Useful tips

Visibly lose hair? Urgently hand over analyzes!


Many of our patients are frightened by symptoms of hair and scalp diseases: itching, burning, thinning and loss, etc. We hurry to reassure: in most cases, problems are solvable, it is important only to be on time with the trichologist in order to diagnose the condition of the hair and prescribe an effective treatment.

Diagnosis of hair and scalp allows you to:

  • determine the state of the hair follicles,
  • explore the health of the hair shaft over the entire length,
  • determine the type of scalp and analyze its condition,
  • detect trichological diseases.

Hair analysis using micro video diagnostics

Microvideo diagnostics, or computer diagnostics of skin and hair, is a method that has almost no equal in detecting deviations in their condition. This hair analysis is much more effective than visual inspection, because it allows the doctor to see the damaged area with a 150-fold increase.

In this case, there is almost no doubt about the causes of dandruff, alopecia and other common trichological problems. With the help of a microscope and a video camera connected to a computer, the doctor sees the reasons for the patient to experience unpleasant symptoms and can immediately identify effective ways to eliminate them.

Timely diagnosis of hair is very important in case of excessive hair loss. The trichologist checks without fail the number of empty follicles, from which, with proper treatment, new rods can still grow. In addition, microvideo diagnostics allows you to quickly determine the stage of hair development. Based on the totality of the data obtained, the doctor is determined with the degree of spread of the disease and, if it is not too neglected, prescribe a treatment that will really help stop alopecia.

It is easy to use computer diagnostics of the hair and identify the cause of their fragility: for this you need to examine the bulbs and hair rods in different areas of the head.

Every year an increasingly common cause of the appearance of trichological diseases become frequent stresses - these are the costs of the modern rhythm of life. Microvideo diagnostics clearly shows the effects of stress: the roots are narrowed, and the more such affected areas are on the human head, the longer the body has suffered.

In some cases, the patient is even given a recommendation to visit a psychologist: otherwise, processes that adversely affect the health of the scalp simply cannot be stopped. In addition, stress reduces the absorption of vitamin B, which is necessary to maintain pigmentation. That is why this factor often leads not only to brittleness, thinning and hair loss, but also to premature gray hair.

Hair diagnostics: price

The cost of diagnosing hair and scalp in clinics in Moscow, as a rule, is at least one and a half thousand rubles. The exact price depends, first of all, on the method by which the state of the follicles is analyzed. In our trichological center, we can now offer you the opportunity to undergo some diagnostic procedures completely free of charge, as part of the first consultation. All you need to do is call the clinic and make an appointment!

Sign up for a free consultation trichologist by phone:

Signs of hair loss

People lose 50 to 100 hairs daily, and this no reason for panic. The life of the hair - 3-7 years, then it falls. For each person, 90% of the hair is in the growth stage, and the remaining 10% is in the sleep stage.

Determine that the rate of deposition is violated, You can use the following signs:

  1. After brushing, whole bunches remain on the brush, although normally there should be no more than a few hairs.
  2. After washing the head in the drain hole of the bath, noticeable scraps of hair are found, after drying, they can be seen on the floor.
  3. When waking up in the morning, there are tufts of hair on the pillow, when there should be very little of them.

For men the signs are somewhat different because they prefer short haircuts, and falling out is harder to see:

  • hairline shifts towards the back of the head,
  • the hair thins first at the temples, and then at the crown,
  • with full baldness, the hair will disappear all over the head.

In addition, the very structure of the hair changes. It becomes thinner, tarnishes, becomes brittle, the tip splits.

Basic tests for checking hair loss

To stop hair loss and restore hair, you need to undergo treatment, and to prescribe it, the doctor will need to determine the exact cause of the loss. Alopecia can be due to:

  • hormonal imbalance,
  • rejection by the body of a number of drugs,
  • chronic infection of the bacterial, viral or fungal type,
  • chemotherapy and radiation exposure,
  • a long stay in a stressful situation
  • endocrine system diseases
  • mechanical or chemical damage to hair,
  • malnutrition,
  • heredity
  • reduce immunity.

However, before the tests are prescribed, the doctor will conduct a survey. He will ask how long the hair has fallen out, and whether the patient’s relatives didn’t have it, take an interest in the regimen, diet, working conditions and general health. The patient will undergo a visual inspection of the head, then a trichogram will be made. May send for consultation to the endocrinologist, neurologist and gastroenterologist.

And after that, the doctor will prescribe the following tests:

  • complete blood count and an infection test,
  • biochemical analysis of blood and serum iron levels,
  • on thyroid hormone levels and hormonal status,
  • spectral analysis of hair,
  • biopsy of the scalp.

Hair diagnostics: what is needed and what is it?

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  3. Hair diagnostics: what is needed and what is it?

In many countries of the world it has become fashionable to do hair diagnostics and visit a trichologist, as well as regular visits to a dentist, hairdresser and therapist are popular. Many are willing to invest money, effort and time in their appearance, and hair, as you know, has a significant impact on a person’s image. In addition, due to the state of health of the hair, it can be concluded about the general health condition.

Faced with problems with hair and scalp, most of us seek to find a way out on our own, rather than conduct computer diagnostics in a specialized center. In most cases, “doctors themselves” buy a variety of masks, shampoos and creams, however, as practice shows, such an approach rarely is effective in the treatment of hair with home remedies. Trial and error in most cases only exacerbates the situation, complicating problems with the scalp and hair, and sometimes adds new troubles that could be avoided by conducting a computer diagnosis of hair. If you suspect something is wrong, you should immediately contact the trichologist for the diagnosis and treatment of hair and scalp. This will save money on cosmetics that would be chosen randomly, as well as provide an opportunity to get professional advice, conduct high-quality computer diagnostics and find the best way to solve problems with the scalp.

There are a number of alarm bells that should make it clear that the time has come to seek help from a doctor and decide on computer diagnostics:

  • Fragility and dryness of hair, a tendency to damage,
  • All types of alopecia (hair loss),
  • Mixed type of strands (dry ends and greasy hair roots),
  • Quick salting of hair
  • Significant gray hair, which is not caused by age processes,
  • All types of seborrhea,
  • Dandruff,
  • Deviations caused by the effects of paints, curls and other aggressive factors.

What is a computer diagnosis of hair?

Prior to the start of computer-aided diagnosis of the scalp, the doctor conducts a conversation with the patient, which allows you to identify complaints, form an anamnesis, learn the features of the disease and the health of the patient. The next stage - visual inspection and trichoscopy - computer diagnostics. The advantages of this method of examination of the scalp are the highest information content, safety and painlessness. The doctor uses a special device trichoscope, the main element of which is the camera. It is she who receives and transmits the images of hair to the monitor, and the program repeatedly increases them, allowing the doctor to study the patient's hair and scalp.

Computer diagnostics of hair and scalp makes it possible to determine the number of hairs per square centimeter of the scalp, allows you to compare this figure with the norm, determine the presence of problems with hair loss and understand whether the patient needs intensive treatment. Of course, the doctor makes a final diagnosis on the results of a computer analysis and plans effective treatment of the patient. The importance of a trichoscope for diagnosis is difficult to overestimate: it is only this device that allows you to set indicators such as the number and thickness of hair with maximum accuracy, identify microscopic disorders of the scalp, and find out the level of blood supply to the scalp.

Conducting computer diagnostics of the scalp allows the doctor to determine the type of hair, the type of scalp, the size of the follicles, the general condition of the head, the condition of the hair, identify diseases and detect their causes.

Computer diagnostics for hair loss

Special attention is given to computer diagnostics of patients who suffer from various forms of alopecia. Androgenic, cicatricial, epigastric, diffuse - all these types of alopecia (hair loss) are the most serious diseases, for which treatment requires a comprehensive diagnosis of the body in general and diagnosis of the scalp in particular. The trigger for many diseases of the scalp are factors such as heredity, problems with internal organs, supported by exogenous causes. If alopecia is suspected, in most cases such tests are assigned: serum testosterone level, thyroid gland examination, lymphocyte counts, Wasserman reaction, ferritin level, etc. Not superfluous will be carrying out computer diagnostics of hair follicles (microscopy), as well as a thorough diagnosis of peeling foci. According to the doctor's recommendation, a computer biopsy of the affected scalp area and some other types of diagnostics can be performed.

Phototrichoscopy - the main guard of the integrity of the hair

Computer phototrichoscopy is a highly focused medical procedure for the diagnosis of the scalp. It is performed not on the entire surface of the head, but only on certain areas where the hairs are most thin. Most often, fronto-parietal and occipital parts of the head are exposed to computer phototricoscopy. For computerized phototrichoscopy on selected areas of the scalp hair is shaved. Thus, a bare skin area is formed in the shape of a square with a side of about 8 mm. After 2-3 days, the selected area of ​​the head is stained with a special dye that does not contain ammonia. A computer and a special program allow you to accurately calculate how much hair the industry has, and how much remains unchanged. After that, their number and ratio is determined. In the course of treatment, the data obtained are used by the doctor for the most effective actions.

Spectral analysis of hair and scalp

Another way to computer diagnose the scalp and hairline. Medical studies show that almost everyone has problems with allergies and an imbalance of microelements in the body. It may seem that it is not so important, but it is precisely these things that can be the cause of numerous illnesses and nervous breakdowns. Spectral analysis of hair, also called spectral analysis, is designed to identify an excess or deficiency of minerals in the body. This is the most suitable method of computer diagnostics, to get the most detailed picture of the chemical composition of curls and the condition of the scalp. Computer analysis will determine what causes hair and skin problems: heavy metals accumulated in the body, poor metabolism, lack of minerals or something else.

There are several indications for carrying out computerized spectral analysis of the scalp: loss and breakage of hair and nails, general weakness of the body, pale appearance, sweet intolerance, cracks in the corners of the mouth, convulsions, muscle spasms, etc. Moreover, the spectral analysis will be useful to those who work in industry, lives in large cities, enjoys diets, has a weak immune system, has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the endocrine system.

In order to successfully pass a computer analysis on the trace elements of the hair and scalp, the hair must be clean and without special styling products. 14 days before the computer procedure, you should stop using medical shampoos, replacing them with conventional detergents. The doctor must be warned about all recent hairdressing manipulations (bleaching, coloring, chemistry). From a technical point of view, the analysis of trace elements is quite complicated, so the results usually have to wait about 10-14 days. The computer method of analyzing the skin and hair for microelements is very effective, but far from the most unambiguous. The same results for different people can have different meanings, the mineral picture for someone can be normal, and for someone can be considered a deviation. In addition, the lack of minerals in the hair is not always an indicator of their lack of in the body. To obtain a really high-quality result of computer diagnostics of the scalp, it is important to contact a professional trichologist, whose qualifications are not in doubt.

Computer trichometry

Hair microscopy or computer trichometry is an instrumental method of diagnosing not only the hair, but also the scalp, which makes it possible to determine the duration of loss, to detect chronic or acute processes, to find out during which periods hair loss is most abundant. Using special equipment and computer programs, the doctor gets the opportunity to make measurements of the density and thickness of hair in different parts of the head, to examine the scalp and root part of the hair under a multiple increase in the diagnostic procedure of the scalp and hair.

Indications for

  1. There are diseases of the scalp. For example, dandruff and seborrhea.
  2. Strong hair loss.
  3. There was a lot of gray hair.
  4. Dry lifeless strands that constantly break.
  5. Hairstyle quickly dirty, despite frequent shampooing.
  6. Hair has deteriorated due to external influences. For example, permanent blow-drying, styling with curling irons, irons, perm, dyeing.

And if this procedure helps in determining the bumps on the scalp, you can find out here.

Where do?

Currently, there are beauty salons that provide an opportunity to conduct research.

It is necessary to note that equipment diagnostics can be carried out by a specialist who has education in this area.

Conduct a so-called external diagnosis can and in a regular barber shop.

It is important to consider that such research will only be external, and advice from a specialist will be provided based on the experience of a hairdresser.

What is computer research?

Many diseases of the head have similar symptoms, so for accurate diagnosis, experts suggest to undergo computer diagnostics. It allows you to accurately determine the cause of the disease of the scalp and hair, as well as appoint a timely treatment. For more information about the types of scalp, you can learn from this article.

Indications for the appointment of computer diagnostics:

  1. Hair loss, while in any stage.
  2. The presence of dandruff.
  3. Dry and fragile curls.
  4. Increased oily hair.

Computer research determines the state of the structure of the hair and scalp, as well as the number and ratio of healthy and weak strands. These studies will help the doctor confirm the diagnosis, establish the stage of the disease, draw conclusions about the reaction to drugs.

In order to conduct computer diagnostics you need certain equipment, which is called a trichoscope.

The device is equipped with a video camera and a microscope.. Also a special program is installed on the computer. The doctor conducts the apparatus through the hair and scalp.

The state is immediately displayed on the computer, so the client himself monitors the state of the hair. The procedure takes no more than 30 minutes, and does not cause any discomfort to the patient.

We offer to watch a video about computer diagnostics of the scalp and hair:

Main steps

  1. Consultation of the doctor trichologist - passes as a patient survey, which describes the complaints. Also, by means of an examination, the general condition of the strands is ascertained, and is sent for further examination.
  2. Trichoscopy - This is an examination of the hair and scalp with a special apparatus. The doctor holds a video camera through the patient's hair. It captures the condition of the hair and transfers them to a computer in a special program. There, the transmitted image is fixed and enlarged several times, and then the state is analyzed.

Such a different increase makes it possible to assess the hair from different sides and positions, which allows us to give a more complete picture of the state of hair.

Thanks to the study, trichoscopy reveals:

  • the amount of hair in different areas of the head, the density is determined and the result obtained is compared with the norm,
  • determined by the thickness of the hair shafts,
  • root estimated
  • recognizes blood flow to the scalp,
  • various infections and skin diseases (for example, fungus, injuries, etc.) are detected,
  • determined by the type of hair.

The advantages of trichoscopy:

  1. It does not take much time. As a rule, the procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes.
  2. Does not cause discomfort and pain in the patient.
  3. Thanks to the procedure, the doctor receives a lot of useful and important information.
  4. The result is ready immediately after the procedure.

Based on trichoscopy and patient survey, the doctor can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


Phototrichoscopy - examination of the scalp and hair with a special device. It is similar in its properties with the apparatus, which make trichoscopy. However, its functionality and capabilities are much wider. It has very strong lenses. The study allows you to learn how the sebaceous glands of the scalp, the condition of the hair follicles.

The procedure allows to determine the growth of hair, and the stage of their maturity. Most often, such an operation is performed on any specific areas of the head. Namely occipital, frontal or parietal.

The procedure for performing phototrichoscopy:

  1. The doctor at a certain site shaves hair. The size of the plot is small, as a rule, not more than 0.8 by 0.8 cm.
  2. Leave the area for a period of about 2 days.
  3. Paint the area with a dye in which ammonia is absent.
  4. With the help of a special apparatus, hair growth is determined, their number and changes are revealed.
  5. The data is stored, analyzed, and a conclusion is made about the state of the hair.


A phototrigram is a procedure in which the scalp is examined.. Two areas of skin are selected on which baldness has begun. Hair are photographed in their different stages.

The program takes photographs of the skin and then calculates the total number of hairs per 1 square centimeter, different growth stages are evaluated, the average rate of appearance of new hairs is calculated. According to the photograph, you can estimate the density of the hair and the presence of dandruff, inflammation and other problems of the scalp.

The main indication for the phototrichogram procedure is any form of baldness or even suspicion of it.

Preparation for computer diagnostics of hair condition:

  1. It is advisable to come to the procedure with a dirty head.
  2. Do not dye hair 2 weeks.
  3. Eliminate the use of styling products.

Contraindications for diagnosis:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Oncological and other diseases in the acute stage.

We offer to watch a video about the phototrichogram of hair:

The patient will spend on research from 1500 rubles, if you need to conduct a more complete examination, the cost will be from 5000 rubles.

Due to the variety of modern procedures for diagnosing hair and scalp, many problems can be avoided, as well as correcting the correct hair care. Timely study of the state of the hair will keep its beauty for many years.

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What is hardware diagnostics

Examination of the scalp and hair using special instruments reveals an accurate picture of the disease. Modern diagnostic methods include inspection, observation of the dynamics before and after treatment. All results are stored in the archive. Hardware diagnostics is carried out in specialized clinics, beauty salons using:

  • Video cameras with a microscope. There is an opportunity to consider the smallest details.
  • Computer and monitor. The image is transmitted from the camera, you can save it, to conduct a study. For work there are special programs.
  • A digital camera that takes macro shots.

What shows computer diagnostics

Studies conducted by trichologist with the help of computer diagnostics have the main goal - to determine the nature of the lesion, to establish the cause of the disease. Treatment of hair and scalp depends on it. The more accurate the diagnosis, the more effective the results. Thanks to a strong increase, special computer programs, it is possible to determine with great accuracy the diseases of the scalp and hair.

Using computer diagnostics examine:

Target identified problem

Violation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands

Hair follicle size

Exhaustion, falling asleep of follicles

The condition of the hair along its length

The condition of the skin on the head

Inflammation, mycosis, desquamation, itching

Sebaceous gland activity

Loss, brittleness, dryness

Scalp fungus, signs of psoriasis, seborrhea

The density of hair in certain areas

Places prone to loss of vegetation

How to diagnose hair and scalp

Studies using phototrichograms and trichograms are carried out by driving a video camera to a specific part of the head. An image appears on the monitor. The magnification is determined by the selection of special lenses. In order to properly carry out work with the help of hardware diagnostics, preliminary preparation is required. To do this:

  • Do not wash, do not dye your head for two weeks,
  • eliminate the use of cosmetics for the care, styling,
  • select a part of the head - using the phototrichogram technique (done by trichologist).


With this method, make a primary diagnosis using a special video camera. It is possible to consider the location of the lesion at different magnifications, to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment Results are shown on the monitor. When examining diagnosed fungal infection of the skin, the state of the follicles, rod. Trichoscopy assesses the condition of the hair according to the following parameters:

  • diameter,
  • total amount,
  • the number of sources
  • the percentage of healthy and sick,
  • density per square centimeter.

Spectral analysis of hair on micronutrients

Hair has the ability to accumulate information about human biochemistry. After conducting a spectral analysis, it is possible to determine with great accuracy the state of the head and the whole organism. The device detects 40 types of chemicals. Microscopic examination of trace elements helps:

  • find out if there is an imbalance of microelements in the hair,
  • determine the excess or deficiency of chemical compounds in the body,
  • detect the symptoms of poisoning with toxins.

Diagnostic Equipment

In order to correctly diagnose and analyze the condition of hair and skin, use special devices. Especially popular are:

  • Dermatoscope Aramo SG. The kit consists of a video camera, a set of lenses with different magnifications. Connect to the computer. The device has several programs. Use in specialized clinics and beauty salons.
  • Portable diagnostic device Aramo. Battery operated. It does not require a computer, as it has a built-in touch screen - it is convenient for work in small offices. Allows you to make an increase of 1000 times.

Computer technique for diagnosing hair and scalp: how is it going?

During the procedure, the scalp and hair are examined with the help of a trichoscope - a special apparatus. He has a video camera with a microscope that magnifies an image several dozen or even hundreds of times. The investigated area in different areas is checked by a special sensor with a powerful video camera and backlight, and the image from the camera is transmitted to the computer screen. This allows doctors to examine the condition of the skin, hair and make a diagnosis. The procedure does not cause the patient unpleasant sensations, painless. The patient can find out the state of the hair and the scalp.

When necessary trichological diagnostics: reasons - initiators

Usually, the diagnosis of the condition of the hair and scalp is carried out with the factors:

  • Hair is damaged, dry and brittle.
  • Fatty strands, or have a mixed type: fatty at the roots and at the same time dry on the tips themselves.
  • Gray hair, which is not associated with age.
  • Alopecia of all kinds, and more simply, hair loss.
  • Seborrhea.

Help in the treatment - the identification of the present state of the hair:

Diagnostics helps the doctor find out:

  1. The type of hair, as well as the condition in which they are, exploring from root to tip.
  2. Type of scalp. In what condition it is.
  3. The size of the hair follicle.
  4. The rate at which sebum is produced.

This will help identify any changes in the structure of the hairs or see damage to the scalp.

Does the diagnostic apparatus determine the loss and other diseases of the hair?

Using diagnostics, the doctor determines the number of existing follicles in the area of ​​one square centimeter, counts the number of thin lifeless hairs, as well as their total number.

Finds out if there are symptoms of skin disease, calculates what the rate of hair loss is for 24 hours for each individual patient individually. These indicators are compared with the norm, on the basis of which the conclusion is made about the presence or absence of the disease, about the beginning problem.

The advantage of the procedure is that computerized hair diagnostics will allow you to create an individual formula for successful treatment and restoration of normal hair growth.

Important! If the doctor sees the need, he prescribes additional tests and research. This happens if you suspect that a poor hair condition is associated with a serious illness. This approach helps to solve the problem in a complex, and choose the right treatment.

The procedure has no contraindications, it is safe. There are contraindications for further treatment methods, the most common are pregnancy, breastfeeding, cancer, acute stage of the disease.

Special preparation for the diagnostic study is not necessary, just avoid styling products and staining on the eve of the procedure.

If you suspect alopecia, you are unhappy with the condition of your hair and scalp, do not waste your time on home remedies. Refer to modern methods of identifying problems. Remember: it is much easier and cheaper to recover at an early stage of the disease.

When necessary trichological diagnostics: reasons - initiators

Usually, the diagnosis of the condition of the hair and scalp is carried out with the factors:

  • Hair is damaged, dry and brittle.
  • Fatty strands, or have a mixed type: fatty at the roots and at the same time dry on the tips themselves.
  • Gray hair, which is not associated with age.
  • Alopecia of all kinds, and more simply, hair loss.
  • Seborrhea.


Watch the video: The Future of Science with Neil deGrasse Tyson. StarTalk Live! (June 2024).