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Peach hair oil: properties and application


Widespread in cosmetology received funds based on plant extracts. Cold-pressed peach kernel oil has proven itself well. The increased popularity of natural cosmetics among women is not surprising, because it does not contain chemical ingredients and preservatives. The systematic use of peach oil for hair allows you to restore weakened strands, strengthen the roots. Peach seed extract and cosmetics based on it are produced by many companies, such as Galenopharm, EcoLab.

Peach properties

Peach is a tasty and healthy fruit loved by many. It grows in southern latitudes and has long been used in cosmetology. Peach pulp masks perfectly moisturize the skin, refresh the complexion and even smooth fine wrinkles.

But for the hair more useful natural peach oil, which is squeezed out of the seed. It concentrates all the necessary nutrients for a healthy, healthy hair:

  • fatty acids (linoleic, palmitic, arachidonic, etc.) - stimulate hair growth, soften the skin, strengthen the roots,
  • minerals and trace elements (magnesium, zinc, potassium, iodine, iron) - accelerate metabolic processes, serve as a building material for cells,
  • antioxidants (vitamins C and E) - slow down the aging process, prolong the life of the hair, prevent early baldness,
  • vitamins (A, D, group B) - regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, stimulate hair growth, improve their condition,
  • pectins - are able to quickly return the smoothness of elasticity to the damaged head of hair,
  • fruit sugars and acids - moisturize and nourish the skin, act as a soft peeling, cleansing it from dead cells,
  • flavonoids - strengthen the immune system, eliminate dandruff, act antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

And in the peach oil there are volatile ether compounds that have a tonic effect. They penetrate deep into the skin and the cortex of the hair, stimulating intracellular metabolic processes.

To suit

Peach oil does not contain irritating skin components, it is very light and is suitable for absolutely everyone. The only contraindication to it is individual intolerance, which is quite rare and is expressed in the form of redness, skin rash and itching. But peach oil is allowed, even during pregnancy and lactation.

It is especially useful for very dry, bitten, damaged by frequent dyeing or chemical perm hair.

Peach masks will suit the avid lovers of hot styling - they are a good thermal protection. Bleached blondes also love them - due to their strong moisturizing properties, they quickly return softness and silkiness to bleached hair.

Application Methods

Peach hair oil can be used both in pure form and as a part of various masks, compresses and sprays. It is often included in professional hair care products.

Oil will bring great benefits for home use, as its concentration will be much higher than in the purchase of cosmetics. Yes, and the quality of the product you will be completely sure if you choose it correctly.

The easiest, but incredibly effective way to strengthen the hair and accelerate its growth is to massage the scalp with peach oil. You can perform it 1-2 times a week for about half an hour before washing.

For sensitive skin and healthy hair, use pure oil. If you need to further feed the roots, and the hair grows slowly - you can add a little castor.

To stop baldness and wake up falling asleep follicles, add ground tea of ​​cinnamon, mustard powder or red pepper to a tablespoon of oil. But note that this composition can be applied only to intact skin. If he falls into the wounds, there will be a strong burning sensation, and they can become inflamed.

Massage is performed as follows:

  • heat the oil in a water bath to a temperature of 40-45 ° C,
  • comb the hair carefully
  • with a brush, apply oil to the roots all over the head,
  • using fingertips, massage your head in circular motions for 3-5 minutes,
  • wrap hair in cellophane and warm with a towel,
  • wait 30 minutes (with a strong burning sensation less),
  • rinse with warm water with a small amount of shampoo.

If the hair roots are very weak, after the first massage the loss may increase. But then everything is normalized, and the hair will grow again.

Blondes with burnt-out hair and those who often do hot styling, it is useful to do warm compresses with peach piping hair every 7-10 days. Healthy hair is not needed, especially if it is prone to fat.

Compress is an ambulance tool, not for regular hair care.

Depending on their length, it is necessary to take 20-50 ml of peach oil and heat it in a water bath. Put 10 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil, patchouli, rosemary, cinnamon or cloves into it. Carefully and evenly, but quickly (until it is cold!), Distribute the oil over the entire length of the hair, retreating 2-3 cm from the roots. It is more convenient to apply it with a wide brush and then comb it with a rare comb.

It is very important to warm the oil compress well. Wrap the head with cellophane, wrap it with a towel and warm it up with a hairdryer for an additional 10 minutes. Sit out from 40 minutes to an hour. Release hair and intensively massage the scalp for 3-5 minutes. Now you can thoroughly wash the hair using a familiar shampoo.

Any hair mask with peach oil after the first application gives pleasant results. The hair is smoothed, it becomes shiny, supple, silky to the touch, perfectly combed and keeps well styling.

But choosing the right ingredients correctly, the effect can be enhanced and the means can be given a directional effect:

  1. Against a fallout. Mix peach butter in equal parts with burdock, add a teaspoon of brandy, one egg yolk and a tablespoon of honey. Apply first to the roots and gently rub, and then evenly distribute along the length. Wrap your head and hold for 40-60 minutes. Rinse with the addition of shampoo.
  2. For fat and combined. Such hair also requires treatment and makeup, because a light peach oil is very useful here. For two tablespoons, add camphor tea, lemon juice, two capsules of AEVIT. Massage the mixture gently into the roots, then comb along the length of a wide comb to the tips. You can leave on your head for up to two hours.
  3. Easy peeling. Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal or rice flour with the same amount of warm peach oil, pour a teaspoon of brandy and apply on the hair, backing 3 cm from the roots. Do not comb hair with a mask; rinse it off with lukewarm water and shampoo, gently massaging your head. Apply 1-2 times a month. It is useful to use for any type of hair, but for dry and weakened it is impossible to add brandy.
  4. Firming. Often the hair becomes thinner because the body lacks calcium, the best source of which is homemade cottage cheese. A small amount of it is good to rub with a tablespoon of honey, add peach oil, and for very dry hair a little sour cream or cream. Apply to the scalp and hair, wrap and hold for 30-60 minutes.
  5. Growth promoter. Separate the egg yolk from the protein and mix until smooth with a teaspoon of dry mustard and a tablespoon of honey. In the mixture, add two tablespoons of peach oil, mix well and apply on the hair. To warm, keep no more than 30 minutes. Do not apply if there are wounds, scratches and other skin damage. Rinse with warm water without shampoo.

There are many other interesting recipes that help to quickly put in order even heavily damaged hair. But whatever tool you choose, you should not use oil masks more than 2 times a week, just as you leave them at night.

How much to keep them on your head, you also understand yourself. The above time is only the recommended range, but everything is selected individually. When used correctly, peach mask reviews are only the best.

Essential oil

Use essential peach oil, like any other, in its pure form is impossible. When applied to the skin, it can cause severe irritation. But it gives an excellent effect, if you add 10-15 drops to a liter of clean slightly warm water and rinse your hair after washing - they will immediately shine beautifully and will be easy to comb.

It is possible to enrich the peach essential oil with a hair mask from any base: walnut, almond, coconut, olive and even sunflower. It will strengthen its moisturizing and smoothing properties and will acquire characteristic pleasant aroma. 3-5 drops are enough.

Peach essential oil goes well with orange, lemon, mint, patchouli and ylang-ylang. But you should not mix more than 2-3 types of essential oils in one mask.

How to choose

You cannot buy peach butter (like any other natural) on the market. This product requires compliance with certain storage conditions that are unlikely to be maintained there: temperatures up to 18–20 ° C, protection from direct sunlight, tightness of the package. In addition, an inexperienced consumer will not be able to distinguish high-quality peach oil from regular sunflower oil, in which essential oil has been added to smell.

It is easier and safer to buy peach oil in phyto pharmacy or a regular supermarket. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the shelf life and package integrity.

Oil should be sold in a dark glass, no precipitation is allowed in it. In appearance, it is light yellow, transparent, with a pleasant characteristic aroma. If the oil is cloudy or bitter, it is spoiled. When purchasing a product via the Internet, request a certificate and make sure that there is an opportunity to return expired or low-quality goods.

How does peach seed oil affect dry hair?

Peach oil is used to restore hair, prevent hair loss, breakage and hair section. The effectiveness of peach in cosmetology has been tested for centuries. Cleopatra herself mentions the miraculous effect of peach on the skin and curls. The composition of the peach extract includes biologically active elements that activate the work of hair follicles.

Essential tool will help for the growth of fat curls

This effect is achieved due to the fact that the peach extract contains:

  1. complex of vitamins of group B, retinol, niacin. Avitaminosis adversely affects the condition of the scalp, causing brittleness, section of curls, their loss and slow growth. Extract actively fights this problem.
  2. fatty acids do not allow the environment to damage the curls. Sun, cold in winter, salt water - these factors are safe for the health of hair.

Peach oil for hair has a relatively simple composition, but each element that enters it has an unsurpassed healing effect on the hair.

Cosmetic oil against split ends: burdock, castor and almond

The tool is recommended for people who are worried about dandruff, increased dryness of the scalp. The tool helps to fight baldness. Everyone can use peach oil for hair, without exception, since it does not cause allergic reactions.

Recommendations for use: how to apply the product at night

Extracts of cosmetic oils are widely used as a budget, but effective means to restore the hair in the home. The main difficulty is that the tool is difficult to wash off the head, leaves greasy traces and weights curls. To cope with this problem, you need to follow a simple recommendation for using such a tool:

    with oily hair type, it is better to refuse the use of the product, since it can aggravate the situation,

Customer feedback on performance

Peach oil for the tips of the hair has an excellent regenerating effect. Curls noticeably less flow, acquire a healthy shine.

How to use a mask at home: 5 best recipes for moisturizing

Peach oil for hair against loss, to prevent cross-section and general recovery is most effectively used as the main element in the composition of the masks. Apply it in its pure form.

    Combing curls. For this purpose it is recommended to use a wooden comb. A few drops of the extract are applied to it and combed the hair for 5-7 minutes. You can add this combing aromatic oil, then the hair will get a delicate aroma.

The benefits of peach oil for hair

The product contains vitamins B, E, A, fatty acids, trace elements. Thanks to B15, the peach seed extract is considered to be a unique elixir of beauty with a powerful rejuvenating effect. It nourishes the roots, eliminates dandruff, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. The high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids allows the use of oil extracts to create cosmetics for children. Many pediatricians recommend using peach oil for a newborn because it is hypoallergenic.

Properties of peach oil:

  • relieves inflammation
  • has a slight antioxidant effect,
  • nourishes and moisturizes strands
  • tones, rejuvenates the scalp,
  • accelerates the growth of curls,
  • kills bacteria.

Hair masks

The use of natural peach oil for hair will help to improve the hair and skin, give elasticity, shine. The oil base is used as a single agent or in combination with other components. Under the condition of systematic procedures, it is possible to restore the damaged structure of the strands, saturate the roots with trace elements.

How to apply masks correctly:

  • The frequency of the procedure is at least once every three days.
  • During the period of treatment it is not advisable to apply balsams, conditioners and conditioners to the curls.
  • The composition is first rubbed into the hair part, then evenly distributed along the strands.
  • In order to achieve a medical effect as soon as possible, after applying the oil mixture, it is advised to wrap polyethylene and a thick towel.
  • Mask need to keep about half an hour.
  • For the treatment of fatty strands, it is better to take a minimum of an oil base.
  • Before the treatment of split ends, it is necessary to trim the stratified areas, as they will not recover. It remains to take care that the rest is not damaged.

For hair growth

Masks that stimulate the growth of curls:

  • With mustard - 10 g of dry mustard pour a small amount of chamomile broth. Add 2 tbsp. l oil base, 1 yolk, 1 tsp. honey Let the mixture stand for 20 minutes, then rub into the hair part of the head, rinse off after three quarters of an hour.
  • With an egg - reheat 4 tbsp. l oil base, add the yolk of one egg. The resulting mixture rub into the skin, you can wash off after 30-40 minutes.
  • With vitamins - in 40 ml of warmed base pour in 1 tbsp. l vitamins A and E and 8 drops of rosemary ether. Spread the composition over the entire length of the hair column, paying special attention to the root part. Leave on for 30-40 minutes, then rinse off.

For split ends

Masks for hair ends:

  • Monocomponent mask - heat 50 ml of oil base, apply on curls, including the tips. To warm the head with polyethylene and a thick cloth. After half an hour, rinse off with calendula decoction.Regular use of the tool will allow you to restore the structure of the hair coat in just a few months.
  • With an oil extract of avocados and vitamins - mix and heat 2 tbsp. l oil extracts of peach and avocado. Add 5 ml of vitamin A, 12, drops of B1. Mix the mixture over the entire length of the hair, after half an hour, rinse with a decoction of herbs.
  • With ylang-ylang ether, pour 10-12 drops of ylang-ylang into 30 ml of warmed base. The resulting composition smear strands, after 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Scalp Oil

Peach seed oil extract is an excellent way to care for the hair part of the head. With its help you can eliminate dandruff, cure inflammation and irritation, strengthen and saturate the hair bulbs with useful substances. It is important that the product has no contraindications, so it can be safely used by people with allergies and irritations.

  • Rub 2 tbsp. l basics in the skin. After three quarters of an hour, rinse with water. Repeat every three days. The duration of treatment is 3 months.
  • A lasting therapeutic effect can be achieved if you regularly use detergents enriched with oil extracts of plants. Add peach, avocado and jojoba oil extracts to the shampoos and rinses you use all the time. 500 ml of liquid requires 50 ml of the oil mixture.

Reviews of cosmetic peach oil

Maria, 30 years old: Great cosmetic. Saved with his help strongly hairstyle spoiled by frequent staining. Made a mask with the addition of vitamins every 3 days. The improvement was noticed after a month of regular treatment - the curls became light, obedient and silky, the tips stopped splitting. The oil mask smells very good, it is easily washed off.

Irina, 42 years old: Recently discovered peach moisturizing hair oil. It helped get rid of dry skin and dandruff. I am allergic, so I am wary of home-made recipes, but I liked the mask for hair from rose hip and peach oils, there were no undesirable reactions. The skin on the head became soft, stopped itching, dandruff disappeared.

Elena 20 years old: In the summer you have to spend a lot of time in the sun, and the hairstyle suffers a lot from constant contact with ultraviolet: the hair has become dry, the tips have stained. The use of a regenerating oil helped solve this problem. Initially, I cut off the forked tips, then once every three days I smeared the strands. Washed off the oil mixture with chamomile decoction. A month later, the structure of the hair column was restored, the hair has acquired the same volume.

The benefits and use of peach oil for hair

The benefits of peach oil are caused by its composition. The product contains a unique vitamin-mineral complex, giving the strands elasticity and a healthy look.

Useful properties of a vegetable product:

  1. Elimination of dryness and brittle hair.
  2. Restoration of burned out strands after chemical procedures, for example, washing or painting.
  3. Giving a dim curls shiny structure.
  4. Frequent use allows you to get a protective film that protects against the adverse effects of the sun and chemical agents.
  5. Easy combing with low fluffiness. It is noted that the hair becomes more elastic.
  6. Preservation of color, suppression of gray hair.
  7. The rapid growth of hair, preventing their loss.
  8. Restoring the structure of the strands, a mild effect on the scalp.

The use of peach oil for hair has several types. Herbal product can be used for self-cooking masks, as well as add it to shampoos, balms and other means of care for the strands.

  1. Peach oil works more efficiently at high temperatures, with home care it is recommended to use a water bath.
  2. It is possible to apply means both on the washed ringlets, and on dirty locks. To get rid of dandruff, rub the product clean with your fingers into the scalp.
  3. For the silk effect of the hair, peach oil is applied to the entire head of hair.
  4. To wash off the remaining oil, you need to lather the shampoo on your head without water, leaving it for two or three minutes. After this tool is easily washed off with water from the shower.
  5. For rinsing, you can use warm water, decoction of mint or burdock.
  6. For prevention, it is enough to use peach oil for curls 1 time in seven days. To get rid of problems with the skin of the head and hair, you need to make masks 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 15 masks.

Peach oil composition

The composition of peach oil allows you to solve many problems with the hair. In the composition is present:

  • retinol,
  • folic acid,
  • tocopherol,
  • niacin
  • thiamine
  • riboflavin,
  • pantothenic acid
  • pyridoxine.

There are in the composition and minerals. Iron is good for the epidermis, it improves blood circulation. Phosphorus makes hair supple, calcium restores damaged ends, potassium moisturizes dry locks and scalp.

Peach oil for hair at night

Peach oil for hair is used as for easy application, adding to shampoo or in the form of a compress. With this care, the product is washed off after thirty minutes. If desired, peach oil is applied overnight. There are special night masks for growth and moisturizing strands.

How to use the product at night? It is recommended to apply a clean product, rubbing it into the ends of the hair and applying a little over the entire length. The main disadvantage of the application - bed linen will become oily, so it must be protected with an additional towel. In the morning, wash off the oil from the peach pits with shampoo and warm water. Hair will be silky and pleasant to the touch. Peach oil for hair at night will help to get rid of many problems with the hair, for example, from dull color.

Mask for dry hair

Peach seed oil for hair allows to provide intensive moisture, saturate the strands with vitamins and rare amino acids. To remove dryness you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • one teaspoon of peach plant product
  • 16 drops of jojoba oil,
  • tablespoon without slides sour cream.

To prepare the vegetable products are heated in a water bath, then sour cream is added to the heated mass. The composition is applied to the strands by hand or using sponge. Cover the hair with a hat or cellophane package. After 45 minutes, wash off the mask from the curls. Do not immediately dry your head with a hairdryer, let the strands dry naturally.

Expected result: moisturized, soft, pleasant to the touch curls.

Hair growth mask

It is possible to accelerate hair growth with the help of natural cosmetic products. Ingredients:

  • a tablespoon of peach product,
  • a teaspoon of crumbled rye bread,
  • tablespoon ryazhenka.

Bread crumbs mixed with ryazhenka, injected peach product. Rubbed into the roots for several minutes, then wrapped the head with a special film. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water. It is advisable to use shampoo with natural ingredients.

Peach oil for hair growthapply for thirty days, it is necessary to make a mask 2 times in a week period.

Mask for greasy hair

To balance the sebaceous glands use not only the squeeze of peaches, but other ingredients. In addition to the main component, you will need starch and yellow clay. All one teaspoon.

  1. Mix starch and yellow clay. They add drops of peach oil. Should get sour texture.
  2. Put a lot on the scalp, spreading it with a brush into curls.
  3. After 20 minutes, wash off with shampoo and rinse with lemon peel extract.

Mask for brittle hair

Brittleness is eliminated in two to three weeks, natural components fill the damaged areas, protecting hair from damage. Cooking ingredients:

  • two tablespoons of peach,
  • four tablespoons of aloe juice
  • four spoons of yogurt without dyes and fruit additives.

Aloe juice and vitamin peach are added to yoghurt. The strands are treated with a brush or comb, after which the head is wrapped with a protective film. It is important that the hair is protected from open air. Thirty minutes later, wash off the composition using natural shampoo and warm water.

Mask for the ends of hair

Split ends spoil even the perfect hairstyle. To make them beautiful it is worth using peach oil. Mask Ingredients:

  • one spoon of peach,
  • pyridoxine (10 drops),
  • ether elemi (oil)

The vegetable product is heated in a water bath, then pyridoxine and ether are added to it. Thoroughly rub the mixture into the tips, you can use sponge for this purpose.

Peach Oil Mask and Vitamin A

Vitamin A supplements the beneficial properties of peach oil, so the hair becomes shiny, pleasant in appearance and touch. Ingredients:

  • two teaspoons of the peach component,
  • four tablespoons of retinol (vitamin A),
  • brewer's yeast (three tablets).

The yeast is ground to a state of powder, retinol and the main plant component are introduced. If the mass is thick, then it can be diluted with chamomile decoction. The resulting mixture is applied tightly to the strands, starting from the roots. The tips are carefully treated.

Expected outcome: beautiful, strong curls, no split ends.

Peach Oil Mustard Mask

Hair mask with peach oil and mustard helps to fight loss, makes the strands healthy, gives them shine. Ingredients:

  • two small spoons of peach,
  • a little spoon of mustard,
  • chicken yolk.

It is necessary to combine the three components and mix thoroughly. The mixture is rubbed into the roots for three or four minutes. The scalp may burn slightly. After the allotted time, rinse off the mass with warm water, rinse with burdock broth or shampoo without silicone and chemical additives.

Peach oil and honey mask

  • two spoons of peach,
  • two spoons of liquid honey
  • Fennel ether (3 drops).

Peach seed oil is heated in a water bath, honey and fennel are injected. Spread the mass over the entire head, after 35 minutes, rinse with water or a decoction of mint.

Expected result: strengthening of hair, elasticity of curls.

Peach oil mask with egg

The recipe is suitable for hair with a perm, repeatedly dyed, in need of strengthening shade after changing the color of the strands. The mass should be used on thick curls, after applying the mask, the strands are not confused, they are easy to comb. Prepare the ingredients:

  • two spoons of peach,
  • two chicken eggs or three quail,
  • one spoon of dry white wine.

All components are mixed, the eggs should be whipped with a spoon or a whisk. Peach-egg mixture process strand by strand, then put on a hat or wrap cellophane. After 15 minutes, the mass is washed off with herbs decoction; a solid shampoo or detergent without chemical additives will do.

Peach and Almond Mask

The recipe is suitable for those who want to grow hair without cutting the split ends. The effect of the two oils makes the hair look lush and healthy. For cooking you will need four tablespoons of peach and the same amount of almond oil.

Two oils are mixed and heated in a water bath. The mixture should be warm, no need to warm it to a hot state. The oil solution is evenly distributed throughout the hair, left for an hour or two. Fat content is removed with warm water or shampoo with a natural composition.

Peach & Burdock Mask

Burdock oil in combination with peach, has a double effect on the hair. As a result, the fallout stops, the head is cleared of dandruff, the curls become elastic due to the restoration of the hair structure. Ingredients Required:

  • two and a half tablespoons of peach,
  • two tablespoons of burdock,
  • three tablespoons of crushed dry nettle.

Dry nettle is ground to a state of powder and pour the required amount into a container. Pour in vegetable ingredients and mix. The resulting mixture is carefully rubbed into the roots, scalp. Massaging an important stage, if you skip it, the healing effect will not be achieved. Five minutes later, they wrap the hair over the foil and leave for twenty-five minutes. After a certain time, the mass is washed off. It is necessary to wash within 10–15 minutes with a shampoo with herbal ingredients to get rid of fat content.

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How is peach oil useful for hair?

Peach oil has a complex effect on hair. It solves a number of problems:

  • intensively nourishes hair
  • has a moisturizing effect
  • helps to reduce hair breakage, positively affecting their structure,
  • saturates with vitamins and minerals,
  • contributes to the achievement of elasticity,
  • increases hair density,
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin of the scalp,
  • tones up
  • helps to cope with dandruff.

All this is achieved thanks to the unique composition containing a large number of nutrients, including fatty acids, essential for healthy hair. In the manufacture of peach oil all the ingredients are preserved, since this product is produced by cold pressing - the most gentle.

One of the features of peach oil is its hypoallergenic, so that it suits almost all girls. It is important that even the fat content of the hair absolutely does not matter for the possibility of using this tool. It can be used by both owners of dry and oily hair. The oil obtained from the peach pits is so light that, if used correctly, it does not affect the fat content of the hair, of course, if you do not overdo it with the amount of the product.

A quality product should be 100% peach seed oil

Peach oil-based homemade hair cosmetics

Peach seed oil can be used without adding other substances, applying it to areas requiring care, including the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes, and you can make homemade cosmetic products based on this oil, which, thanks to the additional active ingredients that make up the composition, have an even more effective impact.

When making homemade oil products, it should be remembered that before applying the oil, it is slightly warmed up in a water bath to a warm (but not hot) state. This activates its properties and improves the absorbency of the active ingredients of the product.

Mask for growth with the addition of brandy

  • peach oil - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • 2 egg yolks,
  • 3 tsp of brandy.

It is known that, like peach oil, brandy is an excellent means to stimulate hair growth. Well, if you combine these two ingredients, the result will be much more effective than using them separately. Whipped egg yolks must be added to the peach oil heated in a water bath and mixed well. After that, add the brandy to the mixture and process the scalp with it. Close the head with a mask for 40 minutes. Rinse with warm water using shampoo.

Apply this tool optimally 2 times a week. Course - 1 month. After that, you need a month break.

Simultaneously with the solution of the problem of slowing hair growth, this tool can also be used for the purpose of their transformation. In this case, it covers not only the skin. It is rubbed into the hair, trying not to miss a single site. The result - elasticity, smoothness and shine.

Depending on the purpose of application, peach oil can be applied to the scalp, all hair or just their tips.

Moisturizing mask

  • fat cottage cheese - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • honey - 3 tsp
  • peach oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

This tool helps to moisturize the scalp at a deep level, which promotes the growth of healthy, strong hair. Cottage cheese should be grind with honey to obtain a product of uniform consistency, to which is added peach oil. The composition is applied to the scalp. After that, you need to close the hair film.

The exposure time is 30 minutes. After its expiration, the mask is washed off with warm water.

From dry and brittle hair

  • peach oil - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Vitamin A - blister (10 capsules).

For the treatment of brittle hair, a heated mixture of ingredients is applied on the skin of the scalp, and at the same time on the hair itself, paying particular attention to the fact that the tips are fully processed. After that, provide heat (wrap hair with a film and, for example, put a cap on the top of the film).

The exposure time is 1 hour. Frequency of use - 1 time per week.

After each use, the mask must be carefully washed off the hair, otherwise they will form a greasy film, which will give them an unkempt appearance.

Split ends treatment

  • peach oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vitamin A - 10 capsules
  • Vitamin E - 10 capsules.

All oils need to be mixed well. In the first place - peach and olive. After this warm up add vitamins to the mixture. The resulting mixture is processed ends of the hair. Then wrap in food film, and on top (for convenience) - in foil.

The exposure time is 2 hours. To do the procedure as needed, but preferably not more than once a week, otherwise the tips may eventually become unkempt.

It must be remembered that if the tips are already broken, then, alas, they can no longer get the same look. They will have to be cut in any case. This recipe, above all, will help prevent the further formation of split ends.

Dandruff recipe number 1

  • peach oil - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon essential oil - 6 drops,
  • grapefruit essential oil - 6 drops.

Essential oils are added to the peach after it is heated in a water bath. Next, the entire surface of the head is processed. The hair itself can not be processed, as they are not related to the formation of dandruff.

The exposure time is one and a half hours, after which the composition can be washed off. The tool is used once a week until the result is obtained.

Dandruff recipe number 2

  • peach oil - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • crushed oatmeal - 5 tbsp. spoons.

All ingredients need to be mixed until a homogeneous mass, which is applied to the scalp and left for one hour. This mask should be washed off very carefully, since oatmeal obtained from flakes is poorly washed out from the hair. You may have to wash your hair twice. It is necessary to use the tool once a week until the result is obtained.

Peach oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

Peach oil can also strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows. At the same time, its action is based on the same principles as for strengthening hair. Oil in a similar way affects the hairs of the eyelashes and eyebrows, nourishing, moisturizing them and saturating with useful substances. Among other things, the anti-inflammatory properties of the oil can reduce the irritation that occurs in the eyelids from the use of decorative cosmetics, and tonic - relieve fatigue from the eyes.

When using peach seed oil for eyebrows and eyelashes, the following results were noted:

  • hairs stop falling out, become stronger,
  • their structure is more dense
  • the color is much richer than before applying the oil,
  • growth accelerates, they become thicker.

By the way, the use of peach oil has a positive effect on the skin of the eyelids, because the product that gets on it at the time of manipulation of the eyelashes, works better than any cream.

For applying oil on the eyelashes is very convenient to use a brush from the old mascara

Repair Mask for eyelashes

  • peach butter - 1 tsp,
  • aloe vera juice - a couple drops,
  • jojoba oil - 1 drop,
  • Avocado oil - 1 drop.

Peach oil needs to be taken at room temperature. Add the rest of the ingredients. Dampen two cotton discs in the composition and put them on the eyes for 20 minutes. Very good, if the compress will capture the eyebrows, as their hairs also need nutrition. The tool can be used every other day for one month, after which a month break should be taken.

Some people have a tendency to swell the eyes. The use of oils to repair eyelashes is one of the factors that provoke such a problem. As a rule, swelling occurs if you apply the oil in the evening, that is, before bedtime. Therefore, it is recommended to use peach oil in the morning or afternoon. However, if the eyes do not swell, then in the evening you can replace the oil with makeup remover. The state of eyelashes and eyelid skin will improve every day.

To activate eyelash growth

  • peach butter - 1 tsp,
  • burdock oil - 1 tsp.

This recipe is well suited for girls who want to make eyelashes thicker and longer. Oils included in its composition are mixed. They are soaked cotton pads, which then must be put on the eyes for 30 minutes. You can use the tool every day, but not longer than one month. After that, take a break for a couple of months.

Eyelash enhancement

For the treatment of eyebrows and eyelashes it is not at all necessary to prepare products with a complex composition. You can do without additional ingredients. It is just necessary from time to time (at least once a day) to apply peach oil on the cilia and eyebrow hairs. If there is a brush from the old carcass at hand (of course, it is well washed beforehand), then the whole procedure will take no more than 10 - 20 seconds.

With regular use of peach oil for eyelashes and eyebrows, the result will be noticeable after 2 weeks.

Men can also use peach oil

Since peach seed oil has a beneficial effect on hair, regardless of its location (on the head or on the face), it is excellent for the care of a beard. As a result, it is possible to achieve the stimulation of its growth and increase in density.

To this end, peach oil is mixed with burdock in equal proportions. Heated in a water bath, the composition is rubbed into the skin with intense movements, after which it must be left for 1 hour and then washed off. The tool can be used every other day.

To make the beard color more saturated and dark, you just need to distribute a couple of drops of peach oil in your hair

Used peach oil for one and a half months, with breaks. After evening washing, applied on the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes with a rather dense layer. She walked until sleep, so that the skin absorbs nutrients to the maximum, then soaks the skin and eyelashes with a paper towel to soak up the excess, and goes to bed. Sometimes during the day, when there was no need to go anywhere and paint, she applied to the eyelashes with an old washed mascara brush. Eyelashes have become noticeably thicker. It is difficult for me to say about the length, they write that it is possible to increase the length of eyelashes without chemistry and mechanical action only by 30%, but if the eyelash has a length of about a centimeter, then if there was added there, it is difficult to notice. But their density is something! When approaching the photo shows that the eyelashes grow in three rows. Eyebrows also become thicker, it is necessary to pluck more often. On the one hand, this seems to be a minus, but on the other hand, I had a bald spot on my eyebrow, which I didn’t like very much, now it is almost gone - this is a plus! My dry hair, after frequent dyeing, I also didn’t wash it, but I always prepared a mixture of nourishing and moisturizing oils for my hair.

Eyelashes before and after using peach oil

Hair condition also improved:

Condition of hair before and after using peach oil


I love to experiment with different oils and then one day I decided to buy peach oil. A bottle of 25 ml and the price of 43 rubles. Basically, I use cosmetic oils for hair, making various masks and adding oils to shampoos and balms. Before buying the first bottle of this oil, I made masks of burdock, olive and sunflower oil. Of course, the effect was better and the hair was better, but when adding this oil from tala, the effect became much better. Hair became softer, more docile and shiny. Of course, you will notice the effect from the first time, but to fully restore damaged hair you need to apply it systematically.


Peach oil, the cost in the pharmacy is 40 - 50 rubles, what could be more budgetary ... !? However, for my hair there is nothing more luxurious than this magic oil! Who said that in order to look gorgeous, you need a lot of money. The beauty industry is, first and foremost, a business. Business is competition. And how else can you attract a consumer, if you don’t pack in a more beautiful way and say beautiful and promising words in your product advertising. Moreover, this stereotype - the more expensive - the better! On these three whales and moving in our case, cosmetic products to the masses. And the same peach seed oil, but from a large cosmetic brand can cost ten times more. I am not interested in beautiful packaging, beautiful advertising, promising to solve all your problems, I do not save bubbles from the brand, the main result is for me! And peach oil for 40 rubles gives an incredible result. My hair began to grow faster and I absolutely forgot what split ends are!

The result of using peach oil on the hair (before use and after)


Oil therapy has long been used to restore and strengthen hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. For cosmetic purposes, different oils are used, but each of them has its own unique properties. Peach oil was loved by most women because, along with high efficiency, it is perfectly absorbed, leaving no greasy film. This tool gently affects the hair and hair follicle, providing not only nourishing, but also moisturizing effect.

What is the use of peach oil for hair

For the preparation of butter, peach pits are used, which are processed by cold pressing. This method, which does not involve temperature effects on raw materials, allows you to save all the healing components. The resulting product refers to the base oils and has a thick consistency, yellowish tint. It is inherent in the well-known peach aroma that makes any procedure for applying this natural product pleasant.

It is important that the oil is not subjected to subsequent heat treatment - this information is contained on the label.

Peach oil has a special healing effect on hair and scalp. The effect of its use is manifested primarily in the restoration of damaged, weak and fragile curls. This is due to the unique composition of the tool, which includes the following main components:

  • retinol and tocopherol, giving the strands elasticity and elasticity,
  • niacin, which helps smooth and shine hair,
  • thiamine, reducing the severity of inflammatory processes,
  • folic and ascorbic acids, which provide protection against ultraviolet radiation, low and high temperatures, as well as other negative factors,
  • Riboflavin, which increases skin hydration and strands,
  • pyridoxine, which affects the restoration of hair structure,
  • cobalamin and pantothenic acid, activating and strengthening follicles,
  • mineral substances that enhance cell regeneration and nutrition,
  • phospholipids, stimulating metabolic processes.

Among the components of the oil, a special place is occupied by fatty acids, which disinfect and moisturize the skin, nourishing hair follicles.

Due to its rich composition, the oil is used for systematic care of any hair, especially prone to dryness. It has a softening effect on the scalp, eliminating the manifestations of dandruff, itching, peeling, irritation and seborrhea. Antiseptic properties allow you to quickly heal minor wounds and cracks in the skin, eliminate redness and inflammation. This oil is indispensable to restore the normal state of the scalp.

In addition, with regular use of the tool helps to deal with the following problems:

  • split ends,
  • damaged and lifeless curls,
  • hair loss,
  • the appearance of gray strands
  • slow growth

Due to the ability of the oil to affect the production of melanin, the occurrence of gray hair is reduced.

Since during the application of the composition all the processes in the scalp are activated, this leads to the acceleration of hair growth, especially when using the product in combination with other components of a similar action. Loose strands are compacted and become stronger, increasing shine, smoothness and silky hair. Many people note that after applying peach oil, colored curls become softer and more alive.

As a separate means

Peach oil is used as an independent product to strengthen the hair and make it smooth. The easiest way to do this is through self-massage of the head and aromatherapy. The choice of procedure depends on the goals you want to achieve:

  • to nourish and moisturize the roots, as well as stimulate hair growth and get rid of dandruff, oil should be applied to the scalp with soft massaging movements,
  • To reduce the number of split ends and to give shine to the strands, it is sufficient to distribute the product along the hair length.

Peach oil can be mixed with other base ingredients to enhance the effect. Thus, avocado, jojoba, coconut and almond oils are the most compatible with this product. Any of these funds is combined with the main ingredient in a 1: 1 ratio. It is important to heat the composition before use to a temperature of about 37 degrees - in fact, at full strength, the base oils open up when applied in a warm condition.

For heating compositions, it is best to use a water bath, which will ensure a safe and uniform temperature rise of the composition. Before treating your scalp, make sure that the product is not too hot - put a little oil on your wrist.

The massage procedure with peach oil is carried out in the following order:

  1. Prepare 2 tablespoons of preheated oil.
  2. Using a hairdresser's brush, distribute the product on the parting and lines parallel to it, until you have processed your entire scalp.
  3. With slow circular motions, massage the surface using fingertips for 8–10 minutes.
  4. Hold the composition for at least 30 minutes and rinse with shampoo.

If you decide to apply the tool only on the length of the hair, then first prepare a comb. The best choice is a wooden comb with sparse teeth. Metal or plastic brushes are not recommended because of the risk of an oxidative reaction.

After preparation, proceed to the basic procedure:

  1. Brush dry with a clean comb.
  2. Put 5-6 drops of peach oil on the cloves.
  3. Smoothly brush the hair along the hair, going down from the roots along the entire length, for about 10 minutes.
  4. After processing all the strands, check whether the tips have been carefully processed. If necessary, apply a few drops of oil with your hands on the ends of the hair.
  5. Do not rush to immediately wash off the composition - wait at least 30 minutes, and then clean the hair with a shampoo.

Strengthen the effect of the application will help plastic cap, which is worn on the head after treating the skin and hair with oil.Even more warming can be achieved if you wrap a warm towel over the cap.

Of course, you can combine massage and aromatherapy by performing both procedures in one session. Start with the treatment of the scalp, and then proceed to the distribution of funds along the length of the hair. At the end of the process, make a bundle and warm your head.

If you use the oil not as a preventive measure, but for treatment, you can hold the product on the hair and skin for 1.5 - 2 hours. However, caution should be exercised to the owners of overly sensitive scalp: for the first time, try to leave the oil for 30 minutes and check if there are any discomfort Some people apply the composition in the evening and wash it off only in the morning - in this case you also need to make sure that your skin is ready for the night procedure. Increase the time of leaving the mask on the skin and strands gradually.

Masked as an ingredient

Making masks takes a little longer than using oil alone, but in many cases is a more effective way due to the combination of components. For correct procedure follow the recommendations:

  • Dress up in clothes that do not get soiled with oil.
  • To make masks, use glass or ceramic containers - metal products will not work.
  • Do not forget to heat the base oils with the help of a water bath, and not over an open fire, as this will lead to the loss of some healing properties.
  • Try to mix the formulations thoroughly until a uniform consistency is obtained to evenly distribute the ingredients throughout the hair and skin.
  • Observe the recommended time during which the mask should be kept.
  • It is better to distribute the product on dry hair, without having to pre-rinse them.
  • When applying the composition to the skin, gently massage it, rubbing the mask.
  • Use a plastic cap and towel to ensure the thermal effect.

If among the ingredients of the mask there is a chicken egg, then it is enough to warm the base oils to 30 degrees. In other cases, the composition is brought to a temperature of about 37 degrees.

If your hair is prone to dryness and brittleness, look dull, then the following masks will help restore their vitality and elasticity:

  • With cottage cheese.
    1. Heat peach oil in the amount of 1 tablespoon.
    2. Add 1 teaspoonful of liquid honey.
    3. Cool the composition to a warm state and supplement it with 2 tablespoons of fat cottage cheese.
    4. Stir the ingredients thoroughly.
    5. Spread the mixture over the skin, rubbing it into the roots and strands.
    6. Hold the mask for 20 minutes.

To activate the follicles and enhance hair growth, masks with the addition of such ingredients are used:

  • With base oils.
    1. Combine 1 tablespoon of peach and castor oil.
    2. Add 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil to the mixture.
    3. Heat the composition to a temperature no higher than 20 degrees.
    4. Apply the mixture to the root zone, rubbing into the skin for 7 minutes.
    5. Leave for 40 minutes.

Use warm water to rinse off the mixtures - be sure to use a shampoo, since otherwise it will not be possible to completely clean the strands and scalp.

Masks will help to disinfect the skin and get rid of pathogenic bacteria that lead to the appearance of dandruff:

  • With calendula.
    1. Take a teaspoon of dried calendula flowers and pour a glass of boiling water in a small container.
    2. Cook for about 30 minutes over low heat.
    3. Remove the broth and cover with a lid, leaving in a dark place for 2 hours.
    4. After the specified time, strain the liquid.
    5. Mix 3 tablespoons of the resulting decoction with 1 tablespoon of aloe juice.
    6. Heat base oils - peach (1 tablespoon) and castor (1 teaspoon).
    7. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
    8. Spread the mixture in the basal area, gently rubbing into the skin.
    9. After 60 minutes, rinse off the composition.

To strengthen the hair, prevent hair loss, especially during the long winter period, you can prepare the mixture:

  • With a vitamin complex.
    1. Mix 1 tablespoon of peach and olive oils.
    2. Slightly heat the composition and supplement it with vitamins A and E, crushing 1 capsule of each preparation.
    3. After mixing, spread the product over the roots in a rubbing motion for 10 minutes.
    4. After 60 minutes, wash off the mask.

Video: masks for hair loss, including with peach oil

If you are concerned about the split ends, then use burdock oil mask:

  • With rosemary oil.
    1. Heat a mixture of peach and burdock oils (1 tablespoon of each ingredient is enough).
    2. Add 5 drops of rosemary oil.
    3. Mix and mix only the tips.
    4. Do not wash off the mask for 30 minutes.

Video: how to apply peach and other oils in masks for hair care

To wash off the mask, it is desirable to use a shampoo with a natural composition. It usually takes about 2-3 times to apply cleanser to completely remove the oil, especially when treating the scalp. The recommended number of sessions with the application of mixtures is about 15 procedures, which are carried out with a frequency of 1 every 3 days.

Drying strands is better in a natural way - using a hair dryer can negate the effect of using a mask.


You can use your regular shampoo as a base for peach oil. Since the procedure does not imply long-term retention of the composition on the hair, the result of its implementation is often less pronounced than with massage or masks. However, many reviews confirm that even this method of using oil can reduce hair loss and give them a shiny appearance, eliminating excessive dryness.

To perform the procedure, use the instructions:

  1. Pour a small amount of shampoo into the palm - it is desirable that your hair cleanser contains only natural ingredients.
  2. Mix the composition with 5-6 drops of peach oil and foam thoroughly.
  3. Use as an ordinary shampoo, only take about 5–7 minutes to massage the head after application.
  4. Rinse your hair with a new batch of clean shampoo.

When adding oil to shampoo, do not forget about the limitations of the frequency of use of such a composition. Since the tool is famous for its moisturizing properties, it is recommended to use it for no more than 1 time per week for oily hair.

Reviews on the use of peach oil for hair

Peach oil for hair is extremely useful! After the 3rd application you will notice the effect. After him, the hair is shiny and smooth, it saves from the cross section of the tips. The storehouse that I use is a mask with peach and burdock oil. The composition is simple 1st. l of peach oil + 1 tbsp of burdock oil (olive or coconut oil can be used, but I prefer burdock as an activator of growth) + 1 hl of dimexidum. dimeskid.) Pour dimexide into the heated oil and add 5 drops of rosemary essential oil if desired. Under the cap and towel and hold for about 1 hour. 3 times a week and a month later you will see that hair growth has increased, and the hair itself is soft and silky. You will not regret. I just have a big problem of hair growth, but with the help of uncomplicated and inexpensive NATURAL products, I see a stunning result. I myself ruined my hair madly by painting and building a hair, not even by building it myself, but by “hiding transitions”, with filings in general. And no means gave such a result, as masks with oils and dimexidum. I strongly advise that hair growth is about 5 cm per month. (Before that, cm 5 grew for 3 months and eventually broke off). Of course I did other masks and procedures for hair. hair became more perky, softer. Now I grow up and cut the spoiled hair on the sly! In general, I strongly advise you to mask.


I make such a mask from the tip section. Need to braid 2 braids. apply peach oil and vitamin A on them. Leave for 2-4 hours. then wash your hair. Nannsti from the middle are long honey and hair balm in a 1: 1 ratio. in a bag and towel for 1–1.5 hours. then wash off)


I add 3-5 drops of peach oil to the shampoo, my head after 2-3 days, because the hair is greasy. But after the second time there is a result, the hair does not get greasy, thick, soft, stopped falling and the scalp is not dry.


The oil is over and I want to share my impression of it. I like the ridiculous price for this universal oil and its effect. I bought it primarily for hair, they are hard, dry, burned with a hairdryer and a flat iron. And then they smeared butter and they were transformed, they became soft, shiny, the tips stopped cutting.


Actually, I was suspicious of “homemade” cosmetics for a long time, preferring beautiful jars with labels in the “From this” style, ”“ For this ”and so on. However, once the greed was overwhelmed by glamor, and in the cosmetics box A pharmacy bottle of peach oil appeared - someone on the Internet advised him to remove makeup. I report: do not wash off my cosmetics with oil! So they lied to the Internet. However, discarding the purchased hand did not rise, and the oil, declared as “excellent base,” was tried on all parts of the body. Best of all, it manifested itself during manicure: regular rubbing into the cuticle perfectly moisturizes it and allows for less frequent cutting of a manicure (all of a sudden, yes? I was surprised myself). But the skin, nails, cuticle - all garbage. Here is the hair peach oil really saves. No, the split ends do not stick together by themselves. Yes, hair dried up with hard water and a hair dryer becomes softer. And if you rub it into dry scalp, then you can get rid of dandruff without expensive shampoos (provided that dandruff is caused by overdried and flaky skin, like mine after moving, acclimatization and terribly lime water).


Peach oil is a natural moisturizing agent for hair and scalp. It helps to effectively fight dryness, dandruff and peeling, restoring damaged and weakened strands. As part of the masks, the product is often used to enhance hair growth, get rid of split ends, strengthen the bulbs. As a separate tool, it is used for massage of the head and aromatherapy to make the hair soft and silky, and also left for a long time to nourish the roots and activate the follicles.


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