
Bleached hair masks


Blond beauties for a long time excite men's hearts. Blond hair symbolizes not only purity, but also a kind of “chosenness”. After all, natural blondes are not so much. This is facilitated by the special conditions and genetic data of both parents, which is not common. The use of hair dyes, chemical brighteners and highlighting gives good results, but negatively affects the health of the curls. There are recipes thanks to which you can become 1-2 tones lighter not only without harm, but also with benefits for hair. These are masks for lightening hair. Moreover, such masks can be used for any original hair color, as well as whether or not your curls were colored earlier.

What components will help lighten curls?

It is necessary to take into account the properties of the substances that will be included in the composition of homemade products. Here are some of the most popular components for lightening:

  • Decoction or infusion of chamomile and other plants and herbs,
  • Natural honey
  • Lemon,
  • Cinnamon,
  • Kefir and other dairy products,
  • Glycerol.

All these components can be used to prepare the mask at home both individually and in combination. But when selecting them, be careful and take into account the properties of each.

Council Be careful with lemon. Acid contained in it will damage brittle and dry hair. And to enhance the effect of the use of lemon after washing the remnants of the mask from the head, go out into the sun for 10-15 minutes.

What ingredients are not recommended?

Not all ingredients are suitable for clarifying agents. Here are some of those that are not recommended in this case:

  • chocolate and cocoa
  • painting henna and basma,
  • onion peel,
  • decoction of sage and some other herbs and plants,
  • Black tea,
  • cognac,
  • Oak bark.

All these ingredients contribute to getting dark shades. When combined in a mask with substances that cause clarification, they are able to give unpredictable results, which then will be difficult to correct even with the help of an experienced hairdresser.

Advantages and disadvantages

Lightening masks, prepared at home, have many advantages over shopping facilities, paints and tint balms:

  1. The general condition of the locks is improved. They acquire a natural bright and rich color.
  2. Increases hair growth and improves their structure. Fragility and split ends disappear.
  3. The mask can be repeated any number of times without any restrictions and harm to your health.
  4. Useful substances and trace elements of the ingredients that make up the bleaching mixtures nourish not only the hair, but also the scalp.
  5. The low cost of all components and ease of applying the mixtures.

As a result, you will get the desired light shade of your curls, which will shimmer beautifully in the sun. Perhaps the only minus of the lightening masks is that it is impossible to make cardinal changes in their image with their help. Curls will be only 1-2 tones lighter, in some cases - 3, but no more. Therefore, if you decide to go from a brown-haired or brunette to a blonde, then lightening hair masks will not help you. Here we need "heavy artillery" in the form of paints and bleaching compositions.

Council If you applied a lightening hair mask made at home, and you did not like the result, do not rush to resort to other means to change the shade of curls. Wait a week or two until the components of the bleaching mixture are completely washed out of your curls, as well as when visiting a hairdresser, be sure to warn the master that was part of your mask to avoid unpleasant consequences. So due to the use of certain substances, after dyeing with ordinary paint, the color may not be as expected.

Honey with cinnamon

Two large spoons of natural liquid honey, preferably harvested this year, 1-2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder and some of your favorite hair balm mix until a homogeneous creamy consistency. The duration of the procedure may be different. It varies from 30-60 minutes to 4-6 hours for maximum results. After such a mask, made at home, your hair will become a few shades lighter, acquire obedience and silkiness, stop falling out and break. Yes, and hair growth will accelerate significantly.

Kefir with chamomile

A glass of fat kefir and a pharmacy chamomile brewed with boiling water of thick slurry consistency (about 200 g of the dry mixture per cup of boiling water) are mixed after the last ingredient is cooled. The resulting product is applied to the hair and left under the film for 20-30 minutes. This mask provides gentle clarification of curls by 1-2 tones. And the effect will increase after each procedure, and the hair, in addition to the gorgeous color, will receive the lack of nutrition and hydration.

Council Apply any of the masks prepared according to these recipes at home, easily and simply. To begin to comb dry hair. Then apply the finished product. Ensure that it is not too cold or hot. Start from the roots, and then move to the tips, distributing the composition throughout the curl. For a better effect, after applying the mask, wrap your head with cling film or a bag, and wrap it with a towel on top.

Fruit with sour cream

Chop one ripe small banana with a fork. Add to it 1 egg, a couple of spoons of natural yogurt, kefir or sour cream, a spoon or two of any vegetable oil and 1-2 tablespoons of natural honey. Mix everything thoroughly. The duration of the procedure is 40-60 minutes. After such a mask, prepared at home, the hair will become docile and silky, will receive additional volume and nutrition. The lightening effect will not be very large, but quite persistent.

Oil with lemon

Castor oil, burdock and olive mix in equal proportions. Add to the mixture the juice of half an average lemon. You can drop a little essential oil of any citrus or a little fish oil into the resulting mass. It is very important that the mixture is not too cold when applied to the hair. The duration of the procedure is 30-60 minutes. After her hair will get a great shade and will be 1-2 tones lighter than your natural color. Dimness and brittleness will disappear. In addition to lightening, this mask has a powerful regenerating effect.

Glycerin with chamomile

50 g of pharmaceutical chamomile brew boiling water. Cover and let it cool and cool. To the resulting mass, add 50-60 g of glycerin. Mix well and apply to the hair from the roots to the ends. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes. After applying such a mask, your hair will become lighter by 1-2, and in most cases by 2-3 tones. Curls will become more resilient, acquire a healthy shine and gorgeous natural shade.

Lighten your curls with hair masks, cooked at home is simple. Enough carefully and responsibly to the selection of ingredients and apply this tool 1-2 times a week. The result will be noticeable after the first use, especially if you have light brown or fairly bright your hair. In addition to a lighter tone, your curls will gain health, beauty and strength, will grow better and stop falling out.

How does lightening affect the scales of curls?

Lightening is the removal of the pigment located in the outer layer of the curl's structure and colors it in a natural color. As a result of the lightening process, the strands are made brighter by two tones.

Discoloration is the complete destruction of the pigment strands, while the curls become seven tones lighter. They resort to this procedure when dark hair needs to be dyed in lighter shades, or they want to drastically change the color of the strands.

In any case, lightening or discoloration injures the hair and leads to a drastic change in the body of the curl.

What changes are caused by discoloration:

• tendency to loss.

In addition, it becomes brittle, strongly cut at the ends. To avoid this, apply masks for bleached dry hair.

Masks made at home can help deal with this problem.

Important! No need to think that a one-time procedure for clarification will not harm your curls. An irreversible change in structure occurs even with a one-off bleaching for a couple of tones.

General rules for clarification

Before applying the lightening masks should prepare the curls for the application of funds, so as not to spoil their structure and achieve the desired effect.


  1. All masks for lightening need to be applied to healthy, soft hair. It should be a couple of weeks before the procedure to restore the curls using special shampoos or other professional tools. Strands that are in poor condition are more difficult to brighten:
  2. All products for masks are recommended to be thoroughly crushed, so that after applying there are no problems with washing the lumps of components from the hair,
  3. Hairdressers are advised to test the mask before use on a thin strand of hair and a small area of ​​skin in order to assess the effect of using the tool and to identify possible allergic reactions,
  4. Masks for lightening should not be applied to freshly washed hair. The greasy layer will protect strands from the negative impact of components in the home,
  5. No need to apply and rub the tool into the skin. This may cause irritation and flaking. It is enough to apply the substance along the entire length in a thin layer,
  6. After application, the curls should be covered with a special cap or a plastic bag. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to wrap the head with a large bath towel or handkerchief,
  7. Any kind of mask can not be kept on the head for more than an hour. On average, lightening agents are applied for 30 minutes,
  8. After the procedure it is recommended to wash the hair with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner,
  9. It is necessary to dry strands naturally, without resorting to the use of a hair dryer,
  10. Lightening masks can not be used more than 1 time per week.

Lightening brown-haired

Brown-haired women will also not be able to turn their hair color into full blond, as it is difficult to fight with natural dark pigments. Using homemade masks will help to give the curls an interesting shine and play in the shade.

A more pronounced effect can be achieved only with the use of chemicals.

Lightening blondes

For blondes, the process of lightening with homemade masks is faster and more efficient, they can use any recipes that are suitable for the type of hair. Time keeping mixtures for fair-haired girls is also significantly reduced. For example, to remove the yellow tint, it is enough to leave the product on the strands for 15-20 minutes.

Henna lightening

With regular use of brightening masks, you can get rid of the red tint and leave the strands back to their original appearance without leaving your home. Mask on the basis of oil. Ingredients: 50 ml. sunflower oil, 10 drops of lemon oil.


  • mix all the substances and put a mask on the curls,
  • After 1 hour, wash the hair from the mixture.

Oil with soap:

  • you need to moisten the strands in turn and soap them with laundry soap,
  • after 10 minutes, apply the oil and leave the components on the strands for 1 hour,
  • wash your hair with shampoo.

Recipe with honey

A mask on such a base is suitable for dark hair, as it brightens the curls at home for a couple of shades faster and more effectively than other means. Honey makes strands shining and soft without drying. Ingredients: honey.


  • honey must be heated with water to 36-37 degrees,
  • the finished mixture should immediately be applied evenly over the entire length,
  • It is recommended to maintain the mask for 8 hours,
  • it is possible to put means for the night.

Rhubarb recipe

Rhubarb helps to achieve the effect of lightening only blondes, not showing visible achievements on a darker color. After using rhubarb-based products, the strands acquire a golden sheen. Ingredients: 3 tablespoons dried rhubarb, 1 l. water.


  • add dried rhubarb to boiling water,
  • cook the mixture on low heat for about half an hour,
  • the resulting solution should be allowed to stand for 6-7 hours, then filtered,
  • hair should be rinsed with a mixture and leave in this form for 1 hour.

Recipe with vodka

A homemade vodka-based hair lightening mask, in addition to lightening, can solve the problem of rapid pollution of the head, relieve dandruff and strengthen hair follicles. Lightening masks with vodka are suitable for any type of hair. Ingredients: 2 spoons of water and vodka, 1 egg yolk.


  • All the ingredients are mixed and immediately applied to the hair,
  • strands should be wrapped in plastic wrap and towel,
  • After 45 minutes, the mask should be washed off using any herbal decoction.

Recipe with citrus

Citruses help not only lighten the strands, but also slightly dry them, so the mask with a lemon is not recommended for owners of dry curls. After applying the substance, the hair gains a healthy glow. Ingredients: juice of 1 fresh lemon, half a liter of water.


  • juice needs to be combined with water,
  • the mixture is recommended to soak the hair to the full length,
  • leave for 1 hour, then rinse thoroughly.

Recipe with soda

Soda brightens the strands well, however, to get noticeable results, you need to use masks based on it for at least 2 months. Ingredients: 9 tablespoons of soda, 1 l. shampoo for hair.


  • Soda mix with shampoo in the bottle
  • shake the mask thoroughly before use,
  • apply the tool every time you wash your hair.

Recipe with bacon

Pork lard allows you to lighten and restore lifeless curls, helping to return them shine and strength. This component is effective on dry strands, as well as the problem of hair loss. Ingredients: 1 glass of sunflower oil, 30 gr. bacon


  • in the oil you need to add fat, and then heat the mixture,
  • put a mask on the curls, leave the mixture for 2 hours,
  • rinse off with shampoo.

Cinnamon Recipe

Cinnamon copes with lightening on both light and dark strands. It helps strengthen curls, accelerate hair growth and activate dormant hair follicles.

The recipe for a simple mask for lightening hair at home

Ingredients: 4 spoons of ground cinnamon, 3 spoons of honey, half a cup of balm.


  • all ingredients must be thoroughly mixed,
  • Spread the mixture into strands, bundle them up and hide under a plastic cap,
  • hold the mask for 4 hours, then rinse well.

Cognac recipe

Cognac in the composition of the masks helps to restore hair strength, enhance growth and strengthen them. It improves blood circulation in the scalp and helps remove excess fat from the curls. Ingredients: half a cup of kefir, 40 gr. Cognac, half a lemon, 1 egg yolk, 15 gr. shampoo


  • the components for the mask need to be mixed,
  • apply the resulting substance to the hair,
  • It is recommended to rinse the product in half an hour under warm running water.

Beer recipe

Beer helps to add shine to the strands and lightens the hair with several tones. The downside of the beer-based mask is the strong smell that remains after shampooing. Ingredients: 0.5 liters. of beer.


  • you need to soak all the curls with beer and hide them in a hat,
  • After 2 hours, wash your hair with shampoo.

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

Natural acids that make up apple cider vinegar give the effect of lightening hair without adversely affecting their structure. Vinegar nourishes the curls, solves the problems of loss, and also helps regulate sebum production. Ingredients: apple cider vinegar, olive oil.

Stages of cooking:

  • combine the components in the same proportions (the number of ingredients depends on the length),
  • distribute the resulting product in curls,
  • leave for 40 minutes, then wash the hair with shampoo.

Recipe with balm

Hair balm acts as a universal basis for masks. By adding different components, you can achieve a 2 tone straightening. Ingredients: 30 ml. fresh orange juice, 100 ml. balm.


  • blend ingredients with a blender,
  • let the mixture stand for half an hour,
  • apply the mask to the full length and leave overnight
  • in the morning, rinse off the hair with warm water.

Recipe with salt

Salt easily makes hair a few shades lighter, which can be seen when relaxing on the sea coast. However, salt masks strongly degrease curls, so do not suit the owners of dry hair.

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of salt, 5 drops of vinegar, 2 glasses of water, ¼ tablespoon of olive oil.


  • the components should be well mixed and left for 20 minutes,
  • put the resulting mask on the strands and hold it for half an hour,
  • It is recommended to wash the hair with warm water using an air conditioner.

Recipe with kefir

Kefir helps not only effectively lighten hair, but also nourishes it with the scalp with nourishing trace elements. It helps to strengthen the curls, restores their structure and appearance. Ingredients: half a cup of kefir, 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons of vodka, juice of half a lemon, 50 g of shampoo.

Cooking rules:

  • all components need to be mixed and made to a uniform consistency,
  • put a mask on your hair and leave for 9 hours,
  • rinse curls thoroughly after using the product.

Recipe with onions

Onions in the mask is struggling with the problem of loss. However, this method of clarification is not popular, as the tool gives the hair an unpleasant smell. Ingredients: juice of 3 onions, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 60 gr. honey, lemon juice.


  • the components are mixed using a blender,
  • apply the resulting product to the strands, then hide them under the cap,
  • wash your hair after 40 minutes.

Chamomile Recipe

Chamomile promotes careful clarification, and also helps to fight hair loss and dull color. After regular use, the mask gives the strands a golden hue. Ingredients: 25 gr. dried chamomile, a glass of water, 100 gr. honey, 30 ml. lemon juice.

Subtleties of cooking:

  • bring the water to a boil, then add chamomile,
  • let stand for 30 minutes,
  • strain the resulting solution, mix it with honey and lemon juice,
  • apply the agent to the full length, then put on the cap,
  • after holding the mask for 1 hour, wash it off with hair with warm water.

Recipe with sour cream

Masks with sour cream are universal - suitable for all types of hair. With their help, you can nourish curls with necessary trace elements, restore damaged strands. Lightening strands with sour cream is one of the most popular methods. Ingredients: 300 ml. boiling water, 200 gr. sour cream, 10 drops of any natural oil, ground ginger, orange peel.


  • boiling water, equal parts of ginger and zest must be infused,
  • in half of the resulting solution, add sour cream and butter,
  • put the mixture on the curls and leave for 2 hours,
  • wash off the mask, rinse the hair with the rest of the infusion, and then wash your hair with shampoo.

Ylang Ylang Recipe

The mask with ylang-ylang allows you to create a balayazha effect, especially if you apply the agent not over the entire length, but only on individual strands. Not suitable for thin and weak hair. Ingredients: 200 ml. lemon juice, 5 drops of ylang-ylang oil, 50 ml. water.


  • Before applying the mask you need to wash your hair,
  • mix the components of the mask and apply the resulting product on the wet curls,
  • dry the hair under the sun for 2 hours, then rinse thoroughly with warm water and additionally moisten the strands with an indelible means.

Glycerin Recipe

Glycerin adds shine and shine to hair. After applying a lightening mask based on it, a noticeable golden tint appears on the curls. Ingredients: a glass of water, 60 gr. glycerin, 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile.


  • boil water, add chamomile,
  • let it stand for 2 hours,
  • add glycerin to the broth and mix thoroughly,
  • Apply the mixture on curls and leave for 1 hour under a plastic cap,
  • wash off the mask under running water.

Ginger Recipe

Masks based on ginger root lighten hair without yellowing at home. For a visible result, it is better to apply on light and blond strands. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of grated ginger, 40 g citrus peel, 50 ml. boiling water.


  • mix the ingredients and leave the mixture to infuse for half an hour,
  • apply a mask on the hair and hide them under the plastic film,
  • wash off after 2 hours.

Hydrogen peroxide recipe

Hydrogen peroxide will help lighten even the darkest curls, but at the same time destroys their structure. Mask based on it can not be used for colored and damaged hair, so as not to harm them. Ingredients: 3% hydrogen peroxide.


  • a small bottle with a spray needs to be filled with a solution of peroxide,
  • Before applying the product, eyes and hands should be protected by wearing glasses and gloves.
  • split hair into strands
  • process each of them with a solution and wrap them in foil in turn,
  • It is necessary to withstand the remedy for an hour, then rinse the curls thoroughly.

Observing all the rules of applying and the recipe for hair masks, you can achieve not only clarification, but also restoration of their structure at home.

Video recipes masks for lightening

Step-by-step guide for making a mask with honey and cinnamon:

Recipe based on lemon and olive oil:

How does lightening change the hair structure?

The straightening procedure is aimed at removing the natural pigment from the upper layers of the hair cuticle, replacing it with a lower, lighter layer. In this natural hair color becomes lighter by two or three tones.

Bleaching refers to the maximum (up to five to seven tones) degree of clarification of curls, at which the complete destruction of their natural pigment occurs. They resort to discoloration to drastically change the hair color or lighten too dark strands before dyeing them in the desired color.

The bleaching procedure of the curls is always associated with their injury.. Under the influence of the brightening compound, the structure of the hair cuticle changes, due to which the dye penetrates the hair without any problems through the opened flakes. Once inside each hair, the bleaching composition acts on their natural pigment, dissolving it and bleaching the strands

The more oxidant in the composition - the less natural pigment in them remains, and therefore the strands themselves become brighter.

What causes hair lightening? They become:

  • dry
  • brittle,
  • porous,
  • dull
  • prone to prolapse.

Lightened hair not only becomes brittle, but also strongly split. Therefore, it is useful for them to make special masks for split and brittle hair, the best recipes.

Even a single procedure of bleaching curls leads to irreversible damage to their cuticle, the external expression of which becomes dryness and stiffness of the strands.

Video for you: safe hair lightening


Using castor oil will not only return to hair its former smoothness and mirror shine, but also prevent thinning. The procedure is extremely simple.
Six tablespoons of castor oil is heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature and rubbed into the very roots of the hair with light massaging movements.

Remnants of the means anoints discolored strands along their entire length. Having removed the curls treated with oil under the oil-cloth cap and having warmed the head with a warm scarf, wait at least an hour. In addition to the protective and nutritional properties This mask will help to normalize the fat balance in the skin of the head.

Mask, cooked according to this recipe perfectly restore the structure of strands damaged by bleaching. Two dessert spoons of natural honey are added to the gruel obtained from the pulp of peeled and orange and kiwi films.
The exposure time of the mask (after creating the effect of the sauna) is fifteen minutes. After washing off the appetizing composition, the tips of the curls are moistened with a small amount of olive oil.
By the way, orange oil copes well with these problems. Here are recipes for masks with orange essential oil.

For brittle and dry

For curls, burned in the bleaching process, will be beneficial mask, prepared from two dessert spoons of natural honey, castor oil and fresh aloe juice, taken in a teaspoon.

Thoroughly mixed, the substance is first rubbed into the hair follicles, and then spread with a hairbrush through the hair. The exposure time of the treatment compound (under a plastic film and a warming cloth) is forty minutes, the frequency of use is twice a week.

To revitalize bleached strands can be used slightly warmed kefir. After soaking their hair, they create the effect of a sauna on the head and wait half an hour. Excellent effect is achieved in two months, when performing one procedure per week. Fine moisturize dry bleached curls vegetable mask, cooked from grated young zucchini, milk and olive oil (a couple of tablespoons of both components is enough).

Before adding butter and milk from vegetable gruel need to squeeze the juice.
Having distributed the mask on the hair, the head is warmed and washed off in half an hour.

We invite you to read about the benefits and use of mustard oil for hair.

Watch the video recipe of a coffee hair mask here.

Recipes at home

For home masks fit the most simple products available in each kitchen.

When performing procedures using vegetable oils, care must be taken and a sense of proportion, as they can give unwanted yellowness to curls.

With honey

The composition of the honey mask is obtained from a teaspoon of natural honey, raw eggs and two dessert spoons of olive oil. Before the procedure, bleached hair is washed with shampoo.

Inflicting the composition on the wet strands, wrapped them with plastic wrap and bath towel. After half an hour, wash off with warm water.
Often, dry hair should not be washed. The optimal frequency of washing is once every four days.

With brandy

Castor oil and burdock, honey and cognac (three dessert spoons) are thoroughly mixed. Two raw yolks and a pinch of dry yeast are driven into the mixture. Slightly heating the drug in a water bath, uniformly anoints them with discolored locks. Having created the effect of a compress, the mask is kept on the hair for at least two hours.
Cognac - honey masks deservedly are in the forefront of the ranking of masks for hair. The article contains the best recipes for Cognac and honey for hair the best recipes for masks.

Cognac masks for bleached strands can be used only if vegetable oils are added to neutralize the drying effect of the alcohol base of this drink.

Burdock oil

For the treatment of bleached curls burdock oil can be used both in pure form and mixed with almond, olive or peach oil. For one procedure, six tablespoons of pure oil or oil mixture are sufficient.

Heated the oil in a water bath, treated damaged strands and, well wrapped, for two hours go with a compress on the head.
Flush the oil mask will have several times. Without the use of shampoo is not enough. The recommended frequency of execution is three times a month.

With castor

The drug prepared from these components precedes the shampooing procedure. Mix two dessert spoons of castor oil, aloe leaf juice, natural honey and chicken egg yolk. Drugs anoint strands, keeping it on his head for about forty minutes.

Watch the video recipe of the restoring hair mask.

With flaxseed

The impact of this drug allows not only restore the structure of bleached hair, but also fix the resulting shade. It can also be used normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Two dozen dark grapes are pounded until a gruel is formed, two dessert spoons of linseed oil and a tablespoon of liquid honey are poured. Mixed, put on bleached curls. Wash off after twenty minutes. Shampoo is not used.
Even more recipes in the article on how to apply flaxseed oil for hair.

With gelatin

Gulf of 20 grams of gelatin with cold water (120 ml), leave it to swell. The swollen gelatin is dissolved in a water bath and cooled.

After that add two dessert spoons of honey, six dessert spoons of burdock oil, one egg and a few drops of any essential oil.
Having achieved a homogeneous substance, put it on strands weakened by bleaching and, creating a vapor effect, leave for two hours.
It is recommended to wash your hair with shampoo.

Other recipes

  1. For loose bleached strands, you can make the present. fruit "treat" of overripe banana, avocado and three tablespoons of olive oil. Thoroughly kneading fruits with a crush or grinding them in a blender, pour in the oil. Vryv the drug in the roots of the hair and spreading it over the strands, make a compress and stand it on the head for about forty minutes. Wash off with shampoo, do once a week. After this procedure, the curls become smooth and shiny.
  2. The mask has a great nutritional effect. from mayonnaise homemade (purchased product with a natural composition is also suitable). Mayonnaise is simply applied to the entire length of the curls, insulated cellophane-encased head and forget about the mask for two hours.
  3. If bleached hair after dyeing began to fall out hard, you can expose them to a drug prepared from vegetable oil, freshly squeezed onion and lemon juice, taken on a tablespoon. To the mixture of components add juice, squeezed from two garlic cloves. The prepared drug is carefully rubbed into the hair follicles and kept on the head for at least half an hour. After thorough washing with your favorite shampoo, you can rinse the curls with a decoction of nettle leaves. A lasting effect is achieved if the mask is applied at least twice a week.
  4. It has a good restorative effect. clay mask. For its preparation, take 120 ml of warm milk, five dessert spoons of sea buckthorn berries pounded into gruel and two dessert spoons of white clay powder. Mix and whip the drug thoroughly with a whisk or in a blender. Having thoroughly impregnated with the composition of the curls, give it an effect on the strands for fifty minutes.
  5. To restore the former shine to the clarified strands will help kefir mask with yeast. In a heated kefir pour a teaspoon of dry yeast and leave for some time. The beginning of fermentation and swelling of kefir is a sign to apply it on the hair. The exposure time of such a mask is at least an hour.After this time, the mask is washed off with warm water and shampoo for bleached hair.

For the night

Beautiful rejuvenating effect has a mask made from four dessert spoons burdock oil and mixtures of jojoba and almond oils, taken two dessert spoons.

After mixing the ingredients thoroughly, they add a coffee spoon of rose petal oil. The resulting substance is anointed with bleached curls, the head is wrapped with polyethylene and, warming with a flannel diaper, is left until morning.
Rinse with plenty of shampoo water for damaged or dyed hair.

Natalia: After bleaching, my hair became dull and hard, like a sponge. Finding a mask recipe online with linseed oil, did a few procedures. The result achieved is extremely pleased: hair shone, became silky and very soft.

Oksana: Light curls go to me very much, therefore I constantly discolor my fair-haired strands. Contrary to popular belief about the harm of this procedure, spoiling the hair, I can say: this does not apply to my strands. It's all about kefir masks, which I regularly perform for several years. They not only perfectly restore and nourish hair, but also wash off it without any problems. As a result my curls are always beautiful, healthy and shining.

Using homemade masks is a great way to help bleached strands to find beauty and regain lost health.

Their regular implementation will minimize the harmful effects of aggressive effects of oxidizing compounds on the curls to be painted.
Read the recipes for “hot” hair masks here.
We invite you to read about the benefits of mint essential oil for hair here.

Folk remedies for lightening hair

Some active substances found in the most common products can react chemically with hair pigments, which are responsible for their color. And eumelanin (brown pigment prevailing in brunettes), and feomelanin (yellow pigment, which is a lot of fair-haired) under the influence of these substances lose their chromaticity. The result is that dark hair becomes lighter, light brown hair acquires a more beautiful shade, losing its yellowness and red hair. These active substances are found in a number of the most common products that we all know. With their help, it becomes possible Homemade hair lightening is safe, pleasant and quite effective. It:

  • condiments: cinnamon and ginger,
  • honey,
  • lemon,
  • drinks: kefir and green tea,
  • herbs: chamomile, mullein, rhubarb root,
  • glycerol,
  • onion.

This list should both please and alert at the same time. Its advantages are that these products are known and accessible to all, as well as natural. But there is a significant drawback: folk remedies for lightening hair are very aggressive and active, often causing irritation of the scalp and allergic reactions, sometimes forming an undesirable shade of hair - and this is not all the side effects of this procedure. This does not mean that you still need to go for hydrogen peroxide: no, you just need to follow the rules for the use of lightening masks, prepared on the basis of such ingredients. This will be enough for the procedure to go smoothly and please you with your results.

Rules home hair lightening

Negative reviews about homemade hair lightening with folk remedies are left by those who have failed to properly use the recipes of miraculous masks. There are simple rules that allow you to make this process as comfortable, useful and efficient as possible. If you ignore them, you can spoil the hair and the desired result is not achieved. Therefore, you need to be patient and do everything methodically consistently and correctly.


  1. The most difficult procedure for homemade hair lightening will be for sultry brunettes and bright brown-haired women., because it will be very difficult to destroy their resistant eumelanin. Therefore, they should not place high hopes on this method in advance. After the first clarification of the blondes, they will not be accurate. Unless you regularly (but not carried away) make masks and constantly rinse your hair with brightening broths and solutions, only then you will be able to change the original color to a couple of tones, get a new shade. The process will be quite lengthy and will require patience from dark-haired ladies - and this should be known initially, so as not to complain about the uselessness of the mask.
  2. If you have hard, naughty curls, before the procedure of home brightening, first make 4–5 softening masks (from eggs or any cosmetic oil), buy special shampoo for them. This will make the straightening of the strands subsequently more effective. Hard, thickened hair can keep the active substances from the inside, and there will be no effect on pigmentation.
  3. Since cinnamon, ginger, lemon, onion are rather aggressive components for cosmetic masks that can worsen the condition of sick, damaged, split, brittle hair, better to heal them the same masks (vitamin, honey, egg, herbal, etc.).
  4. After perming or bleaching with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and other synthetic-chemical components, it is recommended to lighten hair masks no sooner than a week after such procedures.
  5. Gray hair will require a special approach.. No matter how aggressive the lightening ingredients of the mask are, they will not be able to paint over the gray strands, since there is no pigment in them, they will have nothing to influence. Therefore, they will first need to be treated with a special brightening cream-dye for gray hair (professional series, so you need to look in the appropriate stores) from Schwarzkopf.


  1. It is recommended to beat all components of the lightening masks. mixer or blender, to bring the mass to the desired consistency without lumps, which are very badly combed out later.
  2. In order not to be disappointed in the result, the prepared lightening agent was originally put on a separate thin strand. After rinsing and drying, the difference in shades will be visible, and you can decide whether the effect of this mask suits you.
  3. Each mask will have to check for allergens in it. A woman can drink her coffee with cinnamon all her life, but a cinnamon mask can cause her terrible allergies. Therefore, never ignore this obligatory stage of the hair lightening procedure. For this you need smear the mixture on the inside of the wrist: it immediately reacts to substances hostile to the body.
  4. It is not necessary to wash the head before this procedure: the greasy film will protect the strands and scalp from the too aggressive effects of the ingredients. But you need to moisten hair.


  1. Do not rub brightening compounds into the scalp. in order to avoid irritation. Spread the mixture over the entire length of the strands in a thin layer, evenly, with the help of your palms and comb
  2. To enhance the brightening effect, be sure to provide a mask. thermal tracking. This is done with the help of the usual cellophane package (cut along the seam and tie into a kerchief) or shower caps. Be sure to wear a warm scarf, a scarf or wrap your head with a towel.
  3. Dark-haired beauties need to lighten the compositions on the head as long as possible, but no more than an hour. Blondes to remove the yellowness, sometimes enough and 15 minutes.


  1. Since the bleaching compositions of such masks rarely contain fatty cosmetic oils, they are washed away quickly and easily. You can - with the use of softening shampoo and herbal balm-rinse. Rinse your hair better with green tea or lemon solution: they will fix the brightening effect.
  2. Air conditioning will come in handy.
  3. But it is better not to use a hair dryer after a similar procedure. Not only will the hair have to dry themselves, it will be great if you expose them under the bright rays of the summer sun: ultraviolet will not only dry the bleached strands, but also give them a bright shine and natural shine - the hair after such drying will look just gorgeous.
  4. Within a week after home lightening hair walks in the pools with chlorinated water are prohibitedwhich can give an ugly greenish shade on the curls.
  5. Even if you’ve liked the results of home-brightening, do not get carried away with this procedure: once a week brunettes will be enough, blondes even less often (once in two weeks). But if you regularly make lightening masks, the hair will become lighter and lighter each time, changing its shade each time.
  6. Do not forget to fix the results obtained with special masks for blond hair.

This is how hair lightening should occur at home with any of the ingredients listed above.

Now you will be another step closer to the all-powerful army of blondes. It is very important not to lose the choice of the recipe. After all, cinnamon, for example, will not be able to have any effect at all, but for someone it will become a natural clarifier No. 1. You will have to look for your ingredient.

Want to know all the secrets of hair care with essential oils? Then you here >>

Brightening hair masks: recipes

The process of home lightening is very individual, since the pigmentation of hair is completely different for everyone. How feomelanins and eumelanins react to one or another active ingredient remains a mystery to the end. Therefore, having tried one recipe of clarification and not being satisfied with its results, do not despair and continue to look for your remedy further. Fortunately, the choice of recipes for lightening masks is big - there is a place to roam.

  • Cinnamon Brightening

Honey (two tablespoons.) And olive oil (two tablespoons.) Heat up to a warm state in different water baths and mix them. Add to them two tablespoons. cinnamon powder and regular hair conditioner.

  • Honey hair lightening

Honey (two tablespoons.) And coconut oil (one tablespoon.) Heat up to a warm state in different water baths and mix them. Add to them two tablespoons. banana puree.

  • Lemon Lightening

Mix lemon juice (250 ml) with hair conditioner (100 ml). Carefully beat this mixture with a mixer, leave it for about 15 minutes, and then just apply.

  • Kefir hair lightening

Mix natural fresh kefir (100 ml), brandy (two tablespoons.), Hair balm (one tea bed.), Egg yolk, lemon juice (two salty beds.).

  • Chamomile hair lightening

Dried chamomile flowers (25 g) pour boiling water (250 ml), leave for half an hour. Add warm honey (three tablespoons) and lemon juice (two tablespoons).

  • Lightening dark hair with rhubarb (recipe for brunettes)

Mix lemon juice (200 ml), chamomile decoction (400 ml), rhubarb root decoction (400 ml), add apple cider vinegar (one tea box), warm honey (50 ml), vodka (50 ml).

  • Lightening onions (recipe for blondes)

Blender mix lemon juice (two tablespoons), apple cider vinegar (one tea box), pre-warmed honey (two tablespoons), fresh onion juice (two tablespoons), drip a little of rosewood oil (5 drops).

Here are only the most popular and popular methods of home hair lightening, which, according to numerous reviews, almost always give a positive result. In fact, the recipes for brightening masks are much more: look, experiment, enjoy the effect. Do not forget for a minute that all these products are granted to a woman by Mother Nature herself, which means that they are as safe as possible, ecologically pure, 100% natural, unlike everything that burns ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

Ingredients with olive oil

The first step is to prepare the ingredients:

• natural fir - 1 tbsp. lt

• heated honey - one Art. lt

Components should be thoroughly stirred to a homogeneous mass, spread on strands, wrap film and canvas, leave for 50 minutes, rinse.

Mask for bleached damaged hair with egg, honey and olive nourishes, enriches curls with nutritious elements, provides a healthy shine.

Features masks for lightening hair at home

Before embarking on a mask, you need to know some facts about hair lightening at home.

  1. These masks have not only the effect of lightening, they also help to correct unsuccessful coloring, moisturize the hair or get rid of gray hair (more precisely, make them less noticeable).
  2. You yourself can choose the ingredients for the mask, depending on the desired effect. For example, decoctions of calendula and chamomile, as well as infusions of orange and lemon peels will give a more golden hue. And lemon juice, lavender essential oil, kefir and ginger infusion will help achieve a colder tone.
  3. To lighten hair at home, they use not only masks, but also decoctions. For greater effect, you can combine them, and after applying the mask, rinse the hair with herbal decoction to brighten.
  4. For brunettes and brown-haired women, one procedure will not be enough and it will take a lot of patience. Only regular use of masks and rinsing hair with herbs will help to lighten hair by several tones. And for light-blond girls, there will be 1-2 procedures enough.
  5. Before using masks to lighten hair, you first need to treat your hair a little. Several vitamin repair masks will make the lightening process easier.

The main advantage of these masks is that they consist of absolutely natural ingredients. There is no ammonia or peroxide, which destroy the hair structure. And the resistance of natural dyes is no less effective.

Hair Mask Recipes

To lighten the hair will be enough to use only kefir, without adding other components. The effect of lightening depends on how much you keep it on the hair. For greater efficiency, apply kefir on your hair at night, warming your head with a plastic bag and a towel.

The fat content of kefir depends on the fat content of your hair. If the hair has a high fat content, then you need to use a fat-free product.

You can diversify kefir mask with the addition of such components as lemon juice, chicken egg, 2 tablespoons of brandy, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l hair balm.

Apply the mask to clean dry hair and distribute the mixture over the entire length. Use a mask more often 2 times a week is not recommended.

In order to make honey easier to distribute the hair, it must first be slightly warmed. Apply it evenly on your hair and keep it warm for at least 2 hours with a towel and a bag.

For a change, you can add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of banana puree.

It is necessary to use such a mask for lightening hair no more than once a week. Best suited acacia honey.

Take 4 spoonfuls of ground cinnamon, 1 cup of honey and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Add a small amount of warm water to make a not very thick mixture. Apply to hair for a couple of hours and rinse with warm water or a decoction of green tea, using a shampoo.

The main advantage of the cinnamon mask for lightening the hair is that after it the hair will still smell pleasantly long cinnamon.

Also, chamomile decoction can be used with other components.You will need 200 ml, lemon juice, 400 ml, rhubarb root decoction, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 50 ml of vodka or brandy and 400 ml of chamomile flowers decoction.

It is possible to carry out procedures for hair with a camomile 3 times a week.

Rules for the use of homemade mask compositions

It should be immediately noted that lightening healthy hair with natural means will not help natural brunettes and dark brown-haired women. So, the maximum curls will become brighter by several tones, but turning into a blonde with their help will not work.

No means of home brightening and owners of hard and recalcitrant strands. In order for the cosmetics to give the desired effect and the curls become lighter, you will first have to do softening your own hair coat - take care of it with special soft shampoos for several months and make appropriate masks.

It is also not recommended to use natural brighteners on the hairline weak and damaged, because you can weaken your own strands even more.

Specialists in dyeing advise to follow the following rules when clarifying with home remedies:

  • If you have a gray hair, before you apply the mixture on curls - treat them with a special professional bleaching cream for gray hair, otherwise the gray hair will remain noticeable after the bleaching procedure,
  • To make the mask homogeneous and work better on curls, mix the ingredients not by hand, but with a mixer or blender,
  • To understand what the result will give a specific recipe for brightening the mixture - try it on a thin strand. If the result suits you, you can process the entire volume of curls with the composition,
  • Before applying the mask composition, it is recommended to wash the head with a cleansing shampoo and dry the strands to a slightly wet state,
  • The lightening mixture is applied to the length, but not to the roots,
  • To mask the mixture gave the best result - after its application, wrap your head with a cling film and top with a thick towel,
  • Natural brighteners for damaged hair should be kept on the head long enough. The average procedure time is 60 minutes
  • After the specified exposure time, you need to thoroughly rinse the hair under cool running water and allow it to dry naturally,
  • After the events lightening hair, swimming in pools with chlorinated water is undesirable. Bleaching can give an ugly greenish tint to the bleached curls.

It is worth remembering and the information that such procedures can not be abused. Again, clarification can be carried out only after the washed natural pigment is fully restored. So that the resulting light shade is longer preserved enough from time to time to do the usual mask for blond hair.

Homemade discoloration

Chamomile and glycerin

If you want, only slightly lighten your own curls - you will need a recipe of glycerin-chamomile mask for gentle hair lightening.. To make it, you need to mix a quarter cup of strong chamomile broth with 50 grams of glycerin. The resulting mass is necessary to process the curls along the entire length, wrap the head with cling film and a thick towel and wait 30 to 60 minutes. It is recommended to rinse the mixture with strands in cool water. This mask will make your strands lighter by 1-2 tones.

Chamomile and kefir

For a light discoloration at home, you can use a mixture of chamomile infusion and fatty yogurt. Brew 200 grams of dried chamomile flowers with one glass of boiling water, let it brew for several hours, and then strain. In a cooled infusion, enter a glass of fatty yogurt and mix thoroughly. Mix the mixture with strands and leave it on the head for 30-50 minutes. Hair is better to hide under a special cap. To quickly wash the kefir with strands - use shampoo.

Chamomile and Vodka

Chamomile-chamomile mixture gives a good effect in the home bleaching of curls. Prepare it as follows: 200 grams of dried flowers of a medicinal plant should be poured with two glasses of vodka. The mixture is poured into a bottle with a dark glass and let it brew for 14 days. Ready infusion process strands and leave the composition on the head for 30 minutes. It is highly undesirable to exceed the specified exposure time, because the alcohol in the composition of vodka dries hair strongly.

Homemade kefir based clarification

Kefir masks - a reliable home remedy for hair bleaching, the effectiveness of which is proven by the experience of many generations. However, you need to know - it is highly undesirable to use kefir-based formulations more than once a week, otherwise there will be more harm than good.


Well brightens the hair mask mask of heated yogurt. Fermented milk product in the right amount is heated in a water bath, and then it is required to apply a thick layer on the strands. After treatment, cover the hair with a plastic bag and wrap it with a towel. Keep the composition on the head of hair 45-60 minutes, then washed off with water and shampoo.

Kefir and Cognac

Kefir-cognac mask will help to make hair lighter and give them a beautiful shine. Take half a glass of fatty sour-milk drink, pour a glass of brandy into it. Mass pour into a deep bowl and add to it the chicken yolk and juice of half a lemon. So that the composition is better washed off the hair - at the preparation stage you can pour one tablespoon of shampoo into it.

Recipes for lightening dark hair

To achieve a change in the color of dark on the nature of the curls, compositions with a bleaching effect will have to do at least 2-3 times a week. It is best to lighten dark hair mask compositions based on lemon, rhubarb or cinnamon. We present the most effective recipes for masks to lighten dark hair.

Lemon juice

To make chestnut strands a little lighter, you can make a mask composition based on lemon juice. Squeeze the juice from two large citrus and dilute the resulting liquid with a small amount of clean (filtered) water.

The resulting solution should be abundantly moisten all strands and leave the mask to effect for 1 hour. After the specified period of time passes, wash off the composition from the head of hair with a soft shampoo and rinse your head with infusion of green tea or broth of pharmacy chamomile. By the way, the mask will give the best result if you dry the curls after the procedure under bright sunlight.

Cinnamon and honey

Cinnamon will help to discolor dark locks. Cinnamon powder (three full tablespoons) should be mixed in half a glass of thick conditioner or balm, then fresh honey is added to the mass - about two tablespoons. The ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mixture, which should be applied in a thick layer on the curls. An hour later, the mask composition should be washed off in copious amounts of warm water.

We hope your new hair color will delight you with its new shades. Be irresistible!

Rules for the use of lightening masks

In order not to harm the health of hair home brightening, you need to understand how this process occurs.

Hair, if its description is simplified, is a hollow tube filled with pigment. The more pigment, there is darker hair color. When active lightening occurs, the pigment is washed out of the hair, leaving voids. Curls become brittle, dry, lose their elasticity.

Conducting clarification at home, you decide what to add to the tool used, so you can be sure that the mask will not contain aggressive components. Therefore, homemade masks do not give a strong lightening effect, but keep the hair healthy.

Lightening your hair yourself, it is important to remember to observe several rules:

Before applying the mask on your head, be sure to do an allergy test. To do this, apply a drop on the inside of the elbow or wrist and wait a few minutes. If you feel itching or discomfort, the chosen mask does not suit you. It is better to make a choice in favor of another recipe.

Try to apply the product evenly along the entire length of the hair, so that as a result of the procedures, there are no areas on the hair that are brightened more or less than the rest of the hair.

Do not abuse lightening masks. 1-2 masks per week will be enough to gradually lighten the hair, without disturbing their structure.

Of course, it is necessary to provide bleached hair with suitable care, which will allow them to return shine and elasticity.

Hair care after lightening

After the lightening procedure, the hair will need a strong diet. Dry tips can be regularly treated with coconut oil or aloe juice - they moisturize the hair and give it shine. Do not forget to choose a good vitamin complex, which will include selenium and calcium - they will prevent hair loss and activate their growth. Use a shampoo that does not contain sulfates and alkalis. It is better if all your hair cosmetics are based on natural ingredients.

In the first weeks after clarification, try not to make hot styling. Discard the hair dryer and ironing, so as not to overdry damaged hair.

Top 5 Brightening Masks

Hydrogen peroxide is not the only means for home brightening. With the help of simple products you can achieve the effect of sun-bleached hair without endangering curls.

Before you opt for any recipe, you should apply the tool to one strand of hair and evaluate the result. Choose the mixture that will give you the desired result. However, remember that in order to achieve an obvious effect, you will need a course containing at least 5-10 procedures.

Lemon Brightening Agent

After applying the lemon remedy, it is necessary to spend some time in direct sunlight. Due to the absence in the composition of weighting components, you can go on a summer walk right with a mask on your hair.

2 tablespoons lemon juice

Tablespoon warm water

Mix the components and distribute over the entire length of the hair, then go for a walk.

You can adjust the degree of clarification of hair. The more lemon juice in the composition, the more noticeable will be the effect of burnt hair in consequence. However, try not to abuse this method in order not to get dry strands as a result.

If you have dry hair and you would like to lighten it, replace the water in this recipe with any vegetable oil, for example, take olive or coconut oil. It will protect your hair from drying out.

Lightening Mask with Vinegar

Teaspoon apple cider vinegar

Tablespoon lemon juice

Tablespoon onion juice

Stir the ingredients. Apply the mixture to the hair along the entire length. Avoid contact with the scalp or face, as it may cause irritation. You can wash off the mask in an hour. For washing it is better to use decoctions of herbs, such as nettle, rhubarb or chamomile.

Cinnamon Based Hair Mask

This mask should be used with caution to owners of dark hair, because when lightening hair, it gives copper shades.

2 tablespoons of liquid honey

2 tablespoons dry cinnamon powder

2 tablespoons of hair conditioner

Mix honey and hair conditioner. Then gradually introduce cinnamon, without stopping to interfere - so you get a homogeneous tool. Apply the finished composition to the entire length of hair and leave for 2 hours. Wash off with a mild shampoo.

Cognac for lightening hair

An effective mask that can be used after unsuccessful hair coloring to wash out the dye. Preparation takes only a couple of minutes.

2 tablespoons of brandy

3 tablespoons kefir

Mix the components, apply to the entire length of hair from root to tip, put on a plastic cap and warm the head with a towel. After at least 2 hours you can wash off the mask. If you hold it a little longer, the effect will be better.

Lightening is always stress for hair. Moisten them with nutritive oils in the intervals between the masks and try not to carry out the procedure too often. 1 mask per week will be quite enough.

Did you have to lighten your hair at home? Share your impressions in the comments.

Burdock Mask

The uniqueness of this composition allows it to be used in a mixture with other useful components, but its effect has been tested by time and in a concentrated form.

It is enough to distribute the heated composition in curls, and cover the head with film and canvas.

The mask for bleached hair from dryness, on burdock oil, is good because you can hold it on the curls for an unlimited amount of time, and the longer you hold it, the better the result will be from its use.

Mask with aloe

Applying a mask to restore bleached hair with oil and aloe. It does not matter what oil you will use, for the manufacture of the mixture, the main ingredient here is aloe.

• oil - one Art. lt

• agave juice - 1 tbsp. lt

• heated honey - 1 tbsp. l

All elements are carefully stirred and applied to the strands. With the use of a comb, the composition is distributed throughout the hair. You can wash 60 minutes after application.

If applicable professional mask for bleached hair, enter into it one or two drops of cosmetic oil. Well reconstruct the hair structure, the following oils:

• tea tree (essential),

Buttered masks act instantly - after the initial use, the curls become moisturized and alive, a healthy natural glow appears.

But in order to consolidate the effect of such masks, you need to rinse the curls with decoctions of herbs, such as marin root, chamomile, nettle, tansy.

Effective formulations of lactic acid products

From yogurt or kefir, excellent moisturizing masks for bleached hair.

Kefir need to take 1⁄4 or half a cup, it all depends on the length of the curls. Add yeast to the product - 2 pinches.

Heat the composition on water and apply on the strands, and distribute the comb. Keep for two hours, then rinse with shampoo.


Nutritious masks based on yogurt restore the scalp, nourish the root bulbs, make hair silky. For the manufacture of the composition, take 1 egg, yogurt, without adding sugar and fruit. Apply the mixture to each strand, distribute the comb. Then follows 5-10 min. to massage the skin as soon as the sensation of heat appears, stop the massage, hold for 20 minutes, warm the head beforehand. Wash off the composition in the usual way and rinse with a decoction of herbs.

It is worth noting! The best mask for bleached hair on kefir, has a pronounced cleansing effect, so you can not use shampoo when washing them.

Formulations with a positive effect

1. Banana mask for bleached hair reviews say about its high efficiency. To prepare knead in a glass bowl 1 banana, add st. l arbitrary vegetable oil, a spoonful of honey, yolk. Apply the composition, cover your head with plastic, cloth, hold for 30 minutes, then rinse your head in the usual way, apply balm.

2. Mask to recover from avocado. In the pulp of the fruit, add the egg - mix. Add oil to the mixture, if the strands are dry, or 1 tsp lemon juice, if the hair is oily, leave for 60 minutes in the insulated version, rinse.

Fruit compositions fix hair structure, reconstruct and restore shine from nature to dull curls.

Want to achieve a lasting effect from the mask for bleached hair at home - use them regularly. Only the systematic use of household formulations, coupled with cosmetological procedures, will bring even the most damaged curls back to life.


Watch the video: PART 1: HOW I FIXED EXTREMELY DAMAGED HAIR (July 2024).