Work with hair

3 ways to get colored strands in a hairstyle


Nowadays, few people will be surprised with natural hair color or banal highlighting, but if you have a whole head of hair of bright pink or blue color, you can be sure that you will be in the center of attention!

Green, lilac or red - any brightest tones can beautify those strands that you wish.

Of course, this trend is more suitable for young girls, but this is what makes the image unusual.

Of course, before such a serious step, everything should be well thought out and thought out. It should take into account the peculiarities of their appearance and inner world!

Well, in the meantime, you think, let’s see how you can build yourself such a “beauty”.

Method 1: pastel paint (chalk)

Using a special pastel paint (chalk) bright colors, which is easily washed off with ordinary shampoo. This method is suitable for those who need to temporarily change their image and effortlessly restore the old look.

There are two main options for crayons for hair: dry pastels and more convenient to apply, and the “fat” option - crayons. You no longer need to spend time and money on visiting the salon and spoil your hair with chemical dyes!

Creation technique

  • Use gloves and an old towel so as not to get dirty, since the crayons crumble and crumble easily,
  • A strand of hair for dyeing roll with a cord and carefully rub with chalk from top to bottom. Yes, yes, from the top down, because staining against the growth of hair violates their texture.
  • If you have blond hair, then before applying the paint, they must be dry, if dark, then pre-moisten the strands that you are going to dye. But ryzhenkim ladies recommend not to use water to start. Only then, if the pigment is weak, use some water.
  • Apply a shade can be different: over the entire length or only at the ends, imitating a rainbow.
  • You should know that if the colored strands touch the clothes, they can slightly stain it. To avoid this, fasten colored strands with lacquer or with high temperature, curling or ironing the hair.

Very important! Do not confuse dry pastels with oil. It will be worse to wash out and make hair sticky. It is best to use soft pastels. It is easier to lay on the hair and very soft.

Here are some examples of color combinations:

Method 3: paint

It is also possible to dye both the strands and the entire length of the hair with a special dye with bright pigment. There are two categories of such paint:

    Tonic - easy to apply, easy to wash off, almost does not harm the hair. But the disadvantage is that it is well taken only on light or pre-clarified curls, on dark hair, alas, nothing happens. If you're lucky, experiment.
    By mixing them you can achieve the color you want. For example, to make the color more orange, then add a burgundy drop to the light shade. Mixing blue and red tint in tonic, you get a pale purple color. For blue, use plum shades. Shade balm not only tones, but also cares for hair, making it soft and smooth.

But in contrast to resistant paints based on ammonia, the tonic is washed off on average within 2 weeks (depending on the shade), and it’s up to you to attribute this to an advantage or a disadvantage.

  • Resistant ammonia based paint.
    If someone told you that there are resistant paints that do not harm your hair, do not believe it!
    "Chemistry", which are part of any color, adversely affects the structure of the hair and scalp. Ammonia destroys the natural protection of the hair, due to which it becomes brittle, losing its strength and natural shine.
    The next "pest" is hydrogen peroxide, which is intended for clarification. She dries her hair very much, makes it dull and lifeless. Choosing paint, pay attention to the oxidizer: it should be no more than 9%. Another drawback of the use of such paints are allergic reactions. This can be avoided with the help of a dough: mix the paint with an oxidizing agent and apply it behind the ear or at the bend of the elbow. On average, an allergic reaction occurs within 24 hours. If after this time, no signs appeared, then you can safely use your paint, but if there are any manifestations, you should look for another option. The advantage of such a paint is a much more resistant color than that of a tonic, and a much brighter one, and this, you see, is an argument. She also leaves no marks on clothes and is not washed off.
    If you are a brunette, the dyeing procedure will take a little longer, since it is necessary to neutralize the dark pigments. You can discolor hair (or use a special remover). Coloring is carried out, following the instructions on the package with paint, but if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to consult a specialist.
  • Tip: to reduce damage from dyed paint, dye on unwashed hair. Sebum in this case plays the role of a protective film.

    Method 3: Overhead Strands

    If you are afraid of such experiments, then there is an alternative for you - these are overhead strands, the choice of which is actually very large.
    You can use them as strands on hairpins, which can be easily attached (just follow the instructions), or try hair extensions in the salon.

    Dare. Change and attract attention.

    About the crazy and beautiful trend of this summer: colored strands on hair, 5.0 out of 5 based on 4 ratings


    Make colored hair with this method is easy. Select the strands that will be colored and repeat for each algorithm of actions:

    1. Twist the strand into a cord,
    2. Paint the rope with crayons,
    3. Comb a strand
    4. Twist into a bundle,
    5. Paint again.

    If the natural color is light, do not wet the hair before painting. Otherwise, the pigment will penetrate deep into the scales and it will be very difficult to wash it off.

    For dark hair, on the contrary, wet the strand before twisting. Blot it with a towel, then twist it so that the bundle is slightly damp. Only then paint.

    During dyeing, cover clothes with something. Make sure that the powder does not get on the furniture, bedding. He scatters in the process quite strongly. Colored tips of the hair slightly stained clothes, so do not wear white. It is almost not noticeable on the colored and dark fabrics.

    Before washing off the dye, carefully comb your hair. Repeat the washing procedure twice.

    Crayons to make colored strands at home

    Multi-colored hair strands are also obtained with the use of oil shadows. Pastel powder structure, like ordinary chalk. Because dry hair. Shadows are made on the basis of linseed oil. They do not dry hair. Not so much dirty like pastels. When applied, clothing and surrounding objects remain clean, as the powder does not scatter. Wash off for 1–2 hair washing.

    Application on dark short hair

    There are several application rules that distinguish crayons - pastel shades:

    • Give the best effect on dark hair. No need to wet the strands,
    • Blondes should not choose too dark and bright shades, as the oily pigment penetrates deep into the scales and will be washed out with difficulty. This is especially true of bleached but not colored blondes, whose hair is already vulnerable. For the same reason, you should not wear such a hairstyle for a long time,
    • Wear gloves while you work, as the product is difficult to wash by hand.

    Brown, blond and red hair

    Colored strands on light brown hair, dyed in this way no less strongly soiled clothes and can be washed more difficult than pastels. Therefore, it is recommended to use crayons - shadows only in high hairstyles.

    Hair clip

    Dark strands of white hair or vice versa - it does not matter. This is an option for brunettes who can not get a rich color otherwise. Strands are mounted on a hairpin - snap. It is flat, not visible under its own hair. Mounted even on short hair.

    Determine the place to attach the strand. Lift the strand on it and attach the artificial close to the roots. Lower your own strand on top. If the top curl is voluminous, the result is good.

    Bright strands - how to get them

    Colored strands of hair - this is an option that requires the use of a measure, just overdo it - and instead of an extravagant image, you will get a banal bad taste, sometimes even very absurd and ridiculous.

    Contrasting curls will set the playful tone to the whole image.

    I am glad that such a risk is practically safe in practice. After all, bright curls are created, mainly with the help of those tools that are easily washed out, we will tell about them below. You can also resort to a completely safe method - use curls on hairpins, with which you can say goodbye at any time, as opposed to the use of resistant staining means.

    In general, hairdressers stylists recommend selecting a strand of hair of a different color depending on the event to which you are going, the style and color of clothing, and you must take into account the hairstyle you plan to do. Thanks to this unusual accent, you will give your image a completely different - more vibrant look.

    Note! To make the colored curl look harmonious, try to match its shade so that there is no strong contrast with the rest of the hair. So, pick up colored strands on dark hair is better than the following shades - purple, blue, fiery.

    Blondes are more fortunate - they can use almost the entire palette of colors.

    Multicolored chalks

    Pastel paint, and in a simple way, chalk, lately, is the most popular means by which you can get very bright colors. The price of crayons also affects their popularity, because it is quite affordable for most girls.

    The main advantage of pastels is that it gives a temporary effect that lasts until the first washing of the hair. There are two types of pastels - oily and dry, most believe that the first is more convenient to use.

    Photo: Pastel application process

    1. Cover your shoulders with a towel or cloth to avoid staining your clothes with loose crayons.
    2. Separate the small hair, twist it into a bundle.
    3. Take the crayon and rub the rolled bundle, first from the top gradually moving to the bottom. This is very important, because if you make the procedure from the bottom up, you will damage the hair structure.
    4. To get colored strands on light brown hair or light with pastels, then apply it on dry curls, if the hair is dark, then they need to moisten. Red-haired owners, it is better to experiment with the application of wet or dry method.
    5. How you apply pastels and which colors you choose depends on your imagination. But, that is obligatory - fixing by a varnish, curling iron or an iron, as chalk will be showered on clothes.

    Note! There is pastel dry and oily, but do not confuse them. Oil pastels, although it is easy to lay down, but gives the effect of stickiness and poorly washed off. To give the hair color is better to use soft chalk.

    Preparation for painting

    First you need to hold preparation for painting curls. Consider the hair: do you want to make one strand or many small ones? Select the desired curls and imagine what it will look like with the new color. Someone will choose one strand of a bright shade. This gives sophistication to the image.

    To create a punk style you need to make a lot of curls that go from the crown. Choose green, blue and platinum shades. If you do not know what color will suit your hair, then start small, coloring a small strand. At any time the amount can be increased.

    Remember that this method applies to durable. Wash off the paint quickly will not work, therefore resort to it, if you are sure of the choice.

    How to make colored strands on light brown hair? Believe me, it's much easier to do than on the dark ones. Below we will tell you how to lighten your hair to happy owners of brown and black shades, so if you are a blonde or fair-haired girl, just miss the moment of clarification.

    Once you have decided exactly how your new hairstyle will look with colored strands, buy brighteners and dyes. The choice of means depends on the initial shade of the curls. If your hair is blond, but you want to bring dark strands into it, then you do not need to lighten it. If the tone of the hair is medium or dark, then it is important for you to lighten the curls so that the final result is bright.

    Buy these funds:

    brightening powder. It is sold in banks or packages. If you need several strands, do not take a lot of powder,
    developer cream. It activates the brightening powder. If you are the owner of light or light blond curls, then take the developer number 20 or 30. If the shade is dark or black, then you need the developer number 40,
    yellowness neutralizer. It is added to the clarifier in order to increase the effectiveness, so that you do not have to repeat the procedure 2 times. It is definitely required for dark hair,
    purple shampoo for bleached strands,
    foil, bowl, brush,
    paint. Choose an interesting shade: crimson, greenish, blue, red or red.

    Hair lightening

    So, we start to make dark hair lightening. This process can dry up a lot of curls, so it is important to carry it out correctly. A few days before painting do not use shampoo and styling products on your hair.. Allow natural oils to protect curls from chemistry. Completely dry the hair before applying the paint.

    Now select strands for painting. Before you start, separate the hair for painting and remaining. There are a couple of ways:

    take highlighting cap. It is sold in cosmetics stores. Her needs to be put on her head and draw crochet. It will be required if you paint a lot of strands,
    apply foil and hairpins. This technique is suitable for those who want to paint a few curls. Hair that does not undergo dyeing, stab it from behind. Now take a long strip of foil and put a strand of paint on it, stabbing it near the roots,
    put on protective clothing and throw a towel over your shoulders.

    Now you need to mix the brightening powder, yellowing neutralizer and activator. To select the proportions read the instructions. If you need to paint a couple of strands, then reduce the recipe by 2 times. The prepared mixture will get a bluish-white shade..

    It is important to follow the rules for the use of clarifier and paint. Otherwise, the result may upset you.

    Apply the brightener to the strands with a brush. Start from the ends and end with the roots.. Process all the required strands. If you use a hat, then cover your head with plastic. When using foil, it is required to wrap around the strands.

    Check the condition of the hair after 15 minutes. Towel slightly remove the clarifier from one of the curls. If it is clarified, the painting is over. If it is still dark, apply brightener in place, wrap in foil and wait for more. Check the results every 10-15 minutes.

    Many hairstyles with multi-colored strands

    remember, that brightener can not be held longer than 45 minutes, even if the strands did not get the desired color. Failure to do so will damage your hair. Wash off the paint. Rinse until water is clear.Now apply purple shampoo to neutralize the yellowness. We now turn to the most "delicious" and find out how to dye your hair in a bright color at home.

    Coloring strands

    We proceed to the process of staining strands. To apply paint, use a brush.. Curl is required to completely smear paint from beginning to end. If there are other instructions in the manual, follow them. If you use foil to separate the strands, replace it with a new one. Do not use foil after clarification.
    Let the color act. It is important to follow the tips of the paint instructions. Often it takes about half an hour in order for the pigment to work. Now wash your hair with shampoo. Keep them separate from the remaining curls, washing them until the clear water begins to flow.
    Do not forget the care of the straps. To support a bright shade will require the use of shampoo for dyed hair. If you want to walk longer with multi-colored strands of hair, then from time to time, paint the roots as they grow, using similar actions.
    To get the expected result, follow the instructions of their paint and clarifier instructions. They are specifically designed to help do it yourself hair dye. In addition, the instructions take into account the features for each tool.

    Colored strands of pastel shades

    Fashion trend

    Colored curls have become a fashion trend in past years. For example, many girls now want to see bright colored strands on dark hair - white, pink and purple. Or many blondes are interested in dyeing pink strands on blond hair. Or how do you like it: colored blue and red curls on blonde hair? This is all - real fashion trends in hair dyeing, and the loss of relevance does not threaten them. In the new fashion shows you can see bright accents on the hair. But how to give styling spice without the use of radical methods? For this invented special pastels for hair, mascara and curls on stealth.

    Christina Aguilera with red strands

    Among the first fashion trends began to try on Hollywood stars. Strands of hair of a different color could be seen in Katy Perry, Avril Lavigne, Julia Roberts and many others. But all surpassed christina aguilera. She is not afraid of experiments with the image. Her hair was especially challenging when she dyed it red.

    If you want to make red strands on black hair, follow our instructions for brightening individual strands and subsequent dyeing. It is important to create colored curls neatly, not to overdo it, then they do not look tasteless. Chasing the extravagance and the desire to stand out, you can make your hair look absurd.

    For safe experiments, there are pastel chalks and mascara. So the color will remain on the hair until the first shampooing. Their plus in the possibility of changing hairstyles to the mood.

    Although in this case there is no risk at all if you use pastel chalks, mascara or varnishes with pigments for painting. They will hold on the curls before washing. The safest way is strands on stealth. If you want to change for a week, then the use of coloring tonics will do. Do not create bright curls resistant colors, because it does not work out to change the mood.

    Expert Tips

    And experts give advice on how to select options for colored curls for new hairstyles, dresses and images. The similar element becomes bright accent of an image, strengthens it. Hairdressers say that strands of different colors are easily created with their own hands:

    it is important that the shade does not stand out too sharply against the general background,
    strands should be dyed inside the hair. So get an elegant look salon painting,
    You can select a small strand on the bangs. It will revive her and give volume,
    blondes fit shades from any range. A brunettes fit shades of green, blue, purple and fire.

    How to make crayons for hair with your own hands at home?

    The simplest and, most importantly, easily corrected (in which case) variant of painting the strands in different colors is small for the hair. Pastel crayons give muffled shades and apply them very simply:

    select the desired curl,
    twist it into a tight flagellum,
    apply on it a chalk of the chosen color,
    shake off excess with a comb with natural bristles.

    Haircut is ready! Such a beauty will last until the first washing of the head. And then you can create a new image with new shades.

    But it’s not always easy to buy such crayons in a store or online store, but you can make them yourself. For the manufacture of 2 crayons we need:

    gypsum (3 tablespoons)
    gouache (2 colors to choose half a teaspoon)
    water (5-6 tablespoons)
    2 deep bowls
    spoon for stirring
    crap freeze

    put plaster in a bowl, cover with water and mix thoroughly
    put half the mixture in the second plate
    add each paint to the bowl and stir well
    place the crayons in a mold to set and leave to dry for 2-3 days at room temperature

    Here are our crayons ready! remember, that ingredients may vary slightly as the proportions, so if necessary, change the recipe.

    How to make a braid with colored strands on loose hair

    For the work we need two strands of pastel shades and two strands of bright color (pink and red). The used strands have convenient fastening in the form of a hairpin-clip and are easily fixed on any part of the hair. This attachment is not noticeable in the hair and securely fastens the strands. In addition to artificial hair, you will need - clamp, invisible hair, comb and varnish.

    Before work, pay attention to the hair on the hairpins were perfectly smooth, not confused and did not have knots. If necessary, apply a drop of silicone conditioner on them and comb, tangled crumpled strands will not allow you to create with their help a beautiful neat braid.

    Make a parting horizontal along the temple on the left side. Hair over a parting we pin up on top. We fasten two strands along the parting - pastel and bright.

    To hide the clips, release a piece of hair from the top of your head and gently comb your own and attached hair. Grab a piece of hair to weave the braid, dividing it into 4 pieces, and start weaving the braid from 4 strands. If you do not know how to make such weaving, make a regular three-strand braid, fix the end with a transparent rubber band.

    To make the spit look laced, you will need to slightly pull out each loop from it. Repeat the same process on the other side of the head.

    Gently cross the two braids on the back of your head, fix them with stealth. Spray hair with lacquer to keep styling in place and prevent hair from spilling during the day.

    The interweaving of colored strands into the braids can be used for both everyday look and evening out. However, do not forget that the color of the strands must be in harmony with the color of the wardrobe.

    Colored hair strands on hairpins

    If you like to experiment with hairstyles, but do not want to first lighten and then dye your hair in bright colors, ready-made strands on hairpins are an excellent solution.

    Such devices are easily attached to the base of their own curls, and the hairpin itself is small, so it is completely invisible under the bulk of the hair and, most importantly, does not damage the roots. As a result, you get several bright strands in the hair, shades of which can be changed and combined as desired.

    Hairdressers recommend purchasing several hairpins of various widths, lengths and colors. Naturally, preference should be given to products from natural hair.

    Colored strands of dark and blond hair

    In principle, there are no restrictions on the choice of shade for blondes or brunettes, but fashionable trends dictate the following rules:

    1. For blonde hair to pick up warm colors - pink, red, brick, brown.
    2. For dark curls to use cold shades: blue, blue, green, purple, lilac.

    Of course, it is not necessary to perform dyeing in a very contrasting tone. For mature women, an ombre style with more traditional colors (brown, chestnut, black, ashen, copper, dark cherry) is perfect.

    Colored strands at home

    Having certain skills and adaptations, you can diversify your hair.

    To make several colored “feathers”, it is enough to lighten carefully 4-8 strands with clear boundaries, preventing perhydrol from falling on the surrounding hair. After that, you need to paint discolored curls in the desired shades. It should be remembered that periodically it is necessary to perform correction (as hair grows at the root).

    Hairstyles with colored strands

    The considered way to improve the hairstyle looks spectacular on loose hair, but you can draw even more attention to yourself through such styling:

    • French, Greek braid, spikelet,
    • horse tail (colored strand should be put on the top layer of hair or in bangs),
    • a loose bunch with loose curls,
    • shell hairdo,
    • perm, as the tips of the hair, and throughout their length.

    Hair dye and tonic

    The colored strand in the hair will look rich with the use of tonic, which is also easily washed off, while acting on the hair completely harmless. One of its drawbacks is that bright colors will appear only on bleached curls or naturally light, the result will be almost imperceptible to brunettes after use.

    Want a more lasting result, then use a tonic that lasts about two weeks

    The same applies to non-ammonia paints. So dark-haired beauties will have to first lighten the curls, and only after toning.

    The effect of the use of tonic, lasts about a couple of weeks, but if you use resistant paint, here the color will please for a long time. But it is no secret that resistant paints are very harmful for hair.

    And the main pest is hydrogen peroxide, with the help of which the natural pigment is destroyed, but brunettes cannot cope without it if they want to get a bright and saturated shade.

    other methods

    Below are some pretty interesting ways to get colored curls with your own hands:

    • Ink. This tool is absolutely harmless, and it is such even for the environment. Mascara is applied at the end of laying, using gloves and a brush.

    But, in any case, do not fall into the rain - the ink will simply spread! From this it becomes clear that it is possible to get rid of the remedy by ordinary washing of the head.

    When applying mascara, make sure the weather is dry and sunny.

    • Varnish. Color lacquer is very easy to use - just shake the bottle and spray it on your hair. But you have to take care that the tool does not fall on the objects around you, as they are painted with the hair. The advantage of this tool is that it is suitable for dark curls, giving even black hair the desired color.
    • Overhead strands. This is a great option if you do not want to work on your hair with any coloring agents. You can purchase a colored curl with a barrette and attach it yourself when you need it. Or you can increase it with a small keratin capsule, so the strand will last about a couple of months.

    Overhead strands on hairpins are very convenient to use, and also have many different shades.

    • Colored shadows. The tool has a very rich pigment, and the box has the appearance of ordinary eye shadows. To use, you just need to wet the curls and press the shadows to them, then hold on all the length. After that, you need to fix everything with hairspray or curling iron, making light curls.

    Means to create a rainbow mood mass. Choose the most suitable for you, and forward for a playful and mischievous way (see also the article "Vitamins in hair shampoo - a useless idea or salvation for curls?").

    The video in this article will help to deal with the technique of applying various tools to get multi-colored curls.

    Long haircuts

    Artificial colored locks look spectacular and loose hair, and being woven into such hairstyles:

    • French braid,
    • Greek braid - made in the form of a rim,
    • spikelet
    • horse tail (colored curl goes on the top layer of hair or bangs off),
    • free bundle with drop curls,
    • French bundle ("shell"),
    • curling ends
    • curling hair the entire length
    • others

    Medium, short haircuts

    An elongated bob on dark hair can be diversified by color dyeing using the Peek-a-Boo technique. It consists in imparting bright tones of the lower part of the hairstyle. Temporal zones and bangs are distinguished by wide bright lines.

    At a small length of the classic square looks good staining in the style of two-tone. It uses two similar shades, which contrast sharply with the main color of the hair.

    • How to choose a professional hair dye, top brands and tips on how to use.
    • Balayazh for long hair: types of coloring and nuances of the technique information here.

    What are the shades in fashion?

    Choosing a new shade of hair is a crucial stage. It is believed that the dark-skinned girls are curls of warm color, the ladies with pale skin, blue or gray eyes - cold.

    In general, the palette is so diverse that the chosen color can be almost anything. Often choose these shades:

    • blue,
    • ultramarine,
    • intense orange, fiery,
    • ashen, gray,
    • brick,
    • blue,
    • green,
    • red,
    • coral,
    • mint,
    • purple,
    • Violet,
    • lime,
    • others

    Thanks to a bright accent, you will give your image a completely different, lively, perhaps even bold look.

    Of course, it is not necessary to use a contrasting tone. You can use more traditional or natural colors:

    • gold,
    • platinum,
    • copper,
    • caramel,
    • milk chocolate,
    • dark blond,
    • the black,
    • dark cherry
    • chestnut,
    • others

    To create a harmonious image, consider the following factors:

    • natural color of curls,
    • eye color
    • skin tone
    • haircut shape
    • age, lifestyle, style of dress,
    • the event for which the hairstyle is done,
    • The color of the dress, if the hairstyle is prepared for one evening.

    The coloring itself is done both along the entire length of the hair and on the tips themselves. In terms of choosing new shades, blondes were more fortunate. They can use almost any number from the palette.

    Brunettes in some cases, the curls will have to pre-clarify. For example, for persistent hair coloring in colors of extreme romance - bright blue or bright pink.

    Make colored strands by staining.

    How to create colored strands on dark hair? Of course, you can contact any salon. But it is hardly worth overpaying if only a temporary effect is needed.

    Here Two options are considered - resistant staining or toning.. In the first case, the result lasts for 2-3 months, but ammonia dye harms the hair.

    In the second case, count on the effect from one day to a couple of weeks, depending on the level of tonic resistance.

    Tonics, which are washed away from the first time, bring a minimum of damage to the health of the hair. In this case, they have one feature - a rich color is obtained only on the light by nature or bleached curls.

    On the dark strands of the result will not be visible. This option can be used if you, for example, have already made an ombre and want to temporarily diversify it.

    For a more stable result, take a tonic that lasts about 2 weeks or non-ammonia paint.But in any case, dark-haired young ladies when using paint will have to first lighten the curls, and then tint.

    And remember: color dyeing on dark hair is carried out only by quality means. Cheap, untested clarifiers can burn your hair and give yellowness.

    An alternative to staining are colored crayons (pastel paint). They cheap, easy to use, easily washable. And the palette satisfies any wishes.

    There are two types of crayons:

    Fatty oil (in the form of shadows)

    Oil pastels are denser in structure. It does not dry hair, it fits well, dries quickly, does not crumble. But it gives a feeling of stickiness and is washed off worse (1-2 times).

    It is necessary to paint over strands with a special cardboard strip or ordinary cotton pads.

    The nuances of staining with crayons

    If the procedure is performed correctly, the new color is saved from 6 to 10 hours. Longer to wear it is not recommended. Moreover, it is undesirable to go to bed with a chalk-colored hair.

    Wash off the pigment can be an ordinary shampoo, perhaps for several approaches. To moisten the curls, you must use air conditioning or make a mask.

    The great advantage of crayons and paint is that they can not paint the whole strand. And make, for example, a colored ombre on dark hair. With overlapped and extended strands this will not work.

    • The technique of hair coloring balayazh what it is, its features and color options.
    • Dyeing black hair with a balayazh technique, to whom it is suitable and how to choose a shade read here.

    On hairpins

    Natural or artificial colored strands are attached to the base of the hair with hairpins. These fasteners are small, therefore, completely invisible in the hair.

    You can purchase several bright strands of different width and shade. So you will have more options for experimenting and creating a fancy hairstyle.

    The main advantage of this method is the ability to give the hairstyle a former look at any moment. In addition, this technique is suitable for hair prone to dryness, because they do not recommend any staining.

    Of course, to obtain a natural, harmonious look, it is better to buy products from natural hair. Overhead colored locks on hairpins are inexpensive. In addition, they can be adjusted to their length by cutting off the unnecessary part.

    Building up

    For those who are not afraid of the constant feeling of “foreign body” in their hair, you can try building colored natural strands on dark hair.

    There are about 70 shades with which you can create an unusual image. It is enough to increase 10-20 strands (if you do more, they will be confused and look nalyapisto).

    The predominant feature of the extension is that the pigment from the colored locks is not washed out and is not changed to the rest of the hair, as is the case with toning.

    The whole procedure takes about 40 minutes. The effect is natural and bright. If you do not bury your hands in the hair, then apparently not distinguish from their own. Update your hairstyle every 2-3 weeks.

    There is such a hairdressing material - kanekalon. Its structure is close to the hair structuretherefore it is used to create dreads, wigs and curls for afro braids.

    This is not synthetic. The basis of kanekalon are organic fibers, including algae. The material is durable and light, does not require special care, does not break, does not tangle, keeps the styling for a long time.

    How to weave colored strand in the hair:

    • Spread out the material on a flat surface. Immediately decide how much pryadok need. Packaging weighing 200 grams lasts about 70 strands. The number of strands interlaced depends on the basic thickness of the hair, the desired number and thickness of the braid.
    • Divide the natural hair into zones in which you plan to weave kanekalon.
    • Now, very carefully, so that the hairs from the neighboring zones do not pull, separate the strands from each other.
    • Top hair strand temporarily stab. Separate the next one (as when weaving a spikelet) and attach Kanekalon to it.
    • Fold it in half. It should make a loop. Attach this loop to the base of the separated strand, thread the strand into the loop. If done correctly, you should get 3 strands for weaving the spikelet.
    • Weave a braid as usual.

    If the result did not meet expectations

    As for the crayons and curls, everything is very simple. In the first case, you can comb out the excess pigment with a comb or completely wash off the chalk.

    Overhead curls are easy to remove. Sponged, however, too. True, it is necessary to turn to the master.

    The situation is more complicated with radical staining. Dislike color strands, you can try to paint over a dark color. In this case, will have to injure the hair again.

    In general, any bright coloring requires expressive make-up in appropriate tones. Maybe just try new shadows?

    Leaving after building strands

    The folded colored curls on the capsules are deprived of the nourishment coming from the bulbs, so they require special care and proper styling. Especially these recommendations are relevant if there are many such orders:

    • Scratched strands should be carefully combed using a soft brush.
    • Do not overheat, otherwise they will melt. When washing the head, it is advisable to use warm water or room temperature, to dry the curls with a hairdryer in cold air mode. Curler use neatly, without hitting the capsule.
    • It is recommended to use sulfate-free and alcohol-free shampoos for oily hair. They do not include fat-containing ingredients, and therefore do not threaten the detachment of capsules.
    • After each shampoo, it is advisable to make a mask for intensive nourishment and hydration of curls. Apply it for 5-10 minutes, avoiding the roots and capsules. You can use special purchase means to care for hair extensions from trusted manufacturers.
    • It is recommended to use a reducing antistatic spray, oil with silicone, milk protein. These tools help maintain a healthy-looking curls. Take care not to touch the capsules.

    Masks containing alcohol, cinnamon, citrus juice exclude. The use of acidified water to rinse the hair is also temporarily prohibited.

    Highlighting or staining does not surprise anyone. BUT bright strands - green, blue, red - do not leave others indifferent.

    They bring a special flair to the image and help to feel individual. You can change the image for one or two evenings or make persistent dyeing, hair extensions. In the latter case, the curls require special care.


    Watch the video: 25 EASY HAIR HACKS TO SPEED UP YOUR BEAUTY ROUTINE (July 2024).