Hair Growth

How to use burdock oil for hair


Nowadays, long and thick female hair is a rarity. Modern rhythm of life, the impact of negative environmental factors, as well as insufficient care for hair due to lack of time seriously undermine the health of our hair, as well as a negative impact on the process of their growth. Burdock oil has long been used to deal with all sorts of problems that occur with hair, including to accelerate their growth.

The benefits of burdock oil for hair growth.
One of the most effective and popular means to strengthen and grow hair is burdock oil. This unique natural product was used in the times of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers for the treatment and care of hair, as well as getting a mane. It is worth saying that this product is truly a wonderful tool that accelerates hair growth and prevents hair loss. Moreover, this fact was experimentally proven.

The efficacy and effectiveness of burdock oil for hair is due to its composition, which consists entirely of natural plant components that are absolutely harmless to humans, providing them with the necessary nutrition. The composition of this valuable product includes vitamins, mineral salts, flavonoids, useful acids, essential and fatty oils (palmitic and stearic acid), biologically active substances, tannins, natural insulin, protein and some other components. Inulin, being a natural polysaccharide, perfectly absorbs various poisons, thereby perfectly cleansing the skin. In addition, this substance stimulates the reproduction of beneficial microflora on the surface of the skin, enhancing its immunity, normalizes metabolic processes in the skin, in particular the fat metabolism, prevents the occurrence of cancer. In addition, inulin is a kind of catalyst that multiplies the skin’s ability to absorb the vitamins and minerals contained in this unique product. This combination of ingredients is beneficial for hair growth.

The use of burdock oil helps to enhance the growth process, strengthen the hair follicles (follicles), and thus prevent baldness, and also perfectly removes oily scalp seborrhea, is an excellent helper in the fight against dandruff, eliminates excessive greasiness of the head and returns the lost shine to hair. Strengthening blood circulation, and, therefore, normalizing the metabolism in the scalp, this tool deeply nourishes and strengthens the roots and structure of the hair, restoring them even after dyeing and chemical perm. In addition, this tool not only fights hair problems, but also improves their appearance, adding shine, as well as preventing fragility and cross-section.

Due to its properties, this natural product is widely used today not only in traditional medicine, but has found its application in cosmetology. A homemade mask with burdock oil will relieve the scalp of dryness and itching, as well as restore damaged hair cells. Of course, many modern cosmetics in hair care give excellent results, but do not forget about the chemical compounds that make up these products, which, despite the quick and effective results, in the future cause various negative side effects.

Burdock oil is a product that can be purchased at any pharmacy, and you can prepare yourself, the benefit of raw materials for this abound. Today, many firms specialize in the production of this product, while it is made both in pure form and with the addition of various components, such as: calendula, hops, propolis, horsetail, tea tree, train, chamomile and nettle.

For example, burdock oil with the addition of nettle makes the hair soft and silky, and also has therapeutic and preventive properties for the scalp and hair follicles. In combination with propolis, it accelerates growth and stimulates the restoration of damaged hair, with the addition of vitamins A and E enhances the natural shine, is an excellent way to nourish and strengthen the roots. In combination with horsetail field, it helps to restore the strength and elasticity of the hair. Adding chamomile eliminates dandruff, reduces allergic reactions, and also returns softness, shine and silkiness to blond hair. Adding to the series shows a regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties for the scalp, the oil helps to get rid of peeling and itching of the skin and relieve allergic reactions.

Burdock oil can be used as a separate tool in its pure form, rubbing it into the roots of the hair, or it can be used as an addition to homemade masks.

How to make burdock oil yourself?
Such a tool is easy to make at home. Special technology is not required for this. For this you need 100 grams. chopped fresh burdock roots should be placed in a dark dish and add 200 ml of any vegetable oil (almond, olive oil can be used, you can also sunflower). Mixture must be given a day for insisting, and then boil over low heat with constant stirring for about fifteen minutes. Then the mixture must be drained, cooled and poured into a dry glass jar.

How to apply burdock oil.
Before the procedure, the hair should be wetted with warm water. Better if they are clean. Then, using a towel to remove excess water, lightly warmed oil in a water bath, carefully rub into the hair roots. Using a comb with large and small teeth moistened in oil, the composition should be evenly distributed over their entire length. After that, it is advisable to wrap the head with polyethylene, and put a hat on top or wrap a thick towel. The technique of applying the mask is the same for all recipes. The duration of the procedure should not be less than an hour, preferably longer. After the time the head is washed with shampoo and balm.

The procedure should be carried out twice a week for one to two months, depending on the desired result. Then you can take a short break in two or three weeks and repeat the course.

Folk remedies for hair growth based on burdock oil. Recipes for hair masks.
In general, homemade masks with burdock oil are recommended to be done simply for the purpose of prevention. Hair will not lose anything from this, but on the contrary, they will become soft, docile, shiny. Regular procedures will not only accelerate the process of growing hair, but also make them thicker and give elasticity.

To enhance the therapeutic effect of burdock oil is recommended to be mixed with yolk, onion, mustard, pepper tincture, yeast, honey, brandy. Masks with him are effective in the treatment of any type of hair, the only thing is that you should not be carried away by the owners of hair prone to fat.

The fastest mask on the basis of burdock oil is the classic version of it, when it is applied to the hair in a slightly heated form and rubbed into the roots. This mask should stand for more than an hour, you can leave it on all night.

To speed up hair growth, as well as prevent hair loss and baldness, the following mask is effective: combine two tablespoons of honey with the same amount of lemon juice. In the mixture, add two tablespoons of burdock oil and put in a water bath. Hold until the honey is completely dissolved. Remove the mixture and cool slightly, then add two yolks. Thoroughly rub and apply the resulting composition to the hair, paying attention to the roots and scalp. Wrap the head in plastic and on top of a towel. Hold the mask for one and a half hours, then rinse with shampoo. Do this mask for a month once a week.

Another means is also effective: grind two egg yolks with a teaspoon of cocoa and add three tablespoons of burdock oil. Rub the composition into the scalp, making a light massage. Mask wash off in an hour. This tool should be applied twice a week for a month.

This mask restores the hair structure and accelerates their growth: mix half a teaspoon of red hot pepper powder (for the first procedure, the amount of pepper can be reduced) with three spoons of burdock oil. The mixture is tightly closed and removed in a dark place to insist. A month later, the tool can be applied by rubbing into the scalp in a heated form. It is necessary to do this procedure no more than once a week for a period of fifteen minutes. This recipe requires caution when applying.

Mix the finished pepper tincture (can be purchased at the pharmacy) with burdock and castor oil. All components take in equal proportion. The composition is rubbed into the hair roots. An hour later, the mask can be washed off.

To improve the density of the hair is recommended to mix in equal proportions of burdock oil, brandy and yolk of one egg. If the hair is light, then it is recommended to add lemon juice to the mixture. Apply to hair, paying attention to the roots. An hour later, the mask can be washed off.

Combine a tablespoon of burdock oil with a teaspoon of honey. The resulting composition is rubbed into the hair roots. After an hour, you can wash your head with shampoo.

Insist two tablespoons of nettle leaves in 200 ml of boiling water, strain. Take half a cup of warm infusion of nettle and add a tablespoon of burdock oil to it. This mask is applied twice a week for a month.

Mix two tablespoons of burdock and olive oil, add ten drops of Vitamin A and E. Thoroughly stir the ingredients, heat in a water bath until warm and apply to dry hair. An hour later, the mask can be washed off. After regular use (every other day), the average length of hair increases by four centimeters per month.

Combine until a homogeneous consistency of brandy, honey and burdock oil, taken in equal proportions. Apply the mixture evenly to the roots and the entire length of the hair and leave for half an hour. This mask is better to do twice a week. The duration of the course should not exceed two months.

Two tablespoons of mustard powder mixed with one egg yolk, add two tablespoons of burdock oil, two teaspoons of sugar and at the last moment two tolovye spoons of warm water. The composition is better to apply with a brush on the partings, and the tips of the hair separately should be applied clean oil in the form of heat. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. It is better to make a similar mask once a week with a normal type, once every five days with a fat type, once every ten days with a dry type. Regularly carrying out such a procedure extends hair by three centimeters per month.

Mix a tablespoon of burdock oil with a teaspoon of liquid honey, put the mixture in a water bath until the honey is completely dissolved. Then add a teaspoon of onion juice to the mixture. The composition is rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements. Apply the mask for half an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo. As a conditioner, you should use water with vinegar or lemon juice.

Mix egg yolk with a teaspoon of honey, add a teaspoon of brandy, the same amount of onion juice and two tablespoons of burdock oil. Rub the mixture into the hair roots and hold for two to three hours. Broth burdock root can rinse hair. This will strengthen them and give them a natural glow.

For growth it is also recommended to add aloe juice (five tablespoons) to burdock oil (two tablespoons). Mask to keep from half an hour to an hour. Apply once or twice a week for a month.

Mix a tablespoon of burdock and castor oil, add three to five drops of any essential oil that accelerates growth (rosemary, sage, jojoba, lavender), a teaspoon of oily vitamins A and E, a teaspoon of Dimexidum (improves the permeability of cell membranes, contributing to the rapid nutrient achievement of hair roots). Apply the mixture to the roots, and after an hour, wash the head thoroughly with shampoo. During this procedure, there may be a slight tingling sensation, but this is not the rule. Make this mask should be once a week for two months. The effectiveness of such a mask - plus one and a half centimeters per week.

Before using a prescription mask, check the composition on the skin to avoid an allergic reaction.

Useful properties for hair

The therapeutic product derived from burdock root and infused on one of the oils (olive, flaxseed, peanut, almond, sesame), allows to solve many problems, thanks to the unique composition:

  1. Fatty acids provide nutrition to the hair follicles. They improve the structure of the hair and smooth stratified tips.
  2. Macronutrients saturate the curls with the necessary components. Thereby activating hair growth, prevent their loss and eliminate partial or complete alopecia (baldness).
  3. Flavonoids provide normalization of the acid-base balance of the scalp. Regulation of the functioning of the sebaceous glands allows you to eliminate the increased fat content and protect against excessive dryness.

How to use

Burdock oil has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. But if used improperly, it can cause serious damage to your hair and scalp.

Depending on the problem and the type of hair recommended:

  1. Loose hair - apply oil up to 3 times a week.
  2. Oily hair - use burdock oil once a week.
  3. Normal, dry hair - use oil 2-3 times a week.

Treatment continues for 2 months. Then let your hair rest for 2-3 months and resume therapy.

How to apply oil

Use a few secrets to ensure the correct application of the oil:

  1. Be sure to use a warm remedy. In the cold it will not be useful. Warm the oil in a water bath.
  2. Apply the product to the hair roots using a brush.
  3. Comb your hair gently, evenly distributing the product.
  4. Make a light massage of the head to rub oil into the skin.
  5. Put on a special hat and wrap your hair with a towel.
  6. Hold the agent for 1 hour.

To enhance the positive effects, combine the oil with other beneficial ingredients. Select the ingredients, taking into account the structure of the hair and the desired result.

For hair growth


  • Burdock oil - 30 g.
  • Red pepper - 1/6 tsp.

How to cook: To the warm oil add ground pepper and mix the agent.

How to use: Apply the mixture to the hair. The tool is very hot, so keep it no more than half an hour. And with a strong burning sensation - flush immediately.

Result: Red pepper provides the expansion of capillaries, enhances metabolic processes. Hair follicles get improved nutrition. Due to this hair grow back faster.

From falling out


  • Chicken yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Burdock oil - 30 g.
  • Honey - 15 g.

How to cook: Mix the butter with the yolks. Add honey to the mask.

How to use: Apply the product to the hair roots and massage your skin well. Keep for 30-50 minutes, rinse with a shampoo.

Result: The tool provides a strengthening, enhanced nutrition of the hair follicles. Honey activates the metabolism in the skin, makes curls strong. The yolk protects hair from falling out, gives it strength, eliminates dandruff.

For dry hair


  • Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Chamomile oil - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Wheat germ oil - 1 tbsp. l

How to cook: Mix all the ingredients.Warm the mixture in a water bath to a temperature of about 40 C.

How to use: Apply a mask on the hair roots and massage your skin well. Spread the mixture of oils over the entire length of the curls. Keep the mask for half an hour.

Result: The mask will make dry lifeless hair obedient and elastic. Chamomile oil relieves skin irritation, eliminates desquamation, relieves dandruff. In addition, it protects against breakage and gives shine to curls. Wheat germ oil eliminates dry skin, provides enhanced nutrition and gives hair elasticity.

For greasy hair


  • Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Grape seed oil - 1 tsp.
  • Grapefruit - 1 pc.
  • Lemon oil - 10 cap.

How to cook: Mix the ground pulp of grapefruit with oils.

How to use: Apply the mixture on the hair and soak for 25-30 minutes.

Result: Nourishing mask will provide freshness to hair for a long time. Grape seed oil regulates the sebaceous glands. Lemon oil provides an improvement in hair structure and returns shine to curls. Grapefruit prevents excessive production of sebum, eliminates seborrhea.

For split ends (with castor oil)


  • Yeast - 5 g.
  • Milk - 40 g
  • Honey - 10 g.
  • Burdock oil - 15 g.
  • Castor oil - 15 g.

How to cook: Dissolve the yeast in warm milk. Add honey and mix well. Leave the mixture warm for 15–20 minutes. Then add oil.

How to use: Apply the product to the hair, spread it over the tips.

Result: Means relieves hair from brittleness, provides bonding of exfoliated tips. Yeast prevents hair loss, accelerates their growth. Honey gives them elasticity. Milk strengthens strands, restores damaged and weakened curls. Castor and burdock oils improve the structure of the hair and return the natural shine to the curls.

Mask Recipes

Developed many therapeutic tools based on burdock oil for hair care. Check out the most effective masks.


  • Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l

How to cook: Mix butter with liquid honey.

How to use: Apply the product on the scalp and spread on the strands. Leave for 30-60 minutes.

Result: The mask is suitable for dry, brittle, loose strands. Honey prevents hair loss, activates their growth, softens tight curls.


  • Burdock oil - 3 tbsp. l
  • Chicken Egg - 1 pc.

How to cook: Mix the butter with the egg.

How to use: Apply the mixture on your hair under a warm towel for 50-60 minutes.

Result: The combination of eggs with burdock oil provides excellent nutrition for the roots, protects against breakage, accelerates the growth of strands.

With mustard (for hair growth)


  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Burdock oil - 3 tbsp. l
  • Mustard powder - 1 tbsp. l
  • Water - 1-2 tsp.

How to cook: Combine mustard with water to form a thick paste. Add butter and egg to the mixture.

How to use: Apply burdock mask only on the roots, for 30 minutes.

Result: This tool will provide fast hair growth. Mustard speeds up blood flow, provides better nutrition.

Important! If irritation, damage to the scalp mask is forbidden to use!

With vitamins


  • Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Vitamin A - 5 ml.
  • Vitamin E - 5 ml.

How to cook: In the heated oil, add vitamins.

How to use: Apply a vitamin cocktail to your hair under a warm cap for half an hour.

Result: Hair after a vitamin mask actively grows, their structure improves. Curls become silky and thick.


  • Onion juice - 1 tbsp. l
  • Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Chicken yolk - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 1 tsp.

How to cook: Mix the heated oil with onion juice. Add whipped yolk and honey. Mask a little warm in a water bath.

How to use: Apply the product on the hair for half an hour.

Result: Onion juice protects hair from falling out, provides them with a well-groomed and healthy look, stimulates their growth. The mask will make curls strong and thick. This tool helps even in the advanced stages of baldness.


  • Kefir - 60 ml.
  • Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Yolk (preferably quail) - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 0.5 tbsp. l

How to cook: Mix the butter with honey and warm the mixture a little. Add whipped yolk and kefir to the mask. Stir until smooth.

How to use: Apply the agent to the entire length of the strands. Mask hold 40-60 minutes.

Result: The tool restores dry dried hair (after dyeing, curling, aggressive ultraviolet radiation).

With olive oil


  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Vitamins A, E - 2 drops.

How to cook: All components are mixed. Heat the product in a water bath.

How to use: Apply a warm mask to the entire length of hair for 30 minutes.

Result: The mask strengthens the roots, improves hair growth. Olive oil provides the density and volume of curls. Vitamins give healthy shine.

How to flush burdock oil

Some people completely abandon the use of burdock oil, even despite its benefit, because the oil mixture is hard to wash off the hair.

In order to avoid such difficulties, remember the main trick:

  1. Initially, apply shampoo to your hair and massage thoroughly. In this case, the detergent absorbs the oil much better.
  2. And only then moisten the strands with water.

Nadezhda, 32 years old

Burdock oil - an excellent tool from a number of cheap drugs. Made a mask with red pepper. She strengthened her hair.

Yes, burdock oil is what your hair needs! I especially like the mask with honey. After her hair becomes very soft and silky!

Valentina, 49

I was very pleased with burdock oil. My husband has a bald spot. We decided to try burdock oil with onions. After 2 months of regular procedures, we ourselves could not determine the place of baldness. At the same time, her husband's hair became shiny, smooth!

What to remember

  1. Burdock oil is not intended for daily use.
  2. Use the tool 1 time per week with high fat content of hair, 2-3 times - for dry or normal curls.
  3. Treatment of loose strands can be carried out every 2 days.
  4. The maximum benefit for the hair has a warm oil.
  5. In order to wash off the oil mixture with strands, apply shampoo on dry hair, and then moisten them with water.

Watch the video to learn how to use burdock oil:

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Instructions for use

How to use burdock oil for hair to grow beautiful hair or restore damaged curls with it?

The drug in the care is recommended to use in the form of cosmetic masks or cosmetic indelible means.

For the procedure with burdock oil will require:

  • hot water tank as a water bath,
  • brush for applying cosmetics (you can take a toothbrush with soft bristles),
  • glass or ceramic mixing bowl,
  • polyethylene or shower cap,
  • cotton shawl,
  • towel or warm scarf.

On which to apply - dry or wet

Burdock masks are applied on slightly damp hair, after having been washed out with shampoo. It is advisable to heat the agent before use to a temperature of 40-45 degrees, but not higher.

To enhance growth and prevent loss of the drug every day, in the morning, rubbed into the roots of dry hair, not washing off. To do this, a small amount of oil is poured into the palm, rubbing the fingers of the other hand into the roots, carefully massaging.

Means you need to take a little to avoid excess fat. Wash their hair with this method of application as the hair is salted - every three to five days

How to use the tool of burdock

Next, we will tell you how to smear burdock oil on your hair. Burdock oil and masks based on it always begin to be applied from the roots, rubbing the product into the scalp.

The exception is the appliqués for the ends of split ends. It is desirable to do this with a brush specially set aside for this purpose, enhancing the massage effect to activate the blood circulation.

The hair is applied to the hair with the palm, along the entire length. To achieve the desired effect, you can do it twice, with an interval of 10 minutes.

Then the head is wrapped with polyethylene, and on top with a warm scarf or towel.

Everyone knows about the invaluable benefits of oils for restoring, growing, treating and strengthening curls. These products with great success help to moisturize the hair, make it elastic and stronger, and also fill it with vitality, vitamins and trace elements. On our site you will find many interesting and useful articles about such oils:

How much to keep and can I leave for the night

The duration of the procedure with pure burdock oil is at least one hour.

To enhance the effect of the procedure, it is better to extend the time to 3 hours.

Leaving the remedy on the head for more than 3 hours or overnight, it is necessary to abandon the wrap with polyethylene, replacing it with a cotton scarf in order to avoid the development of the greenhouse effect harmful to the follicles.

Covering your head at night with a warm scarf or towel is also not worth it.

Hair may be useful, but the vessels of the head will be against it, revenge on the morning the headache.

How often to apply

The optimal frequency of application of masks with burdock oil - once a week. The course of treatment is 10 procedures. Then you need to take a break for six weeks in order to avoid habituation to the tool and to relax the hair from it.

If the hair is very dry, brittle and split, then the first 5 procedures can be performed with an interval of three days, and then to the standard frequency.

Methods of use

Burdock oil can be used both in pure form and in combination with other components with strong biological activity and nutritional properties, for example:

  • essential and cosmetic oils,
  • red pepper extract,
  • mustard powder
  • honey
  • yolk,
  • kefir and other useful ingredients.

Combinations of ingredients for masks are depending on the desired result.

With proper combination of burdock oil with other substances, most problems can be solved with any type of hair.

To accelerate growth

Many are interested in the question - how to quickly grow hair with burdock oil, is it possible? Next, we invite you to familiarize yourself with an interesting recipe that will help you succeed in this matter.

  • main oil ingredient - 10 ml,
  • tincture of red pepper (can be purchased at the pharmacy) - 5 ml.

After thorough mixing, rub the mixture only into the roots, avoiding contact with the eyes and skin.

REFERENCE! With a dry type, the amount of the main oil ingredient can be increased to 20 ml, and one yolk can be added to the cosmetic mass.

The exposure time is 30 minutes

The result becomes noticeable only after a full course, that is, ten sessions.

Here you will find another recipe for hair growth masks:


For dry scalp in this case, you will need the following components:

  • the main ingredient is 20 ml
  • Calendula tincture (sold in a pharmacy) - 5 ml,
  • yolk - 2 pcs.

When cooking, first mix the yolks with the burdock preparation, then add the tincture. The mixture is rubbed first into the roots, and then it is moistened with all of its hair, wrapping it up and holding it on its head for at least 2 hours.

In the normal type of yolk can not add. When bold - the following composition is recommended:

  • shea and burdock oils - 10 ml each,
  • propolis tincture - 10 drops,
  • grapefruit juice - 10 ml.

After mixing, the mask is used in the usual way - first applied to the roots, then - along the entire length. The duration of the session should not exceed 40 minutes.

The result becomes noticeable after the second session. Dandruff disappears, scalp calms down.

For damaged

In this case, use the mixture of the main oil ingredient with vitamins A, and E. For 15 ml of burdock preparation take:

  • 10 drops of retinol (vitamin A),
  • 10 drops of tocopherol (vitamin E).
  • 10 ml of cognac or vodka are added to the fat roots.

After mixing, the components are applied in the usual manner. The duration of the procedure is 3 hours.

Result: after the first session, the curls begin to look and shine better. After 10 procedures, the hair will become healthy and easier to fit.

For general strengthening

In order to improve the general condition, a mask can be made of the following components:

  • the main ingredient is 15 ml
  • propolis tincture - 5 ml,
  • Castor oil - 5 ml.

After mixing, apply to clean, moist hair for one hour. Propolis revives the hair, cleanses the scalp of dead skin cells, and castorca in combination with burdock nourishes, promotes hydration and strengthening.

If desired, propolis extract can be replaced by ethereal concentrated means (5 drops):

  • patchouli - to strengthen the roots,
  • ylang-ylang, cedar - for brilliance and volume.

The result will be noticeable after the first procedure: the curls will begin to shine, fit well, a feeling of freshness will appear.

To lighten

Using a mask based on burdock and castor oil, you can lighten curls by two or three tones with its weekly repetition. For this you will need:

  • castor and burdock oil - 15 ml,
  • light honey - 20 g,
  • Kefir - ¼ Art.

If the type of hair is fat, then add 10 ml of vodka or brandy to the mixture.

Keep the mask on the head is recommended for three hours. After washing off, rinse the hair with a decoction of horsetail.

For stained

After chemical staining, the locks without proper care become lifeless, brittle, the color of the dye begins to fade.

To avoid this, you need to make masks with the following composition once a week:

  • main ingredient - 30 ml,
  • yolk - 2 pcs.,
  • any honey - 10 g,
  • Cognac - 10 ml.

  1. the yolks are ground with burdock,
  2. mixed with honey until smooth,
  3. add cognac.

The cosmetic mixture is kept on the head for 30 to 40 minutes.

The result: the preservation of the desired color and vibrant, beautiful hairline structure.

In this video, you will learn whether it is possible to strengthen and restore damaged curls with burdock oil, and also how to apply this miracle remedy to your hair:

How to quickly and properly wash off

A mask based on pure burdock oil, as well as compositions without yolk, is washed off with regular shampoo with warm water. If the composition of the cosmetic mixture is the yolk, then the mask is washed in two steps:

  1. first with cool water and shampoo to avoid folding the egg white at high temperature,
  2. then warm with the same detergent.

It is advisable to complete the procedure by always rinsing with cool herbal decoction to increase the shine and basal volume.

The following video on how to apply oil so that it is easily washed off:

Precautions, contraindications

Not a single case of individual intolerance or allergies was recorded for burdock oil. But these unpleasant phenomena can cause the ingredients of the masks. For this reason, before the procedure, you need to do an allergy test.

When applying masks with an extract of red pepper, you should try to avoid contact with the cosmetic mass on the mucous membranes, eyes, and skin of the face.

Sessions are not recommended when:

  • high temperature and feverish conditions,
  • the presence of dermatological diseases of the scalp,
  • open wounds and cuts.

With extreme caution should be done oil wrap with hypertension and epilepsy. Their duration in this case should not exceed 20 minutes.

The composition and beneficial properties of burdock oil

Useful properties of burdock oil due to its rich chemical composition, it includes:

  • vitamins - A, E, C and group B,
  • minerals - iron, calcium, chromium,
  • polysaccharides - inulin.

Also in the composition there are fatty acids - stearic, palmitic.

When applying burdock oil on the face or hair, an oily film is formed that allows you to retain moisture. Inulin polysaccharide acts as a sorbent - cleans the surface of the skin and hair from dead cells, accumulated fat and dirt.

Burdock oil improves blood circulation, and thus stimulates improved delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the upper layer of the epidermis.

Herbal remedy activates water-lipid metabolism, enhances local immunity and accelerates regeneration processes.

With red pepper

Burdock oil with red pepper is used for hair - to accelerate their growth and stop the loss.

The extract of red pepper improves blood flow to the scalp, thanks to which more nutrients are supplied to the hair roots.

Useful trace elements nourish hair follicles, strengthen them and accelerate hair growth. In addition, the tool effectively eliminates dandruff.

When using this type of burdock oil, be careful. Do not allow strong burning of the scalp, otherwise you can get burned and provoke the development of an allergic reaction. In case of unbearable burning, immediately wash off burdock oil.

With nettle

Burdock oil with nettle extract, it is advisable to use to strengthen the hair roots, the tool is effective in the treatment of baldness and seborrhea.

The plant product stops hair loss, strengthens hair follicles, normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat, accelerates hair growth. Burdock oil helps in the treatment of dandruff, promotes rapid healing of wounds on the skin, eliminates itching.

Compared with the product with the addition of pepper extract, it is a milder remedy.

Burdock hair oil

The secret of the effectiveness of burdock oil in the treatment of hair lies in improving the blood circulation of the scalp and its cleansing of dead cells. This allows the beneficial substances to flow freely to the hair follicles and nourish them.

A sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids provide rapid hair growth, strengthening their roots and restoring structure.

Before using burdock oil, it must be heated in a water bath to 35-40 degrees. How to apply the product - massage the oil into the scalp with massaging movements; you can apply the product both on dry and on wet hair.

If desired, you can distribute the product over the entire length of the hair. For convenient distribution of oil, you can use a comb with rare teeth.

After applying the product, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. Keep the mask for 1-2 hours. Rinse with warm water using shampoo. After applying burdock oil, it is better to dry the hair without a hair dryer.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

Burdock oil can be used not only for hair care, but also eyelashes and eyebrows. Oil stops the loss of eyelashes, making them longer and more voluminous. The use of eyebrows will make them thicker and more docile.

Daily apply the oil of burdock on the eyelashes and eyebrows with the help of an old mascara brush, after washing and drying it. Remove excess product with a cotton pad or paper towel.

For these purposes, you can use pure burdock oil or with the addition of a vitamin complex. Do not use the product with red pepper.

Men can use burdock oil too - for a beard. The components of burdock oil stimulate hair growth, making them more docile and silky.

Burdock oil for face and body

Pure burdock oil, as well as oil with added vitamins, is used to care for the skin of the face and body. The tool restores the water-lipid balance of the skin, retains moisture on its surface, eliminates dryness, which is typical for the autumn-winter period. With the help of burdock oil, you can also eliminate dryness on the elbows, heels, and knees.

Oil cleanses the skin of the face and body of dead cells, excess fat and dirt. It softens the skin, has an antibacterial effect, helps eliminate acne. With regular use, the plant product accelerates the processes of regeneration at the cellular level, promotes the production of collagen and elastin, it helps smooth wrinkles and improve the complexion.

Burdock oil is recommended to be applied to the skin of the face and body 15-20 minutes before taking a bath or shower. Since the product is based on base oils, it can be applied on the skin in its pure form. To do this, use a cotton pad, remove the excess with a paper napkin.

Burdock oil for nails

The use of burdock oil is not limited to the care of hair and skin of the face and body, it can also be used to improve the health of nails. The product obtained from burdock root strengthens the nail plate, accelerates the growth of nails, prevents the development of fungal infections.

Regular use of burdock oil for nails solves problems such as brittleness and delamination. Also, the product softens the cuticle.

Rub burdock oil in the nail plate and cuticle, or make a bath before a cut manicure.

Burdock oil at home - a recipe

You can cook burdock oil yourself at home. The following recipe is taken from the book of K. Ippolitov "Home Perfumery" 1906 issue.

How to make burdock oil

  1. Burdock root - 20 g.
  2. Olive oil - 200 ml.

How to cook: Finely grate burdock root. Pour raw olive oil. Place the ingredients in a water bath and heat for an hour, the temperature should not exceed 50 degrees. Pour the oil with the raw material into a bottle of dark glass, leave for 7-8 days in a dark place.

How to use: Use burdock oil for its intended purpose. Strain before use. Store in a dark and dry place.

Instead of olive oil, you can use sunflower, almond, rapeseed.


Burdock oil is a natural product and has no contraindications, as it is used externally. However, the use is unacceptable in the presence of individual intolerance to the substances present in the composition.

To detect the presence or absence of allergies, conduct an uncomplicated test. Apply a small amount of the product to the outer fold of the elbow and leave for 15-20 minutes. If there are no rashes, feel free to use the product for skin and hair care.

Where can one buy

You can buy burdock oil in a pharmacy or online store.

When buying a herbal preparation, be sure to pay attention to the shelf life and storage conditions.

The average price of burdock oil is 35-70 rubles. The cost depends on the specific point and region of sale, the brand of the manufacturer, the availability of additional components.

Below are reviews of girls who used burdock oil for the face, hair and nails.

I was advised to use burdock oil to moisturize and nourish the skin of my face. After she told me how to use the product, I bought burdock oil with vitamins and applied it daily before the shower. The skin has become much softer, improved complexion.

Ekaterina, 31 years old

I use burdock oil for hair treatment, first I bought Mirolla brand, but lately I like oil more from Evalar. After 1 month of application of masks based on burdock oil, hair became thick, less fall out, shine.

Previously used burdock oil to restore hair after dyeing, after a noticeable effect was used for nails. Fingernails grow faster, it is easy to handle the cuticle.

Description and indications for use

Burdock oil - oil from burdock root (burdock) is an indispensable and very effective hair care product that has been used in traditional medicine since time immemorial. Burdock oil contains natural inulin, protein, essential and fatty oils (palmitic and stearic acid), tannins, mineral salts and vitamins. Burdock oil enhances capillary blood circulation and restores the metabolism in the scalp, effectively nourishes and strengthens the roots and structure of the hair, accelerates their growth, stops hair loss, relieves dandruff, itching and dryness of the scalp (antiseborrheic and antimicrobial action), restores weak and damaged hair structure (after dyeing and perm). After applying it, the hair becomes thick, fluffy and shiny.

It is recommended to be used to restore damaged hair structure (loss of shine, thin brittle hair, split ends), to accelerate hair growth, with hair loss, baldness, dandruff, dryness and itching of the scalp.

Burdock oil with calendula and hops

Burdock oil, enriched with extracts of hops and calendula, due to the estrogenic activity of hops, is especially effective for baldness, as well as for nourishing and restoring the functions of hair follicles. Calendula flowers in dermatology are used as an anti-toxic and anti-inflammatory agent. Calendula extract prevents the development of dermatosis, leading to hair loss.

Burdock oil with ginkgo biloba

Burdock oil with ginkgo biloba increases capillary blood circulation, strengthens and nourishes the hair roots, activates the hair follicle, prevents hair loss.

Burdock oil with nettle

Burdock oil with nettle is made on the basis of burdock root extract and nettle root. Enriched with an additional complex of vitamins, including vitamin K, carotenoids, phyto-and sitosterol, and most importantly - chlorophyll, which, similar to its action in plants, is an important "building material" and a nutrient for the hair roots, contributing to their strengthening and enhancing growth .

Burdock oil with a string

The series has a calming and softening effect, improves the metabolic processes in the skin and normalizes its water-fat balance.

Burdock oil with propolis

Burdock oil with propolis contains propolis extract in its composition and has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. Beauticians are well aware that in order for them to have an attractive appearance, they must first of all be healthy. Essential oils of propolis have antimicrobial and bactericidal effects on the scalp. Burdock oil with propolis increases the strength of the hair, and is particularly effective for the care of dry and damaged hair, including after dyeing or perm.

Burdock oil with horsetail extract

The extract of a horsetail entered into structure repeatedly strengthens action of burdock oil thanks to organic compounds of silicon. Being the most related to the human body, organic silicon compounds stimulate the activity of connective tissue cells, restoring the damaged hair structure, ensure their strength, elasticity and impermeability, and also have conditioning properties.

Burdock oil with tea tree extract

Australian tea tree oil is a unique combination of 48 organic elements. Tea tree essential oil is an excellent antiseptic. Due to the high content of terpenes, it has a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, antiviral activity. The antiseptic effect of tea tree oil is used for itching, dandruff, hair loss. Burdock oil with tea tree extract has an anti-seboric effect, cleanses hair follicles, eliminates the increased oily hair.

The benefits of burdock oil for hair

The usual burdock, which is popularly called burdock, serves as a raw material for the preparation of cosmetics. Rather, its roots. Usually, the oil is produced by cold pressing plant materials. But the burdock product is prepared differently. Burdock roots insist on the finished oil. Most often take sesame, olive, sometimes apply almond.

Chemical composition

The use of burdock oil for hair is estimated not only by cosmetologists, but also by physicians. The drug prevents alopecia, effectively treats seborrhea. Impacts are dictated by rich chemical composition. The table below describes the main active ingredients of the product and their effect on the strands.

Table - Composition and use of burdock hair oil

8 problems that burdock will save

In addition to hair, the product has a beneficial effect on the skin. In the tissues, metabolic processes are improved, blood circulation increases, vitamins are better absorbed. Hair after several masks of burdock oil become stronger and thicker. Experts recommend applying a cosmetic product for the following eight problems.

  1. Naughty strands. The tool will help to cope with hard, curly hair. Burdock will give softness, ease combing and styling.
  2. Dry strands. Hair mask with burdock oil will moisturize the curls.
  3. Frozen onions. If hair does not grow from hair follicles, burdock is recommended as an effective activator of the growth of strands.
  4. Damaged strands. The product will glue the split ends and eliminate excessive brittleness.
  5. The appearance of dandruff. Burdock eliminates dandruff and effectively fights seborrhea.
  6. Hair loss. The use of oil will stop the process of hair loss. With continued use, it is possible to treat alopecia, in which the hair falls out in whole strands.
  7. Early gray hair. Burdock restores hair structure and contributes to the inhibition of the aging process.
  8. Loose strands. Restores the curls that have lost their original appearance as a result of constant staining, aggressive drying. After application of the product, there is a strengthening of hair exposed to the negative effects of the sun, wind or sea water.

Oil for excessively greasy hair is not recommended. But this contraindication is relative. You can enter into the mask drying components: citrus juice, egg white or vinegar.

How to achieve the effect

Valuable burdock oil unfairly relegated to the background. The problem lies in the ignorance of how to use burdock oil for hair growth. As a result, instead of silky strands, women get greasy hair. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to study a few rules on the use of healing cosmetics.

4 applications

Burdock product can be a separate component or an ingredient of a cosmetic product. In any role, the drug will provide a beneficial effect on curls. The following methods are recommended for the use of burdock oil.

  1. In pure form. The product is slightly heated. Carefully applied to dry or wet hair. You can use a brush. Then comb comb combed, spreading the mixture over the entire length. Put on a hat. After 60 minutes, washed.
  2. Mask. The most popular method of applying burdock oil for hair at home. Ready masks are applied on the same principle as the oil in its pure form.
  3. Shampoo. Will protect hair from greasiness and effectively eliminate impurities based on oil shampoo. Strands washed with burdock retain their brilliance and purity for a long time. This shampoo can be purchased at the pharmacy or cook at home. One of the recipes is to mix 250 ml of dogrose broth and a tablespoon of oil. Infuse the mixture for 15 minutes, strain, wash your hair.
  4. Massage. The technique is used to eliminate dandruff.Warm the oil with your fingertips rubbed into the scalp. Repeat every other day for two weeks.

To protect the hair from the aggressive effects of dye, it is recommended to add a few drops of burdock oil to the prepared mixture. The paint will be easier and more evenly lay down on the strands. Curls after painting will not acquire rigidity. And thanks to the content of niacin (or vitamin PP), the strands will keep the shade for a long time.

Tips on how to apply, wash and frequency of sessions

Use burdock oil is easy. But in order to prevent unpleasant moments, it is important to listen to the experience of specialists. There are only six councils.

  1. A warm remedy. According to reviews, it is recommended to heat the oil or mask before applying to the water bath. The temperature of the mixture should not rise above 39 ° C.
  2. For blond hair. Burdock can lead to a slight staining of curls in a greenish color. To protect the light strands, you must select a transparent product.
  3. Greenhouse effect. Enhance the positive effects of the mask. After applying the mixture, you must wear a hat or polyethylene and wrap a warm scarf on top.
  4. The duration of the procedure. The optimal mask time is 40 minutes. This is sufficient for the agent to be absorbed into the strands and skin. If you leave the mask on all night, there will be no harm. Some recipes contain hot ingredients. In this case, the duration of the procedure is reduced to 15-20 minutes.
  5. Flushing oil. When the cap is removed from the head, the hair can not be wetted with water. Initially, shampoo is applied to the head. It is better to choose the one that foams heavily. Strands soaped, working through each curl. This will allow the shampoo components to react with the remaining oil. Then washed. It is desirable under the powerful pressure of the soul. The shampoo, which absorbed the burdock, is easily washed off from the hair.
  6. Duration of use. Apply home masks with burdock recommended courses. Therapy can last two months, subject to the use of funds three times a week. Then it is important to give the strands a rest of one and a half months. For the prevention of two or three applications per month.

6 recipes

Before applying burdock oil test for allergies. You should put a few drops of cosmetic on your wrist and wait 24 hours. The reaction usually occurs within 15–20 minutes. If during this time there is no redness, rash and the skin does not itch, then in most cases there is no allergy. The tool can be used.

The power of hot pepper

Characteristic. Very useful burdock oil with pepper for hair. The composition is recommended in the case of intensive loss of strands. The burning component enhances blood flow and accelerates tissue regeneration. Contributes to the "awakening" of follicles. The combination eliminates brittleness and glues split ends.

  • burdock - 30 g,
  • Red pepper - the sixth part of a teaspoon.

  1. Oil is heated.
  2. A pinch of pepper is poured into a preheated burdock.
  3. Smeared on the head, put on a hat.
  4. According to the instructions it is recommended to keep the mixture with red pepper for about 30 minutes. If there is a burning sensation, wash it off without waiting for the due date.
  5. On average, such a procedure can be sustained for about 15-20 minutes.

Egg and honey treatment

Characteristic. The mask is recognized as an effective fighter for the beauty of the strands. It is recommended by professionals for hair loss. Honey enhances metabolism, nourishes the follicles, softens the strands and accelerates growth. Egg prevents fragility, relieves dandruff and protects against alopecia.

  • yolk - two pieces,
  • burdock - 30 g,
  • honey - 15 g.

  1. Burdock oil, preheated, combined with the yolk.
  2. Into the mixture, honey and a mask are carefully kneaded.
  3. The tool must be carefully rubbed into the roots.
  4. It is best to combine the application of the mask with a light massage of the head.

Honey Yeast Fortification

Characteristic. Suitable for lifeless and brittle strands. This hair mask with burdock oil is recommended for hair growth. After several sessions, the curls will gain elasticity, become strong, the split ends will disappear.

  • Baker's yeast - a teaspoon,
  • milk - 40 ml,
  • burdock oil - 15 g,
  • honey - 10 g,
  • castor oil - 15 g.

  1. Yeast poured into the milk.
  2. Honey is added to the warm mixture and mixed.
  3. The billet is transferred to heat and the yeast is dissolved. 20 minutes is enough.
  4. Castor oil and burdock are introduced into the swollen mixture. Mask knead.
  5. The consistency means a little watery. This is normal.

Vitamins for silkiness

Characteristic. Demanded against hair loss is another universal remedy - hair mask with vitamins and burdock oil. Retinol and tocopherol provide active growth of the strands, positively affect the bulbs, prevent the loss of curls. Feeding curls, vitamins return them vitality, strength and silkiness.

  • burdock - a tablespoon,
  • vitamin E - 5 ml,
  • vitamin A - 5 ml.

  1. Vitamins are introduced into the warm oil.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Vitamin cocktail should be applied immediately after preparation.

Anti-dandruff oil

Characteristic. The appearance of "white flakes" - a signal of excessive dryness of the surface of the head. To solve the problem, a mixture combining two medicinal oils is recommended.

  • castorca - 15 g,
  • burdock oil - 15 g.

  1. In a bowl combine castor oil with burdock.
  2. The composition is heated until the mixture is completely melted.
  3. With the help of the comb gently spread to the roots, allowing the tool to independently spread over the scalp.

Onion "tears" against baldness

Characteristic. From hair loss helps onion juice. Because of the peculiar smell of the woman often refuse this product. And in vain. Onion effectively prevents loss, gives the curls a brilliant look and well-groomed. Composition experts recommend even in cases of advanced alopecia.

  • onion juice - 30 ml,
  • egg is one
  • burdock - 30 ml,
  • honey - 10 ml.

  1. Onion juice is mixed with warm oil.
  2. Egg whisk a little. If the curls are prone to fat, it is better to take only protein.
  3. Egg is introduced into the oil-onion mixture.
  4. Add honey.
  5. Before applying it is recommended to warm the product.

Before you apply burdock oil for hair growth, be sure to pay attention to the shelf life. Overdue product will not bring the desired result. After opening the bubble all the useful components of the burdock are stored for two months. Its further use will not harm, but will not provide benefits for the strands.

When to use?

Burdock oil is recommended to solve the following problems:

  • irritation and itching of the scalp,
  • for the restoration of damaged curls with the abuse of electrical styling devices,
  • to strengthen the roots
  • with heavy hair loss,
  • to stimulate growth.

Essential amino acids in the composition of the oil help to strengthen the roots and stimulate blood circulation, due to which there is a significant increase in the rate of hair growth.

Oil is used both to treat any problem and as a prophylactic agent to protect curls from the action of UV rays and dehydration.

The oil creates on the surface of each hair a thin film that protects the structure of the curls from damage during the drying process by the hair dryer.

Video about oil and hair

How to use burdock oil for the power of hair, described in the video below.

Regular use of such a simple remedy as burdock oil will make hair thicker and stronger, as well as restore its natural shine and protect it from further damage.

What is the principle of action

Burdock (burdock) oil is a plant-based natural product, an infusion of oil-base on the extract from the roots of the plant.

Burdock oil helps to grow and improve hair quality, fights dandruff, moisturizes the scalp, improves blood flow and at the same time nourishes the follicle. Fatty acids restore the structure of hairs, smoothing scales and sealing split ends.

Especially popular burdock oil with pepper, which, among other things, stimulates the nerve endings and awakens new hair follicles, frees the skin from toxins.

How to get

The plant itself is burdock large, or rather its roots, does not have an oily structure, so burdock oil is not a squeeze, such as sunflower, olive and others. A burdock root tincture made under special conditions is used, which is then added to the base. - vegetable or olive oil, purified by multistage method.

Types of burdock oil

There are types of burdock oil, depending on which oil was taken as a basis:

The drug itself can be of two types:

  1. Non edible oil (there are many varieties - pure, with the addition of vitamins A, E, with herbs - nettle, chamomile, string, etc.).
  2. Food (used as a vitamin supplement to salads and other dishes that do not require heat treatment).

Attention! It is believed that homemade burdock oil is healthier and more environmentally friendly than industrial and pharmacy counterparts, due to the absence of any chemical components, as well as the manual cooking process.

All manufacturers use different additives and technologies in the manufacture of their products, so the effect of the application may be different.

Of the industrial brands most popular:

Burdock oil of this brand is easily washed off, really reduces hair loss, increases the quantitative appearance of new ones. Volume 100 ml, convenient dispenser, economical use, reasonable price with good effect.

The product of this brand also has positive reviews, it is used both independently and as part of complex masks, it helps to grow the hair much faster, strengthens the strands, it is well washed off. Volume 100 ml, dispenser no.

It acts well against fallout, has a viscous texture, a dark yellow color, a rich herbal smell. Just a few uses for the effect.

Burdock oil Golden silk

A well-known hair care series, its burdock oil with pepper and cloves acts effectively, but not for everyone, due to the rather aggressive action of pepper. For some, it acts warmingly for the scalp, but for some it seems too stinging. Therefore, it is necessary to approach individually. With the dispenser, the volume of 90 ml, the result of the first use, you need to use carefully, to avoid contact with mucous membranes, wash hands thoroughly. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Golden Silk hair growth cosmetics in more detail on our website.

Choosing the means you need to read the composition on the bottle - the content of active substances should be high (for example, inulin - from 45%).

It is rather difficult to decide which burdock oil is better without trying it on yourself; you need to take into account individual problems and select your product correctly following the instructions for use.

What problems can fix

Burdock oil can affect the growth of hair and the appearance of new hairs, as well as reduce the fat content of the scalp, strengthen the bulbs, give beauty, shine, healthy appearance and elasticity to the strands.

Regular use eliminates split ends, helps with problems of the scalp. For many, the most effective hair mask necessarily contains burdock oil.

Features of the use of oil for children

This tool is approved for use in childhood, it helps with prickly heat, rash, peeling and dry skin, suitable for treating children's hair.

Choosing a tool you need to focus on the degree of purification, and prefer the highest degree of purification. In appearance, it should be a light consistency, since when applied to light strands the crude product will give an unpleasant shade of green.

How to use burdock oil to strengthen and density of children's hair: the strands and scalp are lubricated with a means, then washed off in the usual way during bathing.

It is possible to use burdock oil for children’s hair from infancy, after a year it is also allowed to use it for a short massage of the scalp.

There are limitations: pediatricians do not recommend buying drugs with essential oils, stimulating substances, honey and other strong allergens.

Sometimes it is not easy to wash off oil masks, therefore it is optimal to engage in the treatment of strands on weekends, and for washing use a mixture of five tablespoons of rye flour with warm water. It is stirred to a creamy look and applied to the strands, held for up to 10 minutes, then washed well.

Terms of use

How to use burdock oil for hair growth:

  1. Warm up the oil a little, moisten the hair a little with water.
  2. Apply on strands alternately, starting from the roots of the hair, a little rubbing massage movements into the skin.
  3. Spread the oil over the entire length of the hair using a plastic or wooden comb, you can slightly moisten it with a product.
  4. Wrap the head with a film or put on a plastic cap, and wrap it with a thick towel on top (this activates beneficial substances, opens the pores of the skin and will contribute to intensive absorption of the product).
  5. Keep 60 minutes with oily strands and scalp, up to 1.5-2 hours with dry hair.

Instructions for use provides a course of treatment is usually at least 1.5-2 months, with one or two masks per week.

Council You should not take too much money, the strands should not “sink” in it, since it will be difficult to wash it off later. 1-2 teaspoons are enough for one procedure, even less for short hair.

You can add oil to shampoo 1-2 drops to improve the structure of the hair. It is good to add yolk to oil masks in order that means is better washed off.

Home cooking oil recipe

Prepare it easy:

The roots are crushed, put in a glass dish, poured oil-based (olive, linseed, any suitable). Raw materials must be completely closed. Defend in a dark place for 14 days. Then filtered, poured into glassware. In the dishes, optionally add aromatic components, vitamins E, A, D.

Mask with pepper for growth

Heat the burdock oil (30 ml), add a small pinch of red pepper, mix, apply gently on the scalp, not allowing it to get on the face, eyes, hold no more than half an hour, if it burns badly - immediately wash it off. More information about how pepper affects hair growth, as well as a lot of useful recipes for homemade masks await you on our website.

To restore hair density

Mix the same amount of olive, burdock, almond oils, add vitamins A and E, one ampoule in each, reheat a little and apply to wet strands. Hold for about an hour, rinse. You can replace the ampoules of vitamins A and E with Aevita capsules, learn more about the drug and the rules for its use in one of our articles.

So does burdock oil help with hair loss and poor hair growth? Yes, indeed, this product has a pronounced effect, even when using solo, and also gives an excellent result when applied as part of multi-component masks.

Burdock oil for hair density is the first tool, as evidenced by the huge amount of positive feedback. This tool has been used for centuries, and manufacturers of cosmetic products only improve the method of manufacture and add various components.

Learn more about the best oils for hair growth, thanks to the following articles:

  • Bay oil for hair growth,
  • Sulsen Hair Oil,
  • coconut oil for hair growth and strengthening,
  • argan oil for hair growth,
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil,
  • hair growth oil,
  • Andrea oil for hair growth
  • oil for hair growth Argaria.

Useful videos

Burdock oil for hair.

Burdock oil - for rapid hair growth, from hair loss and baldness.


Watch the video: Super Hair Growth With Burdock Oil (July 2024).