
Gelatin hair lamination


Ladies consider hair lamination to be a rather expensive salon procedure. And only some of them know that you can laminate your hair at home with the help of regular gelatin. And those women who have heard about this method, doubt that it works. But recipes for hair lamination with gelatin at home are successfully replaced by salon procedures and are free. Their preparation is quick and simple, and the result will surprise you.

Gelatin and its properties

Before you do the lamination of hair at home with the help of gelatin, it is necessary to understand its properties and how it affects the hair.

Salon lamination is the application of a special composition to the hair coat. It covers each hair with the thinnest invisible film that transforms the general appearance of the hair. Due to this, the hair gets reliable protection from negative external factors. The procedure promotes healthy hair, which eventually becomes smooth and obedient.

The method can be called truly miraculous, as it is able to bring back even heavily thinned curls in life. However, the procedure carried out in the salons is very expensive. Those women who want to save money and want to look charming at the same time choose home biolamination for themselves. The product used for this is similar to salon products for the following properties:

  • Includes natural collagen, as well as amino acids, dietary fiber, vitamins, protein, cellulose, and even trace elements.
  • After all the components are absorbed, the structure of each hairs improves.
  • Hair enveloped by a film that protects against the influence of negative environmental factors. Due to this, they look more elastic and smooth (without split ends).
  • It has thermoprotective properties, which means it is suitable for ladies who actively use curling tongs or hair dryers.
  • Promotes easier remembering the shape of hair.
  • Contains vitamin E, nourishes the hair and retains moisture in it.

Most of the products sold in stores and intended for care, contain gelatin. This should also be known.

The advantage of gelatin is that it contains collagen protein of natural origin. After treatment with masks with gelatin, the hair becomes healthy and thicker. But hope for a stunning instant effect is not worth it. In order for the changes to be noticeable, it is necessary to do at least three procedures.

Advantages of the home procedure

The process of lamination at home does not take much time. All that is needed is to prepare and apply a mask. Homemade hair product, which includes gelatin, is suitable for everyone and has no contraindications. Gelatin eliminates such problems:

  • damaged hair ends
  • thin curls,
  • dullness and lack of elasticity.

Home biolamination is inferior to that carried out in the cabin only by the fact that its action cannot be immediately seen. While the professional procedure guarantees instant effect.

In addition, the effect of professional lamination is quite long. The effect is visible from 4 months to six months, whereas the procedure performed at home will have to be repeated after 30 days, as the gelatin is quickly washed off. But at the same time, it restores hair and has a tendency to accumulate, penetrating inside the hairs. If you go home a couple of courses, the hair will look gorgeous for quite a long time.

But it does not do without negative sides. The disadvantages include:

  • Failure to comply with all stages of the preparation of the recipe can be confronted with unpleasant consequences, for example, with excessive fat content or overdrying.
  • The long-awaited effect may never come.
  • Hair becomes greasy much faster than before.
  • Often there is increased dryness of the tips of the hair.

Like any other product, gelatin can be an allergen. You need to try the effect of the substance on a small area of ​​the head before the start of the main procedure. It is best to apply a small amount of gelatinous mass behind the ear and wait about a quarter of an hour. If there is no redness or other negative phenomena, then you can proceed to the procedure.

Some ladies who have had time to experience the effect of lamination with gelatin, note that after all the manipulations the hair gets dirty faster, and therefore you have to wash your hair more often. Therefore, if the hair is different fat, you do not need to add to the composition of vegetable oil and milk. They are replaced by two or three drops of lavender essential oil, rosemary or ylang-ylang.

Classic recipe

The first is to highlight the classic recipe for hair lamination with gelatin. It is very simple. The preparation of the composition does not take much time. If you plan to perform periodic procedures, it is best to buy a special saucepan with a small bottom diameter. Since the volume of the prepared composition is not very large, then in a saucepan with a large bottom the mask will spread over it and mix, and also it will become difficult to assemble the mask.

Preparation of home remedies for lamination hair step by step:

  • One packet of gelatin with a volume of 15 g is poured into a container, add three tablespoons of boiling water to it, slightly cooled, and mix well. Cover the pot with a lid and leave the contents for 15-20 minutes to swell. If after this lumps remain that cannot be stirred, the mixture must be heated. It is important to ensure that the heated mask does not boil, as the gelatin will immediately lose its properties and burn.
  • In the resulting composition you need to pour half a tablespoon of balsam, conditioner or hair mask, which a woman usually uses when washing her hair. In that case, if the mass became liquid, you need to add a little more balm.
  • · You need to wash your hair with shampoo and then lightly blot with a towel to keep it moist.
  • Apply the mask on the hair, while it should not be allowed to fall on the skin of the head. Apply quickly, so that the mask does not stand in the pan. If this happens, it is necessary to heat the container a little again.
  • After the gelatin lamination mask is distributed along the length of the hair, it is necessary to wrap the head with polyethylene. From above, it is warmed with a hat or towel. A hairdryer will also come to the rescue: they can warm their heads for 10 minutes. This will contribute to the fact that the composition will penetrate into the pores of the hairs. But warming is not required.
  • After this, it is necessary to walk like this for about half an hour and then wash off the composition with water, without using shampoo. Do not wash your hair with hot water. For better effect, hair can be rinsed with diluted lemon juice: one teaspoon of lemon juice is dissolved in one liter of water.

These proportions are provided for those ladies who have short hair. If you wish to laminate a long hair, the number of ingredients should be increased. It is important to remember that 1 part of the gelatinous substance has 3 parts of the liquid.

This recipe for lamination with gelatin at home has gained the most popularity. But there are other types of recipes.

Without the use of gelatin

Experts say that gelatin forms a film on the hair, but it is quickly washed out. Therefore, recipes are gaining popularity without the use of gelatin. They are made on the basis of honey, eggs, coconut milk or kefir. Such components with success will replace gelatin.

Honey Mask. One teaspoon of honey is heated in a water bath until it becomes liquid. Then add one egg and 1 tablespoon of castor oil. The mixture is stirred and left in a cool place until it thickens. To make the mask more nutritious, you need to add it eucalyptus oil and calendula (0.5 tablespoons).

Kefir composition. It will take 4 tablespoons of kefir, one egg, and two tablespoons of mayonnaise. If the mixture is watery, add starch to it.

In preparing home lamination products for hair at home without gelatin, vitamin fillers are used for masks. To do this, mix the same proportions of castor, burdock, linseed oil, the total amount of the mixture should not exceed 1 tbsp. l For an improved effect, one ampoule of vitamin E is added to the resulting composition.

African method. The African mixture is made on the basis of milk. You can take 125 ml of fat cow's milk or half a cup of coconut. It is necessary to warm up the liquid a little to make it warm and add the juice of half a lime to it. To saturate the mixture pour in 20 g of vegetable oil. Starch acts as a thickener.

The mixture is stirred until then, until there are lumps. The resulting mask is left for one hour at room temperature. For improved effect, you can add some honey in the composition.

Secrets of India. It uses cow and coconut milk. As a filler used banana. You need to pour 1 cup of coconut and half a cup of cow's milk into a blender and add a pre-sliced ​​banana, as well as one second cup of honey. All ingredients are mixed until uniform. Then the mixture must be filtered through a sieve. The resulting mask is applied to unwashed dry hair for 2 hours. Then wash the hair and rinsed. Ironing and hairdryer can not be used.

Hops and flax seeds. For the procedure it is necessary to make a solution of hops and flax seeds. Hop decoction is used as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. If you rinse their hair, they will harden. The mask with hops is applied on the scalp. It has a soothing effect and eliminates dandruff.

Flaxseeds contribute to the normalization of the metabolic processes of the scalp, and also protects hair from negative external influences. To prepare the composition you need to take 10 hop cones and three tablespoons of flax seeds. Cones are ground with the help of hands, and the seeds are ground with a blender.

Then the ingredients need to be poured with warm water (0.5 l) and bring the mixture to readiness, using the water bath: the resulting substance is aged for half an hour. After that, the liquid must be cooled naturally and filtered. Rinse hair should be within 5 minutes. Then the hair should be dried without using a hair dryer.

When added to the decoction 1 tbsp. l The starch mix hardens and a mask is obtained. It must be applied to the hair and wrap with polyethylene, and then wear a hat. After that, you need to wait half an hour and wash your hair with a mild shampoo with balsam. Starch should be added to half the decoction, the second half rinsed with the hair after the procedure.

Remedy with egg. Egg yolk contains a lot of nutrients. They saturate hair with vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the squirrel, a shiny film forms around the hair shaft. To make a mask, you need to take one egg, mix it with 100 g of mustard powder and 10 ml of castor or burdock oil. The resulting composition is applied to the hair, aged for half an hour and washed off with warm water.

Biolamination of hair at home is quite realistic. Ingredients are inexpensive, and the effect of the procedure is amazing, especially if you repeat it several times. So it is not necessary to contact the salons.

Lamination gelatin negatively affected the hair. They become really fat, although it may be an accident. Salon procedure is much better.

For split and dried hair lamination with gelatin is ideal. The hair is saturated with vitality and becomes more healthy.

Salon treatments are expensive. Therefore, masks with gelatin is salvation. Hair becomes more silky and docile. Especially like the African lamination recipe.

How does gelatin affect hair?

With the help of a cheap pack of gelatin you can solve many problems:

  • Restore the structure of the strands,
  • Give volume to thin hair
  • Cure split ends,
  • Return the lost shine to the hair,
  • To fix the shade of dyed hair, do not allow it to wash,
  • Moisturize dry and brittle strands.

Unlike salon products gelatin contains natural protein (collagen), which solders the ends of the hair, covers them with a protective film and is the main building material. And the strands themselves, in most cases, perfectly tolerate this procedure.

Homemade lamination of hair with gelatin takes 60 minutes on the strength and is not a big deal. That's just the instant result is not necessary to count. The visible effect will come at least after the third session, and they should be carried out along with the usual shampooing. Those who wash their hair three times a week are required to do three procedures.

Wash your head once every 7 days? One is enough. Strands will accumulate the result from one session to another, and within a month and a half you will get smoothness, silkiness and shine.

Advantages and disadvantages of gelatin lamination

Gelatin lamination of hair has both advantages and disadvantages. The undoubted advantages include the high degree of protection from the influence of ultraviolet rays, precipitation, styling products and internal failures, which the strands get together with gelatin.

If we talk about the cons, they look like this:

  • The result may not meet your expectations, because each person’s hair is unique (what suits one does not fit another)
  • It is necessary to take into account the individual intolerance to gelatin, which you can learn about using an allergic test (performed on the skin behind the ear or on the elbow bend for 15 minutes),
  • To put a gelatin mask on long strands is extremely difficult - you have to enlist the help of a friend,
  • After lamination, the roots grow fat very quickly, but the tips can become very dry.

Herself beautician, or strand lamination recipes

On the Internet you can find many options for home lamination hair gelatin.

Here is a classic recipe for a gelatin mask.

  • Water - about a glass,
  • Gelatin - 1 bag.

How is hair lamination done at home with gelatin?

  1. Pour the water into a clean pan, bring to a boil and let it cool slightly.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of gelatin into a glass container and add 3 tbsp. l cooled water. If the hair is very long and thick, the proportions will have to be slightly increased, adhering to the ratio of 1: 3.
  3. Gently knead the mixture and cover the container with a lid.
  4. I use my head with shampoo and use my usual balm.
  5. Wipe the strands with a towel so that excess moisture is gone. All this will take you about 15 minutes, during which gelatin should dissolve. If this does not happen, heat the mixture in a water bath.
  6. Mix gelatin with 0.5 tbsp. l balsam or mask and put on wet locks, retreating from the roots of 1 cm (otherwise irritation and dandruff may appear). With long curls, you can use a brush to apply paint.
  7. We wrap the head with plastic wrap and a thick towel.
  8. Turn on the hair dryer on the average power and heat the hair for about a quarter of an hour.
  9. We wait another 45 minutes and wash off the gelatinous mask with warm water. Thanks to balm, this process will be very quick and easy.

An important caveat: you should not replace the mask with a balm, as it closes the hair scales and does not allow the means to be absorbed.


Watch the video: DIY Hair Lamination Using Gelatin For Dry & Damaged Hair, Split ends & Breakage-Beautyklove (July 2024).