Eyebrows and eyelashes

7 best eyebrow colors


Eyebrows are colored not only by the owners of naturally light hairs, but also by those girls who model and correct the shape or are in the process of growing eyebrows of the desired width and length. Paints vary in shade - black, brown, blue-black. You can also find red, brown, some light colors. The most popular paint for eyelashes - black.

We will analyze numerous reviews on the Internet and make a brief overview of the most popular colors for eyelashes and eyebrows.

What are the criteria for evaluating paint most often?

  • Persistence Depending on the composition, the paint for eyelashes and eyebrows can last from one and a half weeks to one and a half months. Longer the result of painting is unlikely to linger on the hairs. This is due to the fact that we wash our face every day and the hairs are updated very quickly,
  • Brightness. Estimated duration of the period during which the effect of staining is clearly visible, the color remains uniform and saturated,
  • Minimum harm. Carefully read the composition of the product, avoid cheap dyes, which in addition to alcohol may be lead or other metals, harmful substances. Paint for eyebrows and eyelashes should not damage your eyes,
  • The presence in the set of oxidant or lotion activator, brush or brush, special sponge to remove funds from the skin, protective plates, measuring containers,
  • The palette of shades.

And the following individual parameters are also taken into account:

  • The presence or absence of ammonia or hydrogen peroxide in the composition,
  • The ability of eyebrow dye to color the skin,
  • The most important thing is that it corresponds to your color type and the characteristics of your skin and hair structure.

Let us dwell on the most popular colors for eyelashes and eyebrows, reviews of which we found on the network and analyzed.

Paint Shwarzkopf Igora Bonacrom. Of the advantages of paint, buyers note a high-quality coloring, the result of which will last for a long time. Conveniently applied with an applicator, which is included. When applied, it does not pinch or irritate the skin. Among the shortcomings, its relatively high cost and a limited set of tones and shades are noted.

A lot of reviews about the products of the company Estel, which specializes in products for hair coloring. You can dye your eyebrows and eyelashes with Estel series of colors or looks Enigma. Enigma is in the middle price segment, and Only looks low.

On the positive side, a rich palette and economical consumption are noted thanks to a convenient applicator. In the Estel Enigma set there are protective leaves for the eyelids, as well as a container for paint dilution and a spatula.

But the lack of color for eyebrows neutralizes all the advantages - it contains ammonia, which can irritate the eyes.

Domestic paint Rocolor - a very popular product. They love him, first of all, for an optimal price / quality ratio. In addition, in this paint there is no ammonia and peroxide, so its composition is suitable even for sensitive eyes.

But the fact that there is no ammonia and peroxide in the composition also plays against the product - the palette consists of only a few shades.

However, as practice shows and testimonials testify, for eyelashes in 90% of cases all the same take the black color, which is in the palette of any manufacturer, and in order to get the desired shade of brown you can mix a couple of colors.

Professional paint for eyebrows and eyelashes ReflectoCil lasts a very long time, and the result will amaze even the most sophisticated lovers of dyeing. A good assortment of shades also adds advantages to the money box of this tool.

You can not talk about what kind of paint to paint eyebrows, and not to mention the long-known and extremely popular tool - henna. This product is a favorite among the care and coloring products for eyebrows, eyelashes and hair.

Besides the fact that modern henna has a large range of shades, it is easy to use and practically does not cause allergic reactions, because it is a completely natural product. The most important thing is that henna strengthens hairs, and even those damaged by excessive staining, tattooing or uncontrolled removal, eyebrows begin to grow and become stronger.

It covers hairs, and they look thick and thick. Henna dyeing is allowed for pregnant and lactating women. Henna is used as a paint for eyelashes, including.

In addition to the main criteria that you need to remember when choosing paint for eyebrows, you should be guided by the shade that suits your color type.

In addition, it is important to remember that the result of dyeing is very dependent on the individual characteristics and structure of your hair, as well as lifestyle.

If you often happen in a solarium or pool, for a long time and without a break, paint yourself with low-quality products - the effect of painting will be washed out very quickly.

No matter how good the paint, let the hair relax. If it is difficult to stop tinting eyebrows, even for a while, because they grow ugly, try using a cosmetic pencil and tint them every day until the dye is completely washed off.

Use castor or burdock oil regularly. Brush your eyebrows with a brush that has been previously applied oil. It is useful to comb the eyebrows against hair growth to increase blood circulation and make hair stronger.

First of all, you need to give eyebrows spectacular shape, adjust the length and width. It is useful to smear the area around the eyes and the edge of the eyelid (near the roots) with a thick cream. If the skin gets paint, it can be easily removed with the cream. For coloring eyelashes use special protective petals.

Comb eyebrows and eyelashes. Mix the paint well in the right proportion - when squeezing out of a tube, the paint may be of the most unexpected color, but when mixed with oxidant or activator, the color will change to the one declared by the manufacturer.

The tool is applied in a thick layer across the entire width of the eyebrow. The main thing is not to overdo it longer than the time indicated in the instructions, in order not to get a negative result. After removing the paint from the eyebrows, you can begin to color the eyelashes in the same way. Paint for eyelashes is applied for a longer time.

If in the process you feel a strong burning sensation, incessant itching, wash. To avoid such situations, before dyeing eyebrows and eyelashes, drip diluted paint on the elbow or wrist. Wait about half an hour. If you do not feel any discomfort and no irritation is visible on the skin, feel free to apply the mixture.

Better paint your eyebrows

Any woman knows firsthand how beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows can transform a face and even make the look more open and expressive. Unfortunately, not all luxurious eyebrows got from nature. But this is no reason to be upset! After all, today the situation can be quickly corrected with the help of a simple procedure - painting eyebrows.

This service is provided by many beauty salons. But why spend time and money when the same effect can be achieved at home? You just need to carefully consider the choice of colors and follow certain rules. We will talk about this in this article.

How to choose a good tool for painting eyebrows

Good eyebrow paint is half the battle. Therefore, it is not necessary to hurry with the choice and take the first available box from the shelf. What criteria should meet the correct means for staining?

  1. First, the preference should be given to manufacturers who have already managed to recommend themselves in the market. These include, for example, Refectocil, Levissime, Concept, Godefroy, Estel Enigma and some others.
  2. Secondly, carefully study the composition of the funds. This information must necessarily be contained on the packaging.Those that contain lead or salts of heavy metals should be abandoned without regrets, so as not to risk their health. Ammonia in the paint is also undesirable, as this substance can burn hair or face skin. Concerning alcohol there is no single opinion: on the one hand, it defats the skin, providing better staining, but at the same time dries the skin.
  3. Third, do not forget about such an important parameter as resistance. The result of staining can last from a week to a month. Then there is a replacement of hairs or eyebrows lose color for natural reasons (washing, sun, etc.).
  4. The fourth parameter is packing. Some manufacturers produce their products in small volumes - literally for one coloring, others prefer larger packaging. The second option, of course, is more economical, but here you need to carefully look at the shelf life of the drug so that you do not have to throw out the not fully used product.
  5. The next criterion - equipment. It is very convenient when all that is needed for the procedure is sold with the paint: an oxidizer, a mixing bowl, eye protection strips, and so on.
    Well, of course, the price. It all depends on your financial situation. But remember that often low-cost paints give at least a good and lasting result than the widely advertised professional brands.

Estel Enigma (Estelle Enigma)

A huge advantage of this brand is the incredible variety of shades on offer - the palette has nine options! So any woman will easily select the paint that best suits her type of appearance. The tool is made on the basis of ultra-soft formula, which guarantees the safety of the procedure and the durability of the result. The composition also includes special shimmering pigments that provide the eyebrows with a natural healthy glow.

Professional resistant Refectocil paint (Refekttsil)

This paint is produced in Austria and has been on the market for several decades. Such a long period inspires respect and to some extent guarantees the safety of the funds. The advantage of paint is also its quite affordable price.

Your attention is invited to a rich palette of colors - from classic black or brown to exotic red.

This tool is very easy to use, so you can safely recommend Refectocil to those who decided to paint their eyebrows for the first time and fear that they will not cope.

Schwarzkopf Igora Bonacrom (Schwarzkopf Igor Böhnrom)

This tool enjoys the undisputed confidence of professionals. You may have seen IGORA BONACROM with your master in a beauty salon. You can buy it for home use in stores that specialize in products for hairdressers and makeup artists.

The color palette includes three shades - black, blue-black and brown. The package includes all the necessary tools for staining. This paint cannot be held on the eyebrows for more than ten minutes.

Of the minuses of funds can only be called a fairly high cost.

Kapous (Capus) for coloring eyebrows

This paint is for those who appreciate lasting results. The new color will stay on the eyebrows for up to two months. He is not afraid of the rays of the sun, solarium, plain or sea water.

The risk of allergic reactions is minimal, as the paint does not contain aggressive substances. The tool has a light texture and mixes well.

To achieve the desired result, it is enough to hold the paint for about 7-10 minutes.

Hypoallergenic paint Rokolor

Very economical paint - one tube is enough for about a year of regular use. This tool is suitable primarily for allergies and people with sensitive skin or hair prone to loss.

There is no hydrogen peroxide, so the staining will be completely safe, but contact with the mucous is still better to avoid.The kit includes a convenient two-sided applicator, which can then be used to care for eyebrows or eyelashes.

The only inconvenience of paint - the duration of the procedure (at least 25 minutes).

Instructions: how to paint eyebrows paint at home

Prepare in advance everything that you may need during the dyeing process: the paint itself, the mirror, the greasy cream, the dishes where you will dilute the paint (in some brands it comes with the product), a towel, cotton swabs and discs, gloves for protecting hands.

If necessary, give the eyebrows the desired shape, pulling out excess hair. However, in this case, the staining procedure will have to be postponed for another day in order for the small wounds on the skin to heal.

Before staining the face must be freed from makeup and wipe dry. Lubricate the skin around the eyebrows with petroleum jelly or any fat cream. For convenience, it is recommended to circle the border with a white cosmetic pencil.

Then mix the components of the product as indicated in the instructions, and proceed to applying the paint on the eyebrows. Remove excess gently with a cotton swab.

Wait for the paint to finish its “job” (this can take from 7 to 25 minutes, depending on the manufacturer).

Tips for choosing colors and photo palettes

In order that the result of staining does not become a reason for tears and disappointment, it is very important to choose the right color. It all depends on the type of appearance and hair color.

There are general recommendations on this score: blondes are shown a color that is darker than a hair color, and brunettes are one tone lighter. Brown paint is suitable for brown.

Some manufacturers in the line of colors there are options created specifically for very bright blondes, which is the most difficult to choose the color that will look natural on their eyebrows.

How to plant and apply paint

The most convenient way is to mix the paint in a special bowl, which comes with the product. If suddenly this is not, then any ceramic ware will do. Metal for mixing can never be used! Paint combine with oxidant and mix until smooth.

Apply the product with a special applicator or cotton swab. Try to keep the paint from getting into the eyes. If this happens, the eyes should be immediately washed with running water. After applying the paint eyebrows need to comb in the direction of hair growth.

Can I dye my eyebrows with hair dye?

This question comes to mind sooner or later to many women.

But the savings here are absolutely inappropriate! Firstly, hair dyes are quite aggressive, their use can lead to burns or even complete loss of eyebrows.

And, secondly, the hairs on the eyebrows have a slightly different structure than on the hair. They are thinner, so the result of staining can surprise you unpleasantly. In a word, use specially designed eyebrows.

Video: dyeing eyebrows with natural henna paint

Fans of natural products can use henna for eyebrow dyeing. By the way, this is exactly what the beauties of antiquity did, whose appearance we do not get tired to admire. Also you are waiting for useful advice from professionals about the choice of paint or its color and dyeing procedure.


How to choose eyebrow paint

If you do not have the time and desire to paint your eyebrows daily, but for some reason you cannot decide on a permanent makeup salon procedure, the solution for you will be eyebrow staining.

Ordinary paint, of course, does not last as long as a tattoo or microblading, but it does provide space for experimentation and is absolutely atraumatic procedure.

Now on the market you can find a lot of manufacturers of eyebrow paints with a very rich color palette, so it’s not difficult to find the shade you want among them.In addition to color, there are other criteria for the selection of paint, for example, you need to decide what exactly the consistency of paint should be.


  • Gel. The name speaks for itself, gel paint does not enjoy great success, as it is difficult to apply,
  • Cream. The most popular among paints is eyebrow cream paint, it is easy to apply and pleasant to the touch.
  • Capsules Allows you to immediately measure the desired dosage, it is based on henna.

Let's talk about the most popular, namely cream eyebrow paint. You can be repelled by the fact that the paint, by definition, includes chemistry, which is unsafe for the skin and the body as a whole.

In some ways, you are right, but do not forget that any cosmetics is chemistry and even if you paint your eyebrows with a pencil, it will not be 100% safe either, but you will use it every day and paint once a month.

So that you do not have fear regarding the composition of the paint, we will talk about exactly what components are included in most eyebrow cream paints. Recall the paint consists of two components: a tube of cream and a jar of oxidant.

Oxidizing agent

  • Aqua - water
  • AcrylatesPalmeth - 25 Acrylate Copolymer - a copolymer that regulates viscosity
  • Hydrogen Peroxide - hydrogen peroxide
  • Disodium EDTA - Carcinogen
  • Cetearyl alcohol - dries the skin and is responsible for accelerating the transport of substances
  • Water
  • Cetearet-23 - emulsifier
  • Ethylene Glycol Polymer - Softens Skin
  • Preservatives - irritate skin and eyes.
  • Triethanolamine is a toxic substance, but in the correct dosage it normalizes the pH of the skin.
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - responsible for creating foam
  • Hydrogenated castor oil - softens the effect of aggressive components, moisturizes the skin
  • Eritorbat sodium - it allows long-term storage of paint and is an antioxidant
  • Henna
  • Cetrimonium chloride - promotes uniform paint application

As you can see, all the components will not harm the skin, if applied in the correct proportions, according to the instructions. Also, before staining, it is important not to forget to test for allergies, for this, apply a small amount of paint on the wrist area or behind the ear and observe the reaction during the day, and when buying, be sure to check the expiration date.

In order for you not to get lost among the huge number of offers, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best domestic and foreign manufacturers of eyebrow paints.

  1. Igora Bonachrome (Igora Bonahrom) from Schwarzkopf (Germany) is the most resistant eyebrow paint. 1 300 rubles.
  2. Elan. Gel-paint (Ukraine). 1 150 rubles.
  3. Amc from Inglot. Gel-paint (Poland). 1,050 rubles.
  4. Тhuya (Tui). Spain. 1 000 rubles.
  5. Instant eyebrow tint from Godefroy (USA).

750 rubles.

  • Augenblick from Berrywell (Germany). 700 rubles.
  • Kodi Professional (USA). 500 rubles.
  • C: ehko Eye Shades (Germany). 500 rubles.
  • Favorit (Austria). 500 rubles.
  • Binacil (Germany). 420 rubles.
  • Refectocil (Refectocyl) from Gschwentner Haarkosmetik (Austria). 400 - 650 rubles.

  • Smart eyes from Keen (Germany). 360 rubles.
  • Lash Color by Levissime (Spain). 350 rubles.
  • Solor (Austria). 300 rubles.
  • Nexxt (Germany). 300 rubles.
  • Londa (Germany). 300 rubles.
  • Ollin Vision. (Russia). 300 rubles.
  • Constant delight (Italy). 200 rubles.

  • Delia Cosmetics (Poland). 170 rubles.
  • Fragrance Free from Capous (Russia). 170 rubles.
  • Сoncept (Russia) - eyebrow paint without ammonia. 170 rubles.
  • Estel (Russia). 170 rubles.
  • RoKolor. (Russia). 150 rubles.
  • Essem Hair Studio (Russia). 114 rubles.
  • Machaon (Russia). 90 rubles.

  • Elitan (Russia). 50 rubles.
  • Panna (Ukraine). 40 rubles.
  • Coquette from Phytocosmetics (Russia). 30 rubles.
  • Make eyes from ArtKolor (Russia). 30 rubles.
  • Anna (Ukraine). 20 rubles.

    You got acquainted with the composition of the paint, chose the manufacturer, checked the expiration date and even tested for allergies, it's time to start the procedure of staining.

    Staining procedure

    1. First of all, read the instructions and, accordingly, dilute the paint,
    2. It is recommended to apply a thick cream around the eyebrows, in case the paint gets there (then it will be easily washed off)
    3. Take a brush that is attached to the paint, if there is none, then you can buy a special brush or simply use a cotton swab,
    4. Apply with a brush a small amount of paint on the eyebrows.Apply should be on the growth of hair from the nose to the temples, slightly pressing on the brush,
    5. Make sure that the eyebrows are painted evenly, if there are places left untreated with paint, repeat brushing until you have evenly laid out the eyebrows and full coverage.
    6. After 10 minutes (or according to the instructions), take a cotton pad and wash your eyebrows using milk or warm water.

    As you can see for yourself, there is nothing difficult in the procedure of eyebrow coloring. On average, it will take you from 20 to 30 minutes, and the result will last from 2 to 6 weeks depending on the paint you choose.

    Eyebrow paint how to choose: photo and video

    Improving their image, the fair sex often resort to changing the color of the eyebrows. In this they are helped by decorative cosmetics, which must be applied daily, or eyebrow dye, the effect of which lasts for about a month. The staining procedure is carried out both in the salon under the supervision of a specialist, and independently at home.

    How to choose a color?

    A trained professional will select the appropriate tone before painting in the cabin. To change the color yourself, when choosing a shade is best guided by the following recommendations:

    1. Brunettes and owners of dark blond or chestnut hair with fair skin can choose either identical brow color or 1-2 shades lighter. To dark skin more suitable paint black.
    2. Blonde, red-haired and the owner of the hair of ashy color, it is desirable to choose a shade darker than the main hair color for a couple of tones.
    3. If the daily eye makeup includes dark shades, then too pale brows will not look harmonious, just as when using a dark tonal foundation for the face.
    4. Before buying paint, it is possible to “try on” the desired shade with the help of available cosmetic products: tint it with a pencil or powder for lightening and look at the result.
    5. Do not use ordinary hair dye. Its aggressive composition destroys the structure of eyebrow hair adversely affects the condition of the skin of the face, so you need a special tool.

    Which paint to choose?

    Most companies for the production of coloring cosmetics create a whole line of products for eyebrows. The following brands are widespread and most popular: Igora Bonacrom from Schwarzkopf, RefectoCil, Estelle, Rocolor, Studio.

    • Igora Bonacrom from Schwarzkopf. This paint for eyebrows is one of the leaders in the sales market, although it has a higher price: on average, Igora is an order of magnitude more expensive than most analogs. Igora is made in Germany and is represented by three shades - black, extreme black and brown. Igor's paint from Schwarzkopf has a creamy texture, does not irritate the eyes and does not pigment the skin. In the set of "Igor" in addition to the instructions and the means itself there is a bottle for mixing, a spatula for applying and paper strips for coloring eyelashes. Igor has high durability and retains its color better for a long time.
    • Austrian brand RefectoCil refers to professional paints and is the best in the number of possible colors, mixing which you can achieve the desired shade. RefectoCil offers two shades of black and brown, chestnut, blue, red and graphite. Also among the presented RefectoCil funds there is a paste for lightening eyebrows. The company stated that the resulting color corresponds to the desired color and lasts longer than three weeks. The advantages of RefectoCil paint are hypoallergenic, caring composition and the possibility of multiple use. The disadvantage of use is that the oxidant RefectoCil must be purchased separately.
    • The Russian company Estel offers two types of coloring agents: Only Looks and Enigma. The first paint is represented by gray, brown, and two shades."Enigma", in addition to the main, includes two brown shades, emerald green, burgundy and dark purple, it also contains pigments that give shine. In the Estelle package there is a fairly large amount of money, which is enough for 8-10 months of use. The disadvantage of Enigma is the presence of ammonia and resorcinol, which can cause intolerance and irritation of the eye mucosa. A “Only Looks” due to the neutral alkaline balance does not cause allergic reactions and is suitable for sensitive skin. Enigma is quite expensive, but persistent and lasts a half to two times longer. Paint for eyebrows and eyelashes estel is widely used by stylists as a professional, many salons recognize it as the best in terms of price and quality.

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    • Means "Rocolor" Russian production is characterized by low cost and economical consumption: depending on the frequency of use, one tube lasts for a year and a half. "Rokolor" does not contain peroxide, gently stains the edges and does not irritate the skin. Supplement to the kit is a double-sided applicator for applying paint on eyebrows and eyelashes. In addition to direct staining it can be used in additional care. The lack of paint "Rocolor" is the presence of only two colors: black and brown.
    • Paint “Studio” is made in Russia, quite resistant, does not stain the skin, it includes a measuring cup, which allows you to easily dispense the product. Disadvantages: may irritate the skin due to hydrogen peroxide in the composition, takes a long time for staining (20 minutes), there is no applicator included for mixing.

    How to use paint?

    Before using a product of any company, even such as Rocolor, Estel and RefectoCil, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

    To do this, check the expiration date, mix a small amount of paint components and apply on the inside of the elbow - the skin here is more like the skin of the face. If within a few hours there are no signs of intolerance - itching, redness, - you can use the tool for its intended purpose.

    Beforehand, it is necessary to carefully study the manual for use: the instructions may differ slightly from one company to another.

    Most manufacturers complete with paint has everything you need for the dyeing process: a bottle and a spatula for mixing, a brush for applying. If these items are not available, you need to prepare them yourself.

    For the dilution of paint, any plastic or glass container and a wooden or plastic stick for mixing will be suitable.

    You will also need: a small brush or brush for applying paint, a protective cream or regular petroleum jelly to prevent irritation of the skin around the eyebrows and gauze discs to remove the product at the end of the procedure.

    The paint is applied to clean, dry hair, so you need to remove makeup residue, wash up with a cleanser and dry your face with a towel.

    The coloring mixture should be prepared immediately before its use, after several hours of interaction with air, the tool will not paint the hair structure at best, and at worst it will give them a completely different shade. It is necessary to mix the dye and the oxidizing agent in the quantities indicated by the instructions.

    To the skin around the eyebrow is not painted, it is necessary to apply on these areas a nourishing cream or regular petroleum jelly. Then, using a cotton swab or other device, gently distribute the dye mixture through the hair.

    You need to start from the outside, at the temple, moving in the direction of the bridge of the nose within the desired contour.It is important to remember that an insufficient amount of paint can lead to premature drying and non-uniform staining.

    After application, it is necessary to withstand the time allotted according to instructions - in most cases (including Rocolor, Igora from Estelle) about 10-15 minutes.

    The unauthorized increase in the duration of the dye not only has a detrimental effect on the condition of the eyebrows, but can also change the resulting color. After the required time has expired, remove the coloring from the edges with cotton sponges and wash off thoroughly with water.

    How to wash off the coloring?

    If the result of applying a special dye is too dark or a different color altogether, the pigment can be washed off the hair. In this case, in no case can not use gasoline, acetone, windshield wiper and other aggressive chemicals that are not intended for cosmetic care. There are several ways to do this:

    • Take one of the vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, almond, castor, - apply to hair, hold for 15 minutes, then remove and rub with alcohol lotion. The procedure is carried out several times until the desired result is achieved,
    • make applications with lemon juice or citric acid solution: soak cotton pads, put on eyebrows, hold for 3-5 minutes and rinse with water. A fairly effective procedure, but it can cause a slight redness,
    • brush or a cotton swab soak in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and lubricate the hair, hold no more than 15 minutes, rinse with water. It may take several repetitions to achieve the desired result.
    • soap may be suitable for washing off the coloration; it is better if it is economic: to lather hair, hold for 10-15 minutes and rinse. This method may take 1-2 days, but is suitable if there are no funds at hand.

    The effects of chemicals on the hairs can weaken them, so it is important not to dry the skin while washing the pigment and provide additional care: nutrition, moisturizing with creams, masks of various compresses.

    How to lighten?

    It is possible to make natural dark edges more lightly with the help of bleaching lotion. The cosmetic company Refectocylus offers a special paste, in the instructions of which there are instructions on how to lighten the eyebrows.

    Prepare the hair, as for coloring, having previously washed them out and protected the skin around them with a useful cream. Apply the cream with a brush, hold the allotted time and rinse thoroughly.

    RefectoCil is suitable for any type of skin and hair, it is convenient to use.

    Lightening the edges is also possible with a decoction of medicinal herbs: 1 tablespoon of chamomile and calendula flowers pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and infuse for an hour. Add two tablespoons of lemon juice and lubricate the mixture of eyebrows no more than twice a day.

    The application of this method is necessary for several weeks, but such clarification is absolutely harmless to health and even useful, because herbal decoction contains many nutrients that heal the skin and hair follicles.

    Lightening eyebrows adversely affects the skin, so after carrying out the necessary procedures it is better to lubricate it with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

    How often can you paint?

    It is recommended to carry out coloring as necessary, about once every three to four weeks. Several factors affect color loss:

    • the use of cleansers, lotions for removing makeup, tonic for the face (especially lightening),
    • hair loss rate, their structure,
    • use of cosmetic oils in eyebrow care,
    • exposure to sunlight, or ultraviolet in the solarium.

    Based on these features, it is easy to decide how often the edge can be painted. You can choose one of the means popular with the consumer: Rocolor, Igora from Estelle. Some of them, such as Refectocytes, gently care for the skin.At the same time, it is important to understand that a properly selected dye does not injure hair, it lasts a long time, and coloring at home allows you to save time and money.

    Coloring eyebrows and eyelashes: the best colors and folk remedies

    Dull, faded or too light eyebrows can be turned into a perfect face jewelry in just 15 minutes. There are many means for this: shadows, pencil, eyeliner or special paint, which can be bought at any cosmetics store.

    Professional paints for eyebrows and eyelashes are used in beauty salons, but nothing prevents us, women, from deriving benefit from them at home. There is nothing difficult in dyeing hairs, because you only need to choose a suitable and high-quality paint.

    And the result will certainly please you.

    Everything you need to know about dyes

    So, colors for eyebrows and eyelashes differ not only by the manufacturer, but also by some other characteristics. Of course, first of all, the question is which brand is better. However, knowledge of key features will allow you and yourself to determine your ideal tool. What you should pay attention when choosing paint for eyebrows and eyelashes:

    • Color: blue black, black, different shades of brown, red and even blond. A large number of shades in the palette does not mean that the brand boasts excellent colors, but it allows you to choose the most appropriate color shade,
    • composition: it matters if ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, castor oil and vitamins are included. The first two components should be avoided, and especially their combination. The last two are found in a small amount of funds, and their price is noticeably above average,
    • consistency: gel, paste or powder. The choice depends only on personal preferences, although it is generally accepted that gel is the best form for coloring hair,
    • durability: some paints are barely enough for a week, but others can last several months,
    • package composition: it is desirable that all the necessary components are in one package, namely, paint, oxidizer, brush for application, and a graduation bowl.

    Eyelashes, in turn, should be another 1-2 tones darker. Ginger girls are suitable as all shades of brown, and special "red" tones. Blondes can be preferred to both light and dark colors, but black is better to beware. Do brunettes usually expressive color from nature, which sometimes under the trend of fashion I want to lighten up a little.

    Estel is the absolute leader in all respects.

    Estel coloring agent is one of the most popular in Russian-speaking countries. First, the brand has released two different lines - “ONLY Looks” and “Enigma”. Which one is better is hard to say. The ONLY Looks series is considered a budget option.

    It contains ammonia, although it has a neutral PH. Ideal for several weeks with proper care. It costs about 150 rubles and is ideal for those who have sensitive skin.

    In a tube of 50 ml of paint, which is enough for a year of regular use.

    The Enigma series includes shimmering pigments. The color palette in both lines is the same: about 9 different shades. However, the paint "Enigma" lasts up to two months. Therefore, in her tube less: 20 ml.

    However, considering how long this amount is enough, you can safely buy paint. Even if we consider that it costs twice as much - about 300 rubles per pack.

    It is interesting that in its composition there are even protective leaves.

    RoColor - the best budget option

    The cost of packing a coloring agent ranges from 50-70 rubles, which is why RoColor is popular among many women.

    Many take this paint to first try the effect of staining the eyebrows or eyelashes. The brand has one of the brightest and most varied palettes.

    In this case, the composition does not find hydrogen peroxide and resorcinol, and therefore the paint is hypoallergenic. However, a test before using it is necessary.

    A distinctive feature of RoColor is its economical use: in a tube of paint it lasts for six months or a year depending on the frequency of staining. But the shade disappears from the eyebrows evenly, leaving no balding spots.

    Truth comes it after only one or two weeks. The disadvantage of RoColor is the fact that the paint can stain the skin with careless use. To avoid this, you need to use a fat cream during the procedure.

    RefectoCil - the world's leading brand paint

    For many, this brand has been and will remain the best for a long time. Perfect for both experienced women, and for those who only for the first time try to paint their eyebrows at home.

    The palette is admirable. Other effects are no less surprising: stamina, hypoallergenic and affordable price.

    This brand has earned respect not only among the residents of Russian-speaking countries, but also among the fair sex all over the world.

    RefectoCil is the best option for creative experiments. All shades from the palette can be mixed, determining which color range is better suited to the individual color type. At the same time, the quality of the paint is always on top, which is why it is possible to paint eyebrows often enough. The brand has also developed a series of caring tools.

    Folk methods: henna staining

    What paint for eyebrows and eyelashes can bring not harm, and advantage? Henna! This folk remedy can be used at home to achieve a stunning effect for a long time. First, henna does not contain ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and other negative components.

    Secondly, it can be applied even in the period of carrying a child. And, thirdly, henna strengthens hairs, improving their appearance. To make the edges dark, you need to mix henna with black tea or coffee. For blondes suitable mixture of powder viburnum and lemon juice.

    Among the shortcomings of henna, it is possible to single out only that it does not always lie flat on a gray hair or already painted hairs. For a positive result, we need experiments!

    What eyebrow paint is better, reviews of the best

    But only they manage to choose “their own” brand and the right shade, as they face another problem - their eyebrows start to grow worse and become rare. This happens because of the frequent exposure to chemicals in paints.

    Therefore, over time, women begin to think, and whether they use the tool and which eyebrow paint is better and safer? We will try to give answers to these questions. In the meantime, let's talk about what to look for when buying eyebrow dye.

    How not to be mistaken?

    If you often paint your eyebrows, then you should be more attentive to the paints that you buy. The first thing you should pay attention is not the brand of the manufacturer, and the composition of the funds.

    A good paint must necessarily contain natural ingredients. For example, cosmetic oils (burdock, castor, olive, etc.), essential oils, vitamins and extracts of medicinal plants. Paint with such a composition will not only give your eyebrows the desired shade, but will also have a healing effect on them.

    However, it should not contain ammonia. Yes, bezamiachnaya paint holds much less, but it does not damage the structure of the hairs and does not affect their growth.

    Often manufacturers write that their paint is completely harmless and does not contain ammonia. Check whether this is true or not, unfortunately, is possible only after opening the bottles.

    Paint with ammonia has a sharp unpleasant smell. Non-ammonia paint does not emit unpleasant odors.

    In addition, it is important to carefully look at the shelf life of the product. Overdue paint can never be used. First, it will not color the hair as it should (sometimes it may even give the wrong shade), and secondly, its use can lead to a deterioration in vision.

    The best eyebrow colors

    So, with the composition figured out, now it remains to answer the question, what is the best eyebrow paint? Based on surveys, many women identified 5 cosmetic products, which distinguished themselves not only by their composition, but also by the result of staining. It:

    • Chwarzkopf Igora Bonacrom,
    • Estel "Only Looks" and "Enigma",
    • Rocolor
    • Concept,
    • Studio.

    Eyebrow paint Chwarzkopf Igora Bonacrom

    If you are wondering what kind of eyebrow paint is the most stand, then you should turn your Chwarzkopf Igora Bonacrom. It really has a unique composition, has a therapeutic effect on the hairs of the eyebrows and at the same time the saturated color lasts from 4 to 8 weeks.

    It has three shades: black, with blue, brown. It does not pinch the skin and does not stain it, which makes it possible to use this product at home even to women who have not yet gained experience in eyebrow dyeing. But this pleasure is not so cheap. Only 15 mg of paint costs almost 750 rubles. And it is several times more expensive than the cost of similar funds from other manufacturers.

    Using paint is quite simple. The kit includes a special spatula, which allows you to evenly apply the tool, and adhesive tapes that are applied to the skin around the eyebrows to protect it from the effects of paint. It is very convenient, since it is not necessary to use cream additionally.

    Many women after using paint Chwarzkopf Igora Bonacrom were quite pleased with the result. But there is a separate group of people, whose result is not that they are not satisfied, they just believe that the effect of using this product is the same as the use of ordinary cheaper paint. But the fact that this tool is completely safe is 100%.

    Paint for eyebrows Estel "Only Looks" and "Enigma"

    Estel eyebrow dye has a lower cost - only 150 rubles per pack. Only Looks has not a wide palette (black, brown, graphite), but the Enigma color scheme is much larger. Honey, emerald, violet and light brown tones are also added to the main colors.

    This paint is one of the most popular products in the cosmetic market. Paint consumption is economical, so it lasts a long time. Considering such low cost and minimal consumption, Estel paint is the best.

    In addition, the composition of the paint has a neutral Ph and shimmering pigments, which gives the eyebrows a beautiful shade. But also in this product is a little ammonia and resorcinol, which can provoke the development of allergic reactions. Therefore, when using them, you should be careful, and even better to pass an allergy test in advance.

    Kapous Professional

    Kapous Professional was the first to introduce itself in the Russian market as a manufacturer of hair cosmetics. The brand does not just produce high-quality cosmetics, it constantly updates the range, produces goods only with new technologies. The cosmetics of this company is made according to European standards, due to which it is popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

    ESTEL Professional

    Brand ESTEL Professional occupies one of the leading positions on the Russian market for the production of cosmetics for hair coloring. The company has a wide audience of customers in the CIS and Baltic states. The company manufactures products according to the latest technologies, and also cooperates with one of the well-known European technological institutes; therefore, the products comply with international standards.

    Constant delight

    The network of companies "Constanta" is an international organization that not only specializes in the production of high-quality cosmetics, but also has its own cosmetic magazine for professional stylists. Produces products of this brand in one of the modern Italian factories. Due to the excellent quality and affordable pricing, the brand is in demand among buyers.

    Fito Cosmetic

    Cosmetics of this brand is famous for its quality as well as care for hair.Due to the low price, decent quality and health properties of the company's products, buyers tend to buy exactly the tools for the eyebrows of this company.

    The Levissime brand studies the structure of human hair at the molecular level, which allows an organization not only to create cosmetics, but to make it identical to the natural composition of hair. The brand does not have a low cost, but is a leader due to well-developed cosmetic programs.

    Top Brow Color inks

    The selection of the highest quality tools for eyebrows, which satisfied many customers, we carried out, first of all, according to consumer reviews.

    In addition, we relied on these characteristics:

    • The speed of impact on the eyebrows,
    • Ease of staining yourself,
    • The degree of adverse effects on the skin and eyebrows,
    • No possibility of allergic reactions,
    • Color fastness
    • Price,
    • The components of which the paint is made, their naturalness,
    • Ease of application
    • Matching expected color.

    Eyebrow colors are distinguished by colors and shades. So, there are black, brown and light colors.

    Paint for lovers of an active lifestyle

    Eyebrow dye Kapous for eyebrows and eyelashes (blue - black) 30 ml is very resistant, it can withstand all weather conditions.

    Product Advantages:

    • Resistant to water,
    • Resistant to cosmetic creams,
    • Natural,
    • Simple staining technology,
    • Saturated color,
    • Low price,
    • Easy to apply on the eyebrows.

    Product Disadvantages:

    • Easy to overdo and get a blue tint.

    Buyers of this paint are sure that resistance in combination with the naturalness of this product is an excellent choice for painting for a long time.

    Delicate paint for sensitive skin

    Paint for eyebrows and eyelashes Constant Delight has a very delicate and gentle texture that allows it to apply to owners of hypersensitive skin.

    Product Advantages:

    • Quickness of staining
    • Saturated color,
    • Low price,
    • Natural composition
    • There is no possibility to overdo it and get unwanted color.

    Product Disadvantages:

    • It is quickly washed away
    • Requires a sensitivity test.

    Buyers who have sensitive skin, but follow all the instructions for the product, consider this tool an ideal option for creating beautiful eyebrows.

    The most natural cosmetics in the world for health-conscious skin

    Cream-henna for eyebrows and eyelashes Fito Cosmetic, in finished form, Color Graphite does not contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, but it still has a rich color.

    Product Advantages:

    • Naturalness
    • Low price,
    • Saturated color,
    • Easy dyeing process,
    • Withstands harsh weather conditions.

    Product Disadvantages:

    Girls who are fighting for the health of eyelashes and eyebrows, choose this paint. As they consider, the price is low enough to repeat the dyeing process often.

    The best brown brow paints

    Brown eyebrow paint is suitable for all girls without exception. Beautiful brown shade perfectly complement and black and brown, and light hair color. Fans of this color risk choosing the color that they would like to get, so it is extremely important to pay attention to the selection of high-quality paint.

    Natural paint for brown-haired

    Cream-henna for eyebrows and eyelashes Fito Cosmetics, in finished form, Color Brown is an excellent choice for girls with brown hair.

    Product Advantages:

    • Naturalness
    • Saturated color,
    • Low price,
    • Resistance to severe weather conditions,
    • Simple dyeing process,
    • Nice texture.

    Product Disadvantages:

    • Does not differ persistence.

    Not very resistant paint compensates for this property with a low price, full naturalness and beautiful rich color.

    Get any shade

    Cream-paint for eyebrows, eyelashes "Della Henna tradional" for several years occupies a leading position in the cosmetic market.

    Product Advantages:

    • Suitable for all ages
    • Suitable for all skin types,
    • Masks the flaws of the eyebrows
    • Simple staining technology,
    • You can adjust the shade by holding the paint on the eyebrows longer,
    • Safe for skin
    • Low price,
    • Dermatologically tested.

    Product Disadvantages:

    This product is most often recommended by buyers for whom eyebrow dyeing is a temporary measure, for example, for a holiday.

    The best paint for light brown-haired women

    MAHAHON PAINT FOR EYEBROWS AND EYELASHES is an ideal choice if you are the owner of luxurious brown hair and strive for the same color of eyebrows.

    Product Advantages:

    • Low price,
    • Saturated color,
    • Convenience when applying,
    • Color can not be distinguished from natural.

    Disadvantages of the model:

    • It is quickly washed away
    • Unnatural,
    • If you overdo it, you get an unnatural dark shade.

    Buyers are advised to purchase this product if you are a fan of salon procedures, because the color, which is obtained after dyeing, creates a professional image, subject to compliance with all recommendations.

    Resistant paint for busy girls

    Paint for eyebrows and eyelashes "Light brown" Levissime combines durability and naturalness, which allows not to waste time every month to re-paint eyebrows, doing their own business.

    Product Advantages:

    • Natural ingredients
    • Saturated color,
    • Natural appearance,
    • Protection of eyebrows from external influence,
    • Moisturizes the skin,
    • Resistant staining,
    • The color is preserved in any weather.

    Product Disadvantages:

    • High price compared to other eyebrow paints.

    Buyers believe that the price, which is slightly higher than the cost of other similar means, is fully justified by the excellent quality of the product.

    What eyebrow paint to choose

    1. Thus, if you are a burning brunette, blonde or brown-haired woman, and you need persistent eyebrow paint that will retain its color for a long time, pay attention to these products: Kapous eyebrow paint for eyebrows and eyelashes (blue-black) 30 ml, Paint for eyebrows and eyelashes "Light brown" Levissime.

    2. If you are used to periodically update your image, and you need unstable paint, you can use the following products: Cream color for eyebrows-eyelashes "Della Henna tradional", Means MAHAON PAINT FOR EYEBROWS AND WASHERS, LIGHT CHATEN, 6 ML.

    3. If you are a fan of natural products that will surely keep your eyebrows and skin healthy and beautiful, pay attention to these colors: Constant Delight eyebrow and eyelash dye, Fito Cosmetic eyebrow cream and eyelashes, cream color for eyebrows eyelashes "Della Henna tradional".

    Go to the choice of means for coloring eyebrows with full responsibility, because the eyebrows emphasize the expressiveness of the look.

    Basic paint selection rules

    It is better to stay on persistent means, but they should not be ammonia, a small amount of peroxide is allowed. Such products are used less frequently, the skin will not suffer from the effects of chemical compounds. In case of hypersensitivity of the dermis, it is better to select a soft, hypoallergenic product - it keeps less, but is considered more harmless.

    Some important parameters should be taken into account - how fast the paint works, how resistant it is, whether it can be used at home, whether the product can have a negative effect on the hairs and skin. It is necessary to carefully examine the composition on the package, see the expiration date. The price is also very important, now you can find inexpensive, but very effective drugs at specialized sales outlets.

    • To make the image look harmonious, you need to choose a composition that is 1–2 tones darker than the strands.
    • Blonde girls can apply shades of rich brown palette. If the natural color is red, a terracotta scale is best suited for eyebrows.
    • If there are any corneal abnormalities, ammonia products are prohibited.
    • To treat the dermis around the eyes before the session with any fatty agent.

    Before use, you need to study the description, conduct a sensitivity test to avoid allergic reactions - apply a small amount of the product on the wrist, wait 10 minutes. If itching, redness, rash are absent, you can safely paint the hairs.

    What is the best color eyebrows?

    Many well-known brands produce products to give the eyebrows a rich natural shade. Black, brown and charcoal colors are considered basic, but some manufacturers have diversified the range with other colors from a light palette.

    Rating the best colors for eyebrow tinting:

    • Bonaghrom - professional, distinguished by excellent quality, leading in the list of popular products. Suitable for eyebrows and cilia. In the palette there are 2 shades of black color and brown. The tool does not penetrate into the tissue of the epidermis, discomfort during the session are absent. Included is a manual, a coloring composition, an activator gel, strips to protect the dermis, an applicator. Disadvantages - high cost, a small amount of tones. You can buy it for 750-800 rubles.
    • Enigma is one of the best colors from Estel. A diverse gamma with flickering pigment inclusions, in which there are copper, muted brown tones, a large amount in the package - enough for 6-12 months. Does not irritate sensitive skin, has an optimum ratio of quality and cost - 300-350.
    • Rokolor - one of the cheapest, at the price is in the lead in a rating of popular products. No aggressive components, can use allergies and girls with weak cilia. Packing lasts for 12–20 months, is spent economically, in a set there is an original applicator. Disadvantages - in the palette only 2 shades, price - 45–55 rubles.
    • Concept - has a long-term effect. The composition contains hydrogen peroxide, ammonia is not, so it is included in the category of safe cosmetic products. A large bottle contains 50 ml, grabs it for a long time. Disadvantages - the mixture must be kept for at least 20 minutes, in the line only 2 tones, it is difficult to find in stores. The price is 110–120 rubles.
    • Studio - resistant dye, the result lasts at least 3 weeks. The tool does not pinch and does not stain the skin, has a moderately thick consistency. Disadvantages - there is no applicator in the kit, it is difficult to mix, it will take at least 20 minutes, you can buy for 130–150 rubles.

    About other popular brand - Refectocil - read here.

    You must first examine the reviews of consumers and professionals, additional advice can give the seller in a specialized store. Do not hesitate to ask questions, with dyed hairs will have to go 2-4 weeks, the slightest mistake can spoil the entire impression of the procedure. Categorically it is impossible to apply to eyebrows the means intended for hair - they contain aggressive components.

    How to paint your eyebrows at home?

    Coloring eyebrows can be done independently, the procedure will take no more than a quarter of an hour - as a result, the hairs become bright and saturated color, which saves time on makeup. The stages in the cabin and at home are the same, but it is better to ask for help from someone close to you.

    How to paint eyebrows at home:

    • Clean hair from dust, dirt, makeup. Disinfect the eyebrows and skin around them.
    • Draw the desired contour, comb.
    • Spread greasy cream on the dermis - this will help protect the skin from pigment penetration.
    • If necessary, dilute the paint, following the instructions, you need to use dishes made of glass or ceramic, plastic and aluminum containers are not suitable.
    • Apply with a special brush or applicator. If the set of devices for coloring is not, you can use an ear stick. Be sure to wear gloves.
    • Keep for 5–15 minutes unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.
    • Remove the composition with wet discs of cotton, then wash.

    If the paint is overexposed, the eyebrows will acquire a bright, unnatural color.The usual soap solution will help to cope with the problem - wet the cotton wool in it, carefully wipe the hairs. To remove the pigment from the skin will need a special solvent.

    Eyebrow correction should be carried out a few days before painting - if the skin is inflamed, there may be a strong burning sensation during the procedure.

    Eyebrow care after staining

    Even the safest colors have a negative effect on the dermis and follicles, so it is necessary to periodically take a break so that the tissues have time to recover. Immediately after removing the pigment, apply castor or burdock oil, fat cream - no need to wash off.

    How to care for eyebrows after painting:

    • experts recommend to refrain from soap and cosmetics for washing,
    • hairs should be wiped regularly with oils of plant origin, other fatty products,
    • make nourishing and regenerating masks based on natural ingredients,
    • when new hairs appear that have a different color, you need to pull them out; you cannot constantly resort to the dyeing procedure.

    The best oil care mix is ​​to mix 5 camphor oil and sunflower seeds, and castor oil. Mass a little warm up with a cotton swab to apply on the eyebrows and cilia. After 40 minutes, remove with warm water.

    On the forums you can find a lot of different reviews about eyebrow paints from various manufacturers. There is no consensus, someone likes budget options, someone is accustomed to using only premium products.

    “I have been using it for a long time for staining my eyebrows with Bonahr, the high cost is quite justified - the tool is simply amazing. The dye has a high resistance, with the use of allergic manifestations has never been. The hairs look natural, glisten. I have a session every 4 weeks, every six months I take a break, put on oil masks for recovery and nutrition. ”

    Inga, Nizhny Novgorod.

    “For self-staining at home I use Estelle, I perform the procedure every 3 weeks. Reasonable value, bright colors, long-lasting effect, the kit has everything you need. The disadvantage is that it paints the skin very much, it will be difficult for newcomers to cope with this drug, but overall the product is very good. ”

    “I prefer to tint the edge with Rocolor. For me, this is the best paint to give a beautiful color. For a very symbolic price, you can get a wonderful composition that allows you to conduct a safe procedure at home. It does not cause allergies, gently cares for hairs, makes them stronger and thicker. The disadvantage is that sometimes the color is very saturated, unnatural. ”

    “Recently I discovered Concept, a very good tool. The skin does not stain, lasts 20-25 days, hypoallergenic, gives shine and natural shade. Pleases low price with such excellent quality. But finding this product in small towns is difficult, a friend brings me from Moscow when she comes to visit. ”

    “I really like Studio paint, after which the hairs look great for almost a month. In this case, the skin does not dry out, eyebrows become stronger, shine. The disadvantage is that the color has to be mixed “by eye”, the shade does not always work out perfectly. But if you adapt, everything looks great. "

    Learning to dye your eyebrows correctly is easy. You need to choose a suitable brand, study the instructions, read the reviews and recommendations. A session takes little time, and the result will please almost a month if you use a durable pigment from a good manufacturer.

    Eyebrow paint which company is better to buy

    This TOP includes coloring agents from both European manufacturers and products of Russian companies. All companies have already earned themselves a name in this industry, have a good reputation and offer time-tested compositions. In the rating you can see the products of the following brands:

    • RefectoCil - Austrian brand owned by one of the oldest companies in the production of cosmetics Haarkjsmetik.It monitors the safety, quality and effectiveness of the products in each bottle, which allows it to guarantee a professional result. With the help of products of this brand eyebrows get a well-groomed look and look natural.
    • Estel - The founder of the company is Lev Ohotin. It offers domestic hair care products, including those on the face, with an optimal combination of price and quality. Its products can be used both for professional purposes and at home. Cosmetics are suitable for coloring and eyebrows, and eyelashes, which makes it universal and relevant at any time.
    • Capous Professional - the brand has been on the Russian market for more than 10 years. Its products are manufactured in Europe’s advanced technology plants. It is certified, undergoes thorough testing for quality, safety and effectiveness of application. Multistage control allows you to provide a reliable product that is suitable for both professionals and inexperienced customers. Paint prices are affordable and well represented in stores.
    • Schwarzkopf - The company follows the trends in the field of cosmetics for dyeing hair and eyebrows, creating unique by the formula means. They are distinguished by their safety and efficacy. The colors of the products are saturated, bright, deep. The result is natural and unobtrusive, which gives the face a well-groomed look.
    • Godefroy - beauty brand, which appeared on the market in 1930. In its products, the manufacturer has combined high quality, efficiency and safe composition. His products demonstrate excellent durability, bright results and ease of use. They perfectly care for the eyebrows, making them obedient and silky.
    • Fito Cosmetic - cosmetic brand, under which a variety of products for face, hair and body care are produced. He has several options of colors, including henna. In the presence of a variety of colors - graphite, chocolate, black, brown. On average, one package is enough for 2-3 applications due to the economical consumption of funds.

    What is better for coloring eyebrows - henna or paint

    Paint is a synthetic product, although it may contain some natural ingredients. Because of this, it is more harmful than henna. The latter is worth buying for those who are afraid of damaging their eyebrows. But it must be borne in mind that after applying such a tool it will not be so easy to paint them with ordinary paint, the effect may turn out to be unexpected.

    Eyebrow paint Roller

    Paint Rocolor is a budget product. The cost of one bottle does not exceed 50 rubles. At the same time, it lasts about 5-7 months. This paint is perfect for those of the fair sex, who have a hypersensitivity of the skin, as it lacks resorcinol and hydrogen peroxide.

    The main disadvantage of this paint is that it has a poor palette, only black and brown. But in general, this product is very good. Bright and saturated color keeps within several weeks.

    Eyebrow Paint Concept

    This paint is a bit more expensive than Rocolor. The cost of one package is about 100 rubles. It contains hydrogen peroxide, so before use it should still be tested for the presence of an allergic reaction.

    The manufacturer notes that the paint can only be used in beauty salons, experienced craftsmen. But many women say that the paint easily falls and it can be used at home.

    One bottle of paint at a minimum cost is enough for a long time.

    The disadvantages of this paint are that it has a small palette - only two colors (black and brown). In addition, it is extremely difficult to find it today in cosmetic stores.

    Eyebrow paint Studio

    One of the best colors to change the color of the eyebrows. Resistant, does not irritate the skin and does not stain it. Color lasts for almost a month. One bottle is also enough for 5-7 months of use. The price of the product is not big - only 130 rubles.

    However, this paint does not include an applicator for its application. In addition, it should be kept for at least 20 minutes, and this is not always convenient, especially if you need to correct the color of the eyebrows urgently and for a short time.

    What paint is better to paint the eyebrows, you decide. All the above cosmetic products really deserve respect. You just have to choose "your" and enjoy the result of staining!

    Types of paints

    Eyebrows can be painted with various cosmetic products. Beginners better to use pencils, because fix any mistake is not difficult. People with experience can use gel to give the desired color to the eyebrows. It is easier to mix with an oxidizing agent and it is easier to choose proportions. In reviews, women often mention that a cosmetic product can stain the skin. This is because the application technology has been violated. In addition to these funds, often use:

    • permanent paint
    • cream,
    • henna in capsules.

    Choosing a specific tool, you need to take into account the reaction of the body to its composition. Not all people tolerate chemicals well. Some women have a strong reaction to herbal ingredients. Experts advise newbies to refrain from using dark shades for everyday makeup. Black and dark brown colors are not suitable for all women. For the first coloring it is better to choose a shade as closely as possible to the natural hair color.

    Paint for eyelashes and eyebrows is convenient because you do not need to mix it with an oxidizer. It is sold in finished form. Before applying the cream on eyebrows and eyelashes, manufacturers advise to treat the skin of the forehead and eyelids with petroleum jelly. This manipulation will help protect the face from the pigment. The process of staining lasts 20-25 minutes. The main active ingredient of creams is henna. It positively affects the structure of hairs, making them thicker and darker.

    This tool is made in the form of paint or mascara, temporarily painting the surface in the selected color. In both cases, special hair care is not required. It is necessary to apply the gel and wait a few minutes. Those who do the procedure for the first time, professionals advise to outline the contour of the eyebrows. Gel paint should be pre-mixed with an oxidizing agent, and tinted gel is applied to the hair immediately without preparation.

    Permanent eyebrow paint

    Women who do not want to constantly correct makeup, make tattoo permanent paint. The main advantage of this staining is resistance. Dyeing hairs will need to be a couple of months later. Mixing the dye is carried out with water. It is necessary to mix the powder thoroughly, and then apply the composition for 30-40 minutes. You can wash off the paint with plain water or a mild shampoo. In the first weeks it is not recommended to use products with a high content of alkalis to cleanse the skin of the face and hair.

    Henna capsules

    Lawsonia pigment nekoluchey used for makeup and temporary tattoo in India. Some cosmetic companies have decided to produce henna in eyelash dye capsules. Means in capsules practically does not differ from usual paint. The package contains a coloring pigment with an oxidant. It is necessary to mix henna with a color developer. For applying the mixture to the hairs, use a special brush or cotton swab. The average staining time is 5-6 minutes.

    How to choose the right color

    Blonde with black eyebrows will look unnatural, so these girls are advised to buy a light brown paint. To the results of staining did not come as a surprise, experts recommend carefully examine the palette of shades. You can choose the color for it. If this is not, then you should follow the general rule: eyebrows should be 1-2 shades darker than hair. Based on it:

    • blondes will suit light brown or brown color,
    • brown or dark brown
    • brunettes dark brown or natural black,
    • red hair should be painted with a mixture of red and chestnut pigments,
    • people with gray hair can use a mixture of graphite and white pigments for eyebrow correction.

    Popular funds rating

    Good eyebrow paint will not cause allergies, while budget funds will not only provoke a rash, but also have a very dark pigment. According to reviews of the fair sex, a rating of popular eyebrow correction tools was made. These brands not only produce paints with a large palette of shades, but also guarantee their safety. The rating includes:

    1. Igora Bonacrom from Schwarzkopf.
    2. Enigma, Only Looks from Estelle.
    3. Augenblick.
    4. RefectoCil.
    5. RoColor

    Eyebrow price

    High-quality makeup can be done if you use for him the means of the corresponding price. With effective staining, the rule also applies. Means for the procedure must be carefully chosen. The average price of paint is 170 rubles. The cost depends on the amount of funds, the quality of the pigment, the popularity of the brand. The table below shows the average cost of the dyes of popular brands.

    How to choose a shade?

    When choosing eyebrow color, color is the most important indicator that all the fair sex pay attention to. Currently, there are many shades, including graphite, bordeaux, black and others.

    What eyebrow paint is better for reviews? When choosing a shade, experts suggest focusing on hair color. Blonde and blonde girls fit graphite. Brunettes will look good with black. Ginger girls can pick up terracotta, and with a different hair color - brown shade.

    The basic rules of naturalness: eyebrows should be 1-2 tones darker than the hair.

    Useful tips when choosing paint

    When choosing a shade, you must consider some features. All colors differ from each other, this difference consists not only in the manufacturer, the composition of the product, but also in the characteristics.

    What is the best eyebrow paint, according to reviews? To select the perfect tool you need to know:

    1. Colour. The palette of colors is great, but a large selection of colors does not mean that the manufacturer is very popular. In this case, you can choose the perfect color.
    2. Composition. When choosing a product, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of ammonia or hydrogen peroxide in it. This paint is best not to use, but apply it with a composition that contains vitamins and castor oil.
    3. Consistency. The tool can be produced in the form of a gel, powder or paste. The choice is individual, but hair colors the gel best of all.
    4. Persistence Some colors can stay on the eyebrows for a month, while others will wash off in a week.
    5. Package Contents When buying funds, it is best to include not only paint and oxidant, but also a graduation bowl and a special brush.

    To call difficult or simple procedure for choosing paint for eyebrows is impossible, because it depends on many factors. To do this, you need to take into account paint options, the required color and the possibility of self-coloring.

    What is included in the kit for coloring?

    What eyebrow paint is better for reviews? It is best to choose a remedy from a company that produces professional coloring matter. In this case, the set includes:

    • eyebrow color,
    • oxidizing agent,
    • paint dilution tank
    • stick, which is necessary for mixing the paint and for applying it to the eyebrows.

    For some companies, only dye and oxidant are offered for dyeing; for known manufacturers, everything necessary is included in the kit.

    Where to buy paint?

    What eyebrow paint is better for reviews? High-quality coloring agent is best to buy in specialized stores or departments. Some funds can be ordered only through online stores.

    In this case, the most important thing is to find a proven resource. To assess his reputation, you need to read customer reviews and find contact information. If it is missing, then you need to make an order on another site.

    It is best to buy the tool on the resource, where there is the possibility of payment after receiving the goods.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    According to customers, the paint for eyebrows and eyelashes has positive and negative sides. Only by analyzing them, you can use it or completely abandon the application.

    As a positive moment, a long-term and natural result can be called if only the hairs are stained and the skin remains clean. In this case, the eyebrows do not seem drawn.

    What eyebrow paint is better for reviews? A plus is easy to use. The paint is easily mixed according to the instructions, and kept for a certain time. It is easy to apply. If the skin is not painted, it is enough to paint the composition of the hairs - and the excellent shape of the eyebrows is guaranteed (if it was previously adjusted).

    The downside is a negative effect on the skin. Sometimes the funds cause allergies, which is completely independent of the cost of paint and the popularity of the manufacturer. It is necessary to carry out a test before each new staining. Many women neglect this procedure. But in this case we are talking about the skin of the face.

    How to use paint?

    Eyebrow dyeing can be done at home. What is the instruction for a good eyebrow paint?

    The whole process is as follows:

    1. Initially, you need to protect the skin outside the eyebrows. For this you can use fat cream. They need to anoint the areas that are adjacent to the hairline. This should be done so as not to stain the eyebrows. To do this, you can use a cotton swab.
    2. Quickly mix the product and apply on the eyebrows. Usually in the set sold a special container and a small brush. If not, then you can use the palette for paints. Instead of a brush, sometimes a brush from an old mascara is used, which must be washed beforehand.
    3. Paint should be applied along the hairline, trying to process them to the roots.
    4. After a certain time, wash off the paint with ordinary warm water. The procedure time is from 5 to 15 minutes. To prevent contact with eyes, you can pre-wipe the paint with a cotton swab. Other chemicals should not be used so as not to dry the skin.

    Durable paint will be the best option, because it will not be washed off for a long time.

    Most popular paints

    Currently, many manufacturers of coloring tools have released a separate line of products for eyebrows. There are tools that are characterized by a huge number of shades.

    What professional eyebrow paint is better for reviews? The most popular means include:

    • Brow henna. Natural henna based dye. It is produced in the form of powder, but thanks to the bottle, spilling can be avoided. Before applying the composition is dissolved in water to obtain a liquid slurry. On the eyebrows, the paint lasts for 4-6 weeks. It is presented in 3 shades: gray-brown, cold coffee and neutral brown. The average price is 900-1200 rubles.
    • "Igor" from the company "Schwarzkopf". The paint can be used not only for coloring eyebrows, but also for eyelashes. The kit includes everything you need for the procedure. The very process of applying paint is quick and pleasant. Available in the following shades: black, brown and blue-black. The price of the package is 1000 rubles, but it is enough for a few stains.
    • Estel Professional ONLY looks. Paint belongs to the category of professional, but you can use it at home. The kit includes everything you need to paint, including a special measuring capacity. The paint is suitable for sensitive skin, because it does not contain in its composition aggressive additives. The result lasts for 3-4 weeks. The paint has three shades: black, brown and graphite. The price ranges from 170 to 200 rubles.
    • Concept eyelashes and eyebrows color cream. The paint is produced by a Russian company. It is made in the form of a cream that allows you to conveniently use it when applied to the eyebrows.The kit includes everything you need for the procedure. The paint is presented in 4 shades: graphite, blue-black, black and brown. The result is stored for 1 month. The price of 1 bottle is 120 rubles.
    • RefectoCil. Paint quality and resistant. It is presented in several shades, among them bluish-black, chestnut, deep blue, graphite and others. The package includes only a tube of paint, everything else needs to be purchased independently. Coloring remains on the eyebrows for up to 6 weeks. The cost of packaging is 350-400 rubles.
    • "Rokolor". The paint is inexpensive, but quality. There are several shades that can be selected for different colors of hair and eyes. In the package there is everything necessary for coloring. The paint composition is hypoallergenic and will suit owners of sensitive skin.
    • Constant Delight. The paint is presented in 2 shades, but by mixing the oxidant and the dye in different ratios, you can get a variety of shades. The kit includes everything you need to paint. Ammonia is absent in the paint, therefore the product is also suitable for sensitive skin. The cost of a set is 150 rubles.

    What eyebrow paint graphite is the best, according to reviews? These coloring agents include: Concept eyelashes and eyebrows color cream and RefectoCil.

    Eyebrow paint: composition, type, instructions for use, rating

    • Composition
    • Kinds
    • Instructions for coloring eyebrows
    • Paint rating

    Eyebrow tinting is a time consuming and serious process. Someone does it daily, using lipstick, pencil or eye shadow, and someone is preferable. resistant eyebrow paintwhich will keep the new shade from 3 to 6 weeks.

    Thus, it saves the beauties, who value their time, from everyday morning makeup. However, not everyone is in a hurry to use this tool for several reasons. First, it needs to be able to do. Secondly, not all paints are equally useful.

    So is it worth it or not to master the skill of eyebrow coloring at home? Let's figure it out.

    To begin with, let's eliminate doubts how harmful eyebrow dye: Is store composition acceptable for permanent use or dangerous? Yes, synthetic means in them - quite a large number.

    But they are all contained in minimal concentrations that do not affect the health of the skin and hairs. But without them, the tool will not be stored for too long.

    So all the propylene glycols and sodium sulphates are, albeit a harmful, but at the same time safe chemistry in the composition of eyebrow paints.

    The composition of the cream

    1. Aqua - water: humidifier.
    2. Cetearyl Alcohol - Cetearyl alcohol: speeds up the transport of substances, but it is very dry and irritates the skin.
    3. Propylen glycol - propylene glycol: preservative, in high concentrations causes the strongest allergies.

  • Ceteareth-23 - Cetearet-23, polyethylene glycol and cetearyl alcohol ether: emulsifier.
  • PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castol Oil - hydrogenated castor oil: moisturizes, strengthens, softens aggressive ingredients.

  • Triethanolamine - triethanolamine: normalizes the pH of the skin, along with it is a toxic substance.
  • Peg-8 oleate - ethylene glycol polymer: moisturizes, softens.
  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate - sodium lauryl sulfate: creates foam.

  • Sodium Erythorbate - eritorbat sodium: antioxidant, increases the shelf life of the paint.
  • Cetrimonium chloride - Cetrimonium chloride: promotes uniform application of cosmetics.

  • Methylchloroisoisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone - preservatives, very strong irritants for eyes and skin.
  • Henna - henna.
  • Oxidant composition

    1. Aqua - water: humidifier.
    2. Hydrogen Peroxide - hydrogen peroxide.
    3. Acrylates / Palmeth-25 Acrylate Copolymer - acrylate / palmett-25 acrylate copolymer: adjusts the viscosity.
    4. Disodium EDTA - EDTA: carcinogen.

    It is worth noting one positive point.

    In the composition of modern paints you can find more and more plant extracts, that is, they are as close as possible to natural products. Manufacturers even learned how to do without ammonia. True, such funds will not give a stable shade. So be sure to study on the packaging of paint for eyebrows its composition.

    Also important is the type of funds that you choose to use.

    We overcome the language barrier. On the eyebrow paint package you can find various foreign words. Be literate: be able to understand how they are translated.

    Eyebrow or brow - eyebrow, henna - henna, color - paint, graphite - graphite, slim - light, taupe - taupe, soft brown - warm brown, medium brown - brown, caramel - caramel, chocolate - chocolate, dark brown - dark brown, ebony - ebony, granite - granite, natural black - natural black.


    1. Cream paint eyebrow has a soft, pleasant texture.
    2. Eyebrow paint in capsules based on henna. Very convenient in terms of dosage.

    Gel paint eyebrows - jelly-like tool, which by its texture does not like everyone, so it is difficult to apply evenly.

  • Permanent paint eyebrow is used in tattoo parlors.
  • The most pressing question: what color to choose paint for eyebrows. The palette is so diverse that you can get confused in shades. Our classification will not allow you to make a mistake.

    Brown paint for eyebrows and its shades (for soft brunettes and brown-haired women)

    1. Brown (brown),
    2. light brown (in brown),
    3. black-brown
    4. dark brown (dark brown),
    5. red (red),
    6. red (red),
    7. gray-brown (taupe),
    8. warm brown (soft brown),
    9. caramel (caramel),
    10. chocolate (chocolate)
    11. granite (granite).

    Black paint for eyebrows and her palette (for burning brunettes)

    1. Graphite (graphite)
    2. black (black),
    3. ebony

    Light paint for eyebrows and its colors (for blondes)

    1. Bright (slim)
    2. gray (gray)
    3. clarify,
    4. white (white).

    Each manufacturer offers its customers a rich palette of colors in eyebrow colors. There is a choice, although due to the variety it is quite difficult. Once the tool is still purchased, you need to learn how to use it. Detailed instructions are attached to each package. But there are some universal tips that are applicable to any drug.

    Helpful advice. The most durable eyebrow paint is permanent. Some “cunning” and advanced ladies manage to get it on sale and try to use it at home.

    We strongly advise against this. It so eats into the skin that it will be impossible to remove it in the next few months.

    It does not work out the shade - the image will be spoiled for a long period of time.


    1. 3 days before staining, adjust the shape of the eyebrows.
    2. The procedure is performed with gloves.
    3. Pre-check if you have eyebrow paint allergy: dilute it and apply a small amount on the skin behind the ear. Within 24 hours should go reaction to the allergen. This procedure is required.

  • Many don't know how to make eyebrow paint: a proportion of 10 drops of oxygen per 2 ml of cream is usually taken. But you need to comply with those dosages that are listed in the instructions for the paint.
  • Beat the mixture until foaming.
  • Around the eyebrows, apply a fat face cream that will prevent skin staining.

    1. If the brush is not attached to the paint, take a special eyebrow brush with a beveled tip.
    2. Scoop up a small amount of the coloring matter.

  • Starting from the nose, pressing, brush over the eyebrow in the direction of the temple.
  • Repeat the movement.
  • Now carefully look in the mirror: if there are empty seats, paint them.

  • Repeat the same with the second brow.
    1. Typically, the duration of the paint is not more than 10 minutes. But again, look at the instruction that states how much to keep the paint on the eyebrows.
    2. Dip a cotton pad in warm milk or lightly warmed water. Carefully wipe off the paint.
    1. In the first 2-3 days you can not use decorative cosmetics for painted eyebrows.
    2. Avoid direct and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
    3. A couple of times a week oil eyebrows with olive or castor oil.

    Now you know how to paint your eyebrows with paint at home by yourself, without asking for help from professionals. It will save your time and money. Perhaps not everything will turn out the first time, but afterwards each stage of the procedure will be brought to automaticity and you will receive pleasure from the procedure itself and from the result obtained.

    If during the painting there are some controversial and dubious questions, our explanations will help you not to make mistakes.

    Additional questions block

    1. How to wash off the paint from the eyebrows, if you do not like the shade?

    There are several ways to eliminate the undesirable effects of unsuccessful brow coloring:

    1. Treat your eyebrows daily with any scrub.
    2. Discolor.
    3. Every day, wipe your brows with alcohol-containing products: lotions, tonics, ammonia, and pure alcohol.
    4. Excellent bleaching effect gives the means "curl" for chemical perm hair.
    5. Several times a day, cosmetic oils and fat creams can be applied to dyed eyebrows.

    Now you know how to erase the paint from the eyebrows: it remains only to choose a tool.

    1. What to do to keep the eyebrow paint last longer?

    Alas, ah: there is no such means. Just protect your painted eyebrows from ultraviolet radiation - at least they will not fade.

    1. How much does the paint on the eyebrows?

    It depends on the brand and paint composition. At least a week. Maximum (most resistant) - up to 6 weeks.

    1. How often to paint eyebrows paint?

    It would be desirable, of course, to use the paint immediately, as it comes down from the eyebrows. But here you need to be very careful. If the tool is expensive and natural, it is possible to produce staining every 2 weeks. If the paint is cheap and with ammonia, no more than 1 time per month.

    1. Can pregnant women paint their eyebrows?

    Is undesirable. Most manufacturers indicate this condition of women in contraindications to this kind of means. It is not known how the composition will affect the body and prenatal development of the baby.

    1. What is the shelf life of eyebrow paint?

    Very different. From 6 months to 2 years. See packaging.

    1. How to make eyebrow paint at home?

    You can find on the Internet recipes for eyebrow paints from activated carbon, soot, mascara and other coloring pigments. But at the same time you should understand that you will not get a lasting effect. Paint in the morning, and in the evening after water procedures everything will disappear.

    Now it remains to find out what paint to paint eyebrows, and you can proceed to the sacred action. Our rating will help you make the right choice.

    Cosmetology educational program. Ammonia (hydrogen nitride) is a chemical compound harmful to the skin and eyes, a colorless gas with a harsh, unpleasant smell of ammonia. It will be better if you pick up eyebrow paint without it.

    Domestic manufacturers

    1. Ollin vision. 300 rubles.
    2. Fragrance free from Capous (Capus). 170 rubles.
    3. Сoncept (Concept) - eyebrow paint without ammonia. 170 rubles.
    4. Estel (Estelle) from Unicosmetics. Represented by two lines: Only Looks and Enigma. 170 rubles.

  • RoColor. 150 rubles.
  • Essem Hair Studio (Studio). 114 rubles.
  • Machaon. 90 rubles.
  • Elitan. 50 rubles.
  • Yoke from phytocosmetics. 30 rubles.

  • Make eyes from ArtKolor - cheap eyebrow paint, although not the worst. 30 rubles.
  • Foreign manufacturers

    1. Igora Bonachrome (Igor bonahr) from Schwarzkopf (Germany) - the most resistant eyebrow paint. 1 300 rubles.
    2. Elan (Elan) Gel-paint (Ukraine). 1 150 rubles.
    3. Amc from Inglot Gel paint (Poland). 1,050 rubles.
    4. Thuya (Tui)

    Spain. 1 000 rubles.

  • Instant eyebrow tint from Godefroy (USA). Cream paint henna capsules (USA). 750 rubles.
  • Augenblick from Berrywell (Germany). 700 rubles.
  • Kodi Professional (USA) - professional eyebrow paint, 500 rubles.

  • C: ehko Eye Shades (Germany). 500 rubles.
  • Favorit (Austria) - natural paint for eyebrows. 500 rubles.
  • Binacil (Germany). 420 rubles.
  • Refectocil (Refectocyl) from Gschwentner Haarkosmetik (Austria). From 400 to 650 rubles.

  • Smart eyes from Keen (Germany). 360 rubles.
  • Lash color from Levissime (Spain). 350 rubles.
  • Color (Austria). 300 rubles.
  • Nexxt (Germany). 300 rubles.
  • Londa (Germany). 300 rubles.

  • Constant delight (Italy). 200 rubles.
  • Delia Cosmetics (Poland). 170 rubles.
  • Panna (Ukraine). 40 rubles.
  • Anna (Ukraine) - perhaps the most inexpensive eyebrow paint worth only 20 rubles.

    The variety of goods is amazing, but only you can decide for yourself which eyebrow paint is better: expensive or cheap, domestic or imported, Polish or German. Since the eyebrows absorb all the toxins and collect all the dirt from the environment, even the most resistant paint on them can not last long.

    Therefore, you have the opportunity to try different brands and firms, identifying for yourself some one, the most optimal option.

    What eyebrow paint is better to choose? Review and reviews

    Properly chosen eyebrow dye allows you to make the image more expressive, which is especially important for fair-haired girls. The procedure can be carried out at home, you only need to strictly follow the instructions. Proper care after a session will help to enjoy the result longer.

    How to choose a good eyebrow dye

    High-quality cosmetic product intended for painting eyebrows or eyelashes, must meet certain criteria. What to look for when buying?

    • Composition. Information about what components are part of the dye is contained on the packaging. Read it carefully before buying. If the product contains salts of heavy metals or lead, it is better to refuse such a dye. The presence of ammonia is not desirable, this ingredient can cause chemical burns if misused.
    • Manufacturer. Always pay attention to the manufacturer and give preference to those who have proven themselves in the market of cosmetic products. This list includes such brands as Concept, Refectocil, Levissime, Schwarzkopf, Estel Enigma and others.
    • Persistence. One of the most important parameters that determine the quality of paint. The effect of staining usually lasts from 10 days to a month. The paint should not quickly wash out, fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation or other weather factors.
    • Packing. Many manufacturers produce their products in a package of very small volume, which is only enough for one coloring. Therefore, try to buy a more voluminous packaging, so that the paint is enough for several procedures.
    • Package and price. Special dyeing kits are very convenient, where one set contains everything necessary for high-quality dyeing (several shades of paint, an oxidizer, a special cream, a remuver, eye protection strips, etc.). But such kits are quite expensive, so you can buy just paint with an oxidizing agent, and find a replacement for the other components. For example, at home everyone will find a suitable container, cotton swabs or discs, gloves and other accessories.

    To save the family budget it is not necessary to acquire expensive advertised brands, you can always find a worthy replacement for them. Many budget paints will provide not less resistant and reliable result. What eyebrow paint is better? How not to get lost in the huge range of proposed tools and choose a really worthy option? This will help you our review of the most popular colors for eyebrows.

    The best eyebrow dye: review

    According to professionals and ordinary users, the top of the best dyes includes the following brands:

    • Enigma (from Estel). Eyebrow paint Estelle Enigma has a huge advantage over other brands due to the large variety of shades. The color palette has 9 colors, among which you can choose the option that best suits any type of appearance. The basis of the dyes of this brand is ultra-soft formula, which additionally provides gentle hair care and guarantees safety and lasting results. Paints differ hypoallergenic composition, which is further enriched with shimmering pigments. They give dyed eyebrows a beautiful, glossy shine. Estelle's dyes are one of the most persistent, the result of staining lasts up to 3 weeks. The price for a tube of eyebrow paint is about 280 rubles.
    • Only Looks (fromEstel). This line of coloring agents is presented in 4 shades. In contrast to the Enigma, when applied to the eyebrows, the paint appears more slowly, which requires more exposure to achieve the desired result. At the same time, this property of paint turns into a plus, since the first use reduces the risk of overexposing the composition and getting too intense.Another difference is the Only Looks paint is less resistant, re-staining may be needed after 7-10 days. The price of coloring compositions is about 150 rubles.
    • Igora Bonacrom (from Schwarzkopf).Eyebrow paint Igor from the world famous company Schwarzkopf occupies a special place in the arsenal of professionals. It is used in beauty salons by the most famous makeup artists, and this speaks of the impeccable quality of the product. The color palette is presented in 3 colors: the black, blue black and brown. However, these basic shades are quite enough to achieve full compliance of the eyebrows with the basic tone of the hair. A package of paint contains a complete set of components necessary for painting. One tube of paint, with a volume of 15 ml, is enough for 8 -10 colors, therefore, despite the rather high price, it is profitable to buy such paint. The price for Igor's package is 600-750 rubles.
    • Refectocil (Refectocyl). Resistant eyebrow dyeRefectocil from the Austrian manufacturer is represented in the cosmetic market for more than a dozen years, but does not lose its popularity due to excellent quality and long-term effect. The advantage of coloring compositions is safety, ease of use and quite reasonable price. A huge plus of this brand is a diverse palette of shades, numbering 9 colors from classic graphite and brown tones, to exotic reds and blues. This allows you to mix different combinations and find any shades that best shade your image. In addition to paint, the manufacturer offers a whitening paste, with which you can lighten your eyebrows by several tones so that they completely match the hair shade when changing your image. Refectocil cosmetic products can be used even by non-professionals and use eyebrow paint at home. The manufacturer offers special kits, which include all the necessary components for self-dyeing. The price for a 15 ml package of paint is 300-350 rubles. The manufacturer assures that this amount will be enough for 20-30 staining, and the color fastness will be maintained for 3 weeks.
    • Paint for eyebrows Kapus (Kapous). This is a line of dyes with a super-durable result that lasts for 2 months. Paint is produced in Italy. The color palette of this brand is few and consists of 4 shades (intense black, black, graphite and brown), but it has many other advantages. Colored hairs are not afraid of any external influences and weather phenomena (frost, sun, rain, wind). After the procedure, you can safely visit the solarium, swim in the sea water, sunbathe on the beach. Coloring compositions do not contain ammonium and other aggressive chemicals, so the risk of allergic reactions is minimized. The cosmetic mixes easily due to its airy texture and is well distributed in the staining area. To achieve a stable result, it is enough to hold the paint for 7-10 minutes. The price of Kapous coloring agents is quite acceptable and ranges from 150 to 250 rubles per tube (volume 30 ml).
    • Eyebrow paint Rocolor. This is the most budget and economical option, one bottle of paint lasts for a whole year of regular use. Cosmetic product is presented in two shades: brown and black. You can buy it in almost any cosmetic store. The result after staining persists for 2 weeks. It is a reliable, hypoallergenic dye that is suitable even for people with sensitive skin prone to irritation. Regular use of paint, which does not contain hydrogen peroxide, also helps to soften and strengthen weakened hairs. This is one of the safest products, when it comes in contact with the skin, Rocol does not cause a burning sensation, but red should be used with caution, preventing it from mucous membranes. In addition to the main ingredients (dye, oxidant), the kit includes a very convenient applicator that can be used to care for eyebrows and eyelashes. The only drawback is the long exposure time. To achieve the desired result you need to keep the paint for at least 25 minutes.The cost of Rocol is only 100-120 rubles.
    • Concept COLOR LOOK - Another budget option from the Russian manufacturer. The dye is available in the form of a cream, which facilitates application. The paint package includes a tube with a dye (50 ml), an oxidizer (25 ml), a convenient applicator with a comb and a brush, measuring container and instruction. The palette is presented in 4 shades: extremely black, graphite, black and brown. The paint does not contain ammonia, therefore it is suitable even for sensitive skin and it has a persistent result that lasts up to 4 weeks. But the soft composition increases the exposure time to 25 minutes. The advantage of the dye is the absence of a sharp chemical smell and low price - only 100-110 rubles per package.
    • Paint henna for eyebrows. Natural paint guarantees complete safety and the absence of unpredictable allergic reactions. After the procedure, eyebrows not only become brighter and more expressive, but also weakened hairs strengthen and their growth accelerates. For the dyeing procedure, it is sufficient to simply mix a small amount of henna with a few drops of warm water to form a thick, creamy mass. After which this mixture should be applied to the eyebrows and leave for 30 minutes. The disadvantage of a natural dye is that after dyeing with henna, the hairs no longer perceive other dye compositions or, in combination with them, can give a completely unexpected tint. Henna does not harm the skin and hair and can be used even during periods of pregnancy and lactation. But she is not always able to cope with gray hairs and they can differ in color from the rest, as a result of which the eyebrows will look untidy. Therefore, manufacturers propose to use not the henna itself, but dyes based on it. One of these dyes is Brow henna, which is presented in three shades: gray-brown, coffee and neutral brown. Such henna for eyebrows is produced in the form of powder, it is packaged in tubes of 10 ml. To obtain a coloring composition, you need to pour a little of the composition into the water to form a liquid slurry. Natural remedies are quite expensive. The cost of one package is about 1000 rubles, but the effect of staining lasts a long time (up to 6 weeks).

    How to choose a suitable color

    When buying a coloring composition, it is important not to make a mistake and choose the exact shade that best suits your color type. The presented review of popular brands of dyes, in the palettes of which there are many shades for any type of appearance, will help you make the right choice. Recall only the basic rules, according to which you should pick up the paint:

    1. So, blue and black eyebrow paint will look harmoniously only on the face of burning brunettes.
    2. Eyebrow color graphite combines perfectly with light brown hair, with a cold ash tint.
    3. Brown eyebrow paint suitable for brown-haired, red and copper-haired girls.

    The palette of professional colors is the most diverse, even if you have only 2-3 shades, they can be mixed in different proportions, achieving the perfect tone that will best be combined with the color of your hair. But at the same time it is important to follow the basic rule: for blondes the eyebrows should be 1-2 tones darker than the hair, all others should be slightly lighter.

    Rules for coloring eyebrows at home

    Buy eyebrow dye today is not a problem, it is sold in any cosmetic store. It is important to use it properly at home. To make the procedure successful, follow these rules:

    1. Before the procedure, wash thoroughly, degrease the area of ​​the proposed treatment with an alcohol-containing tonic and dry eyebrows. Before applying the dye hairs must be completely dry.
    2. Before applying the dye, circle the eyebrows with a white or beige makeup pencil. This will help to accurately distribute the paint and not to go beyond the intended contours.
    3. Excess hairs should not be pulled out immediately before the procedure, it is better to do this after dyeing. Otherwise, the pigment can get into the microscopic wounds left after hair removal and cause skin irritation.
    4. In order not to stain the surrounding skin, use special protective lining, which can be purchased separately or purchased with a set of paint.
    5. Strictly follow the instructions and do not exceed the specified amount of paint recommended for single use. For one procedure, it is enough to squeeze out quite a bit of paint (the size of a pea) and add to it 4-5 drops of an oxidizer. With such an economical consumption of a small 15 ml cosmetic tube will be enough for 10 procedures.
    6. If the eyebrows are too rare and colorless, then the dye can be left on the hairs longer. Thus, it is possible to achieve an effect similar to permanent staining.
    7. After dilution, the hue of the dye looks much lighter than stated, it begins to darken after application to the hairs, as it is oxidized when exposed to air. Therefore, do not rush to add more pigmentation to the staining tank, if after mixing the dye seems too light.
    8. To get the most natural result possible, apply the coloring composition carefully. You need to act synchronously, starting with the tails of the eyebrows, then moving to the middle and ending with the heads of both eyebrows.
    9. For applying paint, use a special applicator, a comfortable brush or a cotton swab. After eyebrows will be painted, they need to be combed in the direction of hair growth with a special brush. Then, follow the instructions carefully and observe the specified exposure time.
    10. If the paint accidentally gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, you should immediately wash the eyes with plenty of running water.
    11. At the end of the procedure, the dye is washed off with a cotton pad moistened with warm water. If the paint gets on the skin, it is removed with a special tool (remover) or any fat cream.
    12. After dyeing, feed the hairs with natural oils (olive, castor, burdock). This will provide a firming effect and give the eyebrows a beautiful glossy shine.

    Adhering to the basic rules and considering all the above nuances, you will be able to achieve an excellent result and updated, rich and beautiful eyebrows will emphasize your individuality and beauty.

    Application Reviews

    Review №1

    I use Refectocil for coloring eyebrows; it is inexpensive and resistant. So you need to tint eyebrows once a month. One tube of paint with economical spending is enough for 10 applications. I have blond hair, so I choose 3.1 color, it looks good and blends perfectly with hair. After painting, the color retains saturation for about 2 weeks, then gradually begins to dim.

    I always buy only paint and oxidant, everything else is in my house. After dilution of the ink, a thick mass is obtained, which, when applied to the eyebrows, does not pinch or flow. For 10 minutes, the skin also does not stain, especially before the procedure, I lubricate it with any fat cream. The result, which turns out, suits me completely, and the quality of the paint is at its best.

    Review number 2

    Recently, I painted eyebrows with Estelle Enigma paint, the effect was just wonderful. I chose a brown tint because my hair is chestnut-colored, with copper tints. The paint is easy to lay down, evenly colors and fills well the empty space where there are no hairs.

    Eyebrows look neat and in perfect harmony with the main hair color.I kept the paint for only 10 minutes, it keeps steadfastly, it has been three weeks since painting, and the color is still saturated. And now it is not necessary to constantly tint eyebrows with a pencil and worry that they will be erased.

    Review number 3

    I always buy Rocolor for tinting eyebrows and eyelashes. It is cheap, but the quality is at its best. Unlike other dyes, the tube with Rocolor has a larger volume, so it lasts for a long time. The most important thing - the paint is soft and hypoallergenic, does not irritate the skin, which is very important for me, with my tendency to allergies.

    I always take a shade of "graphite", it perfectly shades the eyebrows. To get a saturated color, just hold the paint for only 5-7 minutes, no longer necessary, otherwise the color will be too bright. The rest will depend on your accuracy, the main thing is to distribute the paint evenly, then the result will please.

    Customer Reviews

    Opinions of women about paint for eyebrows divided. What is the best paint for eyebrows and eyelashes, according to customer reviews?

    Many women use Constant Delight for coloring. The product fits perfectly due to its composition, shades and convenient application. Attracted women and the low price of paint.

    Another category of buyers attracted a tool Igora. Despite the high cost, the tool is easy to use and contains everything you need to paint.

    What is the best price for eyebrow paint, according to reviews? According to the buyers, the “Rocolor” coloring agent has the most budget value. In addition, the paint is hypoallergenic and has a persistent and intense color.


    Thanks to a wide choice of coloring agents, a woman can choose a shade that would be ideally suited to her appearance. The paint can be purchased taking into account the features of the skin and intensity. For a truly excellent result, it is best to entrust eyebrow tinting to an experienced master.


    Watch the video: How to Choose Eyebrow Color (June 2024).