
Coloring the tips at home


The times when regrown hair roots were considered a sign of bad taste remained in the distant past. Now the different color of the roots and tips of the hair is perceived by us as something modern and creative.

There are many techniques for staining the ends of the strands, knowing the basic rules of which you can easily create an expressive image even in the conditions of your own home. With that, you can easily paint the tips as usual paint and crayons or colored hair dye.
The most amazing thing is that to create such an image may be quite inexpensive and very affordable materials.

How to dye the hair ends

To dye hair ends successfully, it is necessary to perform it in accordance with the whole a number of rules:

  • Before performing the procedure, you should dress in old clothes, not forgetting to protect your hands with special gloves (remember that skin can keep traces of paint for two days, and nails for at least a week).
  • Hair coloring should be done in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling harmful fumes.
  • It is necessary to prepare in advance as many pieces of foil as there will be colored strands. The application of paint is carried out in the following sequence: first, a foil is put under the strand to be painted, then the paint is applied with a brush.
  • Since staining the tips in several tones at once requires accuracy and speed, it is necessary to prepare in advance a sufficient amount of rubber bands, pins or clips.
  • The exposure time of the coloring or bleaching composition should be observed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, otherwise you can get a completely unpredictable result.
  • On bleaching curls after washing off the composition, it is necessary to apply a special balm: its effect will prevent tangling of the strands and facilitate the application of paint on their tips.
  • When using products containing aggressive ingredients, it is necessary to expose the hair to a rejuvenating mask.
  • Just painted curls can not be dried with a hairdryer for at least the first week. It is also undesirable to stack them with an iron or curling iron.

Step-by-step instruction

  • When coloring the tips of the hair, the optimal border of coloring is the level of the chin.
  • Wearing an old T-shirt and gloves, proceed to the preparation of a bleaching composition, acting in accordance with the instructions (owners of light curls can ignore the entire stage with discoloration of the tips).
  • Dividing the hair with a straight parting, allocate eight strands on each side. Not yet painted curls should be removed under the clips or barrettes.
  • Putting a strip of foil under the strand and armed with a brush, they begin to gently apply a means to lighten the hair to the intended level. If necessary, the brightening compound can be applied in two layers. The treated strand is “sealed” in foil.
  • The holding time of the composition on the strands depends on the expected result. Twenty minutes is enough for a light brightening effect; a bright blond can be achieved only forty-five minutes later.
  • Without removing the gloves, curls thoroughly washed with shampoo. A bleaching balm is applied to the bleached tips.
  • Dividing the curls again (as described above) and putting on clean gloves, proceed to the preparation of the coloring composition.
  • For applying paint on the ends of the hair, you can use a comb with frequent teeth: this will allow to achieve a smooth and natural color transition.
  • Inflicting the composition, wait for the time specified in the instructions.
  • After washing the curls, they use the balm again.

We invite you to read in our article review of hair dye Indola professional.

Reviews Estelle hair tinting balm in this article.

For blondes and blonde

Owners of light curls are in the most advantageous position, because any color will look bright and fresh on them. The palette of paints Faberlik Krasa will help you to choose the right shade.

Contrary to popular belief, according to which light curls can be painted exclusively in soft, pastel colors, modern fashion allows fair-haired beauties show hairstyles with very bright strands of contrasting colors.

For dark hair and brunettes

Girls, endowed with dark and burning-black curls, seeking to look creative and attractive, are forced to consciously take some risk, because to get a visible result, they must first discolor the tips of their hair.

Dark-haired beauties can make a choice in favor of contrasting combinations of dark strands and tips of violet, red, pink or ashy colors of tinted hair color. Very original hairstyles with rainbow strands of different shades will help to make a tonic for hair L'Oreal. Estelle Celebrity palette will also help you to choose the necessary shades.

Staining technology

The technique of radical coloring of the tips of the hair depends largely on the length of the strands themselves. To do this in your own home, need to get:

  • hair dye
  • brightening composition (it is necessary for owners of dark strands),
  • pieces of foil,
  • special brush,
  • rubber or polyethylene gloves.

Short hair

  • Short locks before painting are combed in such a way that their ends are directed upwards (this effect can be achieved with the help of stealth or small hairpins).
  • A thick layer of paint is applied to the piece of foil.
  • Colored foil is carried through the hair. It is allowed to “tingle” the protruding tips with the fingers that were previously lowered into the paint.
  • Slightly dried hair with a hair dryer, soak the dye on them for 20-30 minutes.
  • Flushing of the coloring composition is continued until the water is clear. After that you can rinse the strands using a specialized balm.

Middle length

  • Having combed the curls well, they are divided into squares and with the help of small rubber bands they are tapped into tails.
  • Putting each curl on a piece of foil, brush paint the prepared paint.
  • Gently wrapping all the colored strands in foil, leave them for half an hour. Wrapping the hair with a towel will help to get a more pronounced result.
  • When flushing paint it is desirable to use a balm.

In the video, rainbow mood on the hair of medium length

Long strands

To make the ends of the strands look like random colored "feathers", apply this technique:

  • Carefully combed curls are divided into small locks.
  • Holding each strand in a fist, paint its tip with a brush, then wrap it in foil.

To receive neatly dyed straight line staining tactics should be completely different:

  • Separating the strands of the lower tier, the rest of the hair mass is cleaved with a clip on the crown.
  • Brushing the dye on the ends of the strands, they are removed under the foil.
  • Separating another layer of hair, repeat the same procedure.
  • Actions continue until all hair ends are colored.

With both methods of dyeing, the dyeing time is about forty minutes. After washing off the paint, a moisturizing balm is applied to the hair.

No paint

Hair dyeing with specialized dyes containing a number of aggressive chemicals, of course, gives a rather pronounced and lasting result, but it has one significant disadvantage: it can ruin the curls.Girls seeking to make the strand coloring process as safe as possible can use a variety of alternative dyes.

In this capacity can be used:

  • gouache,
  • watercolor,
  • artistic crayons
  • ink,
  • food colorings.

Not being intended for dyeing hair, the above dyes, however, are quite suitable for creating bright and original images, the main advantage of which is that they are temporary. If you wish, you can return the original color to your hair at any time: just wash your hair thoroughly with regular shampoo.

An exception It concerns only food dyes used for dyeing bright strands: they, of course, do not possess the durability of professional paints, but they can slip away from the first time.

Gouache and watercolor

For coloring curls is fine gouache designed for children's creativity, which includes only coloring pigment and a binder component, which gives the paint a viscosity (white or PVA glue).

It is not recommended to dye hair with expensive art gouache containing harmful chemical additives.

Thinking through the color scheme of the future image, it is necessary to take into account the main tone of the hair. When staining melirovannyh curls gouache is better to apply to lighter areas, leaving natural locks inviolable.

In the most advantageous position There are owners of monochromatic light curls: they are allowed any experiments: both with bright and with pastel tones. The best choice for blondes are calm shades of peach, lilac, pink, light green and blue: they can be used to create very gentle and mysterious images.

Owners of dark hair and burning brunettes always to face the brightest colors: red, blue, yellow, green, orange.

The technology of gouache to dye hair ends is as follows:

  • thoroughly washed hair is dried with a towel
  • combing the necessary strands, they are thoroughly combed,
  • so that the gouache is well applied to the curls, a small amount of water is added to the jar,
  • having dipped a brush or a toothbrush in gouache, consistently paint the marked curls,
  • combing each colored strand again, let them dry naturally,
  • having achieved complete drying, the hair is carefully combed over again, letting excess particles of paint fall off.

Gouache Tinting Video

Stylists believe that hair dyed with gouache, it is better to wear not loose, and laid in a hair. Given the ability of gouache to dry the ends of the hair, it is necessary to prevent this undesirable effect by moisturizing them with vegetable oils. Rubbing a few drops of any oil in your palms, it is enough to hold them along the newly painted locks.

For coloring the ends of the hair can be used usual honey watercolor. Applying it to the strands is carried out with a brush, well moistened with water. Combing curls should be immediately after applying the paint.

Pastel crayons

Before the procedure coloring it is necessary to prepare colored pastel crayons (preferably soft, since they fit well on the hair) and a comb, and also throw on a hairdresser's dressing gown or put on some unmarked old dress that will not be soiled to be stained.

Pastel hair dyeing is one of the procedures that can smear the whole surrounding space, therefore the floor and objects in the vicinity of the sink, must be covered with newspapers or unnecessary rags: this will speed up the cleaning of the room and will save you from unnecessary trouble.

Blonde hair (including light-red) do not moisten with pastels before painting: otherwise, it will not be possible to get rid of the shade given to them for at least three days. Dark hair (brown, brown and auburn) can be slightly moistened before dyeing.

Girls who have never resorted to using pastels for hair coloring can pretest her on one of her strands. Making sure that the chalk fits well, giving the desired shade, and no less effectively washed off with water, you can proceed to the procedure of staining.

  1. If dry curls are dyed with pastels, it is necessary to moisten a little shallow with water (otherwise it will not be able to lie on the hair).
  2. Taking a small strand, they twist it into a tight flagellum and, occasionally wetting the crayon, dye the hair to the desired height. If wet strands are painted, it is not necessary to wet the chalk.
  3. Painted strand must be carefully combed immediately. If you do not do it right away - by the end of the procedure, you can get a pile of hair that is practically impossible to comb and style.
  4. Similarly, paint the tips of all the remaining strands.

For girls who have dyed their hair with pastels, it should be noted that you should not dress in light-colored clothing after that, because the colored tips of the strands that come into contact with it can transfer part of their coloring to it. Frequent use of pastels for tinting the tips can dry out hair, so you can resort to this method of coloring them no more than once a month.

The optimal time during which you can show curls, painted pastel - no more than 5-8 hours. With each hour that has passed after this period, the possibility of washing pastels is hampered. If the pastel is not washed off with a regular shampoo, you can use “Fae” (dishwashing detergent).
The best The pastel crayons of the trademarks “Kohinoor”, “Faber-Castell”, “Sonnet” are considered. For dyeing brittle and dry strands, it is advisable to use crayons, on the packaging of which there is a “fortified” label, since the effect of the nutrients contained in them minimizes the negative effect of the dry texture on the hair cuticle.


Eyeshadow is an unexpected, but very good material for quickly creating a bright festive image. Before using them, it is necessary to take the same precautions as in the case described above, that is, put on old clothes and cover all surrounding surfaces with paper, since the pigment particles, of course, will crumble.
For staining strands suitable palette containing matte shadows of only one color. Their texture should be soft and slightly greasy: it will help the dye to lie better on the hair.
Staining technique not requiring the use of brushes and brushes is extremely simple:

  1. Separating and combing a fine strand, it is applied to a palette and carried through her hair. If the shade is not too bright, you can do it several times. To achieve a smooth transition of colors, the border should be slightly shaded with the fingers.
  2. For a more expressive image, you can use the shadow of another one - a contrast - color. It is quite permissible to use both types of shadows to color one strand, using a lighter shade to color the very tips, and a darker shade to the area slightly higher.
  3. To fix the shadows, colored tips sprinkle hair spray.

In the video, the very process of staining shadows

Food coloring

Blonde girls who want to create an original image with bright tips of the strands can resort to the popular Deep Dai technique (from the English. "Dip" - "dipping" and "dai" - "dye"), using food dyes.

Dark hair before applying such dyes will have to first lighten up a few tones.

  • Well combed curls, proceed to the cultivation of food coloring in the water. Hair balm is added to the prepared solution (100 ml for two diluted sachets).
  • Fixing the tips of the strands with the help of small rubber bands, alternately dipping them into the dye solution.
  • Having sustained certain time (for coloring of a fair hair ten minutes are enough), the painted tips wash with cool water and dry.

Food dye caught on the skin can leave traces on it that are washed with great difficulty, therefore, preparing for hair dyeing, care must be taken to protect clothing (shoulders can be covered with a piece of plastic film) and skin on hands (rubber gloves will protect them) .

Another way to obtain a temporary result is to color the tips with the help of specialized mascara for hair.
Creating an image, you must act according to following rules:

  • Curls undergoing staining should be clean, well dried and combed.
  • Since the ink-dyed strands are no longer combed, you should put them in your hair before dyeing.
  • Apply mascara on curls should be in the direction of their growth, using a brush embedded in the packing cap. Application of the agent in several layers results in tips of a more saturated tone.
  • When dyeing short-cut hair, mascara is better to apply with short strokes: this will not only add volume of hair, but also save a significant amount of expensive tools.

The tips of the hair can be dyed with henna - a natural dye obtained from the dried leaves of lawsonia. Due to the presence of resins in its composition, they will acquire an unusual silkiness and shine.

In addition, the excellent compatibility of henna with all sorts of herbal supplements helps to give your hair a whole range of unique shades.

Accurate proportions for the breeding of henna with infusions or water simply do not exist. The main criterion for a properly prepared dye is its consistency. It should resemble thick mush.

Henna with basma

The most common combination is the combination of henna and basma. Changing the proportions of these dyes, you can get a lot of different colors.
When using henna should be taken into account original hair color and structure: the lighter and thinner they are - the brighter the color will be after dyeing.
On dark hair, you can only achieve different options of reddish colors.

Golden shade

To give the tips of the hair a golden hue, there are several options for making dye:

  • To increase the acidity, which enhances the golden color, sour cream, rhubarb decoction or kefir is used for breeding henna. In addition to a beautiful shade, the curls will get a mirror shine, because a weakly acid dye solution will remove from them the thinnest mineral film enveloping the hair, which is constantly in contact with water.
  • For breeding henna, you can use chamomile infusion prepared from a tablespoon of dried flowers and 50 ml of boiling water (the time of infusion is 30 minutes). This infusion does not need filtering.
  • The coloring composition can be prepared from an equal amount of henna and saffron or turmeric powders. The high content of antioxidants in its composition will prevent stratification of the hair ends.

Reddish gamma

To color the tips of the strands in reddish hues, henna powder can be diluted with a small amount of red wine, real hibiscus tea or beetroot juice. In some cases, a mixture of equal parts of henna and cocoa powder is prepared, which is then diluted with hot water.

Chocolate shades

To create these delicious shades there are several options. Can:

  • Create a mixture of powders of henna and cinnamon, taken in equal proportions.
  • Dilute one bag of henna with a strong coffee extract made from ½ cup of boiling water and a tablespoon of ground coffee.
  • Dilute the mixture prepared with a tablespoon of henna and two tablespoons of coffee with hot water.
  • Dissolve one portion of henna infusion of nutshell.To prepare the infusion, four dessert spoons of crushed shell are poured with water (200 ml) and, boiling, insist for forty minutes.
  • For breeding henna use strong brewed black tea.

In bright colors: red, pink, blue

In an effort to create the latest fashionable image, you can either paint the very tips of your hair, or make the ends of radically colored strands bright. If you can not do it in a professional salon, you can try to do on their own.
The technique of home dyeing the tips of the hair (with their preliminary lightening) consists of several stages:

  • Taking the gum, curls curl around the middle of their length.
  • With the help of a brush, a lightening compound is applied to the tips, making it some careless, chaotic strokes. The holding time of the composition must comply with the instructions attached to it.
  • The next day, they begin to color the discolored tips, using permanent paint, tonic or coloring mousse. Again, pulling the hair with a rubber band, put the coloring composition only on the tips of the strands. The duration of the procedure is determined by the manufacturer's instructions.

If you want to dye the hair ends in two or more colorsIt is necessary to purchase several dyes of the desired color in advance. For dark curls, you will have to pre-apply a brightener for hair without yellowness, blond can be painted immediately.
Before painting procedure It is better to remove the split ends of the strands by trimming them or making a stylish haircut. Making staining, dip the fingers (of course, protected by rubber gloves) in a diluted composition and carefully “feel” the strands. This technique allows not to miss a single hair.

When coloring some types of short haircuts, it is possible to color all the tips, but, for example, only in the locks of the inner layer. With this variant of the hairstyle design, all the strands located in the parietal zone of the head are combed up and cut off with clips, and then paint is applied to the tips of the curls that surround the haircut. This original technique of bright edging short haircuts is extremely in demand among young people.

Options for the most popular colors:

  • White curls with bright blue tips.
  • Dark strands with tips painted in fiery red.
  • Bright pink tips are relevant in hairstyles from both light and dark hair.
  • Hairstyles from long curls, the tips of which are painted in the maximum number of shades of blue, pink and lilac.

Bright dyes that give the hair an unusually original and stylish look have one significant drawback: they are quickly washed out, giving the hair unattractive dirtyish shades (for the most part this applies to dyes of green and blue).

We recommend to read: about the sun tanning for nursing mothers here, the criteria for choosing between cream and tanning oil here.

To prevent this from happening, the hairstyle needs regular updating. It is also necessary not to forget about the constant moistening of bleached and tinted hair tips with the help of masks and vegetable oils: this will help protect them from increased porosity and fragility.

Tip Tinting - Benefits

Ombre, balayazh, dip dye ... This is what the three most popular techniques look like with which you can lighten the ends of your hair, combine contrasting colors and even draw a rainbow right on the strands.

This method has many advantages:

  • It can be used with any hair length. The only condition is that they should not be split ends and be too dry, otherwise you will get a washcloth on your head. As for the color range, it can be either natural (red, black, chocolate) or exotic (neon, pink, purple, green).
  • Dyeing the tips takes little time and money, because even for long hair you will spend only one pack of paint.
  • Want to change something in yourself, but afraid? Use tonic! Decided on a radical change? Feel free to buy paint! As you can see, you have two options at once.
  • If you don’t like the result, you can always cut off the colored tips. With full coloring there is no such possibility!

How to make a fashionable dye on dark or blond hair? Appliances staining at home.

Ombre at home

The people call the technique “ombra” simply - regrown roots. Professional masters of hairdresser's art assure that ombre is nothing more than stretching the color from darker to lighter. During the ombre, you can use two or even three shades. As for combinations, they can be either classic (from dark to blond) or very bright. The transition from one color to another can begin at any level - even at the very tips, even near the temples. A lover of shocking can paint the roots and tips in the same tone, and the middle of the hair to highlight a lighter shade.

To paint the tips of the house using the ombre technique you will need:

The procedure itself looks like this:

  1. We divide the hair into three equal parts (one at the back and two at the sides). Each part is tied with a rubber band.
  2. Carefully paint every part. It is better to start from the side. Do not forget to follow the transitions.
  3. Wrap hair with foil.
  4. Maintain the remedy for 30 minutes and wash my hair with shampoo.
  5. To make the transition smooth, we apply another layer of paint on it, but for 10 minutes already.
  6. Again, wash my head with shampoo.

Classic or color game

With all the colorful variety, there are only two types of coloring: classic and color.

In the first case only one color is used, usually darker shades on light curls and lighter ones on dark ones.

But if the hair has medium shades (for example, dark blond or light brown), then the tips can be painted in both lighter and darker shades.

Color staining much more diverse, as it involves the use of colors of several tones. In this embodiment, you can create amazing highlights, and the effect of faded strands in different colors, and avant-garde models with multi-colored strands - the choice is practically unlimited.

How to prepare hair for coloring

Professionals recommend conducting preliminary training for at least two weeks. Remember that any paint does not have the best effect on the condition of the strands.

And you, most likely, will have to lighten, which dries the already dry tips. Any mask that provides extra power will help avoid problems with curls in the future.

You can make a beautiful haircut with thinning, but do not abuse the long thinning, otherwise the coloring procedure will be quite complicated.

What you need:

  • paint (one, two or more shades),
  • supra and oxide (if you plan to brighten the tips),
  • paint tank (non-metallic)
  • brush,
  • comb (better with sparse teeth - it is easier to achieve a smooth transition),
  • flat comb for strand separation
  • hair ties
  • hairpins,
  • foil,
  • peignoir and gloves.

Hair dyeing at home

Lightening curls can be done with a special paint or supra:

  • If the hair was previously painted or their color is too dark, then in this case you should use the supra.
  • If clarification is assumed to be minimal (no more than 2-3 tones) then use 3-6% oxide.
  • If more intensive clarification is required, then 9% oxide should be taken.

Lightening is only a preliminary stage, after which the tips of the hair must be either colored or tinted.If you do not want to dye your hair, then yellowness and copper shades that appear after clarification can be removed with a tinted shampoo.

1. Coloring using the ombre technique.

Ombre implies a smooth transition from one shade to another. The finished result creates the effect of burnt hair. Having decided to dye your hair in this technique, you must combine at least two colors.

Lovers of bright colors are ideal shades such as pink, purple, fuchsia or crimson. However, you can always choose other options, depending on your imagination and taste preferences.

To make the shades as bright as possible, it is advisable to lighten the tips before applying the basic paint. Ombre is a win-win for long hair.


  • First of all, apply a darker paint on all the roots.
  • After waiting about 10 minutes and apply the same paint to the middle of the curls, without touching the ends.
  • Now apply a lighter tone to the rest of the hair and wrap it with foil.
  • Wait the time specified by the manufacturer of the dye for full dyeing and wash it off using shampoo and balm for dyed hair. You can enjoy the result :)

2. Coloring on the technique of "balayazh."

This technique will allow shining hair, the color of the tips will differ significantly from the main hair color. This method allows you to create a unique style and emphasize your individuality.

In order for the finished result to amaze with its magnificence, the split ends must be cut a little beforehand, otherwise they will stand out too much after dyeing.

Option for those who have one or almost the same hair length


  • Make a parting behind and take the hair forward on both sides.
  • Apply light paint to all ends. The more you want white, the more from the ends to the roots you apply paint (just do not overdo it, “the better the less, the more”).
  • Cover the painted ends with foil.
  • When the tips begin to brighten, comb your hair, thereby removing the sharp boundaries.
  • Close the curls with foil again and hold the remaining time.
  • When time passes, remove the foil and wash away the paint.

Cascade or graduated cut option

Take the hair in the ponytail. If their ends are about the same length (in the tail), then this is a variant of your painting.


  • Take the curls in the high tail (approximately, on the crown or where-where more or less your ends become the same length).
  • If you have medium length hair, cover your head with a foil or a bag, only the tail should stick out. If long, then do nothing.
  • Apply light paint on all ends sticking out of the tail.
  • When time passes remove the foil and gum and wash off the paint.

For short hair

  • Carefully scoop up the curls and comb them up (professionals call this procedure a duplication). For fixation, you can use varnish.
  • Gently apply the paint with a brush on the foil and draw the colored side along the very edge of the hair.
  • If this procedure seems to be too complicated for you, you can apply paint on the head of hair directly with your fingers, without forgetting to use rubber gloves. Dip your hands in a bowl with paint and "tingling" movements distribute the dye on the strands. Make sure all strands are well dyed.

For medium or maximum hair length

Suppose you are the owner of a haircut with fairly clear contours and there is a desire to emphasize only its lower part. Then, first, separate the upper part of the hair that will not participate in the dyeing, and fasten them well.

Then, using a brush, apply paint on the “border”. Next, the standard scheme: wait for the allotted time and wash off the paint.

  • Preparation for coloring is to divide the entire hair zone into small squares.It is important to observe the following condition: the first parting must necessarily pass from ear to ear.
  • Once the separation is complete, collect the curls into small tails and apply dye to the tips.
  • Every time the paint is applied - wrap the finished curl in foil.
  • To obtain a more uniform result, it is recommended that the tails also be wrapped in foil.

Color solutions

Successful color combinations on the hair roots and tips using the balayazh technique:

  • bronze at the base and amber at the tips,
  • eggplant combined with burgundy shades
  • the main color is dark chestnut, the tips are tones with bronze shades,
  • Sandra looks perfect with pearl shades.

Brunettes to achieve the desired result, it is desirable to pre-lighten the ends of the hair.

Pastel coloring

For girls who are not inclined to radically change their appearance, but want to add a zest to the image, we can recommend short-term staining of the tips. Color will stay on the hair before the first shampooing. This way is also called “pastel”, and now you will understand why.

You will need will need:

  • hairbrush,
  • dry pastel or special crayons for hair.

Dark curls need to be pre-wetted with water. To prevent clothes from becoming part of the “artistic canvas”, use a peignoir or cover your shoulders with a towel.


  • Well comb the curls and divide them into strands.
  • Now twist a tight braid from each strand and carefully rub it with the chosen remedy. The most unusual effect is achieved by using two crayons with different shades.
  • After all the strands are dyed, carefully comb the hair again. This will help get rid of excess pastels. If you have pre-wetted your hair, then you will need to comb it only after it has completely dried.

This staining is washed off very simply, and even if the crayons are a little dirty with clothes, then it will be washed off without problems.

What color to paint the ends of light brown hair

If you often do a perm, look at very light shades - up to pearl white. On the curls (and even on the native soft waves) such a transition will look very attractive. It is better for owners of ideally smooth linen to make minimal lightening (1-2 levels) in order to get a natural burnout effect, or to choose a darker shade.

When deciding what color to dye your blond hair at home, consider two factors:

  • Light brown hair is devoid of natural shine, so they need artificial glare. Best of all, horizontal highlighting can cope with such a task, especially on long strands. Ombre, on the contrary, should be avoided.
  • The choice of shades depends on your type of appearance. According to professionals, coffee, chocolate, caramel and creamy tones look very advantageous.

What color to paint the hair ends of blondes

Owners of blond strands are very lucky - they can try non-standard shades and, if desired, quickly get rid of them without disturbing the hair structure. For this purpose, a special pastel was invented - a piece of chalk that creates a colored film: the pigment remains on the surface, therefore it is easily washed off. Hue is best “read” on a light canvas, as on a blank sheet of paper. The darker the hair, the less color saturation.

The most popular with blondes is the coloring of the hair ends in:

  • delicate shades - pink, blue, peach,
  • bright colors - purple, blue, green or red.

Coloring hair tips in the style of

For a casual observer who is not familiar with fashion trends, this method of coloring may look like regrown roots. With an insufficient level of professionalism hairdresser creates the same negative effect. The highlight of the technology is the most subtle, smooth transition from dark roots to bright ends.Coloring the tips in a light color looks the most effective on brown-haired and fair-haired, but for brunettes it is better to find less contrasting tones. The shade can be stretched to the full length, which is done on short haircuts, or only from the middle of the canvas.

How to dye hair ends at home in this way? Use the following algorithm:

  1. Mix the selected dye with the activator lotion. To brighten the ends, you will have to take a 9% (or 12% for white) oxygenator.
  2. Apply the composition to wet strands, touching only 5-7 cm from the end.
  3. In 10 minutes. add another 4-5 cm.
  4. Wait 10 minutes again. and cover with working mixture another 4-5 cm. Stretch the border upwards using a comb with frequent teeth.
  5. Strand seals in foil. In 10 minutes. open, wash away the paint.
  6. If you made a strong clarification, using the same technology, apply a tinting compound.
  7. After the procedure, be sure to moisturize the dyed hair ends with a good mask, as they are seriously damaged during lightening.

Painting tips using the technique

This technique is difficult to perform at home and without preparation, but it gives a more interesting result. Such coloring allows to achieve a depth of natural color without major changes. The technology is horizontal, so as a result you will get natural highlights in a lighter or darker shade. The most popular option is the thickening of light spots to the ends, which is called "shatush".

How to dye hair ends according to this principle? Follow this pattern:

  1. Dilute the dye with activating lotion.
  2. Divide clean dry hair into strands 2 cm thick. Twist each of them into a bun.
  3. Straighten the selected working strand with a brush tip dipped in paint and make several vertical strokes.
  4. Roll the strand back, lock.
  5. Process the remaining bundles using the same steps "3" and "4".
  6. Keep the composition, as stated in the instructions, but not more than half an hour.

How to paint the tips of the hair in the technique of dip dip eye

This option is suitable for bold, thirsty experiments and brightness of girls. Recently, this method of coloring gets more and more fans: neon colored strands look amazing in the summer, especially on the bright canvas. If you were looking for a way to unusually dye your hair ends at home, then dip dye is for you. The scheme is as follows:

  1. Divide the entire mass of hair into small strands - the thinner, the thicker the color will be.
  2. Twist one of the parts into a bundle, moisten with water.
  3. Rub the desired area with crayon, release the strand, let it dry.
  4. You can wash off the shade with plain water, even without shampoo.

Popular technology

To date, there are many different techniques of coloring the tips of the hair. The most popular among them today are ombra, balayazh and dip-dye.

At the heart of each technique is a certain type of painting tips. There are only two of them - classic and color.

Classic involves the use of only one shade. As a rule, darker tones are taken for light hair. Brunettes and brown-haired women prefer to choose something lighter. Owners of hair "medium" color and fit those and others.

Color staining involves toning in several shades at once. And they can be not only close to natural, but also brightly contrasting.

The colored tips of the hair allow you to stand out in the crowd and refresh your hair without the use of radical measures. Each technique has its own characteristics and nuances that must be considered in order to obtain the desired image. Consider them in more detail.

This technology involves stretching the color over the entire length of the hair. The main condition is a relaxed transition from the root zone to the ends of the curls. It looks best on long hair.

Ombre uses at least 2 shades.Mainly used dark blonde, nut and honey colors, as well as a combination of chocolate and coffee.

The indisputable advantage of this technique is that when the roots grow, the hairstyle continues to look beautiful and natural. In addition, it allows you to make facial features more subtle and balanced, because the hair is painted at a distance of 3-4 cm from the roots or from the middle of the head of hair.

If you have never done an ombre, first read the photo, which shows the result of painting. They can be found on the Internet or ask a hairdresser.

Thanks to the new methods of implementation, the balayazh is a gentle, non-burning hair technique. Best for medium length hair. On the short and elongated curls also looks very good.

For a more saturated color, a little preparation is required before dyeing. It is necessary to shear the curls and remove the split ends. With the natural dark color of the hair, you should additionally lighten the ends a little.

For staining the tips in this technique, experts recommend the following tonal combinations:

  • chestnut with bronze
  • bronze with amber,
  • dark ruby ​​eggplant
  • sandra with pearls.

It is necessary to select shades taking into account the type of appearance, color type and face shape. If you are afraid to make a mistake, ask for help from an experienced colorist.

Deep Dai is a fashionable hair coloring technique. It involves painting the tips in various bright contrasting shades.

According to the method of applying the dye, this technique resembles ombre. The main difference is the palette. She may be the most incredible. Actively apply pink, purple, blue, burgundy, green and black.

With the help of dip-dye, it seems that the ends of the curls were dipped into a container of paint (hence the name). You can color all the strands or only a few - if you want to create a “creative mess.”

This coloring technique makes it possible to create a bright image that will not go unnoticed. Most often, it is resorted to by courageous and extraordinary women.

Paint selection

To get the desired result, first of all, you need to choose the right paint. The main difference of dyes - composition. Let's try to understand their advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Natural, healthy and safe are henna and basma, as well as various plant extracts. Some products also possess coloring pigment - for example, tea and coffee. For clarification, you can use lemon juice. However, natural paints have their drawbacks. First, they only slightly emphasize the shade of the strands. And secondly, when applying them, it is difficult to predict the final result in advance.
  2. Toning shampoos and balms. They do not penetrate into the depths of the hair structure, but only cover its top layer. After use, the curls become saturated and smooth. The disadvantage of such funds is that they are short-lived, as the dye is quickly washed away from the hair. Also there are no bleaching components.
  3. Chemical paints are divided into resistant and semi-resistant. They penetrate into the depth of the hair structure, due to which the shade is not washed off and the result lasts longer. In permanent (persistent) dyes in the composition there is ammonia. Thanks to him, the color goes deep into the hair and changes its structure. In sparing (semi-resistant) it is absent altogether or is available in small volumes, due to which strands are damaged less. As a result, staining lasts a long time, but over time, the shade is still washed off. Both types of paints are often used to paint the tips.
  4. Means for coloring at one time. As a rule, it is a special piece of chalk or powder. Plus - a very wide color palette and a nice price. Minus - the result persists until the first shampooing.

How to paint the house

No time or opportunity to visit a beauty salon? Not scary.We'll tell you how to dye the ends of your hair at home.

To do this you will need:

  1. Pre-prepare hair for dyeing - cut off split ends, apply a mask.
  2. For two days, wash your hair with organic shampoo, without applying conditioner.
  3. Pre-pick the shades (you can use special programs or maps of manufacturers of paints to see the most winning combinations).
  4. Choose the paint most suitable to the original color (natural, chemical or tint balsam and tonic).
  5. Prepare the tools with which home staining will be done.

Mandatory rule - follow the recommendations and step-by-step instructions for painting. At the slightest deviation, the result can be unpredictable.

Preparation of tools

For home dyeing hair tips will need:

  • paint of several shades,
  • supra and oxide (if clarification is necessary before painting),
  • non-metallic container for mixing the coloring agent
  • brush or sponge,
  • rare tooth comb (for a soft transition),
  • flat comb (to separate strands),
  • rezinochki for curls,
  • hairpins or invisible,
  • foil,
  • cosmetic gloves and cape,
  • shampoo and balm.

Foil must be cut into pieces. They should be enough to have enough for each strand.

Coloring the tips of the hair is done quickly and accurately, so all the fixtures should be at hand. In order to avoid unexpected results, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the paint exposure time (specified in the instructions).

Short hair

Step by step instructions for coloring the ends on a short haircut:

  1. First you need to make a bouffant so that the ends of the hair are sticking up (for fixation, you can use barrettes).
  2. Split curls into strands.
  3. Put a piece of foil under the strand and brush (sponge) to apply paint on the ends (distribute it so as to create a smooth transition).
  4. Sustain the coloring agent according to the instructions.
  5. After the end of time, rinse under cool water with shampoo and apply a balm.

Uncomfortable to use a brush and foil? Then paint the curls with your hands (with gloves). To do this, dip the tips of your fingers in the paint and spread the product over the protruding ends. Make sure that each strand is carefully dyed.

On the hair of medium length

To dye the ends of the hair of medium length, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Curls gently comb. Divide the entire hair zone into squares and tie them with a rubber band. It is important that the first parting goes from one ear to the other.
  2. Take one tail, put a piece of foil under it, brush the dye on the tips with a brush, walk with a comb and wrap.
  3. Repeat the same steps with the remaining strands.
  4. Leave the paint on the ends according to the instructions (in addition, you can put on a shower cap and a towel - for the best effect of the composition).
  5. Wash your hair under cool water with shampoo and apply hair conditioner.

On long curls

With long curls to perform painting is not as easy as for short haircuts and medium length. Therefore, it is desirable to take someone as an assistant.

To dye the tips on the maximum length, do the following:

  1. Hair combed and divided into a number of strands.
  2. If you want to get the effect of random and irregular colored curls, you need to hold one strand in your fist, apply paint with a brush or sponge on the ends and wrap it with a piece of foil.
  3. To make a beautiful, smooth coloring line, you must start painting from the lower zone. First, it must be separated, and the remaining curls tie at the top of the head. After applying the coloring composition strands are sealed in foil. With the rest of the ends do the same actions.
  4. Withstand the paint according to the instructions.
  5. After time, wash off the composition with shampoo and apply balm.

Caring for painted tips

After dyeing the hair always require special care. It is recommended to use special cosmetics - restoring shampoos, conditioners, mousses and conditioners. You can also make homemade masks and wraps.

During the week after painting it is undesirable to use hair styling devices at high temperatures. It only hurts the strands. If you can not avoid such a styling, do not forget to put on the hair thermal protection agent.

For combing it is desirable to use a comb made of natural materials. Artificial will cause excessive electrification and fluffiness.

By following all the above recommendations, you will mitigate the negative effects of permanent dyes. In this case, it is extremely important that the care was not a one-time, but regular.

And finally

Coloring the tips of the hair at home allows you to create a beautiful and noticeable image without any radical measures. The field for fantasy is not limited. You are free to choose dyes of any type and durability - from permanent to henna and crayons.

The whole process does not take much time and money. And if you do not like the result, you can always safely cut off the tips or paint them again after a while.

Advantages of technology

This hair coloring has the following advantages:

  • creates an individual style
  • looks great on different haircuts,
  • suitable for all ages
  • hairstyle is perfect for different occasions
  • it's a great base for experimentation
  • suitable for neutralizing gray hair.

Thanks to these advantages, the technique is used in many salons. The same staining procedures are performed at home.

This color coloring of the ends of the hair, the main feature of which is considered a smooth transition between shades. The tones will not stand out brightly, so the curls look natural. The list of the most popular colors include the combination of chocolate with a hint of coffee, as well as nutty tones with honey. Ombre is chosen by women of different ages.

The advantages of the procedure include the creation of a natural image. There will be no difficulties with growing dark roots, because the transition looks natural. Ombre allows you to visually make the face longer and thinner.

Bright colors are obtained using the technique of dip-dye. Coloring allows you to create a very extravagant image. This technology is loved by many women because of the opportunity to get original results. Purple-blue, red, green and other bright shades look beautiful. The technology is similar to the principle of coloring ombra, but differ in the palette.

Coloring the tips of the hair looks beautiful with harmonious tones. For example, black curls will be better combined with red or purple tips. Not less successful option is the effect of the rainbow and the flame. In the first case, the transformation takes place with the help of companion strips, and in the second, the master combines bright shades of colors.

How to choose a paint?

To paint the tips you need to choose the right paint. When choosing, you should focus on the composition of the funds. Natural, in particular, henna, Basma, plant extracts of chamomile, burdock, onion peels are considered the safest and even useful paints. Products such as tea and coffee have coloring properties, and you can lighten your hair with lemon juice. Natural paints have disadvantages. For example, it is difficult to predict the results of the procedure. Usually they are chosen, if desired, to only slightly emphasize the shade of the curls, to make it more expressive.

Physical dyes can be used frequently. They do not penetrate deep into the hair, but only cover the top layer. Such products include tinted shampoos, tonics, and balms.After the procedure, the hair acquires a rich tone and a pleasant shine. Such dyes are quickly washed away, so the result does not persist for long. They do not have clarifying agents, so they cannot be used for drastic changes.

Chemical paints are a separate group. They are persistent and semi-resistant. The latter are often confused with the physical ones, but in fact they penetrate deeply into the hair structure, which, in fact, does not wash out. To chemical paints include permanent. They penetrate the depths of the hair, so the staining is considered persistent.

The group of chemical paints include semi-permanent. They lack ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, and if there is, then in very small quantities. Similar dyes damage hair less. The result of coloring remains for a long time, but over time the color is washed off. All types of paints are used to paint the tips.

Self staining

The technique of coloring the tips of the hair is simple. Before the procedure it is necessary to trim the tips. So the paint will hold on for a long time, and the shade will look brighter. You must first prepare:

With short curls, you need to make a “hedgehog” bouffant, and then dip your fingers in the finished solution, and then process the tips. This procedure is completed.

If you work with long hair, you must first divide them into squares. Each strand should be fastened in a bundle. Squares should be divided into small tails. The paint is carefully applied to the tips, after which the curls are wrapped in foil. Such actions must be done with each strand.

Working with long curls is not as easy as working with short ones. It is advisable to find an assistant or visit the salon. It is advised to do those women who have already performed such a procedure. If the work is done by a professional, then the result will be much better.

If you did not like the coloring of the tips of the hair, then they can always be cut off. According to reviews it is clear that this happens rarely. In most cases, the results delight clients of beauty salons. The attractiveness of the image of a woman depends on the quality of work on yourself. If you want to create a bright, original style, then you should choose this particular coloring technique.

To get the desired result and become the owner of a stylish hairstyle, you should not save on the paint and the services of a professional hairdresser.

After dyeing, hair requires special care, even if you just updated the tips. This will preserve the beautiful appearance of the curls and restore their structure. It should not be done in the near future perm, as the procedure will damage the hair even more. For care, it is recommended to use special products - restorative shampoos, masks, mousses, rinses and gels.

Dyed hair should not be too often dried with a hot dryer, as well as using styling tongs. If these procedures are necessary, then first it is worth applying special thermal protective agents to the hair. To curls were obedient styling, they need to be combed before going to bed. Wet hair is brittle, so you should not comb them in this form without air conditioning. It is advisable to use a comb made of natural materials.

If the strands have lost their healthy appearance, then you can use natural means of recovery. At home, many women prepare nutritious and restorative masks, use vegetable oils.

What is the coloring of the tips of the hair?

The staining technique used allows you to create different images. A smooth transition looks like burnt tips. For staining the tips are allowed to use 2-3 different shades. For extravagant personalities, coloring is offered when the hair roots are radically different in color from the tips.

What is the coloring of the tips of the hair? The following types are known:

Ombre. Technique involves the use of one or three tones.To do this, a smooth transition is performed, the shades are carefully selected to create the effect of burnt curls. The second option involves the use of contrasting colors. Hair coloring begins after a distance of 3–4 cm from the roots. The transition can begin from the middle of the head. At will such technology is carried out: dark color, light shade and again dark tone.
Balayazh. Coloring is suitable for girls who want to create the effect of burnt hair. A special technology is applied that makes the strands unevenly colored. The technique came from France, where it was known in the 70s. Today, the staining process is once again popular and complemented by new implementation techniques. Balayazh technique is considered to be gentle, not burning through the tips of the hair.
Dip Dye. The way for those who are ready to create bold images, is not afraid of experiments with strands. The technique is used to create bright curls, apply poisonous shades, unexpected transitions. The most popular method among young girls.

Applied types of dyeing hair tips are performed at home. Each of them fits a specific type and structure of curls. Balayazh technique is used for bulk strands, suitable for short haircuts and long hair. The ombre method is applied when necessary to make natural transitions or contrasting combinations.

Dyeing hair tips: the benefits of technology

The main advantage is the opportunity to experience a new coloring technology. The method of coloring helps to create warm images, shocking hairstyles. At the same time home painting is not limited to the use of compositions and tools. You can choose spare components that will not damage the hair structure.

What other advantages of technology when painting the tips of the hair?

It is applied to any strands. Depending on the length, different techniques are used. It is not recommended to apply dyes to dry and brittle tips. In this case, the coloring will succeed, but the strands will dry out even more. Instead of a beautiful haircut, get a colored washcloth on your head. Coloring is not limited to the imagination of the master, any colors are used.
Save money and time. To do the dyeing at home is enough one pack of paint, even if your hair reaches the waist. You do not have to sign up to the salon and wait for your turn. Coloring the tips is done independently at a convenient time.
Use of various means. You yourself choose tubes for coloring tips. Suitable resistant paint dye balm or natural ingredients. Painting is carried out with henna, food dyes.

Even if you do not like the result, it is always possible to trim the tips. It turns out that you are insured against incorrect painting or unsuccessful arrangement of shades. This advantage is especially important for medium and longer hair.

Coloring blond hair tips

To perform the painting, use the technique of balayazh. Classical performance involves the use of tones that will create the effect of burnt strands. Contrast combinations are not used in this method. Balayazh technique involves longitudinal staining strands. As a result, the curls look natural.

For dyeing the tips of blond hair, use the following methods:

Technique balayazh for short curls. Apply the paint to the strands washed the day before, and not before the procedure. Take a comb and make bouffant. After that, spray the curls with lacquer to fix the strands in a volumetric position. Next, take the foil, apply paint on it and apply it to the strands. Twist the curls and leave for coloring. When performing the procedure, retreat from the roots by at least 3 cm. After 5 min. take a brush, dunk in beauty and run over the hair roots. At the end of the procedure, the product is washed off with shampoo water.
Coloring the tips of long hair. To perform the first method, collect the hair in the tail and apply paint. The second option is longer, but the transition and color are more interesting. To do this, divide the curls on 6-8 strands. At this stage it is not necessary to observe accuracy. It is better to make strands of different thickness. Then separate the tips for coloring with gum. Next, apply the coloring agent and incubate for 30 minutes.

Coloring light curls is easier due to the fact that you do not have to lighten the strands. It turns out that the chemical effect on the hair decreases. In order not to damage the curls, try natural hair coloring products. For this fit henna. Just keep in mind that it can give a rich shade on blond hair.

Coloring the tips of dark hair

In this case, the ombre technique is more often used, since the technology has the coloring of dark tips. But, if you move away from the classical scheme, then transitions are made, both from light and dark curls. If natural coloring is planned, then transition from dark to blond, amber shades becomes. Bold decisions are the coloring of light brown strands in red, orange, purple and other bright colors.

Ombre dyeing of dark hair ends is performed as follows:

Comb curls and divide into 3-4 parts. Then define the line where the transition is planned. Secure the strands with rubber bands, making the border.
Dilute the paint and apply to the ends of the hair. Approximately one third of the separated curls. Brush well with a brush to keep the dye on the hair. Then wrap each strand in foil.
Wait 30–40 minutes for the reaction to occur. The exact time, see the instructions. Now wash off the dye with shampoo. The next step is to apply paint over the entire length of the selected strand. The exposure time is halved to ensure a smooth transition.

If the hair is dark, and light colors are chosen as a different color, then before applying the paint, perform the bleaching of curls.

Coloring the tips ends with washing off the paint with shampoo. It remains to dry the hair in a natural way, so as not to expose the strands to the harmful effects of a hair dryer. The described technology is successfully applied to blond hair.

Coloring hair tips in bright colors

To create an extravagant image using colors with bright shades. In this case, a technique called Dip Dye is used. The method of application is similar to previous technologies. The main difference is in what hair color you plan to dye. To make dark curls of a poisonous shade, it is necessary to first lighten the strands. Light curls are affected with natural dyes.

In this case, coloring the tips of the hair in bright colors is performed in three steps:

Hair is carefully combed. Next, take the food dye of the desired color and diluted in water.
Then fixed part of the curls, which will fall under the staining. After that, the strands are dipped into the liquid. Technique Dip Dye and means the translation of rinsing, dipping.
Then time for coloring is maintained. On average, 10 minutes is enough. Light curls quickly seize the shade of the dye.

Next, the hair is washed with cool water and dried. The described method makes staining the tips a simple procedure that is easy to carry out at home. The main advantages are the availability of dyes, safety for hair and short duration of action. Even if you got excited when choosing a color, after 1-2 months the poisonous shade will be washed out.

Tip staining rules

Before proceeding to the procedure, select the shades in advance. Use special programs to view the final result. Or use the cards of manufacturers of paints, combining curls with each other.Then prepare the room, the room should be well ventilated. Put the materials on the bedside table in advance: comb, foil, paint, bowl.

While dyeing tips, follow these rules:

Put on clothes that do not mind spoil. Old T-shirt, sweatpants. Put your hands in gloves; even a natural dye will have to be washed for a couple of days. From the nail paint disappears within a week.
Prepare pieces of foil equal to the number of strands made. Follow this technology of application: under each curl bring a piece of foil. Then apply paint with a brush, well pasting each hair. This method helps to perform painting more accurately, and the paint does not flow along the hands.
Prepare pins and clips. If you are doing staining in several tones, then accessories will help not to spoil the drawing or transition. Coloring the tips is done quickly and accurately. Therefore, it is important that you are not distracted by the search for rubber bands or pins.
Observe the paint exposure time. Each tube shows how much to keep the product on the hair. Do not use the principle; the longer, the better the brightening or brighter color. For dark hair, the average impact is 45 min., Light curls change shade in 20 min. If you overdo it, you will get ugly shades, such as yellow.
When bleaching curls, use a balm after washing the funds. So hair will not be tangled, and it will be easier to apply color for coloring tips.

If you used products based on active ingredients, then upon completion of the procedure, apply a restoring mask. Do not use paint on the day and after a week a hair dryer, do not do styling with the help of a curling or ironing. Thus, you protect the hair exposed to the coloring components.

Types of dyeing hair tips

Ombre is one of the most popular techniques among those who prefer a natural effect. For painting, 2–3 shades of the same color are taken, which harmoniously overlap with the natural hair color. When staining from the root zone usually recede 3-4 centimeters.

Smooth transitions, a soft gradient from dark roots to brighter ends - thanks to it strands seem as if burned out on the sun.

Council Ombre looks best on long curls, giving you the opportunity to experiment with contrasts and color play.

There are many variations of technology. Ombre is a classic, reverse, Scandinavian, multitonal, color, and this is only part of the variety.

Balayazh is often confused with shatush or ombre, because as a result of any of these colorings, the hair roots contrast with the tips. How big is the difference between them and whether the transitions will be clear or, on the contrary, smooth - depends on the original color, the length of the curls and the wishes of the client.

The principal differences of balayazh, which are its key features, are the application of paint with horizontal strokes that resemble the sweep of a broomstick (from French, the term translates as “sweep, sweep”) clear definition of boundaries and creating a glow effect of curls.

The tip coloration according to this technology may be even or asymmetrical.

Dip dye is an option for the most daring girls who are ready to experiment with hair. The technique is also similar to the ombra, but differs in a brighter, downright acid palette for the ends of the strands. In this case, the roots can be clarified or left unchanged.

Brunettes often choose red or purple to shade their black hair, and on owners of chestnut curls look fiery red hues. Among blond girls, a rich gamut is also in favor: a blonde with pink ends is not uncommon.

Attention! The only restriction: dip-dai is not suitable for mature women, as screaming colors, coupled with the first wrinkles and other age-related manifestations, look ridiculous.

When coloring ombra and balayazh, color dyes are also used, but they can be either bright (pink, purple, blue), or more restrained: wine, burgundy, eggplant, red, copper.

The pros and cons of staining

Any technique for painting the tips is called two tone coloring. It has many advantages:

  • fundamentally transforms the image without requiring complex and lengthy changes,
  • It retains an attractive appearance for several months without additional correction, since during hair regrowth, the borders of ombra, balayazh or dip dai only slightly shift,
  • in a simple version can be performed both in the cabin and at home,
  • Curls do not need to grow, if there is a need to return to the original color. Simply cut the painted ends,
  • suitable for hair of any length, straight or curly, with bangs or without, natural and colored,
  • optimal for creating a natural effect or causing contrast,
  • with skillful performance, the strands are visually radiant.

The disadvantages of this staining:

  • blondes usually paint the tips without problems, but brunettes and brown-haired women often need a wash of dark artificial dye or brightening of the natural pigment,
  • has limitations. You can not perform the procedure if the hair is loose, damaged, and the ends are split,
  • incorrectly chosen shades often give a shaggy, unkempt, dirty look,
  • salon procedure is not too cheap,
  • colored ends may not look good without styling
  • one way or another, but any chemical composition harms the tips, albeit to a lesser extent than full-color dyeing.

For painting, you can take not only resistant professional paints, but also tonics, as well as henna or even food dyes.

Price in the cabin and at home

The average cost of a salon procedure is about 2 thousand rubles, and the maximum limit of the service may surprise particularly impressionable girls: up to 8 thousand rubles. True, such a price is offered by price lists of metropolitan hairdressing salons, in regional institutions it is much more modest - about 3 thousand rubles.

In many ways, the length of the strands affects how much it costs to tint the tips. In this sense, home dyeing is financially more profitable: you will need 1–2 packs of paint, regardless of whether the hair reaches only the tips of the ears or the loins.

By the way. How much a professional package will cost is up to you. The price of ammonia-free dyes starts from 400 rubles. There are solutions cheaper, but less sparing for hair.

Options for coloring the tips on the hair of different colors

Any technology can be used in two directions: to create a contrast of the roots and tips, or natural modulations of different shades on the strands. Brunettes and brown-haired women may not touch the root part of the hair, but they will most likely have to lighten the ends. Blondes usually start coloring their curls at once, and sometimes they darken the roots a bit to make the effect more visible.

On light

Blond ladies can be difficult to choose a color that is lighter than the pitch of their hair. You can try wheat, gold, amber, light blond. Such shades will suit owners of a warm color type of appearance.

For the cold - its own palette: ashy, platinum, pearl, silver, as well as delicate lavender or strawberry pink tones.

Sometimes girls with white hair prefer to darken the roots, choosing natural colors: caramel, honey, light nut, coffee and milk, copper, reddish.

The technique of deep-let on light curls involves the use of orange, pink, crimson or blue, green, blue.

Brown hair looks beautiful, if you take for the tips shades of honey, gold, caramel. Deep black hair color can be tinted with a cold blond, ash or silver color.

For a more natural option - chocolate, coffee, nutty, chestnut shades. It looks good on the dark curls of a combination of burgundy, wine tones, as well as fashionable eggplant or marsala, copper or fire palette.

Red, blue, violet and other bright colors are suitable for contrast coloring of brunettes and brown-haired women.

Dyeing techniques

When you decide for sure that you will paint the edges of the strands yourself, proceed with the preparation. Start it 2-3 weeks before the procedure:

  • Regularly use masks, avoid frequent styling: this will heal your hair over its entire length.
  • Clip split ends.
  • You can make a graduated haircut - a two-tone color will only benefit from this.
  • Stop washing your hair for a couple of days before the procedure to protect the tips from the aggressive effects of paint.

Attention! Wear gloves and a cape (old t-shirt) to protect your skin and clothing.

Ombre hair dyeing at home:

  1. Comb strands.
  2. Decide to what level you will dye your hair: only at the edges or with a slight approach to the length of the curls.
  3. Divide the hair into several parts: 6-8, depending on the thickness.
  4. Tie each of them with a rubber band. It is important that the clamps are on the same level.
  5. Light curls color immediately, first darken the brighten. This procedure takes place in 2 stages. At first, only the tails are lightened, after 5 minutes they paint areas 2 centimeters above and below the boundaries of the applied solution. After a set time, rinse with water.
  6. Prepare in non-metallic containers 1-2 dye selected shades.
  7. Distribute the composition from the bottom up to the level of the rubber bands. Brush move smoothly.
  8. Hold the allotted time and wash off the paint.
  9. Wash your head, blot with a towel.
  10. Moisturize hair with balm.

How to paint the tips of the hair at home by the method of balayazh:

  1. Carefully comb the curls.
  2. Separate the top. Pin it up with clamps.
  3. In the lower zone, form small strands, about 4 centimeters wide, tie them with elastic bands (on the same level).
  4. If the curls are dark, lighten them no higher than where the clamps are located. Wrap the roots in foil, after 10-15 minutes, rinse off the composition. Light brown hair dyed without prior clarification.
  5. Spread the paint over the tips of the strands. Make wide horizontal strokes.
  6. Wrap them in foil strips.
  7. When the proper time has passed, wash off the dye with a shampoo.
  8. Apply a mask or nourishing balm to your hair.

Council For dyeing using short hair, use a hair comb over the entire head. The ends of the strands must stick out.

Color dyeing of the tips of the hair using the deep-day technique can be made temporary. To do this, brunettes and brown-haired women take pastel colors or special crayons for curls, blondes take food coloring.

Painting process:

  1. Dampen and comb your hair.
  2. Divide into strands.
  3. Twist each in a bundle and rub with chalk. If you take food coloring, just dip the ends of the hair into it and soak for 10 minutes.
  4. In case of dry dyeing, comb the hair after it dries. When using food paint, wash it off with warm water.

To better understand the intricacies of any technology, look at the process in a photo or video.

Dyeing the tips - the procedure is not too complicated for the home incarnation. The main thing is to correctly determine the shades and follow the technology.

After painting, it is worthwhile to pay more attention to the edges of the strands: moisten them with oils, lubricate with serum or cream against the section, and cut regularly. Then the hairstyle will remain beautiful and well-groomed for a long time.

Secrets of beautiful hair coloring:

Useful videos

How to dye hair ends in bright color?

Ombre staining at home.


Watch the video: How to Dye Hair at Home Coloring Tips & Tricks (July 2024).