Work with hair

Depilatory cream Byly Depil


Healthy blond curls seem an unattainable dream for any beauty who brightens her hair. It is not so easy to choose an effective coloring tool that has a sparing effect on the hair. You have to try a lot of options before you are lucky enough to find the right composition. Lightening hair cream is just such an effective tool with a gentle effect.

Why choose a cream for lightening

Many people, after using burning chemical dyes, are trying to find a similar remedy, but with a more delicate effect on curls. To pick up something like an aggressive composition is an impossible task. Only sufficient concentrations of chemical components can make a blonde out of a brunette.

For ladies who are not going to change their appearance drastically, there are worthy alternatives. Ammonia-free dyes, tonics, natural ingredients, as well as a lightening hair cream can refresh and diversify the image.

Cream for lightening hair is often chosen for the fact that it is convenient to use. There is no need to mix the components, there is no danger of making mistakes in proportions and harm the hair, the skin. The composition gently affects the curls, does not stain everything around.

The result is achieved by a low content of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. The main components of the substance - natural extracts, oils, possessing natural whitening reactions, as well as providing nutrition, moisturizing.

Brightening hair cream is popular in the case if you want to achieve a slight clarification (his action 1-2 tones), coloring individual strands. It also helps to “mask” unwanted body hair.

Note, Thanks to a balanced formula, not only lightening is achieved, but also care for hair. Hair after use means smooth, silky, shiny. Well-chosen proportions of aggressive and nutritious components allow you to perfectly cope with the tasks.

How it works on different hair

For those who have natural light shades, the cream will bethe perfect tool for a slight color change. The shade received with its help, will please with naturalness. The hair will get a fresh, interesting look, it will become a little lighter than the original.

For dark hair Maiden means will be an excellent opportunity smooth transition to a lighter range. Applying a lightening hair cream, guaranteed to obtain a natural shade in 1-2 steps different from the original. In this case, the structure of the hair is not disturbed, but, on the contrary, it maintains the condition of the hair. Curls will get a beautiful natural, even tone, and not the notorious redhead. Brunettes are recommended to familiarize yourself with the subtleties of lightening dark hair before the procedure.

For brunettes, there is also the option of using the cream together with an oxidizing agent.. Then Brightening up to 8 tones is possible. Good news, but it is very important to observe the proportions. Without relevant experience, this is problematic. Proper exposure will give an even light shade, and errors in use can seriously harm the appearance.

For owners of colored hair, considering reviews, lightening cream unable to provide uniform blond even with a strong oxidizing agent. The existing color is washed off to red, then have to resort to tinting. For you, we have also prepared important tips on how to lighten dyed hair.

Painting recommendations

Thanks to a convenient consistence using the tool is incredibly convenient. All that is needed is to evenly distribute the composition along the strands using a frequent comb. Using a cream without an oxidant, you can not be afraid to touch the skin. Even the application is carried out without the use of gloves. Cream fits perfectly, provides a uniform prokrasku. Hold time up to 50 minutes.

Spread the composition into wet strands. Curls pre-washed. If the strands are dry, it is permissible to use the detergent before washing. Treated with the composition, the curls are recommended to be “warmed up” with a hair dryer. (it is better to pre-read the instructions for each particular tool, perhaps such an effect is not required). After the expiration of the exposure time the hair is washed, the final care products can not be used.

Applying lightening cream with oxidizer, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. Usually means mixed in a ratio of 1: 1.5 or 1: 2 (cream: oxidizing emulsion). Oxygen concentration depends on the original color, hair structure, but no more than 9%. It is recommended to apply the composition to dirty strands, to eliminate thermal effects.

The skin will have to be protected from the ingress of the substance. The exposure time is also up to 50 minutes., but in the process it is better to carefully control the course of coloring, your feelings. At occurrence of unpleasant manifestations - immediately wash off.

Review of popular lightening creams

Creams for lightening hair are used to impart a shade to the curls on the head, and to lighten unwanted vegetation on the body. The most popular for coloring hair consider such as:

  • Kapous Bleaching Cream,
  • CHI Blondest Blonde,
  • Schwarzkopf Professional Blond Me,
  • LOREAL Preference Glam Lights.

These tools help to give a head of hair blond shades without yellowness, in combination with an oxidizing agent there is possibility of transition to 8 tones. The composition is progressive, contains many useful components for curls. After coloring the hair looks healthy, soft, shiny. Good color distribution provides perfect effect.

If excessive warmth in color is still manifested, our advice on how to get rid of yellowness after lightening will be very useful to you.

Alternatively, the fight against unwanted vegetation is most often used to lighten hair vox joley byly hair bleaching cream. The result of consumer feedback is amazing. Gentle effect, excellent effect. In the box 2 tubes: the active substance and activator.

Note, The presence of chamomile extract provides an additional antiseptic effect.

Good masking of vegetation by means such as byly hair bleaching cream ensured by the presence in the composition of an excellent balance of aggressive and nutritious components.

The path of becoming a blonde can be thorny and difficult. In order to take care of the hair, it is enough not to take drastic steps, but to choose benign funds and go towards your goal gradually. Means such as lightening hair cream can be a great alternative in the fight for delicate lightening.

Learn more about hair lightening thanks to the following articles:

Do not forget also about the care of bleached hair. To help recommend articles: how to restore hair after lightening and a mask to restore hair after lightening.

Useful videos

Use of professional paints at home.

Coloring the roots at home.

Depilation products

Any girl removes unwanted hair on the legs, in the armpits, bikini area, on the hands and even on the face. True, no matter how hard you try, you can’t argue against Mother Nature, so you have to repeat the procedure quite often.

The main types of hair removal can be divided into several groups:

  • "Old and effective." Razor or disposable machine. To this option can be attributed cream depilatory, as various mixtures for hair removal are known since ancient times,
The main types of hair removal
  • "Painful, but effective." Depilation options that use wax masses, other hot blends, cold wax strips. It is unpleasant, painful, not suitable for bikinis, as well as for women prone to varicose veins. The advantage is effective and for a long time. After the procedure, you can enjoy a smooth skin for a whole month. In addition, reviews of fans of this version of depilation indicate that after several such procedures, the thickness and thickness of the vegetation on the legs are significantly reduced, although not all,
  • "Painless, but expensive." This group of depilations should include all the technical know-how that is carried out in salons. These include ultrasound, laser, and elos, phyto, and biopilation. Get rid of hair once and for all with their help will not succeed. And if you really want to, then you will have to visit the salon every month during the year at least, while laying out a lot of money.

Depil by TM Byly: a review from all sides

Any cream for hair removal makes this procedure painless, fairly simple and affordable at home.

And most importantly - allows smooth legs, "armpits" without black dots. And the skin is not damaged as a razor. The moisturizing component is already included in the cream, and there is no need for additional oils.

Depilatory cream Byly Depil teens

Popular products of the Spanish brand on the market are:

  • depilatory cream with aloe extract. Ideal for sensitive, delicate skin and thin, sparse hair. The same cream can be used to remove facial hair,
  • with kukui oil - for dry skin. Acts like a normal depilator. And kukui oil prevents aging and helps to improve the metabolic processes of the skin,
  • with oil "Mona de Tahiti". Moisturizes the skin and is suitable for all types of skin.
  • chocolate bars (Byly Depil effective & natural) with cocoa butter are suitable for normal skin.

In the line of products from Labaratorios Byly (Spain) there is also Depil Gold wax (regular strips, wax for removing hair on the face, for a bikini zone with the addition of cosmetic gold). In addition, there is a special warm wax in the form of a roller applicator, which is very convenient at home.

Also in the Byly product line there are special depilatories for the face and “especially important zones”.

Byly depil warm wax for body depilation

Fans of radical measures

After reading the reviews about the brand itself, and about the cream, we can safely say: a means worthy of attention and inexpensive. Well, for radical lovers of extreme sports, that is, those who prefer warm wax and stripes, a similar line is presented at your service.

Such products are presented in the series Gold. This golden series. The composition of all funds of this line includes cosmetic gold and Effective & natural. These drugs are composed of:

  • cold and hot wax, strips for depilation,
  • cream for hair removal, the natural components of which - for every taste and aroma (peach, papaya, mint, green tea, chocolate).

The advantages of these funds:

  • reusable strips that come with hot wax,
  • excellent washability with warm water
  • economy,
  • cost,
  • reviews on the Internet are mostly positive.
Depilation products Byly Depil in the Gold series

When compared with the cream of this series, the advantage remains for the stripes on the duration of the result. The rest of the cream is no worse and, of course, painless.

Application features

The procedure for using creams of this brand is identical to other cream depilatories. Should:

  1. cleanse the skin
  2. apply depilator
  3. wait 5-10 minutes
  4. remove with a spatula
  5. moisten the depilated part of the body.

  • low cost
  • a diverse range for any skin with different fragrances and cosmetic additives (oils and extracts),
  • specialization for special zones.

If your hair is not too coarse, then cream is what you need.

Lack of funds, given the reviews, perhaps only one - it is not suitable for everyone. But here everything is individual. If you are unlucky, and the excess vegetation is rather coarse and dense, then a creamy remedy most likely will not help. And if it helps, it will have a "thermonuclear" composition, which is fraught with allergies and other skin troubles. Therefore, it is better to use strips.

Enjoy your procedure and lasting results.

"L'oreal Colorista Bleach"

Brightening cream hair dye Loreal Colorista is one of the excellent tools that are able to high-quality paint them. There is no ammonia in its composition. This paint in the form of a cream perfectly emphasizes the depth of shade, preserves beauty and natural shine. The following positive properties are noted:

  • ease of use
  • possibility of transition for several applications from one color to another,
  • the duration of the result up to 2 months.

To complete the transition from dark to light hair, Loreal Colorista will have to be dyed 4-6 times. Such a long staining does not mean low quality cream. The fact is that dark curls are harder to lighten.

One of the sought-after Kapous brightening hair creams is called Bleaching Cream. It is recommended to be used to lighten both dyed and natural curls. This creamy paint is great for:

  • full or partial clarification,
  • create highlights,
  • highlighting.

Professional products of the Kapus company contain oil complexes that prevent breakage and dehydration of the strands. After dyeing with this paint there is no yellowing effect. The tool requires additional oxidizer.

The company "Garnier" produces cream-paint to lighten hair. It contains various protective components, as well as:

  • natural oils
  • vitamin complexes
  • extracts of healing herbs.

The paint during its application protects the structure of the strands and at the same time carefully paints them. The brightening agent from the ColorShine series with highlighting does not contain ammonia, so the hair after it remains shiny, moisturized and lush.

In reviews about lightening hair cream say that it is great colors and smells good. A care balm applied after the procedure is enclosed in each package.

Many women stop their choice on a lightening cream without ammonia from the company "Vella". This tool combines affordable cost and excellent quality. Cream color contains:

Thanks to these components, the cream is applied to the hair evenly, perfectly dyes, and also provides a lasting effect. If the brightening dye is applied to gray hair, then it is advised to use an emulsion, and to lighten dark strands, use an emulsion with hydrogen peroxide.

The company "Estel" constantly creates the latest cosmetics. One of them is a cream that brightens hair. It does not contain ammonia. It affects the curls gently, protects against the negative influence of external factors. Experienced hairdressers have nothing against frequent use of Estelle cream color. Its components allow staining to stay for 1-1.5 months.

Staining recommendations

Before proceeding to staining, be sure to conduct a test for a possible skin reaction to the dye. How to carry it out, detailed in the instructions.

The tool has a consistency that makes application comfortable. It is required with the help of a frequent comb to try to evenly distribute the composition of the hair. When painting, do not be afraid to touch the surface of the skin, because there is no oxidant in the paint. The procedure is allowed to be carried out without wearing gloves. The cream falls on the hair perfectly, providing a uniform coloring. The time that must be maintained is approximately 50 minutes.

The composition is distributed on wet hair, which you first need to wash.It is advised to dry with a hair dryer, because most of the funds begins to act after exposure to heat. After the proper time has passed, it must be thoroughly washed off.

Still, before applying the cream-paint, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions, as this tool may require a different use.

If a lightening cream and an oxidizing agent are used, then the instructions given in the instructions should be strictly followed. Such a composition is required to be applied to dirty hair in order to avoid thermal exposure. It is necessary to prevent the composition from reaching the skin. Although the exposure time is also 50 minutes, however, you should listen to your feelings, control the course of staining. If there are any unpleasant manifestations, the composition should be immediately washed off.

The effect of funds on different hair

Lightening hair cream is an excellent tool for those who want to slightly change their natural light shade. As a result, the resulting tone will look slightly lighter than the original, and without yellowness.

Owners of dark hair can use this paint to make a smooth transition to a lighter color. The use of lightening cream ensures a natural shade, 1-2 tones different from the natural. It is noted that the structure of the curls is not broken, on the contrary, they become beautiful and natural.

Brunettes can apply this cream with an oxidizer. In this case, oxidation of up to 8 tones is possible, but the main thing is that proportions must be observed. The correct effect of the brightening hair cream will make their appearance just gorgeous, give a bright and even shade.

It should be borne in mind that those who have dyed hair, lightening paint, even with a strong oxidant will not provide uniform blondirovanie. The paint, which is currently present on the hair, will wash off to a red color, after which it is necessary to do toning.

Today, modern cosmetology products are represented by a huge amount of lightening products. Most of the reviews about the bleaching cream for hair are positive, and most often they relate to products that lack ammonia. Manufacturers try to produce such products that will be completely harmless to hair. Therefore, they do not spoil the hair, they provide care and maintain water balance. For clarification with the effect of highlighting, it is advised to acquire easily applied creamy paints. To achieve a great result, you must use them according to all the rules. Today, many cosmetologists recommend their clients to use such tools. This will help even in the home to achieve the desired shade of hair.

Byly Depil cream for bleaching hair for sensitive skin, with chamomile - the best remedy for little black mustaches. :)

Have a nice day, morning or evening! )))

The worst moment was when I discovered black mustaches over the upper lip, never had them, but at one moment appeared. Survived very much.

I read on the Internet for a long time what was the only thing to do about it 2 optimal outputs:

1. This photoepilation, which is suitable for dark hair, I wrote about it here:

Option 2 Byly Depil Hair Bleaching Cream!

For the first experiment, she chose not to risk, since it cost only 415 rubles at a discount in L'Etoile.


What can I say, he helped in 10 minutes, they turned from black to colorless!

About consumption:

It is very economical! for 2 “peas” from a large tube there is 1 “pea” from a small one.

The composition and method of application of the cream for bleaching hair Byly Depil

Today, hair lightening creams are especially popular. They are preferred by most women, guided primarily by the fact that to fix the problem will not have to remove hair from the skin. The effect of the cream is to lighten the hair, due to which hairs are made less noticeable, and the impression of their complete absence on the body is made.

Byly Depil Bleaching Cream was developed specifically for the delicate and sensitive skin of women. With its help, hairs are lightened on such areas of the body as:

You can lighten everything even the hair on your hands

The main components of the tool:

Ammonia and peroxide discolor, and chamomile relieves inflammation, prevents irritation. Chamomile - a natural antiseptic, perfectly moisturizes the skin, has a sedative effect.

When buying a product, do not be afraid of the two in a tube packaging. The first is for clarification, and the second is for activating the action of the first.

In the package there is also a special paddle for applying the drug to the skin.

Step by step instructions for use:

After flushing, the skin becomes red. It is not worth being scared. After a while the redness passes. To speed up the effect, a soothing cream is applied, such as Panthenol.

The day after the procedure there is a significant clarification of the "treated" areas. After a day, the skin brightens, inflammation and irritation disappear.

Byly Depil Bleaching Cream is particularly popular. But before buying it is necessary to verify the authenticity of the goods. Since the "fake" will not have the desired result. Therefore, before buying, we check the cream for the expiration date and quality certificate.

Why do professionals choose blonding cream?

Among the many methods of hair bleaching, the use of cream-based products is considered one of the safest procedures. These products help to lighten, tint or make a complete bleaching without destroying the structure of the hair shafts. Professional lightening cream blends with a special emulsion - oxidant (oxidizing agent) and has several advantages:

  • The composition includes nutrients, natural oils and extracts.
  • You can create a variety of shades of blond, the ability to cover gray hair.
  • Convenient consistency, facilitates the application and the process of highlighting and staining.
  • Delicate effect on hair and scalp.
  • As part of special additives that prevent dryness and brittle hair.

Choosing the best bleaching cream for a charming blonde

If you are in doubt what kind of brightening hair cream to buy, the online store “Hair Market” offers to consider the most popular options:

  1. Kapous Bleaching Cream - development of a professional Russian brand, bleaching hair up to 7 levels. The composition contains jojoba oil and coconut conditioning additives that provide soft curls due to nutrition and hydration. It is used with Cremoxon oxidizer from 3% to 9%.
  2. Series BlondmeSchwarzkopf- blonding cream with three shades (sand, ice, caramel), highlighting up to 6 tones, as well as capable of covering gray hair. Technology Kera Lamination helps in additional care and protection of curls. Optionally, you can mix with any toner from the Blond Me series. Before use, the drug is diluted with an oxidizer Premium Care Developer to 12%.

In the catalog of our online store, you can choose any of the above funds. We guarantee free delivery in Moscow, if the amount of your order exceeds 3000 rubles!


Of the benefits of the cream emit:

  1. Security. The cream passed all tests for the possibility of side effects and irritations.
  2. Possibility of use in the bikini zone.
  3. Efficiency. For lightening small areas of the body, one pack is enough for a long time.
  4. The presence of minimal contraindications to use.

This drug has one contraindication - individual intolerance to the components of the cream.

  1. When using the cream in the first time you should pay attention to the features of the application:
  2. Avoid contact with eyes while bleaching facial hair. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with cool water.
  3. Before initial use, the tool is tested on a small area of ​​the skin to identify allergic reactions and manifestations.
  4. It is forbidden to use for lightening cilia.
  5. After clarification the cream remains in tightly closed tubes.


Watch the video: Depil Silk Hair Removal Cream (July 2024).