Hair Growth

Natural Beauty - Serum - Grandmothers of Agafya - for hair growth: composition, beneficial properties, features of use


To date, a large number of hair care products are presented in stores and pharmacies, but not all of them have a natural composition. It is for those who prefer the power of natural ingredients, and more trust in herbal natural remedies, was created grandmother Agafya serum - an effective hair growth activator. How to properly use it to obtain the best result, what are the pros and cons of using, whether there are any contraindications, read further in the article.

Operating principle

The serum is a brown liquid, with a grassy smell, in a convenient white opaque bottle with a spray. Acts on the principle of nutrition and activation of the bulbs, care for the hair roots.

The components activate blood flow in the upper layers of the scalp, thereby improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrition to the cells and hair follicles. Due to this, hair is updated, their structure improves, new follicles wake up, the density of hair increases. Also easier styling, hair becomes pomp, and strands a healthy shine.

Composition and benefits

Asset-agent, Agafya’s grandmother serum consists mainly of herbal ingredients, stimulant vitamins, which provides, in a tandem with pepper extract, strengthening and activating effect on the hair follicles:

  • healing herbs (birch buds, ginseng, lemongrass, marshmallow, burdock root, lemon balm, nettle) - complementing each other, the components of this herbal cocktail stimulate and heal the curls,
  • climbazole - antifungal agent, counteracts the occurrence of dandruff, has a calming effect and gently disinfects the skin,
  • B5 (provitamin) and other vitamins of this group - activate cellular processes,
  • red pepper (extract) - revives the bloodstream, contributes to the supply of hair follicles and skin cells with oxygen and nutrients,
  • cosmetic brewer's yeast - bears the whole set of nutrients to cells,
  • amino acids, proteins - a source of strength and energy for hair and roots.

Important! The product has been tested and approved by the Russian Ministry of Health, recommended for stimulating hair growth, general strengthening and care for curls.

What problems can fix

The serum can positively affect hair growth, nourishing and strengthening the roots, activating metabolic processes in the basal areas. Despite the presence of pepper extract does not cause burning, does not irritate the scalp.

It can be used as an additional component to the curls care program, and can be used as a separate tool.

With regular and long-term use eliminates hair loss, promotes the growth of new ones, strength and shine will come to weak brittle strands.

Granny Agafya's serum is produced in 150 ml bottles, costs about 100–120 rubles, produced by the company “First Solution”.


No use of this product., but it is necessary to check, like any remedy, before using it for component allergies. Standard method: apply a little serum on the back of the wrist or elbow and wait a few minutes. If there is no strong redness, swelling, irritation, severe itching or rash, then you can safely use the serum.

Not intended for use in children.

Rules of application

  1. Serum is applied to clean dry hair, does not require rinsing.
  2. Comb hair, dividing into partings, spray evenly onto the skin of the entire scalp.
  3. A slight tingling sensation may be felt, but it does not cause discomfort or severe burning.
  4. Wait until complete drying, you can lightly rub into the roots. Some practice blow-drying, but it's better if the hair dries out naturally.
  5. Use two or three times in 7 days, a course of two or three months.

Council If, in addition to the serum, some perfume is used, then it is better to apply the serum not before leaving the house, but much earlier, during this time, the smell of whey will practically disappear and will not mix with the smell of toilet water. If there is a feeling that the serum stains the hair can be applied in the evening or at night.

Effect of use

The result of the use of serum is an increase in the rate of growth of hair, its recovery, an increase in the number of new hairs. It is inexpensive and at the same time an effective tool has a lot of positive feedback from both professional experts and ordinary users.

They note the reduction of hair loss, the natural composition of the product allows it to be used with almost no restrictions, it does not cause allergies, acts sparingly, does not overdry the scalp, does not provoke the formation of dandruff.

A lot of funds contains the first-aid kit Agafya, Hair Growth Serum is one of the best products in the hair care and treatment line. In addition to hair growth, the tool can improve their structure, make it more silky and docile, stop the loss.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • really affects hair growth,
  • economic packaging with dispenser and sprayer, closed with a lid,
  • low price
  • does not make strands fat, does not weigh down your hair,
  • convenient to use (the bottle fits well in the hand, the dispenser is convenient, the spray is well dosed),
  • natural and full composition,
  • does not dry or irritate the skin of the head,
  • a small number of contraindications
  • no need to flush
  • can be used with other styling products,

Attention! The product has no restrictions on hair coloring during the treatment process.


  • not everyone likes a rich vegetable-pepper smell,
  • no quick hair growth effect
  • with regular use it consumes rather quickly,
  • non-lasting action,
  • an opaque bottle does not allow to understand how much of the serum remains.

Summing up, we can say: increase hair growth with this tool is quite real. You should not count on a momentary and magical result, the process will take time and patience. It is also possible to increase efficiency by applying the entire line of products.

The combined effect of serum and other Agafya medicine kits - shampoos, masks, and balms will lead to faster results, hair quality will noticeably improve, hair loss will decrease, and growth rates will increase.

In addition to external hair care, take care of internal health. To do this, use the vitamin complexes:

Useful videos

Products "Recipes Grandma Agafi".

Grandma Agafya's Recipes - Hair Care.

Serum Features

And here it was not without a magic number 7.

That is exactly the amount of herbal ingredients that Agafya's grandmother serum contains for hair growth.

These are herbs that grow in many of the private plots and are familiar to everyone: Altea, ginseng, lemon balm, lemongrass, burdock root, nettle and birch buds.

Combining them with each other and with additional components in the form of a mineral and vitamin complex, the preparations have a miraculous effect on weak and fragile hair.

Serum not only enhances their growth, but also struggles with problems of the scalp, beneficial effect on the hair shaft.

On our site you can get acquainted with a huge number of recipes for homemade hair growth masks: with nicotinic acid, from coffee grounds, with vodka or brandy, with mustard and honey, with aloe, with gelatin, with ginger, from henna, from bread, with kefir, with cinnamon, egg and onion.

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Cosmetology does not stand still: new hair care products are constantly appearing, formulas of already existing products are improving. A great helper in growing hair is a series of products familiar to almost everyone, called “Grandmother Agafi’s Recipes”. These funds have long been on the shelves of stores, they have proven themselves on the good side, are popular with men, women. From the article you will learn the features of the main products of the series, their effect on the growth of curls, cost, pros and cons.

How does

Manufacturers of this cosmetic products speak about the naturalness of their products. All funds are produced according to old Russian recipes, inherited from the mother of Agafya, a Siberian healer.

Also, many consumers send their own unique recipes to help grow curls. Developers carefully select, check all materials, only the best of them complete the line of cosmetics.

All products are certified, made from natural ingredients collected in Siberia, the Baikal region. New cosmetics for hair care are available in new, convenient, soft packs that retain all the benefits of natural herbs.

Important! Manufacturers refuse to use SLS, parabens, silicone, chemical fragrances. Natural cosmetics “Grandmother Agafi’s Recipes” helps to grow beautiful, healthy, long curls.


Serum The first-aid kit of Agafya for hair is an effective regenerating and stimulating agent that ensures the health, beauty and growth of hair. The basis of this product contains a complex of useful substances that saturate the cells of the root zone of the scalp with the necessary elements. Serum has a low cost and is available to the general consumer.

Instructions for use

Instructions for use of hair serum Agafi First Aid Kit:

  1. Pre-wash your hair using a suitable shampoo.
  2. Distribute the serum evenly over the entire skin of the head near the root zone of the hair.
  3. It is most convenient to spray the product, separating the strands.
  4. Leave to dry until completely dry.
  5. Serum does not need to be washed off. It does not weigh and does not pollute the strands.
  6. Use the tool for 2 to 3 months up to 3 times a week.

Agafya Grandma's serum for hair growth

Going into the perfume shop, do not pass by a series of products of grandmother-herbalist, which has become the all-Russian hair and body care brand. Balsams, soaps, masks, shampoos, whey, lotions - this is part of the list of products, which is based on the recipes transmitted by the same magician Agafya.

The distinguished brand “First Aid Kit of Agafya” is a rich collection of cosmetic preparations for body, hair and face care. In the production of the entire line of products used plants collected in ecologically uncontaminated regions - the Amur region and in the Baikal region.

Serum for hair growth "Recipes grandmother Agafi" - a very unique product appreciated by modern buyers. The majority of consumers with a problem such as hair loss or dissatisfaction with their condition positively respond to serum.

Practicing cosmetologists also recommend serum of this brand, which is produced on the basis of formulations collected by the famous Agafya. “Ordinary herbs, growing practically under our feet, are capable of performing miracles,” says Anna Kushova, a cosmetologist from Moscow.

This is due, primarily, to a unique complex of herbs that contribute to partial or 100% regeneration of the scalp.

The composition of natural products

7 is the number of the magician. Growth stimulant, made according to Grandfather Agafya's recipes, consists of only 7 plant components. The whole highlight is the ratios of the various ingredients of the product. The main composition of serum for hair growth from Agafya is as follows:

  1. lemongrass,
  2. marshmallow,
  3. ginseng,
  4. burdock root,
  5. nettle,
  6. Birch buds,
  7. Melissa.

Also there is brewer's yeast, red pepper, pantothenic acid and climbazole.

The netting exchange nettles should not be more quantitatively related to Altea and Melissa, which nourish the bulbs. In the worst case, the impact of one or another natural component is neutralized.

Herbs and each other collected in proper proportions complement each other, and the processes of action on the scalp activatethat is, play the role of a catalyst. For lemongrass and ginseng, this accelerator substance is the birch bud.

And burdock in the synthesis with tincture of red pepper, brewer's yeast, in the presence of pantothenic acid (they are also natural products) lead to the stunning effect of gloss and growth. When introduced into the structure of the hair, the burdock + red pepper complex stimulates intensive cell division.

With an additional feed of the roots, which comes from Schizandra and Ginseng, the latent mechanisms of natural growth come into dynamics several times.

Pantothenic acid, Climbazol stimulate the exchange processes. There is a regeneration of cells on the scalp. Brewer's yeast fully nourished, as they contain proteins - a source of vitamin B, amino acids. Pepper activates the bloodstream.

Mode of application

  1. It is recommended that Agafya serum be uniformly sprayed for hair growth at the roots and on the scalp on clean and moist hair. The course is 2-3 months, you can use no more than 3 times a week.
  2. Next, wait for complete drying, do not rinse. In the case of achieving the desired effect, you can stop the use of active serum "Plant First Aid Kit Agafi" for hair growth.

As mentioned above, for each plant component in different people individual tolerance. If after several months of use, your hair still doesn’t grow and fall out well, then it is better to consult a beautician.


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Details of the composition

The serum contains:

  1. Red pepper extract. Thanks to his urgency, he stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, which in turn nourishes its root part with useful substances and oxygen and stimulates hair follicles. His presence in the composition enhances the effect of burdock root and brewer's yeast.
  2. Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5. Like all the vitamins in this group, it is extremely necessary for the body for beauty and health.It gives hair strength to protect against aggressive environmental influences. Restores the bulbs and moisturizes the scalp.
  3. Brewer's yeast contain a large amount of proteins, amino acids and vitamins of group B. They promote increase of elasticity of hair, their strengthening have a healing effect on the scalp.
  4. Althaea officinalis - already familiar component of folk and industrial cosmetics. Althaea directly affects hair growth.
  5. Lemongrass enriches the serum with vitamins contributes to the activation of metabolic processes, has a tonic effect on the entire bodyincluding the root hair system. Beneficial effect on the immune system. The effect of lemongrass is enhanced by birch buds in the serum.

  1. Melissa strengthens and restores strands, helps the body to cope with diseases of the scalp.
  2. Burdock root has long been used in the composition of homemade shampoos to strengthen the hair. It acts well on its core, enhances growth and has a healing effect. Together with red pepper accelerates the process of cell division.
  3. Nettle normalizes blood microcirculation, which helps strengthen the hair follicles. She is tends to give hair volume and fluffinessand also enhances the production of subcutaneous fat.
  4. Birch buds make hair less greasy, reduce hair loss and treat weakened strands.

How to use the serum?

The advantages of the drug include convenient packaging and method of its application. Agafya serum for hair growth available as a sprayhas a pleasant light herbal smell and does not require rinsing. The dispenser of the bottle disperses the liquid in small portions, which makes it quite economical.

To achieve the desired result The manufacturer recommends using serum 2-3 times a week. for at least two months.

Did you know that with some procedures you can speed up the growth of strands, such as mesotherapy and head massage. Also very important to properly comb.

Useful materials

Read our other articles on hair growth:

  • Tips on how to grow curls after a square or another short haircut, return the natural color after staining, speed up growth after chemotherapy.
  • Lunar calendar haircuts and how often do you need to cut your hair while growing?
  • The main reasons why strands grow poorly, what hormones are responsible for their growth and what foods affect good growth?
  • How to quickly grow hair in a year or even a month?
  • Means that can help you grow: effective serums for hair growth, in particular the Andrea brand, Estelle and Alerana products, pameric water and various lotions, shampoo and oil of the Horse Power brand, as well as other growth shampoos, in particular, activator shampoo Gold silk.
  • For opponents of traditional means we can offer folk: mummy, various herbs, tips on using mustard and apple cider vinegar, as well as recipes for making homemade shampoo.
  • Vitamins are very important for the health of the hair: read the review of the best pharmacy complexes, in particular the drugs Aevit and Pentovit. Learn about the features of the use of vitamins of group B, in particular B6 and B12.
  • Learn about the various preparations for enhancing growth in ampoules and tablets.
  • Did you know that means in the form of sprays have a beneficial effect on the growth of curls? We offer you a review of effective sprays, as well as instructions for cooking at home.

What to expect after the course?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. Each body has an individual response to cosmetic and wellness products.

Some users have said that hair growth noticeably increased and the hair itself became stronger and more magnificent. Absolutely everyone noted a positive health effect from the use of the remedy.

Someone may need a longer course in order to restore and grow long hair.

The best way to get an answer about the effectiveness of whey for yourself is to use it.

When choosing an active vegetable serum for hair growth from the Agafya first-aid kit, find out if you are allergic to its components.

And remember that your beauty is the fruit of love and care for yourself.

Do not neglect this and be always healthy and attractive!

What it is

Serum is a liquid extract that is saturated with various vitamins and minerals. The main advantage of serum in comparison with numerous hair care products in the speed of action. It absorbs quickly and guarantees express care. In other words, it is a great way to quickly restore the elasticity of the strands. Feast on them and moisten.

There are many types This cosmetic product:

  1. Hair growth serum
  2. Glitter. In particular, these are Collistar Liquid Crystals,
  3. Smoothing
  4. Moisturizing. This is Biomed Energy,
  5. Intensive restoration of brittle strands: BioNika Ollin, B.U.T.Y, Compliment 5 oils.

All means differ from each other in composition. For example, various activating additives or local irritants are added to products to accelerate growth (“Nanoderm”, “Grandma Agafi’s Recipes”, “Eveline Burdock Pharmacy Bio”). Keratin, proteins, as well as artificial liquid fibers and crystals (OSiS FLATLINER, Pantene Pro-V, Kharisma Voltage Daily, HairGenesis TrichoCeutica and OSIS + Flatlinerl) are mixed into the recovery products.

Advantages of using hair serum:

  1. This remedy is necessary for damaged hair. Such curls have a porous structure that needs filling. With the help of a liquid concentrate, the gaps are filled with useful substances. These qualities are known for Concept Live, dove, Estel ‘Curex Therapy, Yanagiya with honey,
  2. This spray can be used as a thermal protection. Most of the well-known products include Panthenol, which provides effective protection for the strands from overheating. Especially well proven Keune Hair Beauty Serum, Kharisma Voltage, Giovanni Frizz Be Gone,
  3. Quick effect. The result is noticeable immediately. Already after the first use, the serum gives shine and radiance to strength, deep moisturizing and smooths them. This is a herbal concentrate Shiseido Tsubaki Head SPA, Salerm Kera-Plus, Frieda Fratty,
  4. Professional smoothing serum will help to get the desired smooth hair without the use of ironing or other means for leveling and shine. Activating Regime Serum, Paul Mitchell Super Skinny serum.

However, some brands of this product may have certain limitations. For example, the nutritional serum from Pantin is known for its ability to weight the hair, contributing to their rapid contamination. Also, the growth activator can cause allergies, since it needs to be sprayed into the root area (a negative reaction can occur on sensitive skin).

Table overview of brands

Any professional serum can be used at home for straightening or hair loss. Experts say that for optimal effect, you need to apply this tool every time after shampooing. In order for you to choose a product that will suit you individually, we have compiled a table of famous brands and their properties:


The line of cosmetics is represented by a variety of products: shampoos, balms, indelible conditioners, oils, serums, masks. Products designed to solve many problems arising from the hair.

Depending on the result you wish to achieve, there are several series aimed at nourishing, restoring the hair structure, preventing loss of curls, increasing the growth rate, strengthening the roots, and protecting against negative manifestations of the environment.

Issue price

In addition to the natural composition, certified quality, a huge selection of products, Grandmother Agafya’s series has a very attractive price. Cosmetics are widely available, it can be purchased at any chain store, supermarket, hypermarket. In more detail we will talk about the cost of specific products below.

Main ingredients

The basis of all cosmetic products Agafi make the following natural ingredients:

  1. Soap root is used to make foam when washing your head. At the same time, the product is completely natural; it is obtained from various plants, mainly cloves: soapwort, medicinal, prickly iron.
  2. Melt water, which has a softer composition, purity, benefit for curls. This water is obtained using a special technology: water is frozen, cleaned from harmful impurities, defrosted naturally.
  3. Five soap herbs from which infusions are made: Ural licorice, amaranth, silky quality, Siberian spring, medicinal soapwort. All these plants contain saponins - natural soap extracts that gently cleanse the hair, preventing dryness and irritation of the scalp. We talked about the beneficial properties of herbs for hair growth in one of our articles.

Please note that only cold-pressed oils are used in production, which are not subjected to strong heat. Because of this, they retain the maximum of their beneficial properties.

Shampoo activator

Shampoo activator of growth of the Bathing Agafya series is issued in soft packing, the volume of means - 100 ml. Milky product, liquid consistency contains only 100% natural ingredients. The structure includes:

  • soapworm designed for the gentle cleansing of the scalp from dust, styling residues and other contaminants. The natural component takes care of curls, does not change their structure,
  • Sea buckthorn oil produced in Altai is an excellent source of vitamin A (retinol). Retinol nourishes the hair structure, helps the hair to grow faster, heals damaged skin, hair,
  • St. John's wort eliminates brittle, dry curls, returning them shine, vitality,
  • burdock root - a source of protein needed to nourish the scalp, reduce strand loss,
  • wild pepper oil is designed to nourish the roots, giving a natural basal volume,
  • cedar elfin provokes the work of follicles, accelerates the growth of hair,
  • The silverweed shrub returns the tone, healthy radiance to the curls.

You can wash your hair with “Agafya Bathhouse” shampoo in the usual way. You need to put a little money on the strands, massage until foaming. It should be noted that natural detergents do not give a huge amount of foam. Spend a head massage for 2-3 minutes, rinse off the product.

Shampoo is intended only for cleansing from dirt, so do not keep it on the head of hair for a long time. This can lead to drying of curls. In order to achieve the desired result, the complex application of the series products will be required. The price of this shampoo is 45-60 rubles.

We recommend supplementing the shampoo with balm-activator hair growth "Bath Agafi".

Mask for growth

In the line of products grandmother Agafi there are two masks designed to enhance the process of growth of hair.

  1. Mask with lemongrass and mustard is designed to accelerate the process of hair growth, to give them density, strength. The natural ingredients included in the composition are white mustard oil, wild lemon juice makes dormant hair bulbs work, increasing the number of strands, their volume, making them thick and strong. Wheatgrass, protein, licein nourish the hair, solder the damaged hairs, give them smoothness, elasticity.
  2. Mask for hair growth based on beer yeast. Already from the name it is clear that the main component that influences the rate of regrowth of strands is brewer's yeast. They are rich in protein, vitamins, trace elements. In addition to activating the growth of hair, this mask restores damaged strands, prevents their loss. The mask normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieves dandruff.

Masks are applied on clean, damp hair, aged 10-15 minutes. It is effective to wrap the head after applying the mask. Heated pores open, the tool penetrates deeper into the follicle, and the best effect is achieved.

The cost of these products is quite low - 70–130 rubles.

You will be interested to get acquainted with the best masks for hair growth.

Council Evenly distribute the tool throughout the length, you can use a comb. Remember that the result will be achieved only in the case of regular use of masks.

This oil also has a natural composition, beautiful packaging, unique properties. In addition to the oil itself, the bottle contains seeds, herbs, giving the unique aroma of a Russian bath. Due to the lack of a dispenser, a rather large expenditure of funds is obtained.

The oil is applied to the scalp, preheating it, 40–60 minutes before washing the hair. After that, wash off with shampoo in several approaches (it is rather difficult to wash the product from 1-2 times).

Regular use of oil from the “Agafya Bath” series in 3-4 weeks will bring you the desired result; you will see a small fluff along the growth line of the hair. According to consumers, Agafya oil is effective, safe, pleasant, but inconvenient to use.

You can purchase this product for 170-230 rubles.

Argan and linseed oils will also help to increase hair length.

Ampoules based on honey and herbal ingredients will help you find the hair of your dreams. For 10-12 months, your curls will be longer by 12-15 centimeters.

The composition contains cedar oil, wheat germ, hot pepper. All this makes your strands beautiful, healthy, long.

It is possible to put means at any convenient time. Rubbing the composition a little into the scalp, it should be washed off. After the first use, you will notice that hair loss has decreased, and in 1-2 months you will see how they start to grow. Ampoules are sold in a package of 7 pieces, cost about 180-220 rubles.

For damaged hair, the company offers a miraculous spray “revitalizing serum. Hair Growth Activator. The composition includes a burdock oil filled with vitamins and nutrients. Thanks to this component, after the first use, the curls become soft and silky, and the problematic dryness of the tips disappears altogether.

The tool has a triple effect on strands:

  • nourishes and heals,
  • moisturizes and revitalizes
  • stimulates growth.

Regular use of the spray allows you to accelerate the growth of curls, make them strong and radiant health.

The product is inexpensive, only 75–90 rubles. Volume - 170 ml.

An excellent alternative to this product will be a spray for hair growth, cooked at home.

We used to think that in order to gain a beautiful, long hair, you need to spend a lot of effort, time, money. The series “Grandmother Agafi’s Recipes” proves that for a small amount of money you can have curls of dreams. Numerous positive reviews are clear evidence of this.


Watch the video: Extreme hair growth in just 10 weeks. DIY Mustard Hair Mask (July 2024).