
Folliculitis: causes of inflammation of the hair follicles and treatment methods


Folliculitis refers to skin diseases and is a form of superficial pyoderma.

Folliculitis is an inflammation of the upper sections of the hair follicles. The inflammation that occurs with folliculitis is infectious. The mechanism of development of the disease lies in the fact that at first a papule forms at the mouth of the follicle, then a pustule forms, which is penetrated by hair in the center. The next stage is a crust in the follicle area. If the inflammatory process goes deeper and affects the entire follicle, and not just its upper part, the disease is called sycosis. The disease has its favorite places of localization, which include parts of the body with an abundance of vellus hair. In this regard, folliculitis most often affects the extensor surfaces of the legs and arms, the scalp.

Epidemiology. Statistical data

Folliculitis is most common in hot countries where the climate favors the development of inflammatory skin diseases. Also, this disease is more common in socially unfavorable strata of society, which is facilitated by unsanitary conditions of life.

Folliculitis is often of a professional nature and is observed in persons whose work is associated with the constant exposure of reactive agents: gasoline, kerosene, tar, lubricating oils, etc.

Accurate statistics are not provided, since in most cases such patients rarely seek medical help, preferring to self-medicate. In the field of view of physicians are most often patients who have developed complications against the background of folliculitis: phlegmon, abscess or lymphadenitis.

Clinical symptoms of folliculitis

In the initial stage of the disease, reddening of the skin in the area of ​​inflamed follicles and moderate soreness are noted. Simply put, pustules form around the skin. In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, the inflammatory process progresses and causes the formation of infiltration in the affected area. The skin surface in the area of ​​the inflamed follicle acquires a cone-shaped or spherical shape, has a yellowish color, which is associated with the accumulation of pus. After the removal of the tire, the pushes are determined by pus, after removing which, a portion of saturated red color is visible.

The number of folliculitis can be different: from 1-2 and up to great value. In some cases, patients complain of severe itching in the area of ​​the folliculitis. In severe cases, when the number of inflamed follicles is very large, the patient may experience an increase in lymph nodes (local).

Features of various types of folliculitis

  • Pseudomonas folliculitis caused by the pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This type of folliculitis is also known by another name - “hot bath” folliculitis, since it usually occurs after taking a bath with hot water, which has not been sufficiently chlorinated.
  • Gram-negative folliculitis develops in immunocompromised patients who have been taking antibacterial medicines for a long time due to acne. Characterized by the fact that the patient's condition deteriorates sharply, which is manifested in the strengthening of acne. The formation of abscesses is possible.
  • Dermatophyte folliculitis. This infection is characterized by a beginning from the upper layer of the epidermis, after which the inflammatory process captures the mouth of the follicles, and then the hair shafts. A complication in this case is dermatophytosis of the scalp.
  • Folliculitis caused by fungibelonging to the genus Pityrosporum, characteristic of tropical and subtropical climates. It is characterized by an itchy rash of monomorphic character (papules and pustules), which is located in the mouths of the follicles. In such patients, scratches are found with localization in the shoulders, back, face and neck.
  • Depilatory folliculitis smooth skin - This is another type of disease that occurs mainly in hot countries. The incidence is more susceptible to middle-aged men. Symmetry of the lesion is also characteristic of this species of folliculitis. Inflamed follicles appear evenly on the skin of the lower extremities. After the folliculitis has been removed, characteristic follicular scars remain on the skin.
  • Gonorrheal folliculitis is most rare in comparison with other types of this disease. The place of its localization is the foreskin of men and the crotch area of ​​women. Occurs with long-term and untreated gonorrhea. When examining the contents of the pustules in these patients revealed gonococci in large quantities.
  • Professional folliculitis develops in people of certain occupations and is associated with exposure to skin irritating chemicals. In this type of disease, rashes are usually located on the back of the hands, as well as on the extensor surfaces of the forearms.
  • Impetigo Bockhart (impetigo Bockhardt), despite its name, nevertheless belongs to the group of folliculitis. In this case, hemispherical, superficial pustules appear, which can range in size from a poppy seed to a lentil. Pustules are penetrated with downy hair, arranged in groups. The reason for the development of this folliculitis is excessive sweating and maceration of the skin, which is a consequence of the use of warming compresses.
  • Tick-borne folliculitis. It develops after a tick bite, it takes longer than other varieties, it requires specific treatment of the underlying disease (if the tick is an epidemiological hazard).
  • Eosinophilic folliculitis. It is observed only in an isolated group of patients (HIV-infected).
  • Classification

    Folliculitis is classified according to various criteria. The following classification is based on the immediate cause that led to the development of this disease:

    1. Bacterial (staphylococcal, pseudomonadal folliculitis, gram-negative),
    2. Fungal (candidal, caused by dermatophytes, folliculitis, caused by Malassezia furfur),
    3. Syphilitic,
    4. Parasitic (mite Demodex folliculorum),
    5. Viral (caused by herpes zoster and herpes simplex viruses, molluscum contagiosum virus).

    The degree of damage folliculitis are divided into:

      Surface. This type is characterized by small abscesses (2-5 mm in diameter). Pustules have a hemispherical or conical shape, in the central part are pierced with hair, and are connected directly to the mouths of hair funnels. Around the pustules is a small inflammatory rim, painted in a pinkish-red color. The pain may be absent completely or be minimal. The disease duration is 2-3 days, after which the contents of the pustules turn into a brown rind. After the rejection of the peel can remain pockets of pigmentation and peeling.

  • Deep folliculitis. This form is characterized by the fact that on the skin painful nodules of a dense consistency, red color are formed. The size of the nodules can reach up to 10 mm, the pustule is pierced with hair in the central part. After 3-5 days, the pustule shrivels, resulting in a yellow-colored crust.
  • By the number of inflamed follicles, the disease is classified into:

    1. Single folliculitis,
    2. Multiple folliculitis.

    Adrift folliculitis is classified into:

    1. Complicated,
    2. Uncomplicated.

    Causes of folliculitis

    Folliculitis is an infectious disease, therefore it can be caused by various causative agents: bacteria, herpes viruses, fungi. Despite the fact that the cause of folliculitis are certain pathogens, an important role is played by many other factors and associated diseases. They are divided into two groups:
    Exogenous (external) factors:

    • Skin microtrauma,
    • Skin contamination,
    • Improper application or late application of occlusive dressings,
    • Climatic conditions (high humidity and ambient temperature),
    • The habit of wearing tight fitting or cramped clothes of synthetic quality,
    • Hypothermia

    Endogenous (internal) factors:

    • Anemia,
    • Diabetes,
    • Lack of nutrition,
    • Liver diseases,
    • Treatment with drugs from the group of immunosuppressants,
    • The use of glucocorticosteroids topically, especially under the occlusive dressing.

    There are also a number of disorders in the body that indirectly contribute to the development of folliculitis. These include:

    • Periodontal disease
    • Gingivitis,
    • Caries,
    • Chronic tonsillitis,
    • Chronic pharyngitis,
    • Obesity.

    All of these conditions are characterized by the fact that they weaken the body’s immune defenses, which are unable to provide adequate resistance to skin infections.

    Complications of folliculitis

    In most cases, folliculitis is easy and does not represent a real threat to human life. In some cases, may develop complications. As a rule, complications develop in the absence of adequate treatment, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and with insufficient immune response of the body.

    Complications of folliculitis include:

    • Furuncle (and in turn it can lead to the development of lymphadenitis and hydradenitis),
    • Carbuncle,
    • Abscess,
    • Dermatophytosis of the scalp (with folliculitis caused by dermatophytes),
    • Follicular scar formation.

    In rare cases, such severe complications in the background of folliculitis as nephritis, meningitis and severe forms of pneumonia are described.


    In the diagnosis of folliculitis an important role is given to the examination of the patient. Rash with folliculitis is quite characteristic and allows you to reliably establish the diagnosis. Additional examinations allow us to establish the cause that led to the development of the disease.

    Character of rash
    Papules or pustules are characterized by the fact that they are located in the mouths of the hair follicles. Around them are determined rims hyperemia. Most often, inflamed follicles are located close to each other in a chaotic relationship.

    For diagnosis, the history taking (information about the onset of the disease, predisposing and previous factors) also plays a role.

    To establish the nature of the disease, a microscopic analysis of a Gram smear, bacteriological seeding of the contents of pustules is carried out. In some cases, a skin biopsy may be performed.

    Also, it is mandatory to have a blood test to determine the level of sugar in the blood in order to rule out undetected diabetes mellitus, which can also be the cause of the disease.

    Differential diagnostics

    • Inflammation of the hair follicles of a non-infectious nature,
    • Rosacea,
    • Common acne,
    • Exposure to chemicals (chlorine)
    • Toxicoderma of medicinal origin (lithium, corticosteroids, bromine preparations),
    • Kirle disease.
    • Follicular keratosis,
    • Diffuse atopic dermatitis,
    • Ingrown hairs
    • Avitaminosis C and A,
    • Deverzh disease,
    • Lichen planus (follicular form),
    • Discoid lupus erythematosus,
    • Prickly heat,
    • Necrotic acne,
    • Scurvy,
    • Grover's Disease.

    In the initial form of the disease, simple but effective methods of treating folliculitis are used. Treatment of pustules produced 2% camphor or salicylic alcohol, 2% solution of brilliant green, fucorcin or methylene blue solution. Remember, you can only use 1% and 2% salicylic alcohol, large concentrations are excluded. Salicylic acid is part of Clerasil series of creams, gels and lotions specially created for the skin.

    In cases where the folliculitis is deep and the accumulation of pus is significant, it is recommended opening the pustules, removing the pus, followed by treatment with one of the listed solutions.

    For deep folliculitis, it is recommended to apply compresses with ichthyol 1-2 times a day.

    Chronic recurrent forms of folliculitis require the appointment of stronger drugs. In these cases, prescribe drugs from the group of sulfonamides, antibiotics. In this form, immunostimulating therapy is also indicated.

    When using local remedies, it is not recommended to squeeze the affected area or try to squeeze pustules, as this increases the risk of developing a boil, and in severe cases - phlegmon.

    From non-pharmacological treatment of folliculitis, ultraviolet radiation has been well recommended. A day or a daily dose is given suberythymic. The general course is 6-10 exposures.

    If folliculitis has developed on the background of diabetes mellitus, then additionally prescribed a corrective diet. With the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, the risk of recurrence of the disease is much reduced.

    Consider treatment of particular cases of folliculitis.

    Locally prescribed ointment Mupirocin 2 times a day. Inside prescribed cefalexin, dicloxacillin, erythromycin or methicillin. The antibiotic is selected on the basis of a certain sensitivity of the body to antibacterial agents.

    Pseudomonas folliculitis
    In severe cases, ciprofloxacin is prescribed.

    Folliculitis caused by gram-negative bacteria
    Antibiotics should be discarded. Prescribed local therapy with benzoyl peroxide.

    Fungal folliculitis
    Specific antifungal agents are prescribed topically. Inside it is recommended to take itrakanozol, terbinafine, fluconazole.

    Herpetic folliculitis
    Assign inside the drug acyclovir.

    In the treatment of folliculitis a huge role is given to the popular methods of treatment, which have successfully established themselves and are recognized by official medicine.
    Consider some of the most common and effective recipes of traditional medicine.

    • A decoction of viburnum and wild rose
      The composition of the broth includes: Viburnum berries - 200 grams, wild rose berries - 200 grams, dried nettle - 100 grams. Here we also add the nutshell, necessarily green - 10 grams, fresh cottage cheese -50 grams a, honey - 50 grams, water - 2 cups.
      How to make a healing infusion? We take ripe and washed berries of viburnum, as well as wild rose, combine them with nettle and nutshell. Fill the dry mixture with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes to languish on the minimum fire. After that, the mixture should be infused for 24 hours, then we filter it. This we have prepared the basis for future applications. When we begin treatment, we make a mixture of fresh cottage cheese with honey and add two tablespoons of broth to them. Mix the vorog mixture with viburnum decoction and place on the diseased area of ​​skin 3 times a day for 20 minutes.
    • Chamomile decoction
      Chamomile is a sorceress to relieve inflammation. Wash her broth, prepared in accordance with the instructions on the pharmacy box at least three times a day. The same broth can be lubricated with any other skin areas that have signs of folliculitis. Chamomile will remove inflammation from the skin and dry it.
    • Hot towel
      For the prevention of staphylococcal folliculitis, use the old and proven popular method, it will help prevent the onset of the disease. After shaving, apply a moistened hot towel to your face for just a minute.
    • Dandelion officinalis
      This herbal infusion drink inside. It is prepared from the roots, you can with the leaves.
      Fill with one glass of boiling water two teaspoons of fine and well-dried leaves without top and boil for 10 minutes. We filter broth and we accept 4 times a day on 50 ml.
    • Thistle
      Use prickly as an effective outdoor folk remedy. Take 50 g of the root and boil it in half a liter of water for 30 minutes. We remove the broth from the heat and continue to insist for one hour, do not forget to filter. Used by patients for compresses, baths and soothing dressings.
    • Cleavers
      Here we use flowers as the raw material, that is, the aboveground part of the plant. Sprinkle a sore spot under a medical dressing with dried powder from a plant.
    • Fragrant ashberry
      Here everything is very simple, fresh, just cooked gruel from the leaves impose topically under the medical bandage at the site of the boil. We change the bandage necessarily 2 times a day.
    • Tatyarnik prickly
      This plant is also called thistle. As in the previous recipe, we use it topically, make fresh gruel from the leaves of the plant and apply it on the affected area.
    • Burdock
      We drink broth inside. To do this, chopped burdock root (1 tablespoon) boil in 500 ml of water for 10 minutes, infuse for 1 hour, filter. Accepted 50 ml 2 times a day.

    With folliculitis, the prognosis is considered favorable. With a considerable depth of damage, foci of pigmentation may remain after the peel has dropped off. Complicated folliculitis is rarely observed, but they are successfully treated by doctors.

    Under favorable conditions, the pustule dries into the crust, which soon disappears, the infiltration gradually resolves and at the site of the former folliculitis after 6-7 days only pigmentation or, with a significant depth of lesion, scar remains.

    Development factors

    Most common folliculitis cause staphylococcus. These pathogens are on the skin of every person. They can be found on the objects around us, in the air and dust.

    There are three types of staphylococcus:

    • Golden. This type provokes the development of various infectious diseases of the skin.
    • Epidermal. It is considered conditionally pathogenic. This means that the epidermal staphylococcus can constantly be present on the skin of a person, but it can only make the hair sac inflamed under certain conditions.
    • Saprophytic It is considered a safe skin microflora. Never causes the development of diseases.

    The high pathogenicity of Staphylococcus aureus is due to its ability to coagulase production. Getting into the tissue, this enzyme causes clotting. Because of this, the focus of inflammation is temporarily isolated from the immune system.

    Having settled in the tissues, staphylococcus starts the development of hyaluronidase, destructive connecting fibers. it allows infection quickly go deep into the skin.

    Folliculitis is contagious disease. It can be transmitted in a household way and at close contact. Especially easy to catch children. Their skin does not have decent barrier protection and prone to inflame with the slightest bacterial effects.

    The location of staphylococci on the surface of the epidermis not enough for the occurrence of folliculitis. Related factors are required.

    They are internal and external.

    The following causes of folliculitis are considered endogenous:

    • Diabetes.
    • Excessive production of sex hormones. In women, the disease is provoked by male hormones, and in men - by female hormones.
    • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
    • Lack of protein in the diet.
    • Hypovitaminosis.
    • Acute respiratory infections and flu.
    • Chronic diseases of internal organs.
    • Oncology.
    • AIDS.
    • Long-term antibiotic therapy.

    Remarkable fact: uhosinophilic folliculitis develops only in patients with immunodeficiency syndrome. Wherein etiology this form of folliculitis is still unexplained.

    Exogenous factors that provoke staphylococcal folliculitis include:

    • Injuries of a different nature.
    • Industrial contamination of the skin.
    • Bad skin care. This factor is more true for newborns.
    • Failure to follow the recommendations of the doctor after some cosmetic procedures.

    Folliculitis can also be caused by fungi, viruses and gram-negative bacteria. True, it happens quite rarely and always against the background of immunity deficiency.

    Special mention requires pseudo-folliculitis. The fact is that this disease develops without the participation of an infectious agent. Pseudo-folliculitis appears in places where hair is regularly mechanically removed: on the face, groin and legs.

    Regular mechanical action on the hair follicle causes bending of the hair hemp. Its tip rests against the surrounding tissue. Hair simply grows into the dermis and can further trigger the inflammatory process.

    Although bacterial agents are not involved in the development of inflammation, the infection may join it later. Secondary infection causes suppuration and can cause microabscess.

    Superficial inflammation

    Such a folliculitis is also known as ostiofolliculitis. It is caused not only by staphylococcus, but also by the pyocyanic stick.

    The lesion looks like a bubble, from the center of which hair grows. The size of the bubble - no more than a match head. It is surrounded by a red rim of inflamed skin.

    Ostiofolliculitis is single and group. In the latter case, it can capture large areas of skin.

    The disease begins with a banal inflammation. The patient notices a slight redness and slight tenderness in the area of ​​the affected follicle. Later on, a swelling occurs at this place, in the center of which a bubble appears with contents of white or green color.

    Pustula quickly burst, leaving behind a pustule. From it some time oozing exudate can ooze. After a few days, the abscess closes with a crust. After its descent from the folliculitis does not remain a trace.

    When ostiofolliculitis pustules may be located close to each other, but never merge.

    Deep inflammatory process

    Deep folliculitis occurs when pathogens penetrate deep into the hair follicle. After that, nodules of inflammation begin to form around the hair shaft, which later turn into pustules, and then into ulcers. After a few days the pustules dry up and merge. After them there is a noticeable scar.

    In severe forms of the disease, the infection captures the deepest layers of the skin and provokes the development of necrosis.

    Deep folliculitis is detected mainly on the scalp. Sometimes it is found in the lower part of the neck and on the back.

    Chronic form

    This folliculitis is characterized by a recurrent course. The disease never passes away completely. All new pustules appear on the skin.

    Pathology develops in areas of the skin that are subject to constant friction or trauma. In older people, the chronic form of the disease often occurs on the head. This is due to atherosclerotic changes in the vessels of the head and a violation of the nutrition of the skin of the scalp.

    In men and women with a weakened immune system, the chronic form of folliculitis is often located in the groin.

    Folliculitis species

    Doctors distinguish several types of the disease. The division into species is caused by the causative agent of the disease, the site of localization and the characteristics of the course.

    The most common folliculitis types are:

    • Inguinal. The pathogen penetrates the skin and causes inflammation of the hair follicles in the groin. The disease can be caused by the herpes virus, Candida fungi and gram-negative bacteria. A large role in the development of the disease is played by the person’s personal hygiene.
    • Staphylococcal. This type of disease usually appears on the cheeks, chin and mostly in men. Infection occurs during shaving. A man carelessly damages the skin, and the pathogen on the surface of the epidermis gains access to the hair follicle. Staphylococcal folliculitis may be complicated before sycosis.
    • Pseudomonad. Such folliculitis appears after taking a hot bath with not purified chlorine water. The disease is often detected in patients undergoing antibiotic therapy for acne. In such patients, the disease is manifested by a sudden increase in acne with a plentiful formation of purulent pustules on the face.
    • Syphilitic, or eel-like. The disease appears in the second stage of syphilis. This type of folliculitis is characterized by the appearance of pustules in the area of ​​the beard and mustache. Less commonly, inflammation appears on the scalp.
    • Gonorrheal. This kind of disease occurs when a gram-negative gonococcus provokes inflammation of the hair follicles in the pubic part of the body. Foci of the inflammatory process are prone to migration. They can go to the skin of the perineum in women, the foreskin and the testes in men. Treatment of the disease is possible only after the removal of the original source - gonorrhea.
    • Candida. Appears as a result of infection of follicles by yeast fungi of the genus Candida. Foci of inflammation are localized under the arm, in the groin, on the face and head. The disease is manifested by reddening of the skin around the infected follicle and the formation of pustules. The latter later turns into a wound or sore.
    • Folliculitis Hofmann scalp. The reasons for the development of this type of disease, doctors have not been able to establish until now. In some patients, the examination revealed gram-positive staphylococcus, in others it is not detected. There is an assumption that the disease occurs due to the closure of the sebaceous ducts and reduced immunity. Hoffman's folliculitis is characterized by fusion of purulent foci and fistula formation. The latter communicate with each other.
    • Dermatophyte Initially, the focus of inflammation is located in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, but then the infection passes to the hair shaft and descends into the follicle.
    • Impetigo Bockhart. This is a special kind of folliculitis that develops when excessive sweating or abuse of warming compresses.

    The patient can self-diagnose in one of the types of folliculitis on the existing symptoms. But the diagnosis may be wrong. To clarify it you need to be examined in the hospital.

    Treatment methods

    Therapy depends on the degree of damage to the hair follicle.

    Superficial infection can be easily removed with brilliant green, Fucorcin or salicylic alcohol. It is enough to wash the abscess several times. This can be done at home

    With deeper lesions without opening pustules can not do. After removing their contents, the wounds should be treated with methylene blue and camphor alcohol solution. You can also apply compresses with ichthyol ointment 2 times a day.

    Treatment of chronic folliculitis requires a combination of external agents and serious antibiotic therapy. Drugs for such treatment are selected based on the causative agent.

    When staphylococcal folliculitis is prescribed Erythromycin, Methicillin Cephalexin. Fungal infections are treated with Itracanosol and Terbinafine. Herpetic form is treated by means of Aciclovir.

    Also, to eliminate the inflammation of the hair follicles, you can use folk remedies. We are talking about the use of decoction of chamomile, infusion on the berries of wild rose and viburnum, a compress of a mixture of cottage cheese and honey.

    Preventive measures

    You can successfully defend yourself from most folliculitis species. Prevention methods are simple and do not require much time.

    Preventive measures include:

    • Cleansing the body with special gels and scrubs.
    • Regular shower. It is desirable at least 2 times a day.
    • Refusing to use someone else’s clothing.
    • Swimming only in pools with well-chlorinated water.
    • Refusing to wear synthetic and too tight underwear.
    • Use after depilation and epilation of alcohol-based emollients.

    Folliculitis may be due to hidden diseases. This means that for the prevention of pathology you need to undergo a preventive examination at the clinic at least once a year.

    Symptoms of the disease

    There are three degrees of damage to the bulb located in the epidermis:

    In the first case, only the surface area of ​​the follicles is damaged, in the second, if treatment is not started, the inflammation goes inside the follicular cavity. The third degree, the hardest, occurs when the bulb is completely damaged.

    In order to prevent the dynamic development of the disease, one should know the first symptoms of the disease and signs of deterioration when follicles pass to the next stage:

    • separate inflammations in the form of pink rash elements,
    • gradually, the rash spreads around the initial focus, increasing in size and acquiring a specific appearance - a purulent bubble with a hair in the center of the formation,
    • in place of the burst bubble immediately appears scab transparent color,
    • in rare cases, high temperatures are noted,
    • the localization of pustules is itchy, and after ripening of pustules it hurts,
    • there are cases of focal alopecia in areas of sycotic lesions.

    Inflammation of the hair follicles on the head in children occurs as an accompaniment to dermatitis (especially seborrhea), as well as in connection with common diseases that entail a sharp decrease in immunity.

    Localization of foci

    Since the inflammation of the hair follicles is a transient phenomenon, most often the appearance of a rash is associated with the use of other people's hygiene items. As a rule, the scalp suffers, but the appearance of disturbing signs in the groin, on the upper and lower extremities, in the armpits is not excluded.

    The onset of symptoms of the disease on the pubic area and armpits is often complicated by an increase in the adjacent lymph nodes, and after the healing of ulcers that are in the stage of deep lesion, non passing scars or ulcers remain in their place. The same period is indicated by partial alopecia.

    On the legs and armpits, the bulbs are damaged as a result of a rough, traumatic shaving with a machine or after depilation. Folliculitis on the hands is often diagnosed in men who work in unsanitary conditions (at a construction site, in a waste treatment facility), or in women who use poor-quality detergent (washing, cleaning) detergents without gloves.

    Drug treatment of folliculitis

    Inflammation of hair follicles is treated at home with medications prescribed by a dermatologist. Schedule of therapy is preceded by diagnosis and determination of the cause of the disease.

    Drugs prescribed in the treatment of folliculitis:

    • local antibacterial drugs: "Gentamicin", "Levomekol",
    • antiseptics: 3% hydrogen peroxide, Zelenka, "Miramistin", "Fukortsin",
    • local antifungal agents: Nizoral, Mikozoral,
    • antiallergic tablets: Zodak, Suprastin.

    Regardless of the causative agent of the disease, conventional zinc ointment, applied in the form of applications on the affected area, is successfully applied to any degree of damage.

    Treatment of recurrent or advanced forms

    Antibiotics are prescribed if the disease is detected already at the stage of sycosis, that is, there are multiple lesions with purulent formations of different degrees of maturation. In this case, along with the main treatment, sulfonamides and drugs that increase the immune defense are prescribed.

    When self-applying local means to areas with ripe or opened pustules, do not press on the affected place or try to open the formation by yourself. This action is carried out only under sterile conditions in the treatment room.


    Apparatus therapy of folliculitis is provided to the patient as part of additional services and is one of the most effective methods for treating inflammation of the hair follicles. From the point of view of safety and speed of a positive effect, the effect of ultraviolet irradiation to a depth of up to 10 mm of the affected area has proven itself best of all.

    The course duration is negotiated individually, but does not exceed ten procedures. The frequency of exposure is also governed only by the severity of the patient's condition and his susceptibility to treatment.

    Folk methods

    Funds of the national health resort cannot replace the main therapy, but they are successfully used as a concomitant treatment of folliculitis due to the high concentration of tannins, astringents, natural antiseptics and stabilizers of regeneration processes in many herbal remedies. Doctors support additional treatment with traditional methods using the following active ingredients that are part of decoctions and tinctures:

    • common dandelion,
    • burdock roots (burdock),
    • Chamomile,
    • nettle,
    • onions,
    • cranberries.

    All of the above herbal ingredients are prepared in a low degree of concentration - for ingestion - and in a highly concentrated form - for outdoor use.

    Prognosis and complications

    If the disease is not stopped in the first two weeks after the onset of the first symptoms, or the means used by the patient do not meet the goal of treatment, complications such as:

    The prognosis for recovery from the development of complications depends on the direction that the disease has taken, and can mean a difficult outcome, even fatal. Children under one year of age are at particular risk, therefore, treatment of this category of patients occurs only in stationary conditions.

    Folliculitis prevention

    You can prevent skin pathology by simply adhering to basic hygienic standards and completely curing all diseases associated with the entry of infections and viruses. If a person who has a follicles disease is surrounded by relatives or colleagues, they should wash and treat their hands more often with antiseptics and be sure to contact a dermatologist when they first suspect a disease.

    The spread of the disease, symptoms

    Most often, the disease is found in countries with a warm and humid climate. In these conditions, infectious agents multiply actively, so folliculitis has become a common ailment. It refers to pyodermatitis.

    The folliculitis of the hairy part of the scalp is especially dangerous, since it is in this area that the hair bag is very deep. Aggravated, infection can lead to various complications.

    Symptoms of folliculitis include:

    • local redness around the base of the hair,
    • the formation of purulent pustules,
    • on the place of the broken pustules there are sores, which then become covered with a crust,
    • after complete healing, a scar or pigment can remain on the skin,
    • itching, pain in the area of ​​inflammation in the first two stages.

    If the disease appears to be a rash, many follicles are affected on the body, then the patient has all of these symptoms. Some foci are just appearing, some have already festering and burst, from old ulcers there are scars, white scars or dark pigmented spots.

    Causes of folliculitis and its types

    The process proceeds as follows: the infection enters the hair bag and develops, causing inflammation of the hair follicles. However, the reasons why it is activated, a lot. First of all, it is untimely and improper hygienic skin care.

    Indirectly affect the fall in the level of local immunity can:

    1. Diabetes.
    2. Unbalanced nutrition.
    3. A number of sexually transmitted diseases.
    4. Some diseases of the endocrine system.
    5. Autoimmune diseases.
    6. Liver disease.
    7. Use of corticosteroids and antibiotics.
    8. Supercooling of the body.
    9. Microtrauma of the skin.

    Classification of folliculitis is carried out on the basis of which pathogens provoked inflammation of the hair follicle. In this case, it is often possible to determine the type of the disease only after testing.


    This is the most common type of disease, which in turn, in 90% of cases, is caused by golden or white staphylococcus. Pseudomonadal folliculitis and inflammation caused by gram-negative bacteria.

    Mushrooms of the genus Candida and dermatophytes often affect the follicles of the scalp, beard and mustache, that is, areas with deep hair bags. There are several other varieties of fungi that can cause disease.

    Most commonly caused by the herpes virus. It occurs in patients infected with this common pathogen.

    Possible complications of the disease

    Complications of this common disease occur when the patient is not engaged in treatment and does not follow hygiene. At the same time, neglected inflammations leave behind white scars, which are absorbed for a long time.

    Unnoticed often remains inflammation of the hair follicles on the head, which can become deep and extensive.

    The most common complication is a boil, which can occur at the site of an inflamed bulb. In the thicker skin appears inflammation 2-3 cm thick, which is characterized by density and soreness.

    Then a necrotic rod appears in the form of a purulent vesicle, sometimes quite large. In humans, the temperature may rise, there are signs of intoxication.

    A boil can develop into an abscess, which is characterized by a large amount of accumulated pus. It can also form carbuncle - several boils, which are formed on the surface areas of necrosis, black dead skin.

    If the causative agent is a fungus, a large area may be formed that is affected by dermatophytosis.

    There are cases when folliculitis provoked deadly diseases such as meningitis, pneumonia and nephritis. But such phenomena are extremely rare, and usually arise on the background of a serious immunodeficiency.

    Treatment of follicle inflammation

    In the case when most of the rash is superficial, there are no foci of deep inflammation, ointments and compresses are prescribed as a treatment.

    Effective means with salicylic acid, as well as salicylic and camphor alcohol. Treatment with antiseptics is also required in cases where deep suppurations are detected. They are opened and washed.

    Independent autopsy of pustules and papules is unacceptable! Illiterate intervention can provoke a worsening of the situation, the spread of infection in the tissues adjacent to the hair bag. In addition, most often it leads to the appearance of scars at the site of the inflamed follicle.

    Depending on the cause of the disease, antibiotics or immunostimulants, antifungal drugs may be required. It is possible to supplement the treatment of folliculitis with physiotherapy, laser correction. Effectively UV exposure.

    Simple treatment is quite effective, although the patient is required to comply with all the recommendations of the doctor:

    • do not take hot baths, do not swim in public reservoirs, baths and saunas,
    • do not squeeze purulent discharge, monitor hygiene,
    • Do not wear hot or irritating skin.

    Apply and traditional methods of treatment, which are based on the anti-inflammatory effect of herbal preparations and the elimination of vitamin-mineral imbalance.

    The main causes of the disease

    The hair follicle is the root of the hair, which has a high regenerative capacity. The causes of inflammation in the follicle may be several.

    These are processes that are caused by the penetration of disease-causing bacteria, fungi and other pathogens deep into the follicle. From pathogens can be distinguished staphylococcus bacteria, herpes virus, ticks.

    Poor hygiene

    Frequent shaving of facial, underarm, or pubic hair. Shaving against hair growth, as a rule, provokes the enhanced appearance of ingrown hair. This hair is inflamed and provokes the development of folliculitis.

    Wearing close and synthetic underwear. Tight underwear also makes it difficult for normal hair growth, provoking their ingrowth. Synthetics, in turn, are annoying and negatively affect the skin.

    Pathology and damage to the skin:

    • Injuries (scratches, bruises, abrasions).
    • Allergic reactions.
    • Abuse of corticosteroids.
    • Reduced immunity.
    • Diabetes.

    External exposure to chemically aggressive substances (acids, alkalis, oils, gasoline, kerosene, etc.).

    Symptoms of the disease

    In most cases, the disease is manifested by local redness of the skin. Further, in the area of ​​the hair follicle, a bubble with pus is formed. After a certain period of time, the vesicle opens, and a small sore appears in its place. The ulcer is covered with a crust, pigmented and scarred. The whole cycle of maturation and scarring of the abscess takes 6-7 days.

    Inflammation of hair follicles is usually observed in the face, on the head, in the groin, in the armpits. It so happens that purulent inflammation in women can be observed in the hips and on the lower legs. Inflammatory processes are accompanied by pain, itching and the formation of red spots on the skin.

    In advanced stages, the disease turns into furunculosis with acute purulent tissue inflammation. If inflammatory processes occur in the groin, then it is hard to get rid of them. The treatment is complicated by the constant friction of tissues when walking.

    Medicine identifies the following types of folliculitis:

    • staphylococcal folliculitis (observed on the head, in the face, in the groin),
    • syphilitic folliculitis (accompanied by hair loss in the groin, in the head, beard and mustache),
    • candidal folliculitis (occurs with prolonged application of dressings),
    • pseudomonadal folliculitis (appears after antibiotic therapy and taking a hot bath with chlorinated water),
    • dermatophytic folliculitis (affects the hair follicle and the hair shaft itself),
    • herpetic folliculitis (skin inflamed on the chin and around the nasolabial triangle),
    • surface pyoderma (proceeds with the formation of pustules).

    If you find the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Inflammation of the hair follicle - the fight against disease

    Treatment of the disease is prescribed by the attending physician after a full examination and delivery of all necessary tests. Therapy should be aimed at suppressing the infection that provoked the inflammatory process.

    When bacterial infection is prescribed antibiotic therapy. Treatment is carried out using antibiotic ointments. The ointment is applied to the affected skin in the armpits, on the face, head, groin. With staphylococcal infections, Erythromycin, Dicloxacillin, Cefalexin is prescribed.

    Treatment of fungal lesions is performed using antifungal drugs (Terbizil, Clotrimazole, Exoderil). The drug Acyclovir is used to combat herpetic folliculitis.

    Treatment of local character is effective in the early stages of the disease. To prevent further spread of the infection, the skin is treated with Fucorcin, brilliant green, salicylic, boric or camphor alcohol.

    With the manifestation of candidal folliculitis produce treatment with Itraconazole.

    Dermatophytic inflammation relieves Terbinafine. Additionally, immunomodulators, physiotherapy and ultraviolet radiation are used.

    Inflammation of the follicles does not pose a critical threat. However, in more advanced stages it faces serious pathologies and complications.
