ice", "banana". Their use depends on the cut eyes, the distance between them, the shape of the eyelid. The choice of mascara is determined by the natural thickness and length of the eyelashes. It can be lengthening, twisting, increasing volume. Waterproof specimens provide a more resistant make up. Carcass color may also vary. So, brown-eyed girls are recommended to use brown shades in daytime make-up. For a festive occasion, blue, purple, green or silver mascara can come in handy. Especially extravagant ladies turn their attention even to the red color. Some manufacturers offer products "2 in 1", consisting of caring serum, which additionally increases the thickness of hairs, and coloring composition.

    The hue of the shadows must be combined with the color of the eyes. Green-eyed girls to create makeup, you must use a warm color scheme. The beauty of the green eyes can still be emphasized with the help of blue, gray, purple shades. Brown eyes should be set off with ash-gray shades, brown-beige colors. For blue eyes, shadows of a cold spectrum are suitable, for example, smoky, white, blue colors. To achieve the desired effect when painting the eyelashes, you can try several ways to apply mascara:

    • vertical, in which the brush moves vertically relative to the eyes, that is parallel to the hairs,
    • blinking - quick sweeps of the eyelashes when horizontally touched them with a brush,
    • zigzags - alternating movements of the brush on the left-to-right and up-down.

    One of the final stages is lip makeup.

    To emphasize the natural beauty of the lips, choose light, but not very pale lipstick colors. Fresh shades are perfect for summer make-up or light makeup for every day. Choose a light coral, transparent berry, peach or pink lipstick. As a result, the lips should not look bright, but expressive. No matter what the girl chooses - lipstick or gloss, both means are allowed to create a classic make-up. If she prefers to use lipstick to get a uniform layer and a clear outline, it should be applied with a brush.

    Lips can be pre-softened with a balm and thus prepared for applying lipstick. There are also special scrubs with fine peeling particles that will delicately remove the stratum corneum and weathered skin. Pencil lip liner emphasizes, if necessary, correct their shape. Its color should match the lipstick or differ from it by several tones. A soft, well-sharpened lead will help achieve a clear outline.

    The shade of lipstick should be combined with the color of the shadows, skin tone. For each color type of appearance there are recommendations on the choice of cosmetics. In case of bright make-up of eyes, nude lips are commonly used, that is, lipsticks close to the natural color of the lips. In the daytime make-up can be limited to a liquid shine or balm. Someone may come to taste persistent lipstick, but do not abuse their use, as they dry the skin of the lips.

    Blush - refreshing facial tone

    Give him a natural glow and complete the makeup. Their color is usually selected under the shade of skin: light pink and beige fit, dark brown - bronze or brown. By changing the direction and width of the strokes, you can correct the shape of the face, visually extend it vertically or horizontally, or increase or decrease the width. Optimum intensity, how to apply blush, - when they do not stand out on the face.

    Understand how beautiful and properly apply makeup is easy. To consolidate the knowledge gained will help their practical implementation. Possessing such skills, a woman in any situation will feel confident and be able to provide the desired impression on others.

    General information

    The technique is one of the varieties of permanent makeup. In a nutshell, the principle of its action is based on the introduction of colored pigment under the skin in the designated area to a certain depth. 3D eyebrow tattoo combines two fairly popular ways: shading (light staining of the entire skin) and hair drawing (their image is full-length). Its distinctive characteristics are the complexity and duration of execution, the naturalness of the appearance of the final result and the high price.

    Stages of

    The procedure should take place exclusively in the salon, since it can only be carried out if the beautician has the relevant experience and qualifications. The whole process can be divided into several conditional stages:

    1. Preliminary stage - selection of the shape and color of eyebrows. It is carried out with the help of a pencil, several options are being considered to determine the best. It should be noted that most often experts work with shades of brown, they are the most natural,
    2. Applying anesthetic composition.
    3. Shooting Feather paint on the skin of the eyebrows.
    4. Drawing individual hairs.

    The result is provided for up to five years, the introduction of coloring pigments is carried out to a depth of half a centimeter.

    Video: eyebrow tattooing with hair technique in 3D effect


    Since, as a result of manipulations, the integrity of the skin is impaired, do not forget to take into account the need for a rehabilitation period. It lasts about three weeks and may be accompanied by small but unpleasant complications. Among them are redness, mild swelling, formation of a crust. To consolidate the result and minimize side effects, you should regularly apply antiseptic and moisturizing agents, do not sunbathe or soar the treated area, reduce the physical impact on it.

    Before and after pictures

    Photo before and after 3D tattoo eyebrow number 1

    Photo before and after 3D tattoo eyebrow number 2

    Photo before and after 3D tattoo eyebrow number 3

    Lip tattoo

    Plump and well-defined lips at the peak of fashion for several years and it is unlikely that the current trend will change in the near future. The 3d tattoo of the lips provides not only a clearer contour, it contributes to a visual increase in volume, as well as rejuvenation of the lips and improvement of their structure.

    Stages of the procedure

    Correction is not carried out at one time, it is possible to achieve positive changes only in 2 - 3 sessions. At the first visit, a suitable shape and color is determined, additional defects are detected (wrinkles in the corners, pigmentation). For the same procedure, the circuit is usually packed.

    The second visit to the beautician involves painting over the entire surface of the lips. The use of several shades in a certain sequence allows you to create new features, increase the volume. Light colors are often used to combat wrinkles and pigmentation.

    Video: 3D lip tattoo

    Preparation and Recovery

    Healing of the skin of the lips lasts a long time, about 5 - 6 weeks. In addition to the recommendations for such a long rehabilitation, it is necessary to take into account advice at the time of preparation for the procedure. So, in order not to provoke a rash of herpes, 5-7 days before each session, you should take special drugs that stop the virus.

    As for the restoration itself, during its period it is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, not to visit the solarium, swimming pool, sauna, it is also recommended that you do not eat hot food or drinks. To eliminate possible inflammations or infections, one should not forget about the necessity of using antiseptic preparations. It will be useful and the use of moisturizing and regenerating compositions prescribed by a beautician.

    Cost of treatments

    3D tattooing eyebrows and lips are quite expensive techniques. At the same time, we should not forget that the result is certainly worth its money, because it is not formed for one or two months. The price usually includes the work of a specialist, a selection of the ideal form and color, the availability of additional services (anesthesia). You can see the approximate cost in the table below:


    Watch the video: Women Get Their Eyebrows Tattooed (July 2024).